Title Page : * "Histories of the Kings of Britain, by Gfry of Monmouth", tr. by Sebastian Evans, [1904], THE TEMPLE CLASSICS GFREY OF MONMOUTH TRANSLATED BY SEBASTIAN EVANS, LL.D. MDCCCCIV. PUBLISHED BY J.M. DENT AND CO: ALDINE HOUSE, LONDON W.C. [1904] Title Page Frontispiece Scanned, proofed and formatted by...
Book I : * "Histories of the Kings of Britain, by Gfry of Monmouth", tr. by Sebastian Evans, [1904], p. 2 p. 3 GFREY OF MONMOUTH'S HISTORIES OF THE KINGS OF BRITAIN BOOK I CHAPTER I EPISTLE DEDICATORY TO ROBERT, EARL OF GLOUCESTER Gfrey's Prologutentimes in turning over in mine own mind the many themes...
Book V : * "Histories of the Kings of Britain, by Gfry of Monmouth", tr. by Sebastian Evans, [1904], p. 110 BOOK V CHAPTER I Lucius the Glorious diethMeanwhile King Lucius the Glorious, when he saw how the worship of the true faith had been magnified in his kingdom, did rejoice with exceeding great joy...
Book X : * "Histories of the Kings of Britain, by Gfry of Monmouth", tr. by Sebastian Evans, [1904], p. 259 BOOK X CHAPTER I The Roman musterLucius Hiberius, when he learnt that such answer had been decreed, by command of the Senate called forth the Kings of the Orient to make ready their armies and come...
Book Ii : * "Histories of the Kings of Britain, by Gfry of Monmouth", tr. by Sebastian Evans, [1904], p. 36 BOOK II CHAPTER I Locrine and IgnogeNow Ignoge, the wife of Brute, bare unto him three sons of high renown, whose names were Locrine, Albanact and Camber. When their father departed this life...
Book Vi : * "Histories of the Kings of Britain, by Gfry of Monmouth", tr. by Sebastian Evans, [1904], p. 136 BOOK VI CHAPTER I Gratian Municeps slainNow Gratian the Burgess, when he heard of Maximian's being murdered, assumed the crown of the kingdom, and made himself King. Thenceforth such tyranny wrought...
Book Iii : * "Histories of the Kings of Britain, by Gfry of Monmouth", tr. by Sebastian Evans, [1904], p. 58 BOOK III CHAPTER I Belinus and BrenniusAfter Dunwallo's death, his two sons, Belinus, to wit, and Brennius, both desirous of succeeding him in the kingdom, clashed the one upon the other with a mighty...
Book Xii : * "Histories of the Kings of Britain, by Gfry of Monmouth", tr. by Sebastian Evans, [1904], p. 302 BOOK XII CHAPTER I Ethelfrid and CadvanThereafter all the princes of the Britons did come together in the city of Leicester, and took common counsel that they would make Cadvan their King, and th...
Book Vii : * "Histories of the Kings of Britain, by Gfry of Monmouth", tr. by Sebastian Evans, [1904], p. 170 BOOK VII CHAPTER I OF THE PROPHECIES OF MERLIN Gfrey's addressI had not come so far as this place of my history, when by reason of the much talk that was made about Merlin my contemporaries did...
The Translator's Epilogue : * "Histories of the Kings of Britain, by Gfry of Monmouth", tr. by Sebastian Evans, [1904], p. 328 p. 329 THE TRANSLATOR'S EPILOGUE Gfrey ArthurIn the first and last chapters of his work, Gfrey of Monmouth tells his readers how deeply he is indebted to Walter, Archdeacon of Oxford...
Book Viii : * "Histories of the Kings of Britain, by Gfry of Monmouth", tr. by Sebastian Evans, [1904], p. 189 BOOK VIII CHAPTER I Merlin foretelleth the king's deathWhen Merlin had delivered these and many other prophecies, all they that stood by were stricken with amazement at his words, albeit that they...
Book Xi : * "Histories of the Kings of Britain, by Gfry of Monmouth", tr. by Sebastian Evans, [1904], p. 288 BOOK XI CHAPTER I Arthur hasteneth to BritainHer, verily, most noble Earl, will Gfrey of Monmouth say nought. Natheless, according as he hath found it in the British discourse aforementioned...
Book Iv : * "Histories of the Kings of Britain, by Gfry of Monmouth", tr. by Sebastian Evans, [1904], p. 83 BOOK IV CHAPTER I Csar beholdeth BritainIn the meantime it so fell out, as may be found in the Roman histories, that after he had conquered Gaul, Julius Csar came to the coast of the Ruteni. And when...
Untitled : * Gfrey of Monmouth's Histories of the Kings of Britain was a medieval attempt to forge a national epic for the British people, shortly after the Norman conquest. Gfrey invented a mythical back-history for the Britons, starting, as Virgil did, with a fugitive from the sack of Troy, named Brute...
Book Ix : * "Histories of the Kings of Britain, by Gfry of Monmouth", tr. by Sebastian Evans, [1904], p. 226 BOOK IX CHAPTER I Dubricius crowneth ArthurAfter the death of Uther Pendragon, the barons of Britain did come together from the divers provinces unto the city of Silchester, and did bear on h...