S. Joseph Of The Studium. And Wilt Thou Pard : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 204 AND WILT THOU PARDON, LORD. The following Stanzas are a Cento from the Canon for the Monday of the First Tone, in the Paracletice. by S. Joseph of the Studium . And wilt Thou pardon, Lord, A sinner such as I? Although Thy book his...
S. Andrew. The Great Canon, Called Also : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 78 THE GREAT CANON, CALLED ALSO THE KING OF CANONS. by S. Andrew of Crete. It would be unpardonable not to give a portion of that which the Greeks regard as the King of Canons--the Great Canon of the Mid-Lent week. It is a collecti...
S. Cosmas. Canon For Christmas Day, Ode I : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 130 CANON FOR CHRISTMAS DAY. This is perhaps the finest, on the whole, of the Canons of Cosmas; and may fairly be preferred to the rival composition of S. John Damascene. ODE I. by S. Cosmas Christ is born! Tell forth His fame! Christ...
S. John Damascene. Canon For Easter Day. Ode Vi : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 102 Canon for Easter Day ODE VI. by S. John Damascene. . Into the dim earth's lowest parts descending, And bursting by Thy might the infernal chain That bound the prisoners, Thou, at three days' ending, As Jonah from the whale, hast risen...
S. John Damascene. S. Thomas's Sunday, Ode V : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 125 "S. Thomas's Sunday" ODE V. by S. John Damascene. . "Reconciliation's plan devising, "Fellow-sharer of the Father's Throne, "Thee, O Christ, we, very early rising, "Tender lover of our spirits, own!" When Thy Friends, with deep dismay...
S. John Damascene. Canon For Easter Day. Ode V : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 100 Canon for Easter Day ODE V. by S. John Damascene. . Let us rise in early morning, And, instead of ointments, bring Hymns of praises to our Master, And His Resurrection sing: We shall see the Sun of Justice Risen with healing on His...
Euthymius : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 236 EUTHYMIUS. + A.D. 910. Euthymius, usually known as Syngelus, (the same as "Syncellus", the confidential Deacon of the Patriarch of Constantinople,) who died about 916, is the author of a Penitential Canon to S Mary, which is highly...
S. John Damascene. Canon For Easter Day. Ode Vii : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 103 Canon for Easter Day ODE VII. by S. John Damascene. . Who from the fiery furnace saved the Three, Suffers as mortal; that, His Passion o'er, This mortal, triumphing o'er death, might be Vested with immortality once more: He Whom our...
S. John Damascene. Canon For Easter Day : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 92 CANON FOR EASTER DAY, CALLED THE "GOLDEN CANON," OR, THE "QUEEN OF CANONS." by S. John Damascene. The circumstances under which the Canon is sung are thus eloquently described by a modern writer. The scene is at Athens. "As midnight...
Theodore Of The Studium. Canon For Apocreos. Part 04 : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 171 CANON FOR APOCREOS. by Theodore of the Studium "Apocreos" is our Sexagesima, and is so called, because meat is not eaten beyond it. The Synaxarion (which will explain the following poem) begins thus: "On this day, we commemorate...
S. Cosmas. Canon For Christmas Day, Ode Ix : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 148 Canon for Christmas Day ODE IX. by S. Cosmas . O wond'rous mystery, full of passing grace! The grot becometh Heav'n: the Virgin's breast The bright Cherubic Throne: the stall that place, Where He, Who fills all space, vouchsafes...
Note : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 24 NOTE. HYMNS OF THE EASTERN CHURCH. Translated, With Notes And An Introduction, By The REV. J. M. NEALE, D.D. FOURTH EDITION, With Music, from Greek and other sources, Verifications, Various Readings, and Prose Translations, by S. G...
S. Andrew. Stichera For Great Thursday : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 73 STICHERA FOR GREAT THURSDAY. by S. Andrew of Crete. . O the mystery, passing wonder, When, reclining at the board, "Eat," Thou saidst to Thy Disciples, "That True Bread with quickening stored: "Drink in faith the healing Chalice "...
S. Joseph Of The Studium. Canon For Ascensi : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 226 Canon for Ascension Day ODE IX. . H oly gift, surpassing comprehension! Wond'rous mystery of each fiery tongue! Christ made good His Promise in Ascension: O'er the Twelve the cloven flames have hung! S pake the Lord, or ere He left...
S. Cosmas. Canon For Christmas Day, Ode V : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 139 Canon for Christmas Day ODE V. by S. Cosmas . Father of Peace, and God of Consolation! The Angel of the Counsel dost Thou send To herald peace, to manifest Salvation, Thy Light to pour, Thy knowledge to extend; Whence, with...
S. Stephen The Sabaite. S. Stephen The Sabaite : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 239 APPENDIX p. 240 S. STEPHEN THE SABAITE. A.D. 725... A D 799. S. Stephen, called the Sabate, from the monastery of S. Sabas, was the nephew of S. John Damascene, who placed him in that house. He was then ten years of age: he passed...
Theodore Of The Studium. Canon For Apocreos. Ode I : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 174 Canon for Apocreos ODE I. by Theodore of the Studium . That fearful Day, that Day of speechless dread, When Thou shalt come to judge the quick and dead-- I shudder to foresee, O God! what then shall be! When Thou shalt come, angelic...
S. John Damascene. S. Thomas's Sunday, Ode I : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 118 S. THOMAS'S SUNDAY. by S. John Damascene. The four following Odes are the first four of our Saint's Canon for S. Thomas's Sunday, called also Renewal Sunday: with us Low Sunday. The first Stanzas are marked with inverted comm...
Title Page : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 1 HYMNS OF The Eastern Church p. 2 PRINTED BY SPOTTISWOODE AND CO., NEW-STREET SQUARE LONDON p. 3 HYMNS OF THE EASTERN CHURCH. TRANSLATED, WITH NOTES AND AN INTRODUCTION, BY THE REV. J: M. NEALE, D.D., "Warden of Sackville College". "FIFTH...
S. John Damascene. Canon For Easter Day. Ode I : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], Canon for Easter Day ODE I. by S. John Damascene. . 'Tis the Day of Resurrection: Earth! tell it out abroad! The Passover of gladness! The Passover of God! From Death to Life Eternal, From this world to the sky, Our Christ hath brought us...
S. Cosmas. Canon For Christmas Day, Ode Iv : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 136 Canon for Christmas Day ODE IV. by S. Cosmas . Rod of the Root of Jesse, Thou, Flower of Mary born, From that thick shady mountain * Cam'st glorious forth this morn: Of her, the ever Virgin, Incarnate east Thou made, The immaterial...
S. Joseph Of The Studium. S. Joseph Of The Studium : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 195 S. JOSEPH OF THE STUDIUM The "third period" of Greek Hymnology opens with its most voluminous writer, S. Joseph of the Studium. A Sicilian by birth, he left his native country on its occupation by the Mahometans in 830, and went...
Leo Vi : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 237 LEO VI. + A.D. 917. Our next name is that of a Royal Poet, Leo VI., the Philosopher, who reigned from 886 to 917, and left behind him the "Idiomela", or detached stanzas, on the Resurrection, sung at Lauds. They are better than might...
S. John Damascene. S. Thomas's Sunday, Ode Iv : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 123 "S. Thomas's Sunday" ODE IV. by S. John Damascene. . "'Christ, we turn our eyes to Thee, "'And this mighty mystery!' "Habakkuk exclaimed of old, "In the Holy Spirit bold: "'Thou shalt come in time appointed, "For the help of Thine...
S. Anatolius. Stichera For A Sunday : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 57 STICHERA FOR A SUNDAY OF THE FIRST TONE. by S. Anatolius. . Fierce was the wild billow; Dark was the night; Oars labour'd heavily; Foam glimmer'd white; Trembled the mariners; Peril was nigh; Then said the God of God, --"Peace! It is I...
Preface To First Edition : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 13 PREFACE TO FIRST EDITION. The following Translations have occupied a portion of my leisure time for me last twelve years: and some of them have already appeared in more than one ecclesiastical periodical. So has also great part...
S. Theophanes. S. Theophanes : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 156 S. THEOPHANES. A.D. 759... A.D. 818. S. Theophanes, who holds the third place among Greek Church-poets, was born in 759, his father being Governor of the Archipelago. Betrothed in childhood to a lady named Megalis, he persuaded her...
John Mauropus : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 238 JOHN MAUROPUS. + A.D. 1060. John Mauropus, Metropolitan of Euchata, sometimes called the last of the Greek Fathers, left a number of hymns, printed at Eton in 1610; and if not boasting much poetical fire, at least graced with a gentle...
Second Epoch : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 66 SECOND EPOCH. A.D. 726... A.D. 820. The second period of Greek Hymnology is very nearly, as I said, coincident with the Iconoclastic controversy. Its first writer, indeed, died shortly after the commencement of that stormy age, and took...
S. Anatolius. S. Anatolius : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 55 S. ANATOLIUS. + 458. The first poet who emancipated himself from the tyranny of the old laws--hence to be compared to Venantius Fortunatus in the West--and who boldly struck out the new path of harmonious prose, was S. Anatolius...
Theodore Of The Studium. Canon For Apocreos. Part 02 : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 178 Canon for Apocreos ODE IV. by Theodore of the Studium . The Day is near, the Judgment is at hand, Awake, my soul, awake, and ready stand! Where chiefs shall go with them that filled the throne, Where rich and poor the same tribunal...
Advertisements : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 1 The following period advertisements followed the original book. They are included for completeness.--JBH WORKS by the late Rev. Dr. NEALE, PUBLISHED BY J. T. HAYES, 17 HENRIETTA STREET, COVENT GARDEN. THE AUTHOR'S LAST TWO WORKS. I...
S. Joseph Of The Studium. Canon For Ascensi. Part 07 : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 212 Canon for Ascension Day ODE III. by S. Joseph of the Studium . "E xalt, exalt, the Heavenly Gates, Ye chiefs of mighty name! The Lord and King of all things waits, Enrob'd in earthly frame." So to the higher seats they cry, The humbler...
S. Joseph Of The Studium. Canon For Ascensi. Part 03 : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 221 Canon for Ascension Day ODE VII. by S. Joseph of the Studium ,. W afting Him up on high, The glorious cloud receives The Lord of Immortality, And earth the Victor leaves: The Heavenly People raise the strain, The Apostles pour the hymn...
S. Anatolius. Stichera For Christmas Tide : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 64 STICHERA FOR CHRISTMAS-TIDE. by S. Anatolius. . A great and mighty wonder! A full and holy cure! The Virgin bears the Infant, With Virgin-honour pure! The Word becomes Incarnate, ( *) And yet remains on high: And Cherubim sing anthems...
S. Cosmas. Transfiguration : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 150 TRANSFIGURATION. by S. Cosmas I shall, perhaps, render the following Canon more acceptable to most readers if, instead of translating the Odes in detail, I make a cento from the more remarkable Troparia. They are principally...
S. Tarasius. S. Tarasius : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 154 S. TARASIUS. + A.D. 806. Tarasius, raised by Constantine and Irene from the post of Secretary of State, at one step, though a layman, to the Patriarchate of Constantinople, (A.D. 784) was the chief mover in the restoration of Icons...
S. John Damascene. Idiomela For All Saints : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 115 IDIOMELA FOR ALL SAINTS. by S. John Damascene. . Those eternal bowers Man hath never trod, Those unfading flowers Round the Throne of God: Who may hope to gain them After weary fight? Who at length attain them Clad in robes of white...
S. John Damascene. S. Thomas's Sunday, Ode Iii : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 121 "S. Thomas's Sunday" ODE III. by S. John Damascene. ,. "On the rock of Thy commandments "Fix me firmly, lest I slide: "With the glory of Thy Presence "Cover me on every side; "Seeing none save Thee is holy, "God, for ever glorified!"...
Introduction : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 25 INTRODUCTION. As a general rule, the first poetical attempts of the Eastern, like those of the Western, Church, were in classical measures. But as classical Greek died out from being a spoken language,--as new trains of thought were...
S. Joseph Of The Studium. Sunday Of The Prodigal : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 198 SUNDAY OF THE PRODIGAL SON. (SEPTUAGESIMA.) by S. Joseph of the Studium The Sunday before Septuagesima, and Septuagesima itself are, respectively, in the Greek Church, the Sunday of the Pharisee and Publican,--and the Sunday...
Untitled : * This is a collection of translations of hymns from the Eastern Orthodox church, most written during the height of the Byzantine Empire. Neale includes extensive introductory material and biographies of each hymn writer (most of whom have names beginning with 'S.'--'Saint'). This work includes...
S. Joseph Of The Studium. Canon For Ascensi. Part 05 : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 216 Canon for Ascension Day ODE V. by S. Joseph of the Studium . N ow that Death by death hath found his ending, Thou dost call to Thee Thy loved Eleven; And from holy Olivet ascending On a cloud art carried up to Heaven. O that wondrous...
S. Joseph Of The Studium. Let Our Choir New : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 201 LET OUR CHOIR NEW ANTHEMS RAISE. A Cento from the Canon for SS. Timothy and Maura; May 3rd. by S. Joseph of the Studium . Let our Choir new anthems raise: Wake the morn with gladness: God Himself to joy and praise Turns the Martyrs'...
S. Stephen The Sabaite. Idiomela In The Week : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 242 IDIOMELA IN THE WEEK OF THE FIRST OBLIQUE TONE. by S. Stephen the Sabaite These Stanzas, which strike me as very sweet, are not in all the editions of the Octoechus. . Art thou weary, art thou languid, Art thou sore distrest? "Come...
S. Joseph Of The Studium. The Return Home : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 248 THE RETURN HOME. by S. Joseph of the Studium Safe home, safe home in port! --Rent cordage, shattered deck, Torn sails, provisions short, And only not a wreck: But oh! the joy upon the shore To tell our voyage-perils o'er! The prize...
S. Theophanes. Idiomela On Friday Of Cheese Sunday : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 160 IDIOMELA ON FRIDAY OF CHEESE-SUNDAY, THAT IS, OF QUINQUAGESIMA. by S. Theophanes At this period of the year the weeks are named, not from the Sundays that precede, but from those that follow them. Quinquagesima is termed Tyrophagus...
S. John Damascene. Canon For Easter Day. Ode Iv : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 98 Canon for Easter Day ODE IV. by S. John Damascene. . Stand on thy watch-tower, Habakkuk the Seer, And show the Angel, radiant in his light: 'To-day,' saith he, 'Salvation shall appear, 'Because the Lord hath ris'n, as God of Might.'...
Theoctistus Of The Studium. Theoctistus : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 229 Theoctistus of the Studium. + circ. A.D. 890. He is said to have been the friend of S. Joseph; but is only known-to us by the "Suppliant Canon to Jesus," to be found at the end of the Paracletice. The following is a Cento formed...
S. Cosmas. Canon For Christmas Day, Ode Viii : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 145 Canon for Christmas Day ODE VIII. by S. Cosmas . The dewy freshness that the furnace flings Works out a wond'rous type of future things: Nor did the flame the Holy Three consume, Nor did the Godhead's fire thy frame entomb, Thou...
Theodore Of The Studium. Canon For Apocreos : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 181 Canon for Apocreos ODE IX. by Theodore of the Studium . The Lord draws nigh, the righteous Throne's Assessor, The just to save, to punish the transgressor: Weep we, and mourn, and pray, Regardful of that day; When all the secrets...
S. Joseph Of The Studium. Canon For Ascensi. Part 04 : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 218 Canon for Ascension Day ODE VI. by S. Joseph of the Studium , R ain down, ye heav'ns, eternal bliss! The Cherub-cloud to-day Bears Jesus where His Father is, Along the starry way! S under'd of old were Heaven and Earth: But Thou...
S. John Damascene. The Stichera Of The Last Kiss : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 108 THE STICHERA OF THE LAST KISS. by S. John Damascene. . The following Stichera, which are generally (though without any great cause) attributed to S. John Damascene, form, perhaps, one of the most striking portions of the service...
S. Anatolius. S. Stephen's Day. Sticher : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 62 ST. STEPHEN'S DAY. STICHERA AT VESPERS. by S. Anatolius. . The Lord and King of all things But yesterday was born: And Stephen's glorious offering His birthtide shall adorn. No pearls of orient splendour, No jewels can he show; But with...
S. Anatolius. Evening Hymn : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 59 EVENING HYMN. by S. Anatolius. . This little hymn, which, I believe, is not used in the public service of the Church, is a great favourite in the Greek Isles. Its peculiar style and evident antiquity may well lead to the belief that it...
S. Theophanes. Stichera At The First Vespers : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 164 STICHERA AT THE FIRST VESPERS OF CHEESE-SUNDAY. (QUINQUAGESIMA.) ADAM'S COMPLAINT. by S. Theophanes The reader can hardly fail to be struck with the beautiful idea in the third stanza, where the foliage of Paradise is asked to make...
S. Joseph Of The Studium. Canon For Ascensi. Part 08 : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 209 CANON FOR ASCENSION DAY. This is the crowning glory of the poet Joseph; he has here with a happy boldness entered into the lists with S. John Damascene, to whom, on this one occasion, he must be pronounced superior. I have preserved...
S. Germanus. S. Germanus. A Sunday : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 85 S. Germanus A.D. 631... A D 734. S. Germanus of Constantinople was born in that city about 634. His father, Justinian, a patrician, had the ill-fortune to excite the jealousy of the Emperor Constantine Pogonatus, who put him to death...
S. Cosmas. Canon For Christmas Day, Ode Vi : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 141 Canon for Christmas Day ODE VI. by S. Cosmas . As Jonah, issuing from his three days' tomb, At length was cast, uninjured, on the earth; So, from the Virgin's unpolluted womb The Incarnate Word, That dwelt there, had His Birth: For He...
S. John Damascene. Canon For Easter Day. Ode Viii : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 105 Canon for Easter Day ODE VIII. by S. John Damascene. . Thou hallowed chosen morn of praise, That best and greatest shinest! Lady and Queen and Day of days, Of things divine, divinest! On thee our praises Christ adore For ever...
S. Joseph Of The Studium. Canon For Ascensi. Part 02 : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 223 Canon for Ascension Day ODE VIII. "HIRMOS". "HIM OF THE FATHER." * by S. Joseph of the Studium . O f twofold natures, Christ, the Giver Of immortality and love, Ascendeth to the Father's glory, Ascendeth to the Throne above: Wherefore...
S. Joseph Of The Studium. Canon For Ascensi. Part 06 : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 214 Canon for Ascension Day ODE IV. by S. Joseph of the Studium . J esus, Lord of Life Eternal, Taking those He lov'd the best, Stood upon the Mount of Olives, And His Own the last time blest: Then, though He had never left it, Sought...
S. Cosmas. S. Cosmas : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 127 S. COSMAS "Surnamed the Melodist". + A.D. 760. S. Cosmas of Jerusalem holds the second place amidst Greek Ecclesiastical poets. Left an orphan at an early age, he was adopted by the father of S. John Damascene; and the two...
Metrophanes Of Smyrna. Metrophanes Of Smyrna : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 233 METROPHANES OF SMYRNA. + circ. A.D. 910. He was Bishop of that See towards the close of the ninth century, and is principally famous for his Canons in honour of the Blessed Trinity,--eight in number, one to each Tone. They are sung...
S. Andrew. Troparia For Palm Sunday : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 76 TROPARIA FOR PALM SUNDAY. by S. Andrew of Crete. The following Stanzas are from the Triodion sung at Compline on Palm Sunday: which has the same name among the Greeks as among ourselves. . Jesus, hastening for the world to suffer...
Theodore Of The Studium. Orthodoxy Sunday : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 184 ORTHODOXY SUNDAY. by Theodore of the Studium The first Sunday in Lent is kept in memory: primarily, of the final triumph of the Church over the Iconoclasts in 842; and, incidentally, of her victory over all other heresies. It h...
S. John Damascene. Canon For Easter Day. Ode Ix : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 107 Canon for Easter Day ODE IX. by S. John Damascene. ,. Thou New Jerusalem, arise and shine! The glory of the Lord on thee hath risen! Sion, exult! rejoice with joy divine, Mother of God! Thy Son hath burst His prison! O heavenly Voice...
S. John Damascene. S. John Damascene : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 90 S. John Damascene. + circ. A.D. 780. S. John Damascene has the double honour of being the last but one of the Fathers of the Eastern Church, and the greatest of her poets. It is surprising, however, how little is known of his life. Th...
First Epoch : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 54 FIRST EPOCH. A.D. 360... A.D. 726. It is not my intention to dwell on the hymn writers of this period, such as S. Gregory Nazianzen and S. Sophronius, because their works have not been employed in the Divine Office, are merely...
S. Cosmas. Canon For Christmas Day, Ode Iii : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 133 Canon for Christmas Day ODE III. by S. Cosmas . Him, of the Father's very Essence, Begotten, ere the world began, And, in the latter time, of Mary, Without a human sire, made Man Unto Him, this glorious morn, Be the strain outpoured...
Preface To Third Edition : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 21 PREFACE TO THIRD EDITION. It is of course a matter of deep thankfulness to me that the Eastern Church should now be more and more widely brought before ordinary congregations by means of some of the following versions. God grant th...
Metrophanes Of Smyrna. O Unity Of Threefold Light : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 234 O UNITY OF THREEFOLD LIGHT. by Metrophanes of Smyrna From the Canon for Sunday of the Second Tone. . O Unity of Threefold Light, Send out Thy loveliest ray, And scatter our transgressions' night, And turn it into day; Make us those...
S. John Damascene. Canon For Easter Day. Ode Iii : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 97 Canon for Easter Day ODE III. by S. John Damascene. . Come, and let us drink of that New River, Not from barren Rock divinely poured, But the Fount of Life that is for ever From the Sepulchre of Christ the Lord. All the world hath...
S. Joseph Of The Studium. The Pilgrims Of Jesus : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 245 THE PILGRIMS OF JESUS by S. Joseph of the Studium O happy band of pilgrims, If onward ye will tread With Jesus as your Fellow To Jesus as your Head! O happy, if ye labour As Jesus did for men: O happy, if ye hunger As Jesus hunger'd...
Theodore Of The Studium. Canon For Apocreos. Part 03 : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 176 Canon for Apocreos ODE III. by Theodore of the Studium . God comes;--and who shall stand before His fear? Who bide His Presence, when He draweth near? My soul, my soul, prepare To kneel before Him there! Haste,--weep,--be reconciled...
S. Andrew. Stichera For The Second Week : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], STICHERA FOR THE SECOND WEEK OF THE GREAT FAST. by S. Andrew of Crete. . Christian! dost thou "see" them On the holy ground, How the troops of Midian Prowl and prowl around? p. 83 Christian! up and smite them, Counting gain but loss: Smite...
S. Joseph Of The Studium. Stars Of The Morning : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 206 STARS OF THE MORNING. by S. Joseph of the Studium A Cento from the Canon of the "Bodiless Ones;" Tuesday in the Week of the Fourth Tone. Stars of the morning, so gloriously bright, Fill'd with celestial resplendence and light; These...
Theodore Of The Studium. Theodore Of The Studium : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 168 THEODORE OF THE STUDIUM. + A.D. 826. Theodore of the Studium, by his sufferings and his influence, did more, perhaps, in the cause of Icons than any other man. His uncle, S. Plato, and himself, had been cruelly persecuted by...
Preface To Second Edition : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 19 PREFACE TO SECOND EDITION. I had not ventured to hope that, whatever be the beauty of these Hymns in their original language, a Second Edition of the Translation should so soon have been called for. And it has been an additional...
S. Andrew. S. Andrew Of Crete : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 71 S. ANDREW OF CRETE. A.D. 660....A.D. 732. Andrew was born at Damascus, about the year 660, and embraced the monastic life at Jerusalem, from which city he sometimes takes his name. Hence he was sent on ecclesiastical business...
S. Methodius I. S. Methodius I. Idiomel : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 192 S. METHODIUS I. A.D. 836. S. Methodius I., a native of Syracuse, embraced the monastic life at Constantinople. Sent as legate from Pope Paschal to Michael the Stammerer, he was imprisoned by that prince in a close cell, and there...
S. Cosmas. Canon For Christmas Day, Ode Vii : * "Hymns of the Eastern Church", by J.M. Neale, [1884], p. 143 Canon for Christmas Day ODE VII. by S. Cosmas . The Holy Children boldly stand Against the tyrant's fierce command: The kindled furnace they defy,-- No doom can shake their constancy They in the midmost flame confess'd, "God of our...