Introduction : Dr. Paul Schliemann, the distinguished grandson of the late Dr. Heinrich Schliemann, finder of ancient Troy and one of the world's greatest archaeologists, presents here one of the most remarkable and fascinating narratives of discovery every published. Atlantis is the legendary continent...
How I Found The Lost Atlantis, The Source : HOW I FOUND THE LOST ATLANTIS, THE SOURCE OF ALL CIVILIZATION BY DR. PAUL SCHLIEMANN ("Column One") Some days before my grandfather, Dr. Heinrich Schliemann, the real discoverer of the great Mycenean civilization whose history is preserved in the books of Homer, died in Naples in 1890, he left...
Illustration. The Owl Headed Vase And Two : In the Circle Above Is a Copy of the Ancient Owl-Headed Vase Which Dr. Schliemann Found at Mycenae. The Phoenician Inscription Can Be Seen Above the Owl's Head. Below It Are Two Other Objects Discovered in the Same Collection and Believed to Have Come from Atlantis.
Sidebar. What The Lost Atlantis Is Supposed : WHAT THE LOST ATLANTIS IS SUPPOSED TO HAVE BEEN A GREAT island in the Atlantic opposite the Mediterranean; the remnant of a mighty continent which once reached from the west coast of Africa and Europe to the shores of Central America. The ancient world had a clear tradition of it. It was utterly...
Illustration. Siegfried And The Dragon : "SIEGFRIED AND THE DRAGON" The Norse Pantheon and Heroes, Like the Greek, Were Only Memories of Actual Kings, Queens and Heroes of Atlantis, Says Dr. Schliemann. The Siegfried Legend, Like the Greek Legend of Theseus, Is a Real Story of Real Exploits by Real Atlanteans Ages Ago.
Illustration. Atlantis : A Reconstruction of the Lost Continent of Atlantis Made from Deep Sea Surveys by the United States Government. The Gulf Stream Ran About the Continent, Taking Exactly the Same Course as It Does Now, Turning East at the Banks of Newfoundland and Circling on its Way to Europe the Submerged Dolph...
Headline : HOW I FOUND THE LOST ATLANTIS, THE SOURCE OF ALL CIVILIZATION In The Most Astonishing Scientific Narrative Ever Published The Grandson Of Troy's Discoverer Tells Why He Believes He Has Unravelled The Greatest World Mystery BY DR. PAUL SCHLIEMANN Grandson Of Dr. Heinrich Schliemann, Who Discovered...
Sidebar. Who Dr. Heinrich Schliemann W : Who Dr. Heinrich Schliemann Was And The Treasures He Found Heinrich Schliemann whose work was to give a new impetus to the study of Greek origins and to be the beginning of the revelation of an unknown world of ancient days, was born at Neu-Bucknow, Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Germany, on January 6, 1822...
Illustration. The New Diving Armor : The New Diving Armor, Designed by Chevalier Pino to Resist Enormous Water Pressure, Which Will Be Used by the English Expedition Which Has Set Out to Find the Treasures of Atlantis
Untitled : HOW I FOUND THE LOST ATLANTIS, THE SOURCE OF ALL CIVILIZATION BY DR. PAUL SCHLIEMANN [1912] This article and the accompanying illustrations, produced from a photocopy provided by the New York Public Library, are republished for the first time in over ninety years. On October 20th, 1912, readers...