The Book Of Jubilees. Jacob's Flight With : JACOB'S FLIGHT WITH HIS FAMILY: HIS COVENANT WITH LABAN (XXIX. 1-12; CF. GEN, XXXI.). XXIX. And it came to pass when Rachel had borne Joseph, that Laban went to shear his sheep; for they were distant from him a three days' journey. 2. And Jacob saw that Laban was going to shear his p. 151 sheep...
The Book Of Jubilees. Genealogy Of The Descendants : GENEALOGY OF THE DESCENDANTS OF SHEM: NOAH AND HIS SONS DIVIDE THE EARTH (VIII. 1-30; CF. GEN. X.). VIII. In the twenty-ninth jubilee, in the first week, 1373 A M. in the beginning ther Arpachshad took to himself a wife and her name was Rsj, [the daughter of Ssn,] the daughter of Elam, and she bare...
The Book Of Jubilees. Erratum : p. 34a ERRATUM Page xxxiv, l. 4 ("Short Titles, Abbreviations," etc.), for "Pire de R. Eliezer", etc., read-- "Pire de R. Eliezer" is cited according to the edition (English translation and Notes) of G. Friedlander (London, 1916).
The Book Of Jubilees. The Children Of Noah : p. 83 THE CHILDREN OF NOAH ENTER THEIR DISTRICTS CANAAN SEIZES PALESTINE WRONGFULLY; MADAI RECEIVES MEDIA (X. 28-36) 28. And Ham and his sons went into the land which he was to occupy, which he acquired as his portion in the land of the south. 1 29. And Canaan saw the land of Lebanon to the river...
Editors' Preface : p. v EDITORS' PREFACE THE object of this series of translations is primarily to furnish students with short, cheap, and handy text-books, which, it is hoped, will facilitate the study of the particular texts in class under competent teachers. But it is also hoped that the volumes will be...
The Book Of Jubilees. Noah's Sacrifice. God's : NOAH'S SACRIFICE; GOD'S COVENANT WITH HIM (CF. GEN. VIII. 20-IX. 17). INSTRUCTIONS TO MOSES ABOUT EATING OF BLOOD, THE FEAST OF WEEKS, ETC., AND DIVISION OF THE YEAR (VI. 1-38). V1. And on the new moon of the third month he went forth from the ark, and built an altar on that mountain. 8 2. And he...
The Book Of Jubilees. The Sacrifice Of Isaac : THE SACRIFICE OF ISAAC: ABRAHAM RETURNS TO BEERSHEBA (XVIII. 1-19; CF. GEN. XXII. 1-19). XVIII. And God said to him, "Abraham, Abraham"; and he said, "Behold, (here) am I." 2. And He said, "Take thy beloved 3 son whom thou lovest, (even) Isaac, and go unto the high country, 4 and offer him on one...
The Book Of Jubilees. The Wives Of Jacob's Sons : THE WIVES OF JACOB'S SONS (XXXIV. 20-21). 20. And after Joseph perished, the sons of Jacob took unto themselves wives. The name of Reuben's wife is Ad 1 and the name of Simeon's wife is Adba, a Canaanite; 1 and the name of Levi's wife is Mlk, 2 of the daughters of Aram, of the seed of the sons...
The Book Of Jubilees. Abram With Lot In C : ABRAM WITH LOT IN CANAAN AND EGYPT (CF. GEN. XII. 4-20). ABRAM SEPARATES FROM LOT (CF. GEN. XIII. 11-18) (XIII. 1-21). XIII. And Abram journeyed from Haran, and he took Sarai, his wife, and Lot his brother Haran's son, to the land of Canaan, and he came into Asshur, 1 and proceeded to Shechem...
The Book Of Jubilees. The History : THE HISTORY OF THE PATRIARCHS FROM REU TO ABRAHAM (CF. GEN. XI, 20-30); THE CORRUPTION OF THE HUMAN RACE (XI. 1-15). 1681 A.M. XI. And in the thirty-fifth jubilee, in the third week, in the first year ther, Reu took to himself a wife, and her name was r, the daughter of r, the son of Ksd, and she...
The Book Of Jubilees. Short Titles, Abbreviations : p. 34 SHORT TITLES, ABBREVIATIONS AND BRACKETS USED IN THIS EDITION 1 Enoch = The Ethiopic Book of Enoch. 2 Enoch = The Slavonic Book of Enoch. "Ap. Bar." The Syriac Apocalypse of Baruch. "Pire de R. Eliezer" is cited according to the edition (English translation with notes by W. O. E. Oesterley...
The Book Of Jubilees. The Expulsion Of Hagar : THE EXPULSION OF HAGAR AND ISHMAEL (XVII. 1-14; CF. GEN. XXI. 8-21). XVII. And in the first year of the fifth 1 week 1982 A.M. Isaac was weaned in this jubilee, and Abraham made a great banquet in the third month, on the day his son Isaac was weaned. 2 2. And Ishmael, the son of Hagar, the Egypti...
The Book Of Jubilees. The Messianic Woes : p. 130 THE MESSIANIC WOES (XXIII. 18-25). [ESCHATOLOGICAL PARTLY.] 18. Behold the earth will be destroyed on account of all their works, and there will be no seed of the vine, and no oil; for their works are altogether faithless, and they will all perish together, beasts and cattle and birds...
The Book Of Jubilees. Levi's Dream At Bethel : p. 162 LEVI'S DREAM AT BETHEL; HE IS APPOINTED TO THE PRIESTHOOD. JACOB CELEBRATES THE FEAST OF TABERNACLES AND OFFERS TITHES. THE INSTITUTION OF TITHES (XXXII. 1-15; CF. GEN. XXXV.), XXXII. And he abode that night at Bethel, and Levi dreamed 1 that they had ordained and made him the priest...
The Book Of Jubilees. The Tower Of Babel : THE TOWER OF BABEL AND THE CONFUSION OF TONGUES (X. 18-27; CF. GEN. XI. 1-9). 18. And in the three and thirtieth jubilee, in the first year in the second week, Peleg took to himself a wife, whose name was Lmn the daughter of Snar, and she bare him a son in the fourth year of this week, and he...
The Book Of Jubilees. Judah's Incest With : JUDAH'S INCEST WITH TAMAR; HIS REPENTANCE AND FORGIVENESS (XLI. 1-28; CF. GEN. XXXVIII.). 2165 A.M. XLI. And in the forty-fifth jubilee, in the second week, (and) in the second year, Judah took for his first-born Er, a wife from the daughters of Aram, 4 named Tamar. 2. But he hated, and did not lie...
The Book Of Jubilees. Noah's Sons Led Astray : p. 79 NOAH'S SONS LED ASTRAY BY EVIL SPIRITS; NOAH'S PRAYER; MASTM; DEATH OF NOAH (X. 1-17; CF. GEN. IX. 28). X. 1 And in the third week of this jubilee the unclean demons 2 began to lead astray the children of 3 the sons of Noah; and to make to err and destroy them. 2. And the sons of Noah came...
The Book Of Jubilees. God's Covenant With Abram : GOD'S COVENANT WITH ABRAM (XIV. 1-20; CF. GEN. XV.). XIV. 4 After these things, in the fourth year of this week, on the new moon of the third month, the word of the Lord came to Abram in a dream, saying: "Fear not, Abram; I am thy defender, and thy reward will be exceeding great." 2. And he said:...
The Book Of Jubilees. The Family Of Terah : THE FAMILY OF TERAH IN HARAN; ABRAM'S EXPERIENCES THERE; HIS JOURNEY TO CANAAN (XII. 15-31; CF. GEN. XI, 31-XII. 3). 15. And Terah went forth from Ur of the Chaldees, he and his sons, to go into the land of Lebanon and into the land of Canaan, and he dwelt in the land of Haran, and Abram, dwelt...
The Book Of Jubilees. Abram's Knowledge : ABRAM'S KNOWLEDGE OF GOD AND WONDERFUL DEEDS (XI. 16-24). 16. And the child began to understand the errors of the earth that all went astray after graven images and after uncleanness, and his father taught him 1890 A.M. writing, and he was two weeks of years old, and he separated himself from his...
The Book Of Jubilees. Joseph Receives Jacob : JOSEPH RECEIVES JACOB. THE LAND OF EGYPT IS ACQUIRED FOR PHARAOH. JACOB'S DEATH AND BURIAL (XLV. 1-16; CF. GEN. XLVI. 28 FF., XLVII. 11 FF.). XLV. And Israel went into the country of Egypt, 2172 A M. into the land of Goshen, on the new moon of the fourth month, in the second year of the third week...
The Book Of Jubilees. Joseph's Service With : JOSEPH'S SERVICE WITH POTIPHAR; HIS PURITY AND IMPRISONMENT (XXXIX. 1-13; CF. GEN. XXXIX.). XXXIX. And Jacob dwelt in the land of his father's sojournings in the land of Canaan. 2. These are the generations of Jacob. And Joseph was seventeen years old 15 when they took him down into the l...
The Book Of Jubilees. Abraham's Last Words. Part 02 : ABRAHAM'S LAST WORDS TO ISAAC (XXI. 1-25). 2057 (?2050) A.M. XXI. And in the sixth year of the seventh 1 week of this jubilee Abraham called Isaac his son, 2 and commanded him, saying: "I am become old, and. know not the day of my death, 3 and am full of my days. 4 2. And behold, I am one hundred...
Introduction. Affinities With Other Literature : AFFINITIES WITH OTHER LITERATURE Though there is no reason to doubt the essential unity of our Book (that is to say, that it was composed and written in its present form by one author), it is equally clear that this writer incorporated earlier traditions and legends into his work. Thus he refers...
The Book Of Jubilees. Joseph Interprets : JOSEPH INTERPRETS THE DREAMS OF THE CHIEF BUTLER AND THE CHIEF BAKER (XXXIX. 14-18; CF. GEN. XL.)., 14. And he remained there two years. 2 And in those days Pharaoh, king of Egypt, was wroth against his two eunuchs, against the chief butler and against the chief baker, and he put them in ward...
The Book Of Jubilees. God Commands The Angel : GOD COMMANDS THE ANGEL TO WRITE (I. 27-29). 27. And He said to the angel of the presence: 6 "Write 7 for Moses from the beginning of creation till My sanctuary has been built among them for all eternity. 28. 8 And the Lord will appear to the eyes p. 40 of all, 1 and all will know that I am the God...
The Book Of Jubilees. Isaac's Sojourn : ISAAC'S SOJOURN IN GERAR AND DEALINGS WITH ABIMELECH (XXIV. 8-27; CF. GEN. XXVI.). 8. And the famine was over the land, and Isaac departed to go down into Egypt in the second year of this week, and went to the king of the Philistines to Gerar, unto Abimelech. 9. 5 And the Lord appeared unto him...
The Book Of Jubilees. Rebecca Admonishes : REBECCA ADMONISHES JACOB NOT TO MARRY A CANAANITISH WOMAN. REBECCA'S BLESSING (XXV. 1-23; CF. GEN. XXVIII. 1-4). 1 XXV. And in the second year of this week in this 2109 A.M. jubilee, Rebecca called Jacob her son, and spake unto him, saying: "My son, do not take thee a wife of the daughters...
The Book Of Jubilees. Rebecca's Last Admonitions : REBECCA'S LAST ADMONITIONS AND DEATH (XXXV. 1-27). 2157 A.M. XXXV. And in the first year of the first week of the forty-fifth jubilee Rebecca called Jacob, her son, and commanded him regarding his father and regarding his brother, that he should honour them all the days of his life. 2. And Jacob...
The Book Of Jubilees. Abram Seeks To Convert : ABRAM SEEKS TO CONVERT TERAH FROM IDOLATRY; THE FAMILY OF TERAH (CF. GEN. XI. 27-30). ABRAM BURNS THE IDOLS. DEATH OF HARAN (CF. GEN. XI. 28) (XII. 1-14). XII. And it came to pass in the 1904 A.M. sixth week, in the seventh year ther, that Abram said to Terah his father, saying, "Father!" And he...
The Book Of Jubilees. Pharaoh's Dreams : PHARAOH'S DREAMS AND THEIR INTERPRETATION. JOSEPH'S ELEVATION AND MARRIAGE (XL. 1-13; CF. GEN. XLI.). XL. And in those days Pharaoh dreamed two dreams in one night concerning a famine which was to be in all the land, and he awoke from his sleep and called all the interpreters of dreams that were...
The Book Of Jubilees. War Of The Amorite : WAR OF THE AMORITE KINGS AGAINST JACOB AND HIS SONS. JOSEPH SOLD INTO EGYPT (CF. GEN. XXXVII.). THE DEATH OF BILHAH AND DINAH (XXXIV. 1-19). XXXIV. And in the sixth year of this week of this 2148 A.M. forty-fourth jubilee Jacob sent his sons to pasture their sheep, and his servants with them...
The Book Of Jubilees. The Angel Dictates : THE ANGEL DICTATES TO MOSES THE PRIMVAL HISTORY: THE CREATION OF THE WORLD AND INSTITUTION OF THE SABBATH (II. 1-33; CF. GEN. I.-II. 3). II. And the angel of the presence spake to Moses according to the word of the Lord, saying: Write the complete history of the creation, how in six days the Lord...
The Book Of Jubilees. Abraham Loves Jacob : p. 114 ABRAHAM LOVES JACOB AND BLESSES HIM (XIX. 15-31). 15. And Abraham loved Jacob, but Isaac loved Esau. 16. And Abraham saw the deeds of Esau, and he knew that in Jacob 1 should his name and seed be called; and he called Rebecca and gave commandment regarding Jacob, for he knew that she (too)...
The Book Of Jubilees. The Campaign Of Chedorlaomer : THE CAMPAIGN OF CHEDORLAOMER (XIII. 22-29; CF. GEN. XIV.). 22. And in this year came Chedorlaomer, king of Elam, and Amraphel, king of Shinar, and Arioch, king of Sllsar 4 and Trgl, 5 king of nations, and slew the king of Gomorrah, and the king of Sodom fled, and many fell through wounds...
The Book Of Jubilees. Rebecca Journeys With : p. 161 REBECCA JOURNEYS WITH JACOB TO BETHEL (XXXI. 26-32). 26. And in the morning Jacob told his father Isaac the vow which he had vowed to the Lord, and the vision which he had seen, and that he had built an altar, 1 and that everything was ready for the sacrifice to be made before the Lord...
The Book Of Jubilees. The Patriarchs : THE PATRIARCHS FROM ADAM TO NOAH (CF. GEN. V.); LIFE OF ENOCH; DEATH OF ADAM AND GAIN (IV. 13-33). 309-315 A.M. 13. 7 And in the seventh jubilee in the third week Enos took Nm his sister to be his wife, and she bare 325 A.M. him a son in the third year of the fifth week, and he called his name...
The Book Of Jubilees. The Death Of Joseph : THE DEATH OF JOSEPH. THE BONES OF JACOB'S SONS (EXCEPT JOSEPH) INTERRED AT HEBRON. THE OPPRESSION OF ISRAEL BY EGYPT (XLVI. 1-16; CF. GEN. L.; EXOD. I.). XLVI. And it came to pass that after Jacob died the children of Israel multiplied in the land of Egypt, and they became a great nation, and they...
Introduction. The Special Aims And General : THE SPECIAL AIMS AND GENERAL CHARACTER OF THE BOOK It is obvious that "Jubilees" is dominated by certain interests and antipathies. It is to a large extent polemical in character, and its author desires at once to protest against certain tendencies which, in his view, threaten true religi...
The Book Of Jubilees. Marriage Of Isaac : MARRIAGE OF ISAAC AND SECOND MARRIAGE OF ABRAHAM (CF. GEN. XXIV. 15, XXV. 1-4); THE BIRTH OF ESAU AND JACOB (CF. GEN. XXV. 19 FF.) (XIX. 10-14). 10. And in the fourth year ther he took a wife 2020 A.M. for his son Isaac and her name was Rebecca [the daughter of Bethuel, the son of Nah...
The Book Of Jubilees. The Two Journeys : THE TWO JOURNEYS OF THE SONS OF JACOB TO EGYPT (XLII. 1-25; CF. GEN. XLII., XLIII.). XLII. And in the first year of the third week of 2171 A.M. the forty-fifth jubilee the famine began to come into the land, and the rain refused to be given to the earth, for none whatever fell. 2. And the earth...
The Book Of Jubilees. The Birth And Early : THE BIRTH AND EARLY YEARS OF MOSES (XLVII. 1-12; CF. EXOD. II.). XLVII. And in the seventh week, in the seventh 2303 A.M. year, in the forty-seventh jubilee, thy father 3 went forth from the land of Canaan, and thou wast born in the fourth week, in the sixth year ther, in the 2330 A.M. forty-eighth...
Introduction. Titles : TITLES The Book was known under various titles, most of them in Greek as referred to in later Greek writers. The most important are "Jubilees" (= or ) and "the little Genesis" (= ; and variants). Both of these seem to go back to Hebrew originals, and there would thus appear to have been two...
The Book Of Jubilees. The Building : THE BUILDING OF THE ARK; THE FLOOD (V. 21-32; CF. GEN. VI. 13-VIII. 19). 21. And He commanded Noah to make him an ark, that he might save himself from the waters of the flood. 2 22. And Noah made the ark in all respects as He commanded him, in the twenty-seventh jubilee 1307 A.M. of years...
The Book Of Jubilees. Jacob's Marriage : p. 147 JACOB'S MARRIAGE TO LEAH AND RACHEL; HIS CHILDREN AND RICHES (XXVIII. I-30; CF. GEN. XXIX., XXX., XXXI. 1-2). XXVIII. And he went on his journey, and came to the land of the east, to Laban, the brother of Rebecca, and he was with him, and served him for Rachel his daughter one week. 1 2. 2...
The Book Of Jubilees. Jacob Obtains The Blessing : JACOB OBTAINS THE BLESSING OF THE FIRSTBORN (XXVI. 1-35; CF. GEN. XXVII.). 2114 A.M. XXVI. And in the seventh year of this week Isaac called Esau, his elder son, and said unto him: "I am old, my son, and behold my eyes are dim in seeing, and I know not the day of my death. 2. And now take thy...
The Book Of Jubilees. Isaac's Last Words : ISAAC'S LAST WORDS AND ADMONITIONS: HIS DEATH. THE DEATH OF LEAH (XXXVI. 1-24). 2162 A.M. XXXVI. And in the sixth year of this week Isaac called his two sons, Esau and Jacob, and they came to him, and he said unto them: "My sons, I am going the way of my fathers, to the eternal house 2 where my...
The Book Of Jubilees. The Dwelling Places : p. 118 THE DWELLING-PLACES OF THE ISHMAELITES AND OF THE SONS OF KETURAH (XX. 12-13). 12. And Ishmael and his sons, and the sons of Keturah and their sons, went together and dwelt from Paran to the entering in of Babylon in all the land which is towards the East facing the desert. 13. And these...
The Book Of Jubilees. Mastema Proposes : MASTM PROPOSES TO GOD THAT ABRAHAM SHALL BE PUT TO THE PROOF (XVI. 15-18). 2003 A.M. 15. And it came to pass in the seventh week, in the first year ther, in the first month in this jubilee, 4 on the twelfth of this month, there were voices in heaven regarding Abraham, that he was faithful in all...
The Book Of Jubilees. From The Flight : p. 205 FROM THE FLIGHT OF MOSES TO THE EXODUS (XLVIII. 1-19; CF. EXOD. II. 15 FF., IV. 19-24, VII-XIV.). XLVIII. And in the sixth year of the third week 2372 A.M. of the forty-ninth jubilee thou didst depart and dwell in the land of Midian 1 five weeks and one year. And thou didst return...
The Book Of Jubilees. Jacob's Journey : JACOB'S JOURNEY TO BETHEL AND HEBRON. ISAAC BLESSES LEVI AND JUDAH (XXXI. 1-25; CF. GEN. XXXV.). XXXI. And on the new moon of the month Jacob spake to all the people of his house, saying: "Purify yourselves and change your garments, and let us arise and go up to Bethel, where I vowed a vow to Him...
The Book Of Jubilees. Jacob's Visions. He : JACOB'S VISIONS. HE CELEBRATES THE EIGHTH DAY OF TABERNACLES. THE BIRTH OF BENJAMIN AND DEATH OF RACHEL (XXXII. 16-34; CF. GEN. XXXV.). 16. And on the following night, on the twenty-second day of this month, Jacob resolved to build that place, and to surround the court with a wall, and to sanctify...
The Book Of Jubilees. Isaac At The Well : p. 133 ISAAC AT THE WELL OF VISION: ESAU SELLS HIS BIRTHRIGHT (XXIV. 1-7; CF. GEN. XXV. 11, 29-34). XXIV. And it came to pass after the death of Abraham, that the Lord blessed Isaac his son, and he arose from Hebron and went and dwelt at the Well of the Vision 1 in the first year of the third week...
The Book Of Jubilees. The Feast Of First : THE FEAST OF FIRST-FRUITS CIRCUMCISION INSTITUTED. THE PROMISE OF ISAAC'S BIRTH. CIRCUMCISION ORDAINED FOR ALL ISRAEL (XV. 1-34; CF. GEN. XVII.). XV. And in the fifth year of the fourth 1 week of this jubilee, in the third month, in the middle of the month, 2 Abram celebrated the feast...
The Book Of Jubilees. Reuben's Sin With Bilhah : REUBEN'S SIN WITH BILHAH. LAWS REGARDING INCEST. JACOB'S CHILDREN (XXXIII. 1-23; CF. GEN. XXXV. 21-27). XXXIII. And Jacob went and dwelt to the south of Magdaldrf. 4 And he went to his father Isaac, he and Leah his wife, on the new moon of the tenth month. 2. And Reuben saw Bilhah, Rachel's maid...
The Book Of Jubilees. The Kings Of Edom : p. 184 THE KINGS OF EDOM (XXXVIII. 15-24; CF. GEN. XXXVI. 31-39). 15. And these are the kings that reigned in Edom before there reigned any king over the children of Israel [until this day] in the land of Edom. 16. And Blq, 1 the son of Beor, reigned in Edom, and the name of his city was Danb. 2...
The Book Of Jubilees. Paradise And The Fall : PARADISE AND THE FALL (III. 1-35; CF. GEN. II. 4-III.). III. And on the six days of the second week we brought, according to the word of God, unto Adam all the beasts, and all the cattle, and all the birds, and everything that moveth on the earth, and everything that moveth in the water, according...
The Book Of Jubilees. Abraham At Beersheb : ABRAHAM AT BEERSHEBA. BIRTH AND CIRCUMCISION OF ISAAC (CF. GEN. XXI. 1-4). INSTITUTION OF THE FEAST OF TABERNACLES (XVI. 10-31). 10. And in this month Abraham moved from Hebron, and departed and dwelt between Kadesh and Shur in the mountains 1 of Gerar. 11. And in the middle of the fifth month he...
The Book Of Jubilees. The Birth Of Ishmael : p. 98 THE BIRTH OF ISHMAEL (XIV. 21-24; CF. GEN. XVI. 1-4. 11). 21. And Abram rejoiced, and made all these things known to Sarai his wife; and he believed that he would have seed, but she did not bear. 22. And Sarai advised her husband Abram, and said unto him: "Go in unto Hagar, my Egyptian maid:...
Introduction. Authorship And Date : AUTHORSHIP AND DATE According to Charles, the author was not only a priest but a Pharisee "of the straitest sect." We have already seen that many of the positions advocated in the Book are essentially un-Pharisaic in character. Such a fundamentally Pharisaic doctrine as the resurrection of the body...
The Book Of Jubilees. Noah Offers Sacrifice : NOAH OFFERS SACRIFICE; THE CURSING OF CANAAN (CF. GEN. IX. 20-28): NOAH'S SONS AND GRANDSONS (CF. GEN. X.) AND THEIR CITIES. NOAH'S ADMONITIONS (VII. 1-39). 1317 A.M. VII. And in the seventh week in the first year ther, in this jubilee, Noah planted vines on the mountain on which the ark had rested...
The Book Of Jubilees. Isaac, Ishmael : ISAAC, ISHMAEL AND JACOB JOIN IN FESTIVAL WITH ABRAHAM FOR THE LAST TIME. ABRAHAM'S PRAYER (XXII. 1-9). XXII. And it came to pass in the first 2 week in the forty-fourth 3 jubilee, in the second year, that is, the year in which Abraham died, that Isaac and Ishmael came from the Well of the Oath...
The Book Of Jubilees. Jacob, Reconciled With : JACOB, RECONCILED WITH ESAU, DWELLS IN CANAAN AND SUPPORTS HIS PARENTS (XXIX. 13-20; CF. GEN. XXXII., XXXIII.). 13. And he passed over the Jabbok 5 in the ninth month, on the eleventh ther. And on that day Esau, his brother, came to him, and he was reconciled to him, and departed from him un...
Introduction. Versions And Original Language : VERSIONS AND ORIGINAL LANGUAGE The complete text of the Book is extant in an Ethiopic Version, which is also the most accurate that has survived. Four MSS. of it are known, and are preserved in European Libraries, the two most important in the National Library in Paris and in the British Museum...
The Book Of Jubilees. Regulations Regarding : REGULATIONS REGARDING THE PASSOVER (XLIX. 1-23; CF. EXOD. XII.). XLIX. Remember the commandment which the Lord commanded thee concerning the passover, that thou shouldst celebrate it in its season on the fourteenth of the first month, that thou shouldst kill it before it is evening, and that they...
The Book Of Jubilees. The War Between Jacob : THE WAR BETWEEN JACOB AND ESAU AT THE TOWER OF HEBRON. THE DEATH OF ESAU AND OVERTHROW OF HIS FORCES (XXXVIII. 1-4). XXXVIII. And after that Judah spake to Jacob, his father, and said unto him: "Bend thy bow, father, and send forth thy arrows and cast down the adversary and slay the enemy;...
The Book Of Jubilees. Joseph Finally Tests : JOSEPH FINALLY TESTS HIS BRETHREN, AND THEN MAKES HIMSELF KNOWN TO THEM (XLIII. 1-24; CF. GEN. XLIV., XLV.). XLIII. And he did as Joseph had told him, and filled all their sacks for them with food and put their money in their sacks, and put the cup in Benjamin's sack. 2. And early in the morning...
The Book Of Jubilees. Cain And Abel : CAIN AND ABEL (IV. 1-12; CF. GEN. IV.). IV. And in the third week in the second jubilee 64-70 A.M. she gave birth to Cain, and in the fourth she gave birth 71-77 A.M. to Abel, and in the fifth she gave birth to her daughter 78-84 A.M. wn. 3 2. And in the first (year) of the third jubilee, 99-105...
The Book Of Jubilees. The Death And Burial : THE DEATH AND BURIAL OF ABRAHAM (XXIII. 1-8; CF. GEN. XXV. 7-10). XXIII. And he placed two fingers of Jacob on his eyes, 3 and he blessed the God of gods, and he covered his face and stretched out his feet 4 and slept the sleep of eternity, 5 and was gathered to his fathers. 2. And notwithstanding...
Introduction. Bibliography : BIBLIOGRAPHY The important edition of the Ethiopic text by Charles has already been referred to, as well as his English translation of the Book with Introduction and Notes (1902). This translation has also been reprinted (with an Introduction and Notes) in the Oxford "Corpus" (vol. ii...
The Book Of Jubilees. Prologue : p. 35 THE BOOK OF JUBILEES PROLOGUE THIS is the history of the division of the days 1 of the law and of the testimony, of the events of the years, of 2 their (year) weeks, of their jubilees throughout all the years of the world, 3 as the Lord spake to Moses on Mount Sinai when he went up...
The Book Of Jubilees. Dinah Ravished. Slaughter : DINAH RAVISHED. SLAUGHTER OF THE SHECHEMITES. LAWS AGAINST INTERMARRIAGE BETWEEN ISRAEL AND THE HEATHEN. THE CHOICE OF LEVI (XXX. 1-26; CF. GEN. XXXIV.). XXX. And in the first year of the sixth week he 2143 A.M. went up to Salem, to the east of Shechem, in peace, 2 in the fourth month. 2. And there...
The Book Of Jubilees. Rebecca Induces Isaac : REBECCA INDUCES ISAAC TO SEND JACOB TO MESOPOTAMIA. JACOB'S DREAM AND VIEW AT BETHEL (XXVII. 1-27; CF. GEN. XXVIII.). XXVII. And the words of Esau, her elder son, were told to Rebecca in a dream, and Rebecca sent and called Jacob her younger son, and said unto him: 2. "Behold Esau thy brother will...
Introduction. Short Account Of The Book : p. vii INTRODUCTION SHORT ACCOUNT OF THE BOOK THE Book of Jubilees, or, as it is sometimes called, "the little Genesis," purports to be a revelation given by God to Moses through the medium of an angel (" the Angel of the Presence," i. 27), and containing a history, divided up into jubilee-periods...
The Book Of Jubilees. God's Revelati : GOD'S REVELATION TO MOSES ON MOUNT SINAI (i. 1-26: cf. Ex. xxiv. 15-18). 1. And it came to pass in the first year of the 2450 A.M. (A.M. = Anno Mundi) exodus of the children of Israel out of Egypt, in the third month, 5 on the sixteenth day of the month, that God spake to Moses, saying: "Come up...
The Book Of Jubilees. Subdivisi : SUBDIVISION OF THE THREE PORTIONS AMONGST THE GRANDCHILDREN: OATH TAKEN BY NOAH'S SONS (IX. 1-15; CF. GEN. X. PARTLY). IX. And Ham divided amongst his sons, and the first portion came forth for Cush 11 towards the east, and to the west of him for Mizraim, 12 and to the west . p. 77 of him for Put...
The Book Of Jubilees. Isaac Curses The Philistines : p. 136 ISAAC CURSES THE PHILISTINES (XXIV. 28-33). 28. And Isaac on that day cursed the Philistines 1 and said: "Cursed be the Philistines unto the day of wrath and indignation from the midst of all nations; may God make them a derision and a curse and an object of wrath and indignati...
The Book Of Jubilees. Abraham's Last Words. Part 03 : ABRAHAM'S LAST WORDS TO HIS CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN (XX. I-II). XX. And in the forty-second jubilee, in the first 2052 (?2045) A.M. year of the seventh 4 week, Abraham called Ishmael, and his twelve sons, 5 and Isaac and his two sons, and the six sons of Keturah, and their sons. 2. And he...
The Book Of Jubilees. Laws Regarding : LAWS REGARDING THE JUBILEES AND THE SABBATH (L. 1-13). L. And after this law I made known to thee the days of the Sabbaths in the desert of Sin[ai], which is between Elim and Sinai. 5 2. And I told thee of the Sabbaths of the land on Mount Sinai, and I told thee of the jubilee years 6...
The Book Of Jubilees. Jacob, Celebrates : JACOB, CELEBRATES THE FEAST OF FIRST-FRUITS AND JOURNEYS TO EGYPT. LIST OF HIS DESCENDANTS. (XLIV. 1-34; CF. GEN. XLVI. 1-28). XLIV. And Israel took his journey from Haran 1 from his house on the new moon of the third month, and he went on the way of the Well of the Oath, 2 and he offered...
The Book Of Jubilees. The Death And Burial. Part 02 : p. 112 THE DEATH AND BURIAL OF SARAH (XIX. 1-9; CF. GEN. XXIII.). XIX. And in the first year of the first week in the 2010 A.M. forty-second jubilee, Abraham returned and dwelt opposite Hebron, that is Kirjath Arba, two weeks of years. 2. And in the first year of the third 1 week of this jubilee...
The Book Of Jubilees. Abraham's Last Words : ABRAHAM'S LAST WORDS TO AND BLESSINGS OF JACOB (XXII. 10-30). 10. And he called Jacob and said My son Jacob, may the God of all 4 bless thee and strengthen thee to do righteousness, and His will before Him, and may He choose thee and thy seed that ye may become a people for His inheritance...
The Book Of Jubilees. Esau And His Sons Wage : p. 179 ESAU AND HIS SONS WAGE WAR WITH JACOB (XXXVII. 1-25). XXXVII. 1 And on the day that Isaac the father 2162 A.M. of Jacob and Esau died, the sons of Esau heard that Isaac had given the portion of the elder to his younger son Jacob and they were very angry. 2. And they strove with their father...
The Book Of Jubilees. Renewed Study : RENEWED STUDY OF THE LAW FOLLOWED BY A RENEWAL OF MANKIND. THE MESSIANIC KINGDOM AND THE BLESSEDNESS OF THE RIGHTEOUS (XXIII. 26-32; CF. ISA. LXV. 17 FF. [ESCHATOLOGICAL.] 26. And in those days the children will begin to study the laws, And to seek the commandments, And to return to the path...
The Book Of Jubilees. Angelic Visitati : p. 103 ANGELIC VISITATION OF ABRAHAM IN HEBRON; PROMISE OF ISAAC'S BIRTH REPEATED. THE DESTRUCTION OF SODOM AND LOT'S DELIVERANCE (XVI. 1-9; CF. GEN. XVIII.-XIX.). XVI. And on the new moon of the fourth month we 1 appeared unto Abraham, at the oak of Mamre, and we talked with him, and we announced...
The Book Of Jubilees. The Decreasing Years : THE DECREASING YEARS AND INCREASING CORRUPTION OF MANKIND (XXIII. 9-17). 9. For the days of the forefathers, of their life, were nineteen jubilees; and after the Flood they began to grow less than nineteen jubilees, and to decrease in jubilees, and to grow old quickly, and to be full of their days...
The Book Of Jubilees. The Fall Of The Angels : THE FALL OF THE ANGELS AND THEIR PUNISHMENT; THE DELUGE FORETOLD (V. 1-20; CF. GEN. VI. 1-12). V. And it came to pass when the children of men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born unto them, that the angels of God 4 saw them on a certain year of this jubilee, that they...