The Traditions Of The Templars Revived In Masonry : * "Traces of a Hidden Tradition in Masonry and Medieval Mysticism", by Isabel Cooper-Oakley, [1900], p. 76 THE TRADITIONS OF THE TEMPLARS REVIVED IN MASONRY. THE RITE OF THE STRICT OBSERVANCE. ANCIENT history is like a night-landscape, over which we grope, vaguely discerning a few outlines...
The Heavenly Kingdom Of The Holy Grail. Part Iii : * "Traces of a Hidden Tradition in Masonry and Medieval Mysticism", by Isabel Cooper-Oakley, [1900], p. 170 THE HEAVENLY KINGDOM OF THE HOLY GRAIL. PART III. II. THE HISTORY OF TITUREL. The fairest of old men ancient whom ever his eyes had seen, Grey was he as mists of morning. "Parzifal", i. 137...
Untitled : * This is a set of essays by Isabel Cooper-Oakley, an early member of the Theosophists. She connects the dots between ancient wisdom schools and modern Freemasonry. At the root of this tree are a set of ideas from Hinduism, Zororastrianism, Gnosticism and early Christianity. Along the way she...
The Troubadours, The Singing Messengers : * "Traces of a Hidden Tradition in Masonry and Medieval Mysticism", by Isabel Cooper-Oakley, [1900], p. 103 THE TROUBADOURS, THE SINGING MESSENGERS FROM EAST TO WEST. OH, these are voices of the Past, Links of a broken chain.--PROCTER. MYSTERIOUS songsters of the Middle Ages, messengers who were...
The Heavenly Kingdom Of The Holy Grail. Part Ii : * "Traces of a Hidden Tradition in Masonry and Medieval Mysticism", by Isabel Cooper-Oakley, [1900], p. 151 THE HEAVENLY KINGDOM OF THE HOLY GRAIL. PART II. THE ORIGIN OF THE TRADITION.--II. ... THE Grail, throughout all Ages, may never by man be known, Save by him God calleth to It, whose name...
Towards The Hidden Sources Of Masonry : * "Traces of a Hidden Tradition in Masonry and Medieval Mysticism", by Isabel Cooper-Oakley, [1900], p. 31 TOWARDS THE HIDDEN SOURCES OF MASONRY. As researches into its history are pursued, it appears more and more probable that the Masonic movement, to state it generally, was a sort of broad...
Title Page : * "Traces of a Hidden Tradition in Masonry and Medieval Mysticism", by Isabel Cooper-Oakley, [1900], TRACES OF A HIDDEN TRADITION IN MASONRY AND MEDIEVAL MYSTICISM BY ISABEL COOPER-OAKLEY London; Theosophical Publishing Society [1900] Scanned, proofed, and formatted , October 2006, by John Bruno...
Introduction : * "Traces of a Hidden Tradition in Masonry and Medieval Mysticism", by Isabel Cooper-Oakley, [1900], p. 5 INTRODUCTION. THE series of sketches which are now brought together appeared originally as detached articles in the pages of the "Theosophical Review", written, however, with the object...
The Heavenly Kingdom Of The Holy Grail. Part I : * "Traces of a Hidden Tradition in Masonry and Medieval Mysticism", by Isabel Cooper-Oakley, [1900], p. 137 THE HEAVENLY KINGDOM OF THE HOLY GRAIL. PART I. AND like a flying star Led on the gray-haired Wisdom of the East. ..... I saw the spiritual city and all her spires And gateways in a glory...