Introduction And Preface : PREFACE THE Indian Tantras, which are numerous, constitute the Scripture ("Shastra") of the Kaliyuga, and as such are the voluminous source of present and practical orthodox "Hinduism." The Tantra Shastra is, in fact, and whatever be its historical origin, a development of the "Vaidika Karmakanda"...
Chapter 1 - Questions Relating To The Liberati : THE enchanting summit of the Lord of Mountains, resplendent with all its various jewels, clad with many a tree and many a creeper, melodious with the song of many a bird, scented with the fragrance of all the season
Chapter 13 - Installation Of The Devata : PARVATI, the Mother of the three worlds, Her mind engrossed with thoughts for the purification of men polluted with the impurities of the Kali Age, humbly asked Mahesha, the Deva among Devas, who had thus spoken of the essence of all the Nigamas
Chapter 5.The Formation Of The Mantras, Placing : SHRI SADASHIVA said: Thou art the Adya Parama Shakti, Thou art all Power. It is by Thy power that We (the Trinity) are powerful in the acts of creation, preservation, and destruction. Endless and of varied colour and form are Thy appearances, and various are the strenuous efforts whereby...
Chapter 8.The Dharmma And Customs : AFTER hearing of the various forms of Dharmma, Bhavani, Mother of the worlds, Destructress of all worldly bonds, spoke again to Shankara (1). Shri Devi said: I have heard of the different Dharmma, which bring happiness in this world and the next, and bestow piety, wealth, fulfilment of desire...
Chapter 6.Placing Of The Shri Patra, Hom : SHRI DEVI said: As Thou hast kindness for Me, pray tell Me, O Lord! more particularly about the Pancha-tattvas and the other observances of which Thou hast spoken (1). Shri Sadashiva said: There are three kinds of wine which are excellent
Chapter 7.Hymn Of Praise , Amulet : PARVATI was pleased at hearing the revelation of the auspicious Mantra of the Adya Kalika, which yields abundant blessings, is the only means of attaining to a knowledge of the Divine essence, and leads to liberation; as also at hearing of the morning rites, the rules relating to bathing, Sandhy...
Chapter 9.The Ten Kinds Of Purificatory Rites : THE Adorable Sadashiva said: O Virtuous One! I have spoken to Thee of the custom and religious duties appropriate to the different castes and stages of life. Do thou now listen whilst I tell Thee of the purificatory rites of the different castes (1). Without such rites, O Devi! the body is not...
Chapter 11 - The Account Of Expiatory Rites : LISTENING to the injunctions of Shambhu relating to the different castes and stages of life, Aparna was greatly pleased, and questioned Shangkara thus (1): Shri Devi said
Chapter 11.The Account Of Expiatory Rites : LISTENING to the injunctions of Shambhu relating to the different castes and stages of life, Aparna was greatly pleased, and questioned Shangkara thus (1): Shri Devi said: Thou hast, O Lord! out of Thy kindness for Me and in Thy omniscience, spoken of the customs and the rules of religious conduct...
Chapter 4.Introduction Of The Worship : HAVING listened with attention to that which has been said concerning the worship of the Supreme Brahman, the Supreme Devi greatly pleased again thus questioned Shankara (1). Shri Devi said: O Lord of the Universe and Husband! I bathe with contentment in the nectar of Thy words concerning...
Chapter 13.Installation Of The Devata : PARVATI, the Mother of the three worlds, Her mind engrossed with thoughts for the purification of men polluted with the impurities of the Kali Age, humbly asked Mahesha, the Deva among Devas, who had thus spoken of the essence of all the Nigamas, which is the seed of heaven and final liberati...
Chapter 10.Rites Relating To Vriddhi Shraddh : SHRI DEVI said: I have now learned from Thee, O Lord! of the ordinances relating to Kushandika and the ten Sang-skaras. Do Thou now,O Deva! reveal to Me the ordinances relating to Briddhi Shraddha (1). O Shangkara! tell Me in detail, both for My pleasure and the benefit of all beings, in which...
Chapter 12.An Account Of The Eternal : SHRI SADASHIVA said: O Primordial One! I am speaking to Thee again of the everlasting laws; the wise King may easily rule his subjects if he follows them (1). If Kings did not establish rules, men in their covetousness would quarrel among themselves, even with their friends, relatives, and their...
Chapter 3.Description Of The Worship : SHRI DEVI said: O Deva of the Devas, great Deva, Guru of Brihaspati himself, Thou Who discourseth of all Scriptures, Mantra, Sadhana, and hast spoken of the Supreme Brahman by the adoration of Whom mortals attain happiness and liberation, do Thou, O Lord! deign to instruct us in the way of service...
Chapter 1.Questions Relating To The Liberati : THE enchanting summit of the Lord of Mountains, resplendent with all its various jewels, clad with many a tree and many a creeper, melodious with the song of many a bird, scented with the fragrance of all the season
Chapter 2.Introduction To The Worship Of Brahman : HAVING heard the words of the Devi, Shangkara, Bestower of happiness on the world, great Ocean of mercy, thus of the truth of things spoke. Sadashiva said: O Exalted and Holy One! Benefactress of the universe, well has it been asked by Thee. By none has such an auspicious question been asked...
Chapter 14.The Consecration Of Shiva Ling : SHRI DEVI said: I am grateful to Thee, O Lord of Mercy! in that Thou hast in Thy discourse upon the Worship of the Adya Shakti, spoken, in Thy mercy, of the mode of Worship of various other Devas (1). Thou hast spoken of the Installation of a Movable Shiva-linga, but what is the object...