Iii. Labour. Oibre. 107. Marking The Lambs : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 288 p. 289 COMHARRACHADH NAN UAN [107] MARKING THE LAMBS THE marking of the lambs is done on Thursday, being St Columba's Day. Upon no account would the people mark their lambs on Friday, or in any manner draw blood on that day...
I. Achaine. Invocations. 13. Prayer For Protecti : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 36 p. 37 ACHANAIDH COMHNADH [13] PRAYER FOR PROTECTION p. 36 p. 37 BHO is tu is Buachiaill thar an treuid Iomain fein shin do chleidh 's do chaimir, Seun sinn fo do bhrot riomhach reidh; A Sgeith dhidinn, dion ri 'r mairionn...
Ii. Aimsire. Seasons. 80. Hymn Of The Sunday : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 222 p. 223 DUAN AN DOMHNAICH [80] HYMN OF THE SUNDAY p. 222 p. 223 AN Domhnach naomha do Dhe Tabhair do chre dh' an chinne-daon, Do t' athair is do d' mhathair chaomh, Thar gach aon 's gach ni 's an t-saoghal. Na dean sainn air...
Iii. Labour. Oibre. 97. Ho, My Heifer Ho M' Aghan : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 266 p. 267 HO M' AGHAN! [97] HO, MY HEIFER! p. 266 p. 267 OIDHCHE sin bha 'm Buachaill a muigh Cha deacha buarach air boin, Cha deacha geum a beul laoigh, Caoineadh Buachaill a chruidh, Caoineadh Buachaill a chruidh. Ho m' agh...
Ii. Aimsire. Seasons. 66. Hogmanay. Oidhche : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 156 p. 157 OIDHCHE CHALLAIG [66] HOGMANAY p. 156 p. 157 THAINE sinne chon an doruis, Feuch am feairrde sinn an turas, Dh' innis a mhnathan coir a bhaile, Gur e maireach La Cullaig. WE are come to the door, To see if we be...
Ii. Aimsire. Seasons. 61. The Virg : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 144 p. 145 AN OIGH AGUS AN LEANABH [61] THE VIRGIN AND CHILD p. 144 p. 145 CHUNNACAS an Oigh a teachd, Criosda gu h-og 'na h-uchd. A Mhoir Oighe, agus a Mhic, Beannaich an taigh agus a luchd. Beannaich am biadh, beannaich am bord...
I. Achaine. Invocations. Header : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 1 I ACHAINE INVOCATIONS
I. Achaine. Invocations. 41. Morning Prayer : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 96 p. 97 URNUIGH MADUINN [41] MORNING PRAYER p. 96 p. 97 TAING dhut Iosda Criosda, Thug mis a nios o 'n oidhche 'n raoir Chon solas soillse an la 'n diugh, Chon sonas siorruidh a chosnadh dha m' anam, An cion na fal a dhoirt thu...
Iii. Labour. Oibre. 117. Fishing Blessing : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 318 p. 319 BEANNACHD IASGAICH [117] FISHING BLESSING ON Christmas Day the young men of the townland go out to fish. All the fish they catch are sacred to the widows and the orphans and to the poor, and are distributed among them...
I. Achaine. Invocations. 26. Sleep Blessing : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 66 p. 67 BEANNACHADH CADAIL [26] SLEEP BLESSING THE night prayers of the people are numerous. They are called by various names, as: 'Beannachadh Beinge'--Bench-Blessing, 'Beannachadh Bobhstair'--Bolster Blessing, 'Beannachadh...
Iii. Labour. Oibre. 104. Guarding The Flocks : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 280 p. 281 GLEIDHEADH TREUID [104] GUARDING THE FLOCKS p. 280 p. 281 GUN gleidheadh Moire min an ciob, Gun gleidheadh Bride bith an ciob, Gun gleidheadh Calum-cille an ciob, Gun gleidheadh Maol-ribhe an ciob, Gun gleidheadh Carmag...
Ii. Aimsire. Seasons. 71. Bride The Aid Wom : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 176 p. 177 BRIDE BAN-CHOBHAIR [71] BRIDE THE AID-WOMAN p. 176 p. 177 THAINIG thugam cobhair, Moire gheal is Bride; Mar a rug Anna Moire, Mar a rug Moire Criosda, Mar a rug Eile Eoin Baistidh Gun mhar-bhith dha dhi, Cuidich thus...
Iii. Labour. Oibre. 106. Hatching Blessing : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 284 p. 285 BEANNACHADH GUIR [106] HATCHING BLESSING The reciter of this poem, Donald Maclean, was a native of the parish of Small Isles. He emigrated with many others to Canada. After an absence of many years he returned, as he...
Iii. Labour. Oibre. 99. Milking Song. Cr : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 270 p. 271 CRONAN BLEOGHAN [99] MILKING SONG p. 270 p. 271 THIG, a Mhuire, 's bligh a bho, Thig, a Bhride, 's comraig i, Thig, a Chaluim-chille chaoimh, 'S iadh do dha laimh mu m' bhoin. Ho m' aghan, ho m' agh gaoil, Ho m' agh...
Ii. Aimsire. Seasons. 81. Poem Of The Flood : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 224 p. 225 DUAN NA DILINN [81] POEM OF THE FLOOD p. 224 p. 225 DI-LUAIN thig an doireann trom, A shileas am bith eutrom, Bithidh sinn umhail gach greis, Gach uile na dh' eisdeas. Di-mairt thig an t-sian eile, Cradh chridheach...
Iii. Labour. Oibre. 88. Blessing Of The Smooring : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 238 p. 239 BEANNACHD SMALAIDH [88] BLESSING OF THE SMOORING p. 238 p. 239 THA mi smaladh an teine, Mar a smaladh Mac Moire; Gu mu slan dh' an taigh 's dh' an teine, Gu mu slan dh' an chuideachd uile. Co siud shios air an lar? Eo...
I. Achaine. Invocations. 36 Sleep Consecrati : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 86 p. 87 COISRIG CADAIL [36] SLEEP CONSECRATION p. 86 p. 87 TA mise laighe nochd Le Athair, le Mac, Le Spiorad na firinn, Ta 'm dhion o gach lochd. Cha laigh mi le olc, Cha laigh olc liom, Ach laighidh mi le Dia, Is laighidh Di...
Ii. Aimsire. Seasons. 73. The Beltane Blessing : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 182 p. 183 AM BEANNACHADH BEALLTAIN [73] THE BELTANE BLESSING BEALLTAIN, Beltane, is the first day of May. On May Day all the fires of the district were extinguished and 'tein eigin,' need-fire, produced on the knoll. This fire...
I. Achaine. Invocations. 24. Bathing Prayer : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 60 p. 61 ORA BOISILIDH [24] BATHING PRAYER THIS poem was taken down at Creagorry, Benbecula, on the 16th of December 1872, from Janet Campbell, nurse, Lochskiport, South Uist. The reciter had many beautiful songs and lullabies...
I. Achaine. Invocations. 46. To Whom Shall : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 106 p. 107 CO DHA DHIOLAS MI CIOS [46] TO WHOM SHALL I OFFER OBLATION p. 106 p. 107 CO dha dhiolas mi cios An ainm Mhicheil o'n aird? Thugam deachamh dhe m' ni, Dh' an Diobarach Aigh. Air sgath na chunna mi, Do shith is d'a bhaigh...
Next. 92. The Quern Blessing. Beannachadh Brathain : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 252 BEANNACHADH BRATHAIN [92] THE quern songs, like all the labour songs of the people, were composed in a measure suited to the special labour involved. The measure changed to suit the rhythmic motion of the body at work...
I. Achaine. Invocations. 33. Sleep Consecrati : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 80 p. 81 COISRIG CADAIL [33] SLEEP CONSECRATION p. 80 p. 81 LUIGHIM sios an nochd Le Muire min 's le Mac, Le Micheal finn-gheal, 'S le Bride fo brat. Luighim sios le Dia, Is luighidh Dia lium, Cha luigh mi sios le Briain. 'S ch...
Iii. Labour. Oibre. 98. Give Thy Milk. Thoir : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 268 p. 269 THOIR AM BAINNE [98] GIVE THY MILK p. 268 p. 269 THOIR am bainne, bho dhonn, Ce 'n conn ma 'n ceillinn? Laogh na ba ud braigh na beinge, 'S laogh mo ghraidh-sa air graisich eile. O! ho! graisich eile. Thoir am bainne...
Ii. Aimsire. Seasons. 79. The Poem : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 216 p. 217 DUAN AN DOMHNUICH [79] THE POEM OF THE LORD'S DAY THIS poem was obtained from Janet Currie, Staonabrig, South Uist, a descendant of the Mac Mhuirichs (corrupted into Currie) of Staoligearry, the famous poet-historians...
I. Achaine. Invocations. 7. Holy Father : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 22 p. 23 ATHAIR NAOMHA NA GLOIR HOLY FATHER OF GLORY p. 22 p. 23 BUIDHEACHAS duit, Athair Naomha na Gloir, Athair chaomha bhith-bheo, bhith-threin, Thaobh gach foghair, gach fabhair, gach foir, Tha thu bairigeadh oirnne 'n ar...
I. Achaine. Invocations. 44. House Protecting : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 102 p. 103 TEISREADH TAIGHE [44] HOUSE PROTECTING p. 102 p. 103 DHE, beannaich an ce 's na bheil ann, Dhe, beannaich mo cheile is mo chlann, Dhe, beannaich an re a ta 'na m' cheann, Is beannaich, a Dhe, laimhseachadh mo laimh;...
Ii. Aimsire. Seasons. 59. Hey The Gift, Ho : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 140 p. 141 HEIRE BANNAG, HOIRE BANNAG [59] HEY THE GIFT, HO THE GIFT p. 140 p. `4` HEIRE Bannag, hoire Bannag, Heire Bannag, air a bheo. Mac na niula, Mac na neula, Mac na runna, Mac na reula, Heire Bannag, etc. Mac na dile, Mac...
I. Achaine. Invocations. 35 The Sleep Prayer : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 84 p. 85 AN URNUIGH CHADAIL [35] THE SLEEP PRAYER p. 84 p. 85 THA mis a nis a dol dh' an chadal, Gu mu slan a dhuisgeas mi; Ma 's a bas domh anns a bhas chadail, Gun ann air do ghairdean fein A Dhe nan gras a dhuisgeas mi; O air...
I. Achaine. Invocations. 15. The Rock : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 42 p. 43 CARRAIG NAN AL [15] THE ROCK OF ROCKS THE old man from whom this piece was taken down said that in his boyhood innumerable hymns and fragments of hymns of this nature were common throughout the isles of p. 43 Barra. When...
Iii. Labour. Oibre. 119. Ocean Blessing : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 328 p. 329 BEANNACHADH CUAIN [119] OCEAN BLESSING p. 328 p. 329 DHE, Athair uile-chumhachdaich, chaoimh, Ios a Mhic nan deur agus na caoidh, Le d' chomh-chomhnadh, O! a Spioraid Naoimh. Thrithinn bhi-bheo, bhi-mhoir, bhi-bhu...
Iii. Labour. Oibre. 82. Blessing Of The Kindling : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 230 p. 231 BEANNACHADH BEOTHACHAIDH [82] BLESSING OF THE KINDLING THE kindling of the fire is a work full of interest to the housewife. When 'lifting' the fire in the morning the woman prays, in an undertone, that the fire may be...
Ii. Aimsire. Seasons. 72. Magnus Of My Love : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 178 p. 179 MANUS MO RUIN [72] MAGNUS OF MY LOVE MAGNUS was descended from Malcolm Canmore, King of the Scots. Earl Magnus and his half-brother Earl Hakon ruled the Northern Isles, and while they were in agreement with one another...
I. Achaine. Invocations. 3. The Invocati : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 6 p. 7 ORA NAM BUADH THE INVOCATION OF THE GRACES DUNCAN MACLELLAN, crofter, Carnan, South Uist, heard this poem from Catherine Macaulay in the early years of this century. When the crofters along the east side of South Uist were...
I. Achaine. Invocations. 10. Bless, O Chief : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 30 p. 31 BEANNAICH, A THRIATH NAM FLATH FIAL [10] BLESS, O CHIEF OF GENEROUS CHIEFS p. 30 p. 31 BEANNAICH, a Thriath nam flath fial, Mi fein 's gach sion a ta na m' choir, Beannaich mi 'n am uile ghniomh, Dean mi tearuinte ri m'...
Untitled : * This is volume I of Alexander Carmichael's collection of folk poetry from the Western Isles of Scotland. Carmichael spent years collecting folklore from the vanishing cultures of Scotland. The poems in this volume include prayers, invocations, blessings and charms. They are a synthesis...
I. Achaine. Invocations. 39. Soul Shrine : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 92 p. 93 COICH-ANAMA [39] SOUL-SHRINE p. 92 p. 93 AINGHIL Dhe, a fhuair mo churam, Bho Athair cubhraidh na trocaireachd, Cuartachadh caon na Cro-Naoimhe A dheanamh air mo choich-anam a nochd, O air mo choich-anam a nochd. Fuadaich...
Iii. Labour. Oibre. 100. Herding Blessing : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 272 p. 273 BEANNACHADH BUACHAILLEACHD [100] HERDING BLESSING BEING a pastoral people, the Highlanders possess much pastoral poetry. The greater part of this is secular with fragments of sacred poetry interspersed. The herding...
Iii. Labour. Oibre. 110. Loom Blessing. Beannachd : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 300 p. 301 BEANNACHD BEAIRTE [110] LOOM BLESSING p. 300 p. 301 FUIDHEAGAN no corr do shnath Cha do chum 's cha chum mo lamh. Gach dath a ta 's a bhogha-fhrois Chaidh troimh mo mheoirean fo na chrois, Geal is dubh, dearg is madar...
I. Achaine. Invocations. 43. A Resting Prayer : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 100 p. 101 ACHANAIDH TAIMH [43] A RESTING PRAYER p. 100 p. 101 DHE, teasruig an tigh, an teine, 's an tan, Gach aon ta gabhail tamh an seo an nochd. Teasruig mi fein 's mo chroilean graidh, Is gleidh sinn bho lamh 's bho lochd;...
I. Achaine. Invocations. 1. Rune Before Prayer : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 2 p. 3 RANN ROMH URNUIGH RUNE BEFORE PRAYER OLD people in the Isles sing this or some other short hymn before prayer. Sometimes the hymn and the prayer are intoned in low tremulous unmeasured cadences like the moving and moaning...
I. Achaine. Invocations. 37. Bed Blessing : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 88 p. 89 BEANNACHADH LEAPA [37] BED BLESSING p. 88 p. 89 LAIGHIM sios an nochd, Le Moire mhin is le Mac, Le Mathair mo Righ, Tha da m' dhion o gach lochd. Cha laigh mi leis an olc, Cha laigh an t' olc liom, Ach laighidh mi le Di...
I. Achaine. Invocations. 23. The Lustrati : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 58 p. 59 AN LIUTHAIL [23] THE LUSTRATION p. 58 p. 59 TA mi liuthail m' aodainn An caora caon na greine, Mar a liuthail Moire Criosd Am bainne miamh na h-Eiphit. Meilc bhi 'na mo bhial, Ciall bhi 'na mo chainn, An gaol thug Moire...
Next. 113. The Consecration Of The Cloth : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 306 COISRIGEADH AN AODAICH [113] FORMERLY throughout the Highlands and Islands the cloth for the family was made at home. At present home-made clothing is chiefly made in the Islands, and even there to a lesser extent th...
Ii. Aimsire. Seasons. 77. Michael, The Victorious : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 208 p. 209 MICHEAL NAM BUADH MICHAEL, THE VICTORIOUS p. 208 p. 209 MHICHEIL nam buadh, Char tam fo d' dhion, A Mhicheil nan steud geal, 'S nan leug lanna liomh, Fhir bhuadhaich an dreagain, Bi fein ri mo chul, Fhir-chuartach n...
Iii. Labour. Oibre. 102. Herding Blessing : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 276 p. 277 BEANNACHADH BUACHAILLEACHD [102] HERDING BLESSING p. 276 p. 277 SIUBHAL beinne, siubhal baile, Siubhal featha fada, farsuinn, Buachailleachd Mhic De mu'r casaibh, Buan is reidh gun teid sibh dachaidh, Buachailleachd...
I. Achaine. Invocations. 25. God Guide Me : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 64 p. 65 DHE STIUIR MI [25] GOD GUIDE ME p. 64 p. 65 DHE stiuir mi le d' ghliocas, Dhe smachd mi le d' cheartas, Dhe foir mi le d' throcair, Dhe comh'n mi le d' chumhachd. Dhe lion mi le d' lanachd, Dhe dion mi le d' sgaileachd...
Ii. Aimsire. Seasons. 67. The Blessing : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 158 p. 159 BEANNACHADH BLIADHNA UIR [67] THE BLESSING OF THE NEW YEAR THIS poem was repeated the first thing on the first day of the year. It was p. 159 common throughout the Highlands and Islands. The writer has heard versions...
Ii. Aimsire. Seasons. 76. The Feast Day : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 194 p. 195 LA FEILL MOIRE [76] THE FEAST DAY OF MARY THE Feast Day of Mary the Great is the 15th day of August. Early in the morning of this day the people go into their fields and pluck ears of corn, generally here, to make...
Iii. Labour. Oibre. 105. A Herding Cro : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 282 p. 283 CRONAN CUALLAICH [105] A HERDING CROON p. 282 p. 283 AN crodh an diugh a dol imirig, Hill-i-ruin is o h-ug o, Ho ro la ill o, Hill-i-ruin is o h-ug o, Dol a dh' itheadh feur na cille, Hill-i-ruin is o h-ug o, Am...
Ii. Aimsire. Seasons. Header : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 124 p. 125 II AIMSIRE SEASONS
Iii. Labour. Oibre. 111 Setting The Iomairt : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 302 p. 303 SUIDHEACHADH NA H-IOMAIRT [111] SETTING THE IOMAIRT 'IMIRT, iomairt, iumairt, umairt' is cloth striped lengthwise, not crosswise. While the warp of the 'iomairt' is composed of stripes of various colours, the weft is...
Iii. Labour. Oibre. 118. The Ocean Blessing : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 324 p. 325 BEANNACHADH CUAIN THE OCEAN BLESSING p. 324 p. 325 THI tha chomhnadh nan ard, Tiuirich duinn do bheannachd aigh, Iomchair leinn air bharr an t-sal, Iomchair sinn gu cala tamh, Beannaich ar sgioba agus bat, Beannaich...
Iii. Labour. Oibre. 108. The Clipping Blessing : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 292 p. 293 AM BEANNACHD LOMBAIDH [108] THE CLIPPING BLESSING WHEN a man has shorn a sheep and has set p. 293 it free, he waves his hand after it and says:-- p. 292 p. 293 FALBH lom 's thig molach, Beir am boirionn Bealltain, Bride...
I. Achaine. Invocations. 4. A General Supplicati : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 12 p. 13 ACHANAIDH CHOITCHEANN A GENERAL SUPPLICATION p. 12 p. 13 DHE, eisd ri m' urnuigh, Lub rium do chluas, Leig m' achan agus m' urnuigh. T' ionnsuidh a suas. Thig, a Righ na glorach Da m' chomhnadh a nuas, A Righ na bith 's...
Iii. Labour. Oibre. 121. Sea Prayer. Urnuigh Mhara : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 332 p. 333 URNUIGH MHARA [121] SEA PRAYER p. 332 p. 333 STIURADAIR Beannaicht an long. HELMSMAN Blest be the boat. SGIOBA Beannaicheadh Dia an t-Athair i. CREW God the Father bless her. STIURADAIR Beannaicht an long. HELMSM...
Iii. Labour. Oibre. 101. Herding Blessing : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 274 p. 275 BEANNACHADH BUACHAILLEACHD [101] HERDING BLESSING p. 274 p. 275 CUIRIDH mi an Di seo romham, Mar a dh' orduich Righ an domhan, Bride 'g an gleidheadh, 'g an coimhead, 's 'g an comhnadh, Air bheann, air ghleann, air...
Ii. Aimsire. Seasons. 75. Hymn Of The Processi : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 192 p. 193 LAOIDH AN TRIALL HYMN OF THE PROCESSION p. 192 p. 193 MHICHEIL mhil nan steud geala, Choisinn cios air Dragon fala, Ghaol Dia 's pian Mhic Muire, Sgaoil do sgiath oirnn, dion sinn uile, Sgaoil do sgiath oirnn, dion sinn...
Ii. Aimsire. Seasons. 58. Hey The Gift. Heire : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 138 p. 139 HEIRE BANNAG [58] HEY THE GIFT THESE carols were sung by a band of men who went about from house to house in the townland. The band selected a leader for their singing and for their actions throughout the night. This...
I. Achaine. Invocations. 38 The Soul Shrine : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 90 p. 91 A CHOICH ANAMA [38] THE SOUL SHRINE THE Soul Shrine is sung by the people as they retire to rest. They say that the angels of heaven guard them in sleep and shield them from harm. Should any untoward event p. 91 occur...
Title Page : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. ii CARMINA GADELICA ORTHA NAN GAIDHEAL p. v CARMINA GADELICA Hymns And Incantations "With Illustrative Notes on Words, Rites, and Customs, Dying and Obsolete: Orally Collected in the Highlands and Islands of Scotl...
I. Achaine. Invocations. 54. The New Mo : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 122 p. 123 A GHEALACH UR [54] THE NEW MOON THIS little prayer is said by old men and women in the islands of Barra. When they first see the new moon they make their obeisance to it as to a great chief. The women curtsey gracefully...
I. Achaine. Invocations. 6. Jesu, Thou S : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 18 p. 19 IOS, A MHIC MUIRE JESU, THOU SON OF MARY p. 18 p. 19 IOS, a Mhic Muire Dean trocair oirnn, Amen. Ios, a Mhic Muire Dean siochain ruinne, Amen. Ruinn agus leinn Far am faide am bi sinn, Amen. Bi mu thus ar slighe, Bi mu...
Iii. Labour. Oibre. 109. The Chant : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 294 p. 295 DUAN DEILBH [109] THE CHANT OF THE WARPING DURING the winter months the women of Highland households are up late and early at 'calanas'--this comprehensive term embracing the whole process of wool-working from the raw...
Ii. Aimsire. Seasons. 78. The Blessing : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 212 p. 213 AN BEANNACHADH STRAIN [78] THE BLESSING OF THE 'STRAN' p. 212 p. 213 GACH min tha fo m' chleibh, Theid am measgadh le cheil, An ainm Mhic De, Thug fas daibh. Bainn is uibheann is im, Sochair mhath ar cuid fhin, Cha bhi...
I. Achaine. Invocations. 19. Desires. Ruin : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 50 p. 51 RUIN [19] DESIRES p. 50 p. 51 LABHRAM gach la a reir do cheartais, Gach la taisbim do smachd, a Dhe; Labhram gach la a reir do reachd-sa, Gach la is oidhche bithim toigh riut fein. Gach la cunntam fath do throcair, Toirim...
I. Achaine. Invocations. 16. The Lightener : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 44 p. 45 SORCHAR NAN REUL [16] THE LIGHTENER OF THE STARS p. 44 p. 45 FEUCH Sorchar nan reul Air corbha nan neul, Agus ceolradh nan speur Ri luaidh dha. Tighinn le caithrim a nuas Bho an Athair tha shuas, Clar agus farcha nan du...
Iii. Labour. Oibre. 115. Consecrating : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 314 p. 315 COISRIGEADH NA SEILG [115] CONSECRATING THE CHASE THIS hymn was sung by the hunter when he went away in the p. 315 morning, and when he had bathed his hands and face in the junction of the first three streams he met. p...
Iii. Labour. Oibre. 92. The Quern Blessing : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 254 p. 255 BEANNACHADH BRATHAIN THE QUERN BLESSING p. 254 p. 255 OIDHCH Inid Bi feoil againn, 'S bu choir 'uinn sin Bu choir 'uinn sin. Leth-cheann circe, 'S da ghreim eorna, 'S bu leoir 'uinn sin Bu leoir 'uinn sin. Bi bin againn...
Iii. Labour. Oibre. 103. The Protecti : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 278 p. 279 COMRAIG NAM BA [103] THE PROTECTION OF THE CATTLE p. 278 p. 279 BLARAGAN reidh, fada, farsuinn, Faileagan feile fo 'r casan, Cairdeas Mhic De dh' ar toir dhachaidh Gu faiche nam fuaran, Faiche nam fuaran. Gum bu duinte...
I. Achaine. Invocations. 17 The Cross : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 46 p. 47 CROIS NAN NAOMH AGUS NAN AINGEAL [17] THE CROSS OF THE SAINTS AND THE ANGELS p. 46 p. 47 CROIS nan naomh agus nan aingeal liom Bho fhrois m' aodain gu faobhar mo bhonn. * * * * * * A Mhicheil mhil, a Mhoire ghlorach...
Ii. Aimsire. Seasons. 68. Christ The Priest : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 160 p. 161 CRIOSDA CLEIREACH OS AR CIONN [68] CHRIST THE PRIEST ABOVE US p. 160 p. 161 CRIOSDA Cleireach os ar cionn, Dh' orduich Ti nan dul do gach dull a t'ann. Criosda Cleireach os ar cionn. Nochd oidhch a chrochaidh chruaidh...
Iii. Labour. Oibre. 113. The Consecrati : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 308 p. 309 COISRIGEADH AN AODAICH THE CONSECRATION OF THE CLOTH p. 308 p. 309 IS math a ghabhas mi mo rann, A teurnadh le gleann; Aon rann, Da rann, Tri rann, Ceithir rann, Coig rann, Sia rann, Seachd rann, Seachd gu lath rann...
Ii. Aimsire. Seasons. 69. The Day Of St Columb : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 162 p. 163 LA CHALUIM-CHILLE [69] THE DAY OF ST COLUMBA DIARDAOIN, Didaoirn--the day between the fasts--Thursday, was St Columba's Day--Diardaoin Chaluim-chille, St Columba's Thursday--and through him the day of many important...
Iii. Labour. Oibre. 83. Kindling The Fire : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 232 p. 233 TOGAIL AN TEINE [83] KINDLING THE FIRE p. 232 p. 233 TOGAIDH mis an tula Mar a thogadh Muire. Cairn Bhride 's Mhuire Air an tula 's air an lar, 'S air an fhardaich uile. Co iad ri luim an lair? Eoin, Peadail agus Pail...
Iii. Labour. Oibre. 85. Smooring The Fire : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 236 p. 237 SMALADH AN TEINE [85] SMOORING THE FIRE p. 236 p. 237 CAIRIDH mi an tula, Mar a chaireadh Muire, Claim Bhride 's Mhuire, Car an tula 's car an lair, 'S car an ardraich uile. Co iad air lian a muigh? Micheal grian-gheal...
Next. 70. Genealogy Of Bride. Sloinntireachd : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 164 SLOINNTIREACHD BHRIDE [70] THE Genealogy of Bride was current among people who had a latent belief in its efficacy. Other hymns to Bride were sung on her festival, but nothing now remains except the names and fragments...
Iii. Labour. Oibre. 114. Hunting Blessing : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 310 p. 311 BEANNACHADH SEILG [114] HUNTING BLESSING A YOUNG man was consecrated before he went out to hunt. Oil was put on his head, a bow was placed in his hand, and he was required to stand with bare feet on the bare grassless...
Ii. Aimsire. Seasons. 57. Christmas Chant : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 134 p. 135 DUAN NOLLAIG [57] CHRISTMAS CHANT p. 134 p. 135 HOIRE! hoire! beannaicht e! beannaicht e! Hoire! hoire! beannaicht e! beannaicht e! Ho! hi! beannaicht an Righ! Ho! hi! biodh aoibh. Buaidh biodh air an tulaich seo, N...
I. Achaine. Invocations. 42 The Dedicati : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 98 p. 99 AN TIONNSGANN [42] THE DEDICATION p. 98 p. 99 TAING dhuit, a Dhe Thug mise bho 'n de Gu tos an diugh, Chum solas siorruidh A chosnadh dha m' chre Le feum maith. 'S air son gach tiodhlac sith A dh'iobair thu dhomh, Mo...
I. Achaine. Invocations. 2. God With Me Lying : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 4 p. 5 DIA LIOM A LAIGHE GOD WITH ME LYING DOWN THIS poem was taken down in 1866 from Mary Macrae, Harris. She came from Kintail when young, with Alexander Macrae, whose mother was one of the celebrated ten daughters of Macleod...
Introduction : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. xxv INTRODUCTION THIS work consists of old lore collected during the last forty-four years. It forms a small part of a large mass of oral literature written down from the recital of men and women throughout the Highlands...
I. Achaine. Invocations. 27. Come I This : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 68 p. 69 THIGEAM AN DIUGH [27] COME I THIS DAY p. 68 p. 69 THIGEAM an diugh 'an t-Athair, Thigeam an diugh 'an Mhac, Thigeam 'an Spiorad neartor naomh; Thigeam an diugh le Dia, Thigeam an diugh le Criosd, Thigeam le Spiorad...
I. Achaine. Invocations. 30. The Gifts : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 74 p. 75 TIUBHRADH NAN TRI [30] THE GIFTS OF THE THREE p. 74 p. 75 SPIORAID, tiubhair dhomh do phailteas, Athair, tiubhair dhomh do ghliocas, Mhic, tiubhair dhomh na m' airceas, Iosa fo fhasga do sgeith. Laigheam sios a nochd, Le...
I. Achaine. Invocations. 20. Invocati : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 52 p. 53 ORA CEARTAIS [20] INVOCATION FOR JUSTICE PROVERBS anent law and justice abound in Gaelic, as:--'Is cam agus is direach an lagh':--Crooked and straight is the law. Bheir buidire breith ach co bheir ceartas?'--A witling may...
I. Achaine. Invocations. 52. The Death Blessing : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 118 p. 119 AM BEANNACHADH BAIS [52] THE DEATH BLESSING p. 118 p. 119 DHIA, na diobair a bhean a d' mhuinntireas, [fear Agus a liuth olc a rinn a corp, Nach urr i nochd a chunntachas; A liuth olc a rinn a corp, Nach urr i nochd...
Iii. Labour. Oibre. 95. Milking Blessing : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 262 p. 263 BEANNACHADH BLEOGHAIN [95] MILKING BLESSING p. 262 p. 263 BHEIR Calum-cille dhi-se piseach, Bheir Coibhi cinneil dhi-se fiar, Bheir m' aghan ballaidh dhomh-s' am bainne 'S a laogh bainionn air a bial. Ho! m' aghan, m'...
I. Achaine. Invocations. 32. Resting Blessing : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 78 p. 79 BEANNACHD TAIMH [32] RESTING BLESSING p. 78 p. 79 AN ainm an Tighearn Iosa, Agus Spiorad ocshlain aigh, An ainm Athar Israil, Sinim sios gu tamh. Ma tha musal na dusal, Na run air bith dhomh 'n dan, Dhia fuasgail orm is...
Iii. Labour. Oibre. 89. Reaping Blessing : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 246 p. 247 BEANNACHADH BUANA [89] REAPING BLESSING THE day the people began to reap the corn was a day of commotion and ceremonial in the townland. The whole family repaired to the field dressed in their best attire to hail...
Ii. Aimsire. Seasons. 55. Christmas Hail : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 126 p. 127 NUALL NOLLAIG [55] CHRISTMAS HAIL CHRISTMAS chants were numerous and their recital common throughout Scotland. They are now disappearing with the customs they accompanied. Where they still linger their recital is...
Iii. Labour. Oibre. 93. Milking Croon. Cr : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 258 p. 259 CRONAN BLEOGHAIN [93] MILKING CROON THE milking songs of the people are numerous and varied. They are sung to pretty airs, to please the cows and to induce them to give their milk, The cows become accustomed to these...
Ii. Aimsire. Seasons. 63. Hogmanay : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 148 p. 149 CALLUINN A BHUILG [63] HOGMANAY OF THE SACK CALLUINEN HO!--This rune is still repeated in the Isles. Rarely, however, do two persons recite it alike. This renders it difficult to decide the right form of the words...
Ii. Aimsire. Seasons. 77. Michael, The Victorious. Part 02 : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 198 MICHEAL NAM BUAIDH [77] ST MICHAEL IS spoken of as 'brian Michael,' god Michael. 'Bu tu gaisgeach na misnich Dol air astar na fiosachd, Is tu nach siubhladh air criplich, Ghabh thu steud briain Micheil, E gun chabstar n...
Iii. Labour. Oibre. 94. Milking Croon. Cr : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 260 p. 261 CRONAN BLEOGHAIN [94] MILKING CROON p. 260 p. 261 SIAN a chuir Moire nam buadh, Moch is anamoch dol dachaidh is uath, Buachaille Padruig, is banachaig Bride, D' ur sion, d' ur dion, 's d' ur comhnadh. Ho hi holigan, ho...
Iii. Labour. Oibre. 120. Ruler Of The Elements : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 330 p. 331 RIAGHLAIR NAN SIAN [120] RULER OF THE ELEMENTS p. 330 p. 331 CLANN Israil is Dia da 'n gabhail, Troimh 'n Mhuir Ruaidh fhuair iad rathad, Is ann a fhuair iad casg am pathaidh, An creag nach d' fhaodadh le s...
Iii. Labour. Oibre. 116. Prayer For Travelling : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 316 p. 317 ORA TURAIS [116] PRAYER FOR TRAVELLING THIS hymn was sung by a pilgrim in setting out on his pilgrimage. The family and friends joined the traveller p. 317 in singing the hymn and starting the journey, from which too...
Iii. Labour. Oibre. 112. Loom Blessing. Beannachadh : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 304 p. 305 BEANNACHADH GARMAIN [112] LOOM BLESSING IN the Outer Isles women generally do the weaving, while in the Inner Isles and on the mainland it is usually done by men. In Uist, when the woman stops weaving on Saturday night...
Iii. Labour. Oibre. Header : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 228 p. 229 III OIBRE LABOUR
I. Achaine. Invocations. 34. Bed Blessing : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 82 p. 83 BEANNACHADH LEAPA [34] BED BLESSING p. 82 p. 83 LAIGHIM sios an nochd mar is coir An cluanas Chriosda Mac Oigh nan cleachd, An cluanas Athair aigh na gloir, An cluanas Spioraid foir nam feart. Laighim sios an nochd le Di...
Ii. Aimsire. Seasons. 60. The Gift Of Power : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 142 p. 143 BANNAG NAM BUADH [60] THE GIFT OF POWER p. 142 p. 143 IS mise Bannag, is mise Bochd, Is mise Fear na h-oidhche nochd. Is mise Mac De anns an dorus, Di-luain air thuaradh nam bannag. Is uasal Bride mhin-gheal air a glun...
Ii. Aimsire. Seasons. 64. Hogmanay Carol : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 150 p. 151 CAIRIOLL CALLAIG [64] HOGMANAY CAROL p. 150 p. 151 NIS tha mis air tighinn dh' ur duthaich A dh' urachadh dhuibh na Callaig; Cha leig mi leas a dhol ga innse, Bha i ann ri linn ar seanar. Dirim ris an ardorus, Teurnam...
Ii. Aimsire. Seasons. 62 The Shepherd : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 146 p. 147 RUGADH BUACHAILLE NAN TREUD [62] THE SHEPHERD OF THE FLOCK WAS BORN p. 146 p. 147 OIDHCHE sin a dhealraich an reult, Rugadh Buachaille nan treud, Le Oigh nan ceudaibh beus, Moire Mhathar. An Trianaid shiorruidh r'...
I. Achaine. Invocations. 12. A Prayer : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 34 p. 35 ACHANAIDH GRAIS [12] A PRAYER FOR GRACE p. 34 p. 35 TA mi lubadh mo ghlun An suil an Athar a chruthaich mi, An suil a Mhic a cheannaich mi, An suil a Spioraid a ghlanaich mi, Le gradh agus run. Doirt a nuas oirnn...
I. Achaine. Invocations. 5. God Be With Us : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 14 p. 15 DHE BI MAILLE RUINN GOD BE WITH US THE three poems which follow were obtained from Dr Donald Munro Morrison in 1889, a few days before he died. Dr Morrison heard them from an old man known as 'Coinneach Saor'--Kenneth...
Ii. Aimsire. Seasons. 56. Christmas Carol : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 132 p. 133 DUAN NOLLAIG [56] CHRISTMAS CAROL p. 132 p. 133 HOIRE! hoire! beannaicht e! beannaicht e! Hoire! hoire! beannaicht e! beannaicht e! Hoire! hoire! beannaicht e'n Righ dh' am bi sinn a' seinn, Ho! ro! biodh aoibh! Nochd...
I. Achaine. Invocations. 9. Rune Of The 'muthairn : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 28 p. 29 DUAN NA MUTHAIRN RUNE OF THE 'MUTHAIRN' p. 28 p. 29 A RIGH na gile, A Righ na greine, A Righ na rinne, A Righ na reula, A Righ na cruinne, A Righ na speura, Is aluinn do ghnuis, A lub eibhinn. Da lub shioda Shios ri d'...
I. Achaine. Invocations. 8. A Prayer. Uirnigh : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 26 p. 27 UIRNIGH A PRAYER p. 26 p. 27 A DHIA, Ann mo ghniamh, Ann mo bhriathar, Ann mo mhiann, Ann mo chiall, Ann an riarachd mo chail, Ann mo shuain, Ann mo bhruail, Ann mo chluain, Ann mo smuain, Ann mo chridh agus m'anam...
I. Achaine. Invocations. 21. Invocati : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 54 p. 55 ORA CEARTAIS [21] INVOCATION FOR JUSTICE p. 54 p. 55 DHE, tha mi liuthail m' aodainn, Anns na naodh gatha greine, Mar a liuthail Moire a Mac, Am bainne brac breine. Meilc a bhi 'na m' aodann, Maon a bhi 'na m' ghnuis...
I. Achaine. Invocations. 22. Prayer For Victory : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 56 p. 57 ORA BUAIDH [22] PRAYER FOR VICTORY p. 56 p. 57 IONNLAIDH mi m' aodann 'S na naoi gatha greine, Mar a dh' ionnlaid Moir a Mac, Am bainne bragh na breine. Mil a bhi 'na m' bheul, Seirc a bhi 'na m' aodann; An gaol thug...
I. Achaine. Invocations. 50. The Baptism : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 114 p. 115 AM BEANNACHADH BAISTIDH [50] THE BAPTISM BLESSING IT is known that a form of baptism prevailed among the Celts previous to the introduction of Christianity, as forms of baptism prevail among pagan people now. Whenever...
I. Achaine. Invocations. 45. Blessing : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 104 p. 105 BEANNACHADH TAIGHE [45] BLESSING OF HOUSE p. 104 p. 105 DHE, beannaich an taigh, Bho steidh gu staidh, Bho chrann gu fraigh, Bho cheann gu saidh, Bho dhronn gu traigh, Bho sgonn gu sgaith, Eadar bhonn agus bhraighe...
Iii. Labour. Oibre. 90. Reaping Blessing : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 248 p. 249 BEANNACHADH BUANA [90] REAPING BLESSING p. 248 p. 249 DI-MAIRT feille ri eirigh greine, Is cul na deise 's an aird an ear, Theid mi mach le m' chorran fo m' sgeith, Is buainidh mi am beum an ceud char. Leigidh mi mo...
I. Achaine. Invocations. 14. Jesu Who Ought : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 38 p. 39 EOSAI BU CHOIR A MHOLADH [14] JESU WHO OUGHT TO BE PRAISED THE reciter said that this poem was composed by a woman in Harris. She was afflicted with leprosy, and was removed from the community on the upland to dwell alone...
Iii. Labour. Oibre. 88. The Consecrati : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 242 p. 243 AN COISRIGEADH SIOIL [88] THE CONSECRATION OF THE SEED THE preparation of the seed-corn is of great importance to the people, who bestow much care on this work. Many ceremonies and proverbs are applied to seedtime...
Next. 75. Hymn Of The Procession. Laoidh An Triall : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 190 LAOIDH AN TRIALL [75] ON the first day of May the people of the crofter townland are up betimes and busy as bees about to swarm. This is the day of migrating, 'bho baffle gu beinn,' from townland to moorland, from the winter...
Ii. Aimsire. Seasons. 70. Genealogy Of Bride : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 174 p. 175 SLOINNTIREACHD BHRIDE GENEALOGY OF BRIDE p. 174 p. 175 SLOINNEADH na Ban-naomh Bride, Lasair dhealrach oir, muime chorr Chriosda. Bride nighinn Dughaill duinn, Mhic Aoidh, mhic Airt, nitric Cuinn, Mhic Crearair, mhic...
Iii. Labour. Oibre. 87. Smooring Blessing : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 240 p. 241 BEANNACHADH SMALAIDH [87] SMOORING BLESSING p. 240 p. 241 SMALAIDH mis an tula Mar a smaladh Muire; Comraig Bhride 's Mhuire, Air an tula 's air an lar, 'S air an fhardaich uile. Co siud air liana mach? Muire...
I. Achaine. Invocations. 18. The Guardi : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 48 p. 49 AN T-AINGHEAL DIONA [18] THE GUARDIAN ANGEL p. 48 p. 49 AINGHIL Dhe a fhuair mo churam Bho Athair cumh na trocaireachd, Ciobaireachd caon cro nan naomh Dheanamh dha mo thaobh a nochd; Fuad uam gach buar is cunnart Cuart...
I. Achaine. Invocations. 48. Hail To Thee : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 110 p. 111 FAILTE A MHOIRE [48] HAIL TO THEE, MARY p. 110 p. 111 FAILTE dhuit, a Mhoire Mhathair! Tha thu lan dhe na grasan caomh, Tha 'n Tighearna Dia maille riut a ghnath. Beannaicht thu, Mhairi, am measg nam mnai, Beannaicht...
Iii. Labour. Oibre. 91. The Blessing : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 250 p. 251 BEANNACHADH FUIRIRIDH [91] THE BLESSING OF THE PARCHING WHEN it is necessary to provide a small quantity of meal hastily, ears of corn are plucked and placed in a net made of the tough roots of the yellow bedstraw, bent...
I. Achaine. Invocations. 51. The Soul Leading : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 116 p. 117 AN TREORAICH ANAMA [51] THE SOUL LEADING DEATH blessings vary in words but not in spirit. These death blessings are known by various names, as: 'Beannachadh Bais,' Death Blessing, 'Treoraich Anama,' Soul Leading, 'Fois...
I. Achaine. Invocations. 29. Sleeping Prayer : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 72 p. 73 URNUIGH CHADAIL [29] SLEEPING PRAYER p. 72 p. 73 TA mi cur m' anama 's mo chorp Air do chomaraig a nochd, a Dhe, Air do chomaraig, Iosa Criosda, Air do chomaraig, a Spioraid na firinne reidh, An Triuir a sheasadh mo chuis...
I. Achaine. Invocations. 47. Hail, Mary : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 108 p. 109 EARNA MHOIRE [47] HAIL, MARY p. 108 p. 109 FAILT, a Mhoire! failt, a Mhoire! Righinn nan gras, Mathair na trocair; Failt, a Mhoire, air mhodh gun choimeas, Geil ar slainte, fath ar solais. Riut tha sinne, dh' oidhch 's...
Iii. Labour. Oibre. 84. Smooring The Fire : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 234 p. 235 SMALADH AN TEINE [84] SMOORING THE FIRE PEAT is the fuel of the Highlands and Islands. Where wood is not obtainable the fire is kept in during the night. The process by which this is accomplished is called in Gaelic...
I. Achaine. Invocations. 31. Sleep Prayer : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 76 p. 77 URNUIGH CHADAIL [31] SLEEP PRAYER p. 76 p. 77 O IOS gun lochd, A Righ nam bochd, A chiosadh gort Fo bhinn nan olc, Dion-s, an nochd, Bho Iudas mi. M' anam air do laimh, a Chriosda, A Righ na Cathrach Neomh, Is tu...
Ii. Aimsire. Seasons. 74. The Beltane Blessing : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 186 p. 187 AM BEANNACHD BEALLTAIN [74] THE BELTANE BLESSING p. 186 p. 187 A MHOIRE, a mhathair nan naomh, Beannaich an t-al 's an crodh-laoigh; Na leig fuath no foirne, 'n ar gaoith, Fuadaich oirnne doigh nan daoi. Cum do shuil...
I. Achaine. Invocations. 28. The Soul Plaint : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 70 p. 71 AN ACHANAIDH ANAMA [28] THE SOUL PLAINT p. 70 p. 71 O IOS, a nochd, Aghair nam bochd, Cholann gun lochd, Dh' fhuilinn gu gort, Fo bhinn nan olc, 'S a cheusadh. Saor mi bho olc, Saor mi bho lochd, Caomhain mo chorp...
Next. 118. The Ocean Blessing. Beannachadh Cuain : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 322 BEANNACHADH CUAIN [118] SEA prayers and sea hymns were common amongst the seafarers of the Western Islands. Probably these originated with the early Celtic missionaries, who constantly traversed in their frail skin coracles...
I. Achaine. Invocations. 11. The Guiding : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 32 p. 33 SOLUS-IUIL NA SIORRUIDHEACHD [11] THE GUIDING LIGHT OF ETERNITY p. 32 p. 33 DHE, thug mis a fois na h-oidhch an raoir Chon solus aoibh an la an diugh, Bi da mo thoir bho sholus ur an la an diugh, Chon solus iul n...
I. Achaine. Invocations. 53. Soul Peace : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 120 p. 121 FOIS ANAMA [53] SOUL PEACE p. 120 p. 121 O 'S tus a Chriosd a cheannaich an t-anam-- Ri linn dioladh na beatha, Ri linn bruchdadh na falluis, Ri linn iobar na creadha, Ri linn dortadh na fala, Ri linn cothrom na meidhe...
Ii. Aimsire. Seasons. 65. The Song Of Hogmanay : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 152 p. 153 DUAN CALLAIG [65] THE SONG OF HOGMANAY p. 152 p. 153 NIST o thaine sinn dh' an duthaich, Dh' urachadh dhuibh na Callaig, Cha ruig uine dhuinn bhi 'g innse, Bha i ann ri linn ar seanar. A direadh ri tobht an taighe...
I. Achaine. Invocations. 49. The Battle : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 112 p. 113 AN CATH NACH TAINIG [49] THE BATTLE TO COME p. 112 p. 113 IOSA Mhic Mhoire eighim air th' ainm, Is air ainm Eoin ostail ghradhaich, Is air ainm gach naoimh 's an domhan dearg, Mo thearmad 's a chath nach tainig, Mo...
Iii. Labour. Oibre. 96. Ho Hoiligean, Ho : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 264 p. 265 HO HOILIGEAN, HO M' AIGHEAN [96] HO HOILIGEAN, HO MY HEIFERS p. 264 p. 265 EUDAIL thu 's thu dh'an chrodh mhara, Chra chluasach, bheum chluasach, bheannach; Chrathadh fual air cruach do sheanar, 'S cha tar thu uam-s'...
I. Achaine. Invocations. 40. I Lie In My : * "Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1", by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900], p. 94 p. 95 LAIGHIM AM LEABAIDH [40] I LIE IN MY BED p. 94 p. 95 LAIGHIM am leabaidh, Mar a laighinn 's an uaigh, Do ruighe ri m' mhuineal, Mhic Mhuire nam buadh. Bidh ainghlean da m' fhaire 'S mi am laighe an suain, 'S bidh...