Pythagorean Fragments : Sacred-Texts Classics Index Previous Next PYTHAGOREAN FRAGMENTS. FROM TIMUS LOCRUS. Thus says Timus the Locrian.--The causes of all things are two; Intellect, of those which are produced according to Reason; and Necessity, of those which necessarily exist according to the powers of bodies...
Supplemental Fragments And Extracts Illustrative : Sacred-Texts Classics Index Previous Next SUPPLEMENTAL FRAGMENTS AND EXTRACTS ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE CHALDAN HISTORY. OF THE ARK: FROM NICOLAUS DAMASCENUS.1 THERE is above Minyas in the land of Armenia a very great mountain which is called Baris;2 to which, it is said, that many persons retreated...
Berossus. From Josephus, Andc : Sacred-Texts Classics Index Previous Next BEROSSUS: FROM JOSEPHUS, &C.1 OF ABRAHAM. AFTER the deluge, in the tenth generation, was a certain man among the Chaldans renowned for his justice and great exploits, and for his skill in the celestial sciences.--"Euseb. Prp. Evan." lib. 9. OF NABONASAR...
Fragments Of Chaldaean History, Berossus : Sacred-Texts Classics Index Previous Next FRAGMENTS OF CHALDAN HISTORY, BEROSSUS: FROM ALEXANDER POLYHISTOR. OF THE COSMOGONY AND DELUGE. BEROSSUS, in the first book of his history of Babylonia, informs us that he lived in the age of Alexander the son of Philip. And he mentions that there were...
The Chaldaean Oracles Of Zoroaster : Sacred-Texts Classics Index Previous Next THE CHALDAN ORACLES OF ZOROASTER. CAUSE GOD, FATHER, MIND, FIRE MONAD, DUAD, TRIAD.1 1.2 But God is he that has the head of a hawk. He is the first, indestructible, eternal, unbegotten, indivisible, dissimilar; the dispenser of all good; incorruptible;...
The Theogonies : Sacred-Texts Classics Index Previous THE THEOGONIES. FROM DAMASCIUS. In the rhapsodies which pass under the name of Orphic, the theology, if any, is that concerning the Intelligible; and the philosophers thus interpret it. They place Chronus (Time) for the one principle of all things, ...
Orphic Fragments : Sacred-Texts Classics Index Previous Next ORPHIC FRAGMENTS. FROM ORPHEUS.1 Zeus is the first. Zeus the thunderer, is the last. Zeus is the head. Zeus is the middle, and by Zeus all things were fabricated. Zeus is male, Immortal Zeus is female. Zeus is the foundation of the earth and of the starry...
Hermetic Fragments : Sacred-Texts Classics Index Previous Next FRAGMENTS OF THE HERMETIC, ORPHIC, PYTHAGOREAN, AND OTHER COSMOGONIES AND THEOGONIES. FROM THE ANCIENT HERMETIC BOOKS. BEFORE all things that essentially exist, and before the total principles, there is one God, prior to the first God and King, remaining...
Untitled : Sacred-Texts Classics ANCIENT FRAGMENTS BY I. P. CORY [1832 Ed.] {reduced To HTML By Christopher M. Weimer, Dec. 2002} This book is a collection of the fragments of documents relating to ancient near eastern history and pagan beliefs that were preserved in Greek and Latin. This book was published...
Berossus. From Apollodorus : Sacred-Texts Classics Index Previous Next BEROSSUS: FROM APOLLODORUS. OF THE CHALDAN KINGS. THIS is the history which Berossus has transmitted to us. He tells us that the first king was Alorus of Babylon, a Chaldan: he reigned ten sari: and afterwards Alaparus, and Amelon who came from Pantibibl...
Berossus. From Abydenus : Sacred-Texts Classics Index Previous Next BEROSSUS: FROM ABYDENUS. OF THE CHALDAN KINGS AND THE DELUGE. So much concerning the wisdom of the Chaldans. It is said that the first king of the country was Alorus, and that he gave out a report that God had appointed him to be the Shepherd of the people...
Megasthenes. From Abydenus : Sacred-Texts Classics Index Previous Next MEGASTHENES: FROM ABYDENUS. OF NEBUCHADNEZZAR. ABYDENUS, in his history of the Assyrians, has preserved the following fragment of Megasthenes, who says: That Nabucodrosorus, having become more powerful than Hercules, invaded Libya and Iberia, and when he...
Introductory Dissertation : Sacred-Texts Classics Index Next INTRODUCTORY DISSERTATION. IN presenting this collection of ANCIENT FRAGMENTS to the world, some explanation of what is comprehended under that title may not be deemed unnecessary. We are accustomed to regard the Hebrew scriptures, and the Greek and Latin writings...
The Theology Of The Phoenicians. From Sanchoniatho : Sacred-Texts Classics Index Previous Next THE THEOLOGY OF THE PHNICIANS: FROM SANCHONIATHO. THE COSMOLOGY HE supposes that the beginning of all things was a dark and condensed windy air, or a breeze of thick air and a Chaos turbid and black as Erebus: and that these were unbounded, and for a long...