Untitled : * This is a short treatise by a western, esoteric writer of the early 20th century. If you are looking for concrete information on the Kabbalah, or authoritative texts on that subject, please refer to the Kabbalah section of the Judaism page. The author speaks in very general terms, referring most...
Vi. The Peace That Passeth Understanding : * "Hidden Treasures of the Ancient Qabalah", by Elias Gewurz, [1918], p. 82 p. 83 "The Peace That Passeth Understanding" p. 84 For only they who in full completeness Have drained life's wine to its very lees, With all its bitterness and all its sweetness Can joy completely in God's great peace...
Iii. Spiritual Companionship Between Man And Woman : * "Hidden Treasures of the Ancient Qabalah", by Elias Gewurz, [1918], p. 42 THE HOLY SUPPER The Holy Supper is kept, indeed, Whenever we share another's need. Not what we give, but what we share, The gift without the giver is bare. He who giveth Himself with his gift, feedeth three, Himself, his...
Vii. Justice And Mercy : * "Hidden Treasures of the Ancient Qabalah", by Elias Gewurz, [1918], p. 92 p. 93 "Justice and Mercy" p. 94 "And enter not into judgment with us, for in thy sight no living man shall be justified". p. 95 VII. JUSTICE AND MERCY When does one become a Master? When one has learned all the lessons...
What Is The Qabalah : * "Hidden Treasures of the Ancient Qabalah", by Elias Gewurz, [1918], p. 3 WHAT IS THE QABALAH? The Qabalah is the Secret Doctrine of the Jews, handed down throughout the ages by the great teachers to their beloved disciples under the solemn vow of secrecy. In the Twelfth Century, however...
Title Page : * "Hidden Treasures of the Ancient Qabalah", by Elias Gewurz, [1918], p. 1 Title Page THE HIDDEN TREASURES OF THE ANCIENT QABALAH BY ELIAS GEWURZ "And cherish deep within thy heart the memory of those who have served as a channel of light to thy perplexed soul, and be thou grateful to them"."...
I. The Vessel In Which Transmutation Takes Place : * "Hidden Treasures of the Ancient Qabalah", by Elias Gewurz, [1918], p. 6 "Rabbi Eleazar, the beloved disciple of the Heavenly flame (Rabbi Simeon), was pondering over the words of the Psalmist, "And unto the broken in heart the Lord is nigh. Master," he said, "why should it require the breaking...
X. Regeneration According To The Qabalah : * "Hidden Treasures of the Ancient Qabalah", by Elias Gewurz, [1918], p. 122 "Regeneration According to the Qabalah" p. 123 "For what is a seed but a cylinder on which is registered in photographic script the autobiography of its evolution". p. 124 REGENERATION ACCORDING TO THE QABALAH There is...
Ii. The Feminine Elements In Man And Their : * "Hidden Treasures of the Ancient Qabalah", by Elias Gewurz, [1918], p. 26 p. 27 THE FEMININE ELEMENTS IN MAN AND THEIR REDEEMING POWER p. 28 "Much shall be forgiven unto her who loveth much". ........................... ........................... Love on, through doubt and darkness, and believe...
Viii. On The Threshold Of The Sanctuary : * "Hidden Treasures of the Ancient Qabalah", by Elias Gewurz, [1918], p. 104 p. 105 "On the Threshold of the Sanctuary" p. 106 I know not where his islands lift Their fronded palms in air, I only know I cannot drift Beyond his love and care. --Whittier." p. 107 VIII. ON THE THRESHOLD...
V. The Mystery Of Time And Space : * "Hidden Treasures of the Ancient Qabalah", by Elias Gewurz, [1918], p. 71 "The Mystery of Time and Space" p. 72 O, sometimes comes to soul and sense The feeling which is evidence That very near about us lies The realm of Spirit mysteries.--Whittier. p. 73 V. THE MYSTERY OF TIME AND SPACE Time...
Ix. The Light Eternal According To The Qabalah : * "Hidden Treasures of the Ancient Qabalah", by Elias Gewurz, [1918], p. 119 "The Light Eternal According to the Qabalah" p. 120 The secret Brotherhoods which formed the splendour of Egypt taught that life itself is the great Initiator, and the Qabalah, from which the Wisdom of the Egypti...
A Qabalistic Prayer : * "Hidden Treasures of the Ancient Qabalah", by Elias Gewurz, [1918], p. 126 A QABALISTIC PRAYER Eternal God, Father of our spirit, enlighten us how to pray rightly unto thee. We would waste no vain words and we desire no material benefits. But our hearts yearn and long for the knowledge of Thee...
Iv. The Knowledge Of God Obtainable Through : * "Hidden Treasures of the Ancient Qabalah", by Elias Gewurz, [1918], p. 59 "The Knowledge of God Obtainable Through Love Pure and Undefiled" p. 60 A picket frozen on his duty, A mother starved for her brood, Socrates drinking the Hemlock, And Jesus on the Rood. And the millions who, humble...