51 100 : * "Doctrine of Faith", by Emanuel Swedenborg, [1763], tr. by John F. Potts [1904], DOCTRINE OF FAITH 51. As the Philistines represented those who are in faith separated from charity, they were called "the uncircumcised," by whom are meant those who are devoid of spiritual love, and consequently...
1 50 : * "Doctrine of Faith", by Emanuel Swedenborg, [1763], tr. by John F. Potts [1904], DOCTRINE OF FAITH 1. FAITH IS AN INTERNAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF TRUTH. At the present day the term Faith is taken to mean the mere thought that the thing is so because the church so teaches, and because it is not...
Title Page : * "Doctrine of Faith", by Emanuel Swedenborg, [1763], tr. by John F. Potts [1904], Doctrine of Faith by Emanuel Swedenborg. Originally written in 1763. Translated by John F. Potts, 1904. Etext prepared by Theodore D. Webber (doug [email protected]), 2007.