Asanas And Mudras : * "Kundalini, The Mother of the Universe", by Rishi Singh Gherwal, [1930], p. 42 THE ASANS OF YOGA The first Asan gives strength, and cures diseases of the muscles and nerves of the body. There are eighty-four Asans. Some of them are used to retain youth; others are used to produce calm, peace...
Location Of Kundalini : * "Kundalini, The Mother of the Universe", by Rishi Singh Gherwal, [1930], p. 18 LOCATION OF KUNDALINI Every one has many bodies, but I will deal with only two at this time, the Sthula (gross body) and the Sukshma (the subtle body). These two bodies can be easily understood by every one. The gross...
Rev. Leadbeater Off The Trail : * "Kundalini, The Mother of the Universe", by Rishi Singh Gherwal, [1930], p. 146 REV. LEADBEATER OFF THE TRAIL The harm to Yoga philosophy that has been done by misinformation thru the "Theosophist" Rev. C. W. Leadbeater is indeed very great. Most readers of Theosophical and Occult literature...
Introduction : * "Kundalini, The Mother of the Universe", by Rishi Singh Gherwal, [1930], p. 9 INTRODUCTION KUNDALINI, THE MOTHER OF THE UNIVERSE. "O God of Gods, Thou art a Father, Mother, kinsman, friend. Knowledge, riches, all--I find in Thee, All good Thy being comprehends." India is the mysterious l...
Title Page : * "Kundalini, The Mother of the Universe", by Rishi Singh Gherwal, [1930], KUNDALINI THE MOTHER OF THE UNIVERSE THE MYSTERY OF PIERCING THE SIX CHAKRAS By RISHI SINGH GHERWAL Copyrighted And Published By Author [1930] Santa Barbara Calif. U. S. A. P. O. Box 533 LA EPOCA The Spanish Printers S...
The Yoga And Its Object : * "Kundalini, The Mother of the Universe", by Rishi Singh Gherwal, [1930], p. 15 "THE YOGA AND ITS OBJECT" Whenever we see or read of any miracles of supernatural power shown by human beings in India it is always done by Yoga. What is this Yoga that gives such wonderful power, divine peace...
Advertisements : * "Kundalini, The Mother of the Universe", by Rishi Singh Gherwal, [1930], p. 166 The following advertisements followed the original book. I have transcribed them for completeness. The addresses and prices in these advertisements are long out of date and we cannot provide further informati...
Why We Worship Siva : * "Kundalini, The Mother of the Universe", by Rishi Singh Gherwal, [1930], p. 137 WHY WE WORSHIP SIVA (BY UMESH CHANDRA CHAKRAVARTY) From time immemorial the Hindus are worshipping God Siva who is master of truth, beauty and bliss. From the highest Himalayas on the north down to Rameswar...
The Lalita Sahasranama : * "Kundalini, The Mother of the Universe", by Rishi Singh Gherwal, [1930], p. 89 THE LALITA SAHASRANAMA. THE BHAGAVATI: MOTHER KUNDALINI. The Thousand Names 1. The Holy Mother. 2. The Great Queen. 3. The Ruler of the Highest Throne. 4. Thou art born from the Altar of Fire (dispeller of ignorance...
To The Kundalini The Mother Of The Universe : * "Kundalini, The Mother of the Universe", by Rishi Singh Gherwal, [1930], p. VI TO THE KUNDALINI--THE MOTHER OF THE UNIVERSE. "What Yogis now, what Rishis of old, The greatness of that Mother hath told, Who from her own breast gave birth To the sky and to the earth. Thou hung the Heavens in empty...
The Power Of Dharana, Dhiyana, And Samyama Yoga : * "Kundalini, The Mother of the Universe", by Rishi Singh Gherwal, [1930], p. 56 THE POWER OF DHARANA, DHIYANA, AND SAMYAMA YOGA. The different practices of Dharana Yoga to control the mind power and attain success are stepping stones in Yoga. Thru the power of Dharana Yoga, Yogis have proven th...
The Power Of The Pranayama Yoga : * "Kundalini, The Mother of the Universe", by Rishi Singh Gherwal, [1930], p. 50 THE POWER OF THE PRANAYAMA YOGA. What is Pranayama? It is the stepping stone of the Yogi, or in other words the foundation, the helpmate of the Yogi in controlling his enemies--freeing him from diseases. The Pranayam...
What The Kundalini Is. When She Awakens, What Then : * "Kundalini, The Mother of the Universe", by Rishi Singh Gherwal, [1930], p. 21 WHAT IS THE KUNDALINI WHEN AWAKENED--WHAT THEN? The Kundalini, when awakened, is the giver of all power, health, wealth and success. The Kundalini feeds the baby in the mother's womb. She fulfills our every desire...
Samadhi Yoga : * "Kundalini, The Mother of the Universe", by Rishi Singh Gherwal, [1930], p. 72 SAMADHI YOGA "Salutation to the Siva, who is in the form of power of all science, the Nada and Bindu. Any one devoted to these will obtain the state which is above the Maya," Samadhi is many stages, but any Samadhi...
Introduction To Lalita Sahasranama : * "Kundalini, The Mother of the Universe", by Rishi Singh Gherwal, [1930], p. 87 Introduction To LALITA SAHASRANAMA. - The Mother Of The Universe - This is the work of Sri Bhaskararaya. I have translated it for the Truth Seeker, as it is very highly respected by all devotees of the Kundalini...