Lecture Ii. Life After Death The Sojourn : * "Development of Religion and Thought in Ancient Egypt", by James Henry Breasted, [1912], p. 49 LECTURE II LIFE AFTER DEATH--THE SOJOURN IN THE TOMB--DEATH MAKES ITS IMPRESSION ON RELIGION Among no people ancient or modern has the idea of a life beyond the grave held so prominent a place as among...
Lecture X. The Age Of Personal Piety Sacerdotalism : * "Development of Religion and Thought in Ancient Egypt", by James Henry Breasted, [1912], p. 344 LECTURE X THE AGE OF PERSONAL PIETY--SACERDOTALISM AND FINAL DECADENCE The fall of Ikhnaton is shrouded in complete obscurity. The ultimate result was the restoration of Amon by Tutenkhamon, one...
Lecture Vi. The Emergence Of The Moral Sense : * "Development of Religion and Thought in Ancient Egypt", by James Henry Breasted, [1912], p. 165 LECTURE VI THE EMERGENCE OF THE MORAL SENSE--MORAL WORTHINESS AND THE HEREAFTER--SCEPTICISM AND THE PROBLEM OF SUFFERING Nowhere in ancient times has the capacity of a race to control the material...
Lecture Viii. Popularization Of The Old Royal : * "Development of Religion and Thought in Ancient Egypt", by James Henry Breasted, [1912], p. 257 LECTURE VIII POPULARIZATION OF THE OLD ROYAL HEREAFTER--TRIUMPH OF OSIRIS--CONSCIENCE AND THE BOOK OF THE DEAD--MAGIC AND MORALS The scepticism toward preparations for the hereafter involving...
Lecture V. The Osirianization Of The Hereafter : * "Development of Religion and Thought in Ancient Egypt", by James Henry Breasted, [1912], p. 142 LECTURE V THE OSIRIANIZATION OF THE HEREAFTER Probably nothing in the life of the ancient Nile-dwellers commends them more appealingly to our sympathetic consideration than the fact that when...
Lecture Vii. The Social Forces Make Their : * "Development of Religion and Thought in Ancient Egypt", by James Henry Breasted, [1912], p. 199 LECTURE VII THE SOCIAL FORCES MAKE THEIR IMPRESSION ON RELIGION--THE RISE OF SOCIAL REFORMERS--THE EARLIEST SOCIAL REGENERATION The story of the Misanthrope, although that of an "individual"...
Title Page : * "Development of Religion and Thought in Ancient Egypt", by James Henry Breasted, [1912], DEVELOPMENT OF RELIGION AND THOUGHT IN ANCIENT EGYPT: Lectures Delivered On The Morse Foundation At Union Theological Seminary. BY JAMES HENRY BREASTED London : Hodder & Stoughton [1912] Scanned, proofed...
Epitome Of The Development : * "Development of Religion and Thought in Ancient Egypt", by James Henry Breasted, [1912], p. xix EPITOME OF THE DEVELOPMENT Nature furnishes the earliest gods--The national state makes early impression on religion--Its forms pass over into the world of the gods--Their origin and functi...
Lecture I. The Origins. Nature And The State : * "Development of Religion and Thought in Ancient Egypt", by James Henry Breasted, [1912], p. 1 DEVELOPMENT OF RELIGION AND THOUGHT IN ANCIENT EGYPT p. 2 p. 3 LECTURE I THE ORIGINS: NATURE AND THE STATE IN THEIR IMPRESSION ON RELIGION--EARLIEST SYSTEMS The recovery of the history of the nearer...
Lecture Iii. The Realms Of The Dead The Pyramid : * "Development of Religion and Thought in Ancient Egypt", by James Henry Breasted, [1912], p. 70 LECTURE III THE REALMS OF THE DEAD--THE PYRAMID TEXTS--THE ASCENT TO THE SKY The Pharaoh himself might reasonably expect that his imposing tomb would long survive the destruction of the less enduring...
Lecture Iv. Realms Of The Dead The Earliest : * "Development of Religion and Thought in Ancient Egypt", by James Henry Breasted, [1912], p. 118 LECTURE IV REALMS OF THE DEAD--THE EARLIEST CELESTIAL HEREAFTER WE have followed the royal pilgrim as he passed through the celestial gates, where he awaited announcement of his arrival to the Sun-god...
Chronology : * "Development of Religion and Thought in Ancient Egypt", by James Henry Breasted, [1912], CHRONOLOGY Beginning of the Dynasties with Menes, about 3400 B.C. Early Dynasties, I And II, About 3400 To 2980 B.C. Old Kingdom or Pyramid Age, Dynasties III to VI, 2980 to 2475 B.C., roughly the first five...
Untitled : * Most of the 19th century work in Egyptology was done by German, French or English researchers. James Henry Breasted (1865-1935) was the first American citizen to get a PhD in Egyptology, at the University of Berlin. In this book, Breasted details the evolution of religious belief through...
Preface : * "Development of Religion and Thought in Ancient Egypt", by James Henry Breasted, [1912], p. xiii PREFACE Contrary to the popular and current impression, the most important body of sacred literature in Egypt is not the Book of the Dead, but a much older literature which we now call the "Pyramid...
Lecture Ix. The Imperial Age The World State : * "Development of Religion and Thought in Ancient Egypt", by James Henry Breasted, [1912], p. 312 LECTURE IX THE IMPERIAL AGE--THE WORLD-STATE MAKES ITS IMPRESSION ON RELIGION--TRIUMPH OF RE--EARLIEST MONOTHEISM--IKHNATON (AMENHOTEP IV) In the Feudal Age the "social" realm had made its impressi...