Title Page : Vednta Philosophy HOW TO BE A YOGI By SWAMI ABHEDANANDA Author Of "India And Her People", "Self-Knowledge", "Divine Heritage Of Man", "Reincarnation", Etc. FOURTH EDITION PUBLISHED BY THE VEDANTA SOCIETY 135 West Both Street NEW YORK [1902] NOTICE OF ATTRIBUTION Scanned , January, 2005. John Bruno...
What Is Yoga. What Is Yoga : p. 27 WHAT IS YOGA? IN all the Sacred Writings of the world as well as in the lives of the inspired teachers, prophets, saints, and Seers of Truth, we find frequent descriptions of miraculous events and powers, which, admitting a certain measure of exaggeration, must still have had some foundati...
Was Christ A Yogi : p. 163 WAS CHRIST A YOGI? IN considering whether or not Christ was a Yogi we should first understand how spiritual and how divine one must be before he can be called a Yogi. A true Yogi must be pure, chaste, spotless, self-sacrificing, and the absolute master of himself. Humility...
What Is Yoga. Karma Yoga : p. 82 KARMA YOGA ONE of the significations of the word "Yoga" is "Dexterity in work." To render this meaning still more specific, the Sanskrit term "Karma," derived from the root verb "Kri," to act, is added. Taken in its literal sense, therefore, Karma signifies action, and refers to all actions...
What Is Yoga. Jnana Yoga : p. 106 JNNA YOGA THE last is Jnna Yoga, the path of wisdom. The word "Jnna," being derived from the Sanskrit root Jn," to know, means knowledge; and the ideal which it holds up before its followers is the realization of that Absolute Truth, which is the one common source of all subjective...
Science Of Breathing : p. 125 SCIENCE OF BREATHING THE Science of Yoga with its various branches justly claims, as we have already seen, to unravel the mysteries of life and death. Some of the advanced thinkers in Western countries are beginning to understand the importance of this noble science and to expl...
Introductory : p. 11 INTRODUCTORY TRUE religion is extremely practical; it is, indeed, based entirely upon practice, and not upon theory or speculation of any kind, for religion begins only where theory ends. Its object is to mould the character, unfold the divine nature of the soul, and make it possible to live...
What Is Yoga. Hatha Yoga : p. 43 HATHA YOGA HATHA YOGA is that branch of the Science of Yoga which teaches how to conquer hunger, thirst, and sleep; how to overcome the effects of heat and cold; how to gain perfect health and cure disease without using drugs; how to arrest the untimely decay of the body resulting...
Preface : p. 5 PREFACE THE Vednta Philosophy includes the different branches of the Science of Yoga. Four of these have already been treated at length by the Swmi Vivekananda in his works on "Rja Yoga, Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga," and "Jnna Yoga"; but there existed no short and consecutive survey...
What Is Yoga. Bhakti Yoga : p. 94 BHAKTI YOGA BHAKTI YOGA teaches that the final end of all religions can be reached through love and worship of the personal God, who is the Creator and Governor of the phenomenal universe. It leads to the same destination as all the other branches of Yoga, but is especially suited for such...
What Is Yoga. Raja Yoga : p. 63 RJA YOGA HATHA YOGA, as we have already seen, is wholly devoted to the control of the functions of the body and to the mastery of the physical forces, its ideal being a sound constitution, well-fitted to overcome those physical and environmental conditions which stand as obstacles...
Untitled : HOW TO BE A YOGI BY SWMI ABHEDNANDA [1902] Title Page Preface Contents Introductory WHAT IS YOGA? What is Yoga? Hatha Yoga Rja Yoga Karma Yoga Bhakti Yoga Jnna Yoga Science of Breathing Was Christ a Yogi?