Creek Stories. 4. Thunder Helper : 4. THUNDER HELPER (43) A boy went along on a hunting party with three of his uncles. While they were away from camp he took charge of it, prepared sofki for them and did any other work that was necessary. The camp p. 9 was on a small stream and one day he beard a kind of roaring in this stream. He...
Alabama Stories. 23. The Friends : 23. THE FRIENDS Two friends used to go about together. One of them died, and the one who was left fell sick. He lay down all of the time, was unable to get well, and his body became so lean that it was nothing but bones. His friends did not know how to restore him to health, p. 144 [paragraph...
Creek Stories. 50. Rabbit Engineers A Tug : 50. RABBIT ENGINEERS A TUG OF WAR BETWEEN TWO TIE-SNAKES (70) (SECOND VERSION) Rabbit was in the bend of a creek and a Snake on either side of the bend, and the Rabbit used to drink water there. One time after he had been drinking water he said to one of the Snakes, "I can pull you out of the water...
Creek Stories. 67. Why The Rabbit Steals : 67. WHY THE RABBIT STEALS (60) (Tuggle collection) In the beginning all the animals held a meeting and agreed that each should select a tree the fruit of which should belong to the descendants of the chooser. The first choice fell to the Rabbit, who went down to a river and ran slowly up the bank...
Koasati Stories. 30. The Man And The Deer Women : p. 193 30. THE MAN AND THE DEER WOMEN (47) A man traveling about lay with a female Deer which he had killed. Later, when he was going about hunting, he found where some Deer lived and wanted to shoot them. "Don't shoot us," they said, "This one is your little girl. We will leave and go home with...
Hitchiti Stories. 1. Bear, Tiger, Rattlesnake : p. 87 HITCHITI STORIES 1. BEAR, TIGER, RATTLESNAKE, AND FIRE (12) Fire was going to teach Bear, Tiger, 1 and Rattlesnake together while they fasted. 2 While Fire was teaching them, all were to stay in one place, but Bear got tired and ran away. They had said Bear was to receive a rattle, and when...
Natchez Stories. 1. The Flood : p. 214 NATCHEZ STORIES 1. THE FLOOD (2) A certain man had a Dog. One day the Dog looked westward and began howling. The man also had a hen and chickens which began to dance about in the stomp dance. Then the man said to his Dog, "Why are you howling? I have discovered something that is making me...
Creek Stories. 80. Cow And Dog Are Discontented : 80. COW AND DOG ARE DISCONTENTED (Tuggle collection) "I am unhappy" said the Cow to her Maker, "because I see the sow is more fruitful than I am. Pray make me more fruitful." God told her to go to a certain fine, garden full of vegetables, stay there all night and return the next morning. She went...
Koasati Stories. 52. The Dog And The Heron : 52. THE DOG AND THE HERON 1 (78) (EUROPEAN) A Dog lived at a certain place near which a Heron was kept, and the Dog went there and played with him. After they had done this for some time the Dog said, "When are you coming over to visit me? I don't know," said the Heron, "Well! wait. I will tell my...
Koasati Stories. 55. Rabbit Fools Big Man Eater : 55. RABBIT FOOLS BIG MAN-EATER (65) Big Man-eater killed all of the people in one town and was going on to another town. Rabbit met Big Man-eater, ran back to the village and told all of the Indians. So all the Indians ran away, leaving only a poor orphan. Then Rabbit wetted some old red paint...
Hitchiti Stories. 8. The Deer Women : 8. THE DEER WOMEN (47) A man wanted two young women. Those women went to the dances but always disappeared immediately afterwards, and he could not find where they went. After things had gone on in this way for some time, at one of the dances that man fastened a string to the dresses of those young...
Creek Stories. 35. How The Terrapin's Back : 35. HOW THE TERRAPIN'S BACK CAME TO BE IN CHECKS (53) (Tuggle collection) A woman was beating sofki in a mortar out in her yard when she heard someone calling to her and making fun of her. She stopped and looked around, but saw no one. She began beating the corn again, and again heard the voice...
Koasati Stories. 57. Rabbit Plays Pranks : 57. RABBIT PLAYS PRANKS ON BIG MAN-EATER (65) Big Man-eater (supposed now to be the elephant) was working in the field. Rabbit went to the place where he was and said, "What are you doing?" And Big Man-eater answered, "I am going to plant beans." Then Rabbit went to Big Man-eater's wife and said...
Creek Stories. 82. The Origin Of Races : 82. THE ORIGIN OF RACES 1 There is an old story to the effect that some people once came to a very small pool of water to bathe. The man who entered this first came out clean and his descendants, the white people, have the same appearance. He had, however, dirtied the water a little and so the next...
Alabama Stories. 54. Rabbit And Big Man Eater : 54. RABBIT AND BIG MAN-EATER (65) Big Man-eater traveled along until he came to a town where he killed and ate all of the people. On the way to another town he met Rabbit, who said, "At this town all the people have run off. I kill and eat people and here are their bones." When he met Big Man-eater...
Creek Stories. 78. Rabbit's Imposition Is Detected : 78. RABBIT'S IMPOSITION IS DETECTED (TUGGLE COLLECTION) There were three pretty girls who lived near a spring. Every day they went to this spring for water. The Rabbit fell in love with them and frequently came to visit them. One day the news came that one of the fair maidens was missing. The alarm...
Hitchiti Stories. 9. The Hunter And His Dogs : 9. THE HUNTER AND HIS DOGS (25) A man having many dogs fell sick and lay in a helpless condition. One small puppy was able to talk with his master. Whatever the big dogs thought they told to the puppy and he in turn told his master all that had been said. While they were there the big dogs said...
Creek Stories. 34. The Fawn, The Wolves : 34. THE FAWN, THE WOLVES, AND THE TERRAPIN (49) (Tuggle collection) An Indian woman told how the Terrapin's eyes became red. A beautiful Fawn met a Wolf one day who asked how he came to have such pretty spots all over his body. "I got under a riddle (sieve) and they put fire over it, and that made...
Creek Stories. 47. Rabbit Gets A Turkey : 47. RABBIT GETS A TURKEY FOR WILDCAT (64) (SECOND VERSION) (Tuggle collection) A Rabbit was overtaken by a Wildcat, who threatened to kill and eat him. The Rabbit said: "Do not kill me; I will bring you a turkey." The Wildcat consented to let Rabbit try, so he ran into the woods to find the turkey...
Natchez Stories. 28. The Turtle : p. 254 28. THE TURTLE 1 A Turtle came out of the Water and began sunning himself on a log. While he was doing so he looked up and saw that a rainstorm was coming. He said to himself, "It is going to wet me." So he jumped into the water.
Creek Stories. 29. The Story Of The Turkey : 29. THE STORY OF THE TURKEY (39) (Tuggle collection) The Seminoles have a story about the Turkey, who was once the king of the birds and flew high in the air like the eagle. He would swoop down on the council ground and bear away a man. Then people devised a plan to catch him. Four men were to roll...
Alabama Stories. 51. Terrapin Races : 51. TERRAPIN RACES (57) Wolf and Terrapin disputed as to which could win a foot race. Wolf kept saying, "I will beat you," but Terrapin answered, "You will not beat me. Very well, let us run across four high hills," he said. Terrapin stuck white feathers upon his head and placed a terrapin up...
Hitchiti Stories. 5. The Man Eating Bird : 5. THE MAN-EATING BIRD Several persons went out to hunt and traveled about for some time. One night some unknown person carried off one of them, and they started on without him. They traveled along and camped again and that night another person disappeared, only one being left. There was a puppy...
Hitchiti Stories. 11. The Man And The Owl : 11. THE MAN AND THE OWL (37) A man went hunting and camped at the edge of a thicket. When night came the man sitting there heard an Owl hoot. A big oak stood near, and the Owl came there and hooted. He came there because his wife lived near this tree. He scolded his wife and whipped her and his...
Koasati Stories. 27. A Story Of The Bear Clan : 27. A STORY OF THE BEAR CLAN (29) Indians living in a certain town killed a white bear and walked through the village with it rejoicing and shouting. After that an Indian of the Bear clan traveling about was met by a Bear, which asked him, "To what clan do you belong? I am a Bear," he said. "Are...
Koasati Stories. 11. The Still Crawling Sister : 11. THE STILL CRAWLING SISTER An Indian had four grown sisters and a fifth who was still crawling. They had but the one brother. Onetime the sisters said, "To-night let us lie with our brother." The little girl who was still crawling heard them. And when her brother came home she said to him, "They...
Koasati Stories. 22. The Giant Deer : 22. THE GIANT DEER (46) (SECOND VERSION OF ABOVE) There was once but one deer, kept in a certain place, and Beemartin 1 went about with him to watch him. While they were traveling around the bird slept and the deer disappeared. Then he went to ask the deer's whereabouts of Flying Squirrel, who went...
Creek Stories. 11. The Origin Of Tobacco : 11. THE ORIGIN OF TOBACCO (15) (SECOND VERSION) A young man wanted to marry a certain girl very much. One time when a party to which they belonged was out she was riding a pack horse and was lost along with the man. He told her that he wanted her and would take her to his camp, if she would marry...
Hitchiti Stories. 40. A War Story : 40. A WAR STORY 1 It is said that there was once a woman belonging to the Tcikote clan who dwelt at some distance from her town. At that time the Hitchiti were at war with the Yamasee, they say. The woman had two children living with her. One night the Yamasee came to her house, surrounded it...
Koasati Stories. 7. How The Water Was Lost : 7. HOW THE WATER WAS LOST AND RECOVERED (13) Some Indians were gambling and continued to gamble for some time. One Indian kept the water and after he had wagered all of his things and lost them he wagered the water. Then the water was won from him and shut up, 1 so that there was none to be had...
Hitchiti Stories. 34. The Tar Baby : 34. THE TAR BABY (63) (SECOND VERSION) One man was master of the water. Whoever wanted water would pay that man, but Rabbit stole some and drank. After a time the man who was master of the water found out that someone had been stealing it. He thought of a way to find out who it was. He set up...
Natchez Stories. 5. Lodge Boy And Thrown Away : 5. LODGE BOY AND THROWN-AWAY (3) A certain man lived alone with his wife who was pregnant. Every day he would go off hunting and come back at night with a deer, but before he set off he closed his house up tight because many strange creatures who ate people lived in the neighborhood. Whether these...
Koasati Stories. 9. Sickness : 9. SICKNESS It was desired that there should be no sickness in this world, so all sickness was collected and put into a bottle and shut up. "Who will take it far up into the sky and leave it?" they said, and they searched for all sorts of creatures to do this. They brought all kinds of winged...
Koasati Stories. 45. Opossum And Skunk : 45. OPOSSUM AND SKUNK (48) Opossum used to have a bushy tail. Skunk's tail was slender and bare, and Opossum saw it and laughed at him. Traveling along behind him he said, "Skunk's tail is lfga; 2 my tail is wtlwtl." 3 Then Skunk became angry, but he did not know what he could do about it. After...
Natchez Stories. 39. The Indian Munchausen : 39. THE INDIAN MUNCHAUSEN (74) A man was sitting down wishing he had deer, turkeys, and other kinds of game, so he thought, "I will go hunting," and he started off. While he was walking about in the pine woods he was about to shoot p. 263 a turkey on a broken pine when he heard a noise lower down...
Hitchiti Stories. 31. Rabbit And Wildcat : p. 109 31. RABBIT AND WILDCAT Rabbit found Wildcat lying down almost dead with starvation and said to him, "My friend, why are you lying here in this condition?" Wildcat answered "I am lying here dying because I am starving." Then Rabbit said, "If that is so there are bison drinking water...
Natchez Stories. 33. The Tar Baby : 33. THE TAR BABY (63) All of the wild animals appointed a time to dig for water and when the time came assembled and began digging. But presently Rabbit gave up digging, and the others went on digging without him. They found water. Then they stationed two people to watch it. But Rabbit became very...
Natchez Stories. 10. Thunder : 10. THUNDER Thunder married a human being. 1 He had a big frog covered up to keep his fire. When Thunder came back from killing someone he hung up an arm, the head and the buttocks. As he went along Thunder sang, "I am flying. I am flying. I am flying. Flying water (i. e., rain) is my child. Flying...
Creek Stories. 33. The Woman And The Monster : 33. THE WOMAN AND THE MONSTER EARTHWORM (40) A man, accompanied by his wife, camped far from town in a region where there was an abundance of game. But when her husband was out hunting his wife went to a pine log and had intercourse with a big earthworm living in it. Finally, however, the m...
Alabama Stories. 10. The Monster Deer : 10. THE MONSTER DEER (46) When as yet there were no other deer in the world a fawn was made and kept in a certain place and Wildcat was set to watch it. They said to him, "Let it grow a little bigger." Then he killed it, and they restored it to life. Next they set the Wolf to watch it. After a time...
Koasati Stories. 60. Rabbit And The Turkeys : p. 210 60. RABBIT AND THE TURKEYS Rabbit got into a sack way up on a hill and rolled down, laughing as he went, and, while he was doing so, some Turkeys eating acorns watched him from a distance. They liked to watch him and came near. Then Rabbit said to them, "I am enjoying myself very much doing...
Creek Stories. 74. Rabbit Rides Wolf : 74. RABBIT RIDES WOLF (61) (THIRD VERSION) (Tuggle collection) The Rabbit wanted to get a wife and the Wolf was courting at the same house. The Wolf being finer looking made the better impression, so Rabbit one day said to the ladies: "The Wolf is my riding horse." They did not believe him, so he...
Alabama Stories. 9. Thunder : 9. THUNDER (45) A certain woman had four sons and one daughter. One rainy day the daughter went after wood and came upon a track made by lightning. Presently she met a man who seized her and carried her home to his house. Her mother and her brothers began hunting for her but they did not know where...
Alabama Stories. 31. The Pygmies : 31. THE PYGMIES (28) Some pygmy people and a human being went hunting together, killed some small birds, brought them in, cooked and ate them. The next time they went hunting they killed a skunk and the pygmies wanted to skin it on the spot (being unable to carry it home), but the human being took...
Creek Stories. 15. How The Alligator's Nose : 15. HOW THE ALLIGATOR'S NOSE WAS BROKEN (Tuggle collection) "In the old days," said Fixco, the Seminole, "all the animals determined upon a big ball play. The four-footed animals, with the Alligator for their chief, challenged the fowls, with the Eagle at their head, for a game. Sides were chosen...
Alabama Stories. 5. Fire : 5. FIRE (12) Bears formerly owned the Fire and they always took it about with them. One time they set it on the ground and went on farther eating acorns. The Fire nearly went out and called aloud. It was almost extinguished. "Feed me," it said. Then some human beings saw it. They got a stick toward...
Alabama Stories. 19. The Celestial Skiff : 19. THE CELESTIAL SKIFF Some people descended from above in a canoe singing and laughing. When they reached the earth they got out and played ball on a little prairie. As soon as they were through they got into the canoe again, singing and laughing continually, ascended toward the sky...
Natchez Stories. 4. The Cannibal Woman : 4. THE CANNIBAL WOMAN (19) A young man named Idzogon'ciya was out hunting and met a young woman named Micu'x. He would shoot birds with his arrows and she would pick the arrows up, but, when he asked her for them, she was at first afraid to come near. Finally, however, she came to him. Then he...
Alabama Stories. 4. The Swinging Grapevines : 4. THE SWINGING GRAPEVINES (21) People dwelt for a long time on one side of a body of water. They saw that across from them was some good land and wanted to go there but did not know how to reach it. Then Above-sitter hung two forks of a grapevine (from the sky). They got into these and swung until...
Hitchiti Stories. 13. The Alligator Th : 13. THE ALLIGATOR THAT STOLE A MAN A man was out hunting and made a camp at night. He got a log and lay down, using it as a pillow. While he was lying there an alligator crept up to him and seized him. But when it was taking him off it carried him through some thick bushes and he held on to them so...
Creek Stories. 49. Rabbit Engineers A Tug : 49. RABBIT ENGINEERS A TUG OF WAR BETWEEN TWO TIE-SNAKES (70) Two Tie-snakes lived on opposite sides of a river bend, unknown to each other. Rabbit, however, knew that they were both there, so one day he went to one of them and said, "Let us got a grapevine and have a tug of war against each other...
Koasati Stories. 35. The Owl Persecutors : 35. THE OWL PERSECUTORS (37) (SECOND VERSION) A man hunting by himself came to a big thicket and camped there. After dark an old man wearing a long yellow shirt with spots on it and carrying a walking stick came to him. He sat down on the other side of the fire. After he had sat there for a while...
Creek Stories. 41. Rabbit Gets Man Eater : 41. RABBIT GETS MAN-EATER OVER TO THE OTHER SIDE OF THE OCEAN (65) (SECOND VERSION) Lion used to live on this side of the ocean where he killed people and ate them. Therefore, the people got Rabbit to get him over to the other side. Rabbit went to meet Lion and said, "I know where you can find lots...
Creek Stories. 45. Rabbit Tries A Game : 45. RABBIT TRIES A GAME OF SCRATCH WITH WILDCAT (Tuggle collection) The Rabbit was hopping down a trail one day when he saw a track in the sand. He looked at it and said: "That animal has no claws like these," and he then held up one of his forefeet and looked with admiration at his claws. Soon he...
Alabama Stories. 59. The Bungling Host : 59. THE BUNGLING HOST (58) Bear was once traveling along when he met Rabbit. Stopping to talk to him, he said, "Come and smoke tobacco with me." The other replied, "Come and smoke tobacco with me." So Rabbit went to Bear's house. Bear cooked some peas, took out some of his leaf lard, and cooked...
Alabama Stories. 26. The Ghost : 26. THE GHOST People were out hunting. They took their families, made camps, and hunted out from them. Then one man went out hunting and got lost. He traveled about trying to find the camp and at night sat down under a tree. Far off he heard someone shout and he thought "People are in search of me...
Creek Stories. 8. The Orphan And The Orig : 8. THE ORPHAN AND THE ORIGIN OF CORN (6) (THIRD VERSION) (Tuggle collection) An old woman lived alone. She walked along a certain path until it became hard and smooth. At one place a log lay across the trail. One day as she stepped over this log she saw a drop of blood in her track. Stooping down...
Creek Stories. 51. Rabbit Engineers A Tug : 51. RABBIT ENGINEERS A TUG OF WAR BETWEEN TWO TIE-SNAKES (70) (THIRD VERSION) (Tuggle collection) One day a Rabbit saw a Tie-snake in a pool of water and proposed a trial of strength, which the Snake, to honor the little fellow, accepted. The Rabbit ran over the hill to another pool of water...
Creek Stories. 42. Rabbit Gets Man Eater : 42. RABBIT GETS MAN-EATER OVER TO THE OTHER SIDE OF THE OCEAN (65) (THIRD VERSION) (Tuggle collection) The Rabbit was traveling from west to east and met the Lion going from east to west. The Rabbit was very fond of the ladies and felt jealous of the Lion and wanted to get rid of him. "What," said...
Alabama Stories. 20. The Men Who Went To The Sky : 20. THE MEN WHO WENT TO THE SKY 1 (23) Two men started off to visit The-One-Sitting-Above (God). They went on. They went a long distance and came to where a Sharp-buttocks lived. He set out a chair with a hole in it and they sat down. "A battle is about to be fought here," he said. So they made...
Creek Stories. 16. Story Of The Bat : 16. STORY OF THE BAT (52) (Tuggle collection) The birds challenged the four-footed animals to a great ball play. It was agreed that all creatures which had teeth should be on one side and all those which had feathers should go on the other side with the birds. The day was fixed and all...
Comparison Of Myths. Comparison Of Myths : COMPARISON OF MYTHS The accompanying table gives in condensed form the results of a comparison of the myths of the people under consideration, those of the Yuchi as recorded by Speck, and the Cherokee myths given by Mooney. The Creek stories embrace the ones obtained by myself, those in the Tuggle...
Creek Stories. 54. Rabbit Fools Alligator : 54. RABBIT FOOLS ALLIGATOR (70) Rabbit went to a pond of water where Tie-snake lived and said: "I want to tell you that Alligator might hurt you." When Tie-snake came out to him he said: "Alligator said to me, 'If I come down to his place I will tear him up.'" Said Tie-snake: "Let him show me."...
Hitchiti Stories. 14. Story Of The Lizard : p. 96 14. STORY OF THE LIZARD (40) A man accompanied by his wife went hunting. They traveled until they reached a creek and encamped close by it. The woman stayed there while the man went out hunting. While they were there and the man was out hunting the woman found a big lizard living in a hole...
Alabama Stories. 49. The Captive Alabama : 49. THE CAPTIVE ALABAMA The Choctaw captured an Alabama boy. They took him home with them and when he grew to manhood he helped them much in fighting the Alabama. He captured people and returned with them, so that they did not like him, and called a doctor in order to get him back. The doct...
Koasati Stories. 58. Rabbit And The Ducks : 58. RABBIT AND THE DUCKS (56) Once when Rabbit was traveling along he came to a lot of ducks swimming in a pond. Presently he went to them with a cord tied about his waist, dived under the place where the ducks were and, when he reached them, tied all of their legs together. When he had finished he...
Natchez Stories. 25. The Fox And The Crawfish : 25. THE FOX AND THE CRAWFISH (EUROPEAN) The Fox wanted to catch the Crawfish in order to eat him, and the Crawfish said, "We will run a race, and if you can beat me you can have me." They agreed upon a course over seven hills, and squatted down at one end ready to start. One of them was to say "Let...
Hitchiti Stories. 21. The Deer Kills Himself : 21. THE DEER KILLS HIMSELF AGAINST A TREE (51, 72) Opossum climbed a persimmon tree, shook it, and ate the fruit. While he was doing so a Fawn came up and said, "What are you eating? It is an apple," he answered. The Fawn said, "Give me one so that I can try it." When the Opossum gave him one...
Koasati Stories. 44. Opossum And Panther : 44. OPOSSUM AND PANTHER IN PARTNERSHIP (64) An Opossum traveling about met a Panther. By and by the Opossum saw many deer and he sat down near them until the Panther came up. When the Panther got there he said, "You deceive those deer, I will kill them, and we will eat them." So the Opossum went...
Hitchiti Stories. 36. Rabbit Is Sent With Medicine : 36. RABBIT IS SENT WITH MEDICINE A man and his wife were living together in a certain place and the man fell sick. His wife nursed him by herself. Then she thought she would have medicine made for him and went to get a doctor. She took a can along into which to put the medicine. While she w...
Creek Stories. 79. The Flight To The Tree : 79. THE FLIGHT TO THE TREE (76) 1 (Tuggle collection) Once there was a little boy who lived with his grandmother. He grew up to be very fond of hunting and had three dogs named "Simursitty, Jeudawson," and "Ben-boten." 2 His name was "Tookme." He killed many bison and that caused them to hold...
Natchez Stories. 41. The Two Irishmen : p. 265 41. THE TWO IRISHMEN (EUROPEAN) Two Irishmen bought a horse. One said to the other, "You ride him," and the other said, "You ride him." When the two were leading him about, one finally agreed to ride him, but when the horse moved he fell off. Then the two walked along leading him. Then one...
Alabama Stories. 25. The Hunter And His Ghostly : 25. THE HUNTER AND HIS GHOSTLY VISITANTS A man went hunting on horseback and was lost. After he had ridden around vainly for some time night overtook him and he sat down. When day came again he mounted his horse and wandered around for a long time without seeing his camp. Finally night came and he...
Natchez Stories. 42. Jack And The Beanstalk : 42. JACK AND THE BEANSTALK (EUROPEAN) An old woman and a boy lived together, but I do not know that they were related to each other. One time their food gave out and there was nothing to eat. Then the woman said to the boy, "Take the calf and sell it and get what you can for it," so he took...
Creek Stories. 84. The Ordering Of Field Work : p. 76 84. THE ORDERING OF FIELD WORK (5) (Tuggle collection) Away back in the first times God lived on the earth with men and he so arranged it that their hoes, plows, and all other tools worked without being guided. All a man had to do was to tell the hoe or plow where he wanted work done and it...
Natchez Stories. 27. The Owl And The Perch : 27. THE OWL AND THE PERCH An Owl found a Perch in a little puddle which was almost dry and wanted to eat it, but when he caught it the Perch said, "Let me sing you a song for you to dance by first. I am a good singer, and, if you will carry me to some spot that is open and clean so that you c...
Koasati Stories. 4. The Star Husbands : 4. THE STAR HUSBANDS (17) Two young women were lying down looking at the stars and one of them said, "I will have that bright star." The other said, "I will have that star which is not so bright." They went to sleep, they were p. 167 sent for and awoke lying down far up in the sky. When they awoke...
Creek Stories. 27. The Man Who Became A Snake : 27. THE MAN WHO BECAME A SNAKE (35) (FIFTH VERSION) Two friends went out hunting. They came to the shore of a great lake, and on the shore found a big egg, which one of them brought back to camp. His friend told him it might not be good, but he said "I am going to cook it anyhow." So he cooked...
Alabama Stories. 13. Big Man Eater : p. 129 13. BIG MAN-EATER AND THE PERSIMMON TREE (11) Six brothers lived together. While five of them were out hunting the last one remained at home as cook. He spent his time digging wild potatoes close to the water and washing them. He took one white wild potato and was trying to wash it when it...
Creek Stories. 26. The Man Who Became A Snake : 26. THE MAN WHO BECAME A SNAKE (35) (FOURTH VERSION) Two men went to war, but after they had had some encounters with the enemy one of them fell sick and they decided they had better return home. While they were camping about on their way back the one who was sick said that he wanted something very...
Creek Stories. 87. The Animal Helpers : 87. THE ANIMAL HELPERS (EUROPEAN) A man on a considerable journey stopped to eat his lunch beside a creek. Then a big black Ant came out and said, "Give me a piece of bread. Sometime I may help you out of trouble." So he gave it some bread. By and by he heard some talking in the water, and some...
Koasati Stories. 17. The Obstacle Flight : p. 182 17. THE OBSTACLE FLIGHT (9) Big Man-eater stole a young girl and carried her off. All of her brothers hunted for her but in vain. Big Man-eater took her to his place and kept her there. When day came he went off hunting. When he came back he had killed nothing and said to the girl, "Cut off...
Creek Stories. 24. The Man Who Became A Snake : 24. THE MAN WHO BECAME A SNAKE (35). (SECOND VERSION) Two young men once went out hunting together. One was a jolly fellow, the other more thoughtful. The former always wanted to do everything he heard of anyone else doing. As they were going along the sober one said he had heard that if anyone ate...
Natchez Stories. 7. The Origin Of Corn : 7. THE ORIGIN OF CORN (4, 5) Corn-woman lived at a certain place in company with twin girls. When the corn was all gone she went into the corn house, taking two baskets, and came out with the baskets full. They lived on the hominy which she made from this. One time the girls looked into this corn...
Natchez Stories. 37. The Bison Helper : 37. THE BISON HELPER A man who had two wives went hunting. He killed nothing and saw nothing in the woods, and before he could see any game in the grassy places it would run away. Then he thought, "I will kill them by jumping into the water," but first he thought he would go about setting fires. So...
Creek Stories. 25. The Man Who Became A Snake : 25. THE MAN WHO BECAME A SNAKE (35) (THIRD VERSION) Two old men once went hunting and camped at a certain spot. One of them was very fond of fish and said, "I want some fish." Just then they noticed water dripping from the top of a tree near by, and the man who was fond of fish said he would go up...
Koasati Stories. 40. The Story Of Owl : 40. THE STORY OF OWL AND LITTLE YELLOW MOUSE An Owl went to the house of a little yellow Mouse, wanting to catch him, and sat down there. Then the Owl asked him, "What do people call me when they hear me hoot?" The Mouse answered, "Well, they call you Night-chief." At this the Owl laughed and w...
Alabama Stories. 64. Some Short Stories : 64. SOME SHORT STORIES There were two villages hostile to each other. A man belonging to one obtained a medicine inclosed in a bottle. If this were uncorked it would kill everyone in the neighborhood by means of a pestilence, or something of the kind. The man was taking it to the opposing village...
Creek Stories. 7. The Orphan And The Orig : 7. THE ORPHAN AND THE ORIGIN OF CORN (4, 6). (SECOND VERSION) In early days the Indians lived in camps, and when they got tired of one place they moved off to another. The men would go out hunting and the women would go to dig mud potatoes. One time, while they were living this way, each cl...
Creek Stories. 30. The Monster Turtle : 30. THE MONSTER TURTLE One summer seven men set out on a hunting expedition. It was hot and they became very thirsty before they reached their camping place. While they were traveling along, longing more and more for water all the time, they came upon a monster bull turtle (l' dja lko). They said...
Creek Stories. 3. The Orphan : 3. THE ORPHAN (43) An orphan was walking about shooting arrows. One day he came to the lower end of a creek where the water was deep and heard a noise like thunder. Looking closely he discovered a Tie-snake p. 8 and the Thunder-being fighting, and when they saw him both asked him to help them...
Creek Stories. 23. The Man Who Became A Snake : 23. THE MAN WHO BECAME A SNAKE (35) Two men went hunting together. They traveled all day and when they encamped for the night exchanged stories with each other. One said that if you mixed together the brains of a black snake, a black squirrel, and a wild turkey and ate them you would turn ...
Creek Stories. 20. The Hunter, The Monster : p. 27 20. THE HUNTER, THE MONSTER LIZARD, AND THE PANTHER (33) 1 A man and his wife camped out in a certain place with many dogs in order to hunt. The dogs would trail a bear and when they had brought it to bay they would bark in a peculiar manner, whereupon the man would come up and kill the bear...
Creek Stories. 32. The Big Rock Man : 32. THE BIG ROCK MAN (Tuggle collection) The people were engaged in a war. Whenever they were on the point of winning the victory the Big Rock Man came to the rescue of their enemies and saved them from defeat. They called a council to devise measures to conquer the Big Rock Man, but in vain. They...
Alabama Stories. 57. The Tar Baby : 57. THE TAR BABY (63) Rabbit was stealing potatoes. Then the people made a tar image in the shape of a man and set it up near the potato field to scare him away. When Rabbit came near he asked it for potatoes, but it would not give him any. Then he said he would hit it with his fist, but his h...
Koasati Stories. 13. The Story Of An Orphan : 13. THE STORY OF AN ORPHAN (7) An orphan was traveling along and other persons said, "Let us cross to the other side of this big river." They took the orphan along. They went together and reached the other side. They told him to p. 176 wander off [hunting] and when he did so they got into the bo...
Hitchiti Stories. 4. The Boy And The Wizards : 4. THE BOY AND THE WIZARDS (38) Two old people, an old woman and her husband, and the nephew of the latter, were living together. One evening the boy went visiting and the old people were alone in the house. When it was dark p. 89 the boy came back. The door of the house was shut and he heard them...
Hitchiti Stories. 16. The Hunter And The Tie Snake : 16. THE HUNTER AND THE TIE-SNAKE (26) A man went hunting one summer. He killed a deer and carried it along on his back. On the way he got very hot and coming to a pond he went in swimming. While he was sitting in the water he felt something against his hip and looking down he saw something blue...
Koasati Stories. 33. The Pigeon Hawk's Gift : 33. THE PIGEON HAWK'S GIFT (32) An orphan was traveling about hunting but killed nothing; he went on and crossed a river. He traveled with an old gun, for he was very poor. He killed nothing, and nobody liked him very much. Once he stayed with people at a distance from home who said, "Go on hunting...
Koasati Stories. 46. Panther And Rattlesnake : p. 201 46. PANTHER AND RATTLESNAKE Panther and Rattlesnake disputed as to who could kill something first. Panther said, "I can kill and bring in something before the sun gets up," and Rattlesnake said, "I will also bring in something." Next day, just before sunrise, Panther brought in some game...
Hitchiti Stories. 24. The Theft Of Fire : 24. THE THEFT OF FIRE (67) Rabbit ran away with the fire and scattered it. At that time people were forbidden to build a fire except in the busk ground. It was customary to build a fire just to have a dance. p. 103 Rabbit knew when there was to be a dance at the busk ground and thought, "I will run...
Creek Stories. 40. Rabbit Gets Man Eater : 40. RABBIT GETS MAN-EATER OVER TO THE OTHER SIDE OF THE OCEAN (65) Rabbit and Man-eater met and they got to bragging about the nature of their excrement. In order to prove their contentions they sat down side by side, closed their eyes, and defecated. Before Man-eater opened his eyes, however...
Alabama Stories. 43. The Eagle's Nest : 43. THE EAGLE'S NEST (27) A man traveling about became frightened at a big eagle which he saw moving along and got into a hollow tree. Then the eagle took him, tree and all, carried him to his little eaglets, and laid him down there. The eaglets sat on the top of a high hill. When day came...
Koasati Stories. 61. The Bungling Host : 61. THE BUNGLING HOST (58) Bear and Rabbit became friends. Then Bear said, "Come and visit me." Rabbit set out and when he got to Bear's house Bear cut a slit in his body, picked out a piece of fat and fried it, and they ate. Then Rabbit said, "You come to me." When Bear came to visit him, Rabbit...
Introduction : p. 1 MYTHS AND TALES OF THE SOUTHEASTERN INDIANS BY JOHN R. SWANTON INTRODUCTION The greater part of the accompanying material was collected by the writer between the years 1908 and 1914. Among the Creek myths, however, are included most of those secured by W. O. Tuggle many years ago...
Alabama Stories. 60. The Flight To The Tree : 60. THE FLIGHT TO THE TREE (76) A woman had an only daughter. One day the girl started out to get water and a bison seized her and carried her off. Her mother did not know where she was. She went about asking for her, but none of the people knew where she had gone, although they lived in the same...
Koasati Stories. 41. The Story Of Wahgalanoh : 41. THE STORY OF WHGALNOH 1 There was a male child whose father was unknown and all the creatures assembled to try to discover who it was. They said, "Each of you make an arrow and bring it here, and call to him to come and p. 199 get it. The one whose arrow he comes to get will be his father."...
Creek Stories. 89. A Legend Recorded : p. 83 89. A LEGEND RECORDED BY BARTRAM The following quotation from Bartram 1 gives another mythic tale, which is added by way of supplement. "The river St. Mary has its source from a vast lake, or marsh, called Ouaquaphenogaw, which lies between Flint and Oakmulge rivers, and occupies a space...
Natchez Stories. 38. The Mosquito : 38. THE MOSQUITO A man (probably a Natchez) was out hunting and heard a noise a long distance behind him, "Wmp, wmp, wmp." He said to himself, "I believe that white people are chasing me with hounds." After he had gotten along some distance farther he heard a quick rushing noise behind him...
Alabama Stories. 56. Rabbit Kills Big Man Eater : 56. RABBIT KILLS BIG MAN-EATER Big Man-eater lived with his wife at a certain place and wanted to kill human beings. People heard of it and said, "They want to kill us," and all were afraid. Then Rabbit said, "Give me an old dress," and they gave it to him. He said, "Give me an old blanket,"...
Natchez Stories. 43. The Simpleton : 43. THE SIMPLETON A very modern story told to my informant by a Creek Indian. It is of little value except for the linguistic material obtained with it. 1 FOOTNOTES 266:1 Given in The Journal of American Folk-Lore, vol. XXVI, no. CI, 1913, p. 217.
Natchez Stories. 2. The Rolling Head : p. 215 2. THE ROLLING HEAD (16) There were two brothers by the same mother living together. After some time a woman came to them and they left it to each other who would take her. Finally the younger brother took her. These brothers were always going about fishing, and one time they found a big...
Koasati Stories. 65. Money Spitter : p. 213 65. MONEY-SPITTER (77) An old woman was living with her only daughter and a grandchild. One time she said to her grandchild, "Go to hunt for the hogs. What kind of bread shall I make to carry along? Make white cornmeal bread, and put it into a sack." So she put the bread into a sack...
Alabama Stories. 61. Money Spitter : 61. MONEY-SPITTER (77) There was a girl without father or mother living with her grandmother. One day she started out; she started out after hogs. She carried with her bread made of chaff because there was then no flour mill. As she was traveling along she met two old women. "What have you?" said...
Koasati Stories. 34. The Owl Persecutors : 34. THE OWL PERSECUTORS (37) A young man traveling about was told something he did not believe. An old man said that if he swallowed a crawfish and whooped like an owl, numbers of owls would come and bite him, pull his hair all out and put out the fire. The young man did not believe this and said...
Koasati Stories. 39. The Owl And The Turkey : 39. THE OWL AND THE TURKEY An Owl was once traveling along and met a Turkey. They talked together and the Owl said, "I have a good song." The Turkey answered, "Suppose we swap our songs. All right," said the Owl, and flying away he perched upon a limb and hooted (said "owa"). When the Owl got back...
Creek Stories. 60. Terrapin Races : 60. TERRAPIN RACES (57) (FIFTH VERSION) (Tuggle collection) One day the Deer was lying in the grass chewing his cud, when a Terrapin crawled near. The Deer looked at him moving slowly along, and said: "Why, brother Terrapin, you crawl as though you are sick. Why don't you go faster?" "Oh, brother...
Creek Stories. 56. Terrapin Races : 56. TERRAPIN RACES (57) (Tuggle collection) Rabbit said to Terrapin, "Let us have a race. All right," replied Terrapin, "Let me get ready for it and let us race across a ridge." "I can beat you," said Rabbit. "I can beat you," said Terrapin, and both boasted of what they could do. Terrapin said...
Hitchiti Stories. 15. The Monster Lizard : 15. THE MONSTER LIZARD (33) Several Indians were out together and formed a hunting camp. A hunter came back one evening and said, "I have found a big bear tree." He told the rest of the hunters and they said to one another, "To-morrow morning we will set out, build a fire there and smoke the she...
Koasati Stories. 6. Corn Woman : p. 168 6. CORN WOMAN (4) An old woman was traveling about. She was covered with sores and was very dirty, so that wherever she went people did not want to see her. Finally she came to where some orphan children were living and remained thereto take care of them. They said, "Stay with us." Then...
Creek Stories. 17. The Friendly Dogs : 17. THE FRIENDLY DOGS (25) A man away from home found himself sitting in the Mikos' bed in a strange square ground. There was no one about except an old Dog, which stood by the fire. This Dog came up to him and said, "Don't you have a notion to go hunting? If you go, the young boys say they will go...
Alabama Stories. 42. The Woman Who Turned : p. 154 42. THE WOMAN WHO TURNED INTO A SNAKE (35) A woman got some bison grease and walked along with it. On the bank of a river she picked up some turtle and terrapin eggs and she fried them. Her husband told her not to fry the turtle and terrapin eggs together with the grease but she did so...
Creek Stories. 36. How The Terrapin's Back : p. 41 36. HOW THE TERRAPIN'S BACK CAME TO BE IN CHECKS (53) (SECOND VERSION) (Tuggle collection) A Terrapin went hunting and met a woman. She accused him of having slandered her. He denied it, but when they passed a hollow tree into which he thought he could crawl, he said: "Yes; I did it; I am...
Creek Stories. 69. How Rabbit Got The Widow's : p. 62 69. HOW RABBIT GOT THE WIDOW'S DAUGHTER An old woman had a beautiful daughter with whom Rabbit was in love. So he went to the old woman and asked to marry her. But the old woman made excuses, saying that the girl was not old enough, did not understand housework, etc. Rabbit thereupon went...
Alabama Stories. 24. The Dead Wife : 24. THE DEAD WIFE A man and his wife were going along a trail when the man picked some berries of the button-snake root and threw them gently at his wife who was ahead of him. They passed through her body and she died. Then the woman's relatives took her and buried her, and her husband with her...
Creek Stories. 61. The Bungling Host : 61. THE BUNGLING HOST (58) (Tuggle collection) The Bear invited the Rabbit to dinner. When he came the Bear called his wife and said: "Have peas for dinner. The Rabbit loves peas. But there is no grease with which to cook them," said the Bear's wife. p. 56 "Oh," said the Bear, "that's no trouble...
Natchez Stories. 17. The Ukteni : 17. THE UKTENI 2 One time three hunters, one of whom was a young man, were camping in a certain place. The older men began talking about a very deep place in a little creek where lived an ukteni. The young man heard them and went to that place, saying to himself, "I wonder what it is." One place...
Alabama Stories. 32. The Bear People : 32. THE BEAR PEOPLE (29) The people living in a certain town went about hunting. While they were doing so some of them saw a white bear, but the others could not see it. By and by one of the men hunting about killed the white bear and took it home. He returned with it shouting and happy...
Koasati Stories. 24. Pigeon Hawk Brings Down : p. 189 24. PIGEON HAWK BRINGS DOWN THE IRON (22) A piece of iron hung high up over a trail, point downward, so that it was dangerous to travel beneath. Then all of the creatures that travel above on wings said they would try to break it off. They set about it. A flying creature would start out...
Creek Stories. 38. Why The Opossum Has No : 38. WHY THE OPOSSUM HAS NO HAIR ON HIS TAIL (49) (SECOND STORY) (Tuggle collection) The Raccoon met the Opossum, and the Opossum said: "How did you make such pretty rings on your tail?" The Raccoon replied: "I wrapped bark around my tail and stuck it into the fire." Then the Opossum got some bark...
Hitchiti Stories. 39. Rabbit And The Old Man : 39. RABBIT AND THE OLD MAN 1 A man had two daughters whom Rabbit wanted. At that time the old man's many hogs were disappearing and he did not know what caused it. Then Rabbit shouted from a place near the house and the old man started out. When he got there Rabbit sat holding a hog's tail...
Natchez Stories. 40. The Twelve Irishmen : 40. THE TWELVE IRISHMEN (75) (EUROPEAN) Twelve Irishmen were going along together. One of them had a gun. In a certain place a grasshopper lighted on the breast of a member of the party, and he cried, "Turkey, turkey, turkey. Where? where?" said the man with the gun. Then the first Irishman pointed...
Koasati Stories. 15. The Orphan Boy And Rabbit : 15. THE ORPHAN BOY AND RABBIT (6, 62) Two Indian towns stood on opposite sides of a river, and an Indian of one town went over to the other, found an orphan child sitting down defecating outside of a house and carried him across on his back. He carried him along to his house and set him down...
Koasati Stories. 16. The Story Of Crow : 16. THE STORY OF CROW (3) A man having two little boys used to go hunting, kill deer, and bring the liver back to them. "What does our father do with the meat?" said the boys. "When he goes again let us watch him secretly." So, when their father started out, they followed behind him. As they...
Creek Stories. 44. Rabbit Steals Fire : p. 46 44. RABBIT STEALS FIRE (67) (Tuggle collection) All the people came together and said: "How shall we obtain fire?" It was agreed that Rabbit should try to obtain fire for the people. He went across the great water to the east. He was received gladly, and a great dance was arranged. Then...
Koasati Stories. 37. The Story Of Life Eater : 37. THE STORY OF LIFE-EATER Once, when Life-eater was traveling about, he met a man out hunting. The man was very much frightened. Life-eater pursued him, and though the man strove to run away from him he could not p. 197 do so. As he was going along he seized a little rabbit and put it into his...
Hitchiti Stories. 37. Man And Rabbit : 37. MAN AND RABBIT (71) Rabbit ate some vegetables in a garden but the owner did not know it was he. The master of the garden thought, "I will watch and find out who it is." So he sat watching in the field and saw Rabbit follow along the rows eating peas. The master of the field saw him going...
Alabama Stories. 38. The Owl And The Hawk : 38. THE OWL AND THE HAWK (32) A person went hunting and made a camp. While he was sitting by it a Horned Owl and a Hawk. came flying thither. The Hawk came on without stopping and settled between the man's knees. The Horned Owl came and perched on the other side of the fire. He kept saying, "Throw...
Alabama Stories. 52. Opossum : 52. OPOSSUM (49) Opossum was walking along and killed a wolf. He skinned it and roasted the meat. He put this into a basket and was carrying it along when he met other Wolves, who said, "What have you got? Nothing at all. My grandmother said, 'If you get some clay I will make an earthen pot for you...
Koasati Stories. 59. The Tar Baby : 59. THE TAR BABY (63, 66) During the night Rabbit continually stole watermelons, onions, and other similar things. By and by the people made an image like that of a man, rubbed it with pine pitch, and fixed it in a standing position. When Rabbit came to steal he saw the man. He went to shake hands...
Natchez Stories. 31. Rabbit And Alligator : 31. RABBIT AND ALLIGATOR (59, 60) The animals had a chief who divided the various kinds of food among them, and each called for what it liked, the Squirrel asking for acorns, the Opossum, Raccoon, and Fox for persimmons, the Birds for grapes, etc. The Rabbit looked up and saw a lot of sycamore...
Alabama Stories. 34. The Bear's Revenge : 34. THE BEAR'S REVENGE (30) A man setting out to hunt bear saw a small female Bear on the top of a hollow tree. He climbed up to it and got inside with the little Bear. He took the little Bear up, tied beads around its neck and stayed with it. By and by the Bear's mother came in and he was afraid...
Alabama Stories. 29. Adventures With Supernatural : 29. ADVENTURES WITH SUPERNATURAL BEINGS (41) A man heard shouting and, thinking to himself, "It is some of our people," he called back, but the noise was not made by human beings. Two creatures came to the place where he was and followed him. When he started on they followed him without ceasing...
Koasati Stories. 21. The Giant Elk : 21. THE GIANT ELK (46) A man traveling along met a pygmy. An old man said, "Whoever first kills a very big bad elk which pursues people in order to kill them will be able to slay anything." The pygmy, the man, the Panther, and the Wildcat, all four, sat down and waited. For four days all stayed...
Creek Stories. 53. Rabbit Engineers A Tug : 53. RABBIT ENGINEERS A TUG OF WAR BETWEEN TWO BISON (70) One time Rabbit met two Bison lying on opposite sides of a hill. He went to one of them and said, "Let us see which is stronger. Let us pull against each other. People always extol your strength. I am small but I believe I am stronger th...
Natchez Stories. 6. Lodge Boy And Thrown Away : p. 227 6. LODGE BOY AND THROWN-AWAY (3) (SECOND VERSION) A hunter had a little boy who stayed at the hunting camp. When he went off his boy said to him, "Make some arrows for me." He made arrows for him but the next time he went off again the boy again said, "Make some arrows for me. How does it...
Natchez Stories. 34. Rabbit And Wildcat : 34. RABBIT AND WILDCAT (64) Wildcat and Rabbit met and talked. Rabbit said, "Turkeys are walking around near by. Pretend that you are dead. Lie down and I will deceive the Turkeys and bring them to you so that you can catch them." So Wildcat pretended that he was dead, and Rabbit rubbed a piece...
Alabama Stories. 22. The Men Who Went To The Sky : 22. THE MEN WHO WENT TO THE SKY 1 (23) (THIRD VERSION) There were two men and a woman living in a certain place. The woman had a little child. By and by the child's mother died. Then the two men determined to try and get her back, and about March they started off to heaven. They traveled ...
Hitchiti Stories. 25. The Theft Of Fire : 25. THE THEFT OF FIRE (67) (SECOND VERSION) Rabbit was traveling about during a festal season. On those days fire was taboo until they built a fire in the ceremonial grounds, but Rabbit wanted to run away with some. He put pine tar on his head and went to the dance. While he was standing about they...
Alabama Stories. 27. The Owl Wives : 27. THE OWL WIVES Two men were camped away from home hunting. One day two women, each with a child on her back, came to their camp pretending to be their wives, but an old dog told them that they were really owls (or ghosts?). One believed the woman was really his wife; the other did not...
Alabama Stories. 48. A War Between The Alabam : 48. A WAR BETWEEN THE ALABAMA AND THE CHOCTAW Once when the Alabama went to fight the Choctaw there were but few of them. While the rest sat down the head man walked about. A large number of Choctaw were encamped about them, The Alabama wanted to go on, so they endeavored to make their enemies...
Alabama Stories. 18. The Orphan : p. 136 18. THE ORPHAN (6, 62) (SECOND VERSION) A youth without father or mother was dressed up by those who had the care of him. He was a poor boy but he had on fine clothes. Then they sent him away. At some distance he got arrows and a bow, and after traveling on for some time met a girl. She...
Creek Stories. 91. The Monkey Girl : 91. THE MONKEY GIRL (AN AFRICAN STORY) (Tuggle collection) An old woman lived with her grandson, who was a great hunter. They had a field of corn which the raccoons and monkeys destroyed, and though the young man killed a great many of them, the destruction went on. One day two pretty girls came...
Hitchiti Stories. 23. Heron And Humming Bird : 23. HERON AND HUMMING BIRD (50) Heron and Humming Bird agreed to race. They said to each other, "We will race for four days, and whichever first on the fourth day reaches and sits down by a big dead tree standing on the bank of the river shall own all the fish in the water." When the time...
Creek Stories. 1. How Day And Night Were Divided : CREEK STORIES 1. HOW DAY AND NIGHT WERE DIVIDED (Tuggle collection) The animals held a meeting and No-koos-see (Nokosi), the Bear, presided. The question was, how to divide day and night. Some desired the day to last all the time; others wished it all night. After much talk, Chew-thlock-chew...
Alabama Stories. 46. The Girl Captives : 46. THE GIRL CAPTIVES The Choctaw and Alabama once had a fight in which the Choctaw won and captured two young women. They carried them to their town and kept them there. By and by they saw the Choctaw gather grass, tie it in bundles and bring it in. They were frightened. "They are going to burn us...
Natchez Stories. 24. Terrapin And Deer : 24. TERRAPIN AND DEER (57) Once the Terrapin proposed to the Deer to run a race across seven high hills, and they appointed a time for it. The day having arrived, the Terrapin got the other Terrapin together and placed them in a row on the sides of the hills. He put a white feather on the head...
Koasati Stories. 29. The Bear's Revenge : 29. THE BEAR'S REVENGE (30) Some Indians were hunting bears in hollow trees. By and by they made a camp and hunted about from that. One Indian, who was poor and had killed nothing, went with them. They came to a hollow tree leaning up against another. The man climbed to the top of this tree, looked...
Koasati Stories. 23. The Hero From Under The Water : 23. THE HERO FROM UNDER THE WATER Six Indian brothers lived under the water. The youngest was unmarried. All of the older brothers had wives; he was the only one without. Women wanted to get him, but he did not want any of them. He thought, "I will wander off somewhere and die." So he traveled p...
Natchez Stories. 19. The Pygmies : 19. THE PYGMIES (28) There is a race of little people to whom what is small seems large while what is large seems small. A number of these people once said they were going to war. They had bows about 6 inches long. The first enemy they found was a hive of yellow jackets with which they beg...
Alabama Stories. 1. Origin Of The Indians : p. 118 ALABAMA STORIES 1. ORIGIN OF THE INDIANS Many Indians once lived far down in the earth where they had been made out of the clay. Half of them decided to come up and began the ascent. As it was dark where they were they procured pine torches and fastened them on their horses. They camped...
Creek Stories. 14. The Water Panther : 14. THE WATER PANTHER (LEOPARD) 1 A girl whose father and mother were dead lived at a certain place with some relatives. Every day she went for water to a spring, the trail to which ran through a deep hollow. One time, after she had p. 22 grown up, a Water Panther (O-ktca) appeared to her there...
Koasati Stories. 49. Crane And Humming Bird : 49. CRANE AND HUMMING BIRD (50) Sandhill Crane was traveling along and met Humming Bird and they talked together. Then Crane said, "I can beat you." And Humming Bird said, "O o+o, you can't do it. Yes, I can beat you," said Crane. After they had disputed for some time Crane said, "All right, let us...
Alabama Stories. 15. The Obstacle Flight : p. 133 15. THE OBSTACLE FLIGHT (9) (SECOND VERSION) Big Man-eater had a wife but stole another woman and carried her to the place where his wife lived. Next day he started off. After he had traveled about hunting for a while he came back without having killed anything. Then he said to his wife...
Alabama Stories. 37. The Man And The Alligator : 37. THE MAN AND THE ALLIGATOR People were in the habit of saying that the alligator could run fast, but one man did not believe it. "He can not catch me," he said. "He can catch you," they began telling him, but he did not believe it. "Well, go and see," they said, so he got a gun and set out. When...
Creek Stories. 37. Why The Opossum Has No : 37. WHY THE OPOSSUM HAS NO HAIR ON HIS TAIL (Tuggle collection) When there was a great flood all the animals were put in the ark, except the male opossum. A female opossum climbed up on the side of the ark and when the waters rose, her tail hung down into the water. When the waters subsided it w...
Natchez Stories. 8. Corn Woman's Son : 8. CORN-WOMAN'S SON (4, 6, 54, 55) Old Corn-woman lived with a certain boy. When she was out of corn she went to the corn house, entered, and when she came out had a basket full of corn with which she made hominy. One time while they were living in this way the boy looked into the corn house...
Koasati Stories. 38. The Man Who Treated A Ghost : 38. THE MAN WHO TREATED A GHOST (24) An old woman was living at a certain place with her grandson. One day the boy said, "I am going out hunting and will come back. I will come back in four days," he said, and he started off. He crossed a big river, reached an immense thicket, and camped there...
Creek Stories. 28. The King Of The Tie Snakes : 28. THE KING OF THE TIE-SNAKES (41) (Tuggle collection) A chief sent his son on a message to another chief, and delivered to him a vessel as the emblem of his authority. The son stopped to play with some boys who were throwing stones into the water. The chief's son threw his vessel upon the water p...
Alabama Stories. 44. The Man Who Rescued His Wife : 44. THE MAN WHO RESCUED HIS WIFE BY STRATEGY A man who had just married took his wife and started off hunting. They camped at a certain place, went out hunting from there, killed a deer and brought it in. But while they were roasting the meat men of another nation surrounded them, holding their...
Hitchiti Stories. 27. Tie Snake And Rabbit : 27. TIE-SNAKE AND RABBIT (70) Rabbit said to Tie-snake, "I am a strong man. I think I am stronger than you." When Rabbit said that to Tie-snake, Tie-snake said in his turn, "I also am strong. You Rabbit can not beat me in a contest of strength." Rabbit said, "Well then, let us set a day on which...
Natchez Stories. 22. The Opossum : 22. THE OPOSSUM (48) There was once a very pretty girl whom all creatures wanted to marry. Finally the Opossum went to see her and on the way he picked up all the pieces of paper he could find and put them into his pocket. When he got to the place he kept looking at these papers and then laying...
Creek Stories. 62. How Rabbit Won His Wife's : p. 57 62. HOW RABBIT WON HIS WIFE'S SISTER FOR HIS SECOND WIFE (Tuggle collection) Rabbit was lying down with his head in his wife's lap and she was gently rubbing it. Presently her sister, who lived with them, a beautiful girl, rose and said, "I must go after the water," and went out. Then Rabbit...
Alabama Stories. 39. The Owl And The Hawk : 39. THE OWL AND THE HAWK (32) (SECOND VERSION) A man went hunting and camped. While he was sitting by the fire a Hawk and a Horned Owl came flying and lighted there. The Hawk stood between the man's knees and the Horned Owl lighted on the other side of the fire. "Throw that Hawk over to me," he...
Natchez Stories. 3. The Cannibal's Seven Sons : 3. THE CANNIBAL'S SEVEN SONS 2 (20) There was a man eater who had seven sons. He used to hunt and kill beaver, hang them up to dry and eat them by himself. His boys said to one another, "I wonder if that beaver meat is good." So they watched for an opportunity, stole some of this beaver me...
Alabama Stories. 16. Lodge Boy And Thrown Away : 16. LODGE BOY AND THROWN-AWAY (3) A man lived with an only son and another boy, a poor orphan who had come to him. While he was living with them he went hunting, traveled about, but brought back only the hide and liver, which they roasted and ate. When he went out again and killed a deer, as before...
Natchez Stories. 21. The Panther And The Crane : 21. THE PANTHER AND THE CRANE Panther and Crane laid a wager. Panther said to Crane, "Let us see who can throw the farthest. All right," Crane answered. They said, "Let us throw a hammer across a stream." Panther threw first, and he got it across, but when Crane stood ready to throw, he thought, "I...
Creek Stories. 68. Why The Opossum Looks Ashamed : 68. WHY THE OPOSSUM LOOKS ASHAMED (60) (Tuggle collection) One time an Opossum got very hungry. He went about the world hunting something to eat. At last he looked up into a tree and saw some big balls hanging low down on the limbs. They looked so fine that he danced around the tree for joy. After...
Creek Stories. 19. The Monster Lizard : 19. THE MONSTER LIZARD (33) A number of men went a long distance into the country and encamped. While they were hunting about some of them discovered an hatckliba (a monster lizard). 1 One of them said, "I am going to have a race with him." He relied upon a very potent "word" which he had. So he...
Natchez Stories. 9. The Panther Child : 9. THE PANTHER CHILD (6, 7) A woman was washing at a creek with her baby lying close by her. While she was dipping up water a Tiger, 1 which had been watching her, ran up and carried off her child. She did not know at first what had happened to it. The Tiger took the child, which was a boy, to its...
Creek Stories. 63. Turkey, Turtle, And Rattlesnake : 63. TURKEY, TURTLE, AND RATTLESNAKE (42) (Tuggle collection) Once upon a time the beasts, birds, and reptiles held a council to devise means of destroying their enemy, Man. It was decided that he must die. The Rattlesnake, being the most poisonous, was chosen p. 58 to kill him; the Turtle w...
Creek Stories. 58. Terrapin Races : p. 54 58. TERRAPIN RACES (57) (THIRD VERSION) (Tuggle collection) A Terrapin dared a Deer to run a race. On the appointed day they met and agreed to race over four hills. The Terrapin wore a white feather in his cap. Then he went off and found three other Terrapins and stationed them on the tops...
Creek Stories. 5. The Origin Of Corn : 5. THE ORIGIN OF CORN (4) It is said that corn was obtained by one of the women of the Tmlgi clan. 1 She had a number of neighbors and friends, and when they came to her house she would dish some sofki (a native dish made from corn) into an earthen bowl and they would drink it. They found it...
Natchez Stories. 30. The Bungling Host : 30. THE BUNGLING HOST (58) A Rabbit wandering about came upon a Bear cooking a piece of his flesh. When it was done the Bear sharpened his knife, bent over a pot in which beans were cooking, slit his belly and let grease run out of it into the beans in order to season them. He gave the Rabbit...
Hitchiti Stories. 42. The Unfaithful Wife : 42. THE UNFAITHFUL WIFE (73) A man and his wife were living together in a certain place. Then the woman began going with another man, but her husband became suspicious. He investigated and found the place where they met. On his return he said to his wife, "I am going a great distance away, so stay...
Creek Stories. 65. The Tasks Of Rabbit : 65. THE TASKS OF RABBIT (54) (SECOND VERSION) Rabbit came to Christ and asked him for more knowledge. He was given a sack and told to get a lot of Blackbirds which were making a noise some distance away. 1 So Rabbit went to the Blackbirds and said, "People say there are just a few of you. You could...
Koasati Stories. 20. Thunder : 20. THUNDER (45) There were four Indian brothers and one sister, making five, living with their mother. After a rainy spell the girl went in search of wood when lightning struck the ground, "ps." Thunder stood there, called her to him, and said, "Where do you lie down to sleep? I lie down to sleep...
Alabama Stories. 45. A Fight Between : 45. A FIGHT BETWEEN THE ALABAMA AND THE CHOCTAW The Choctaw captured an Alabama Indian who remained with them and fought for them against the Alabama. Once the Choctaw and Alabama fought each other all day and at night the Alabama got into a creek bottom surrounded by bluffs. The Choctaw watched...
Hitchiti Stories. 17. The Man Who Became A Snake : 17. THE MAN WHO BECAME A SNAKE (35) Two men out hunting came to a creek and in a hollow log lying in the water found two fish which one of the men took out. When he had done so they say the other said, "They may not be fish." But the first would not leave them. He took them along and when they...
Alabama Stories. 47. The Alabama And Choctaw Wars : 47. THE ALABAMA AND CHOCTAW WARS The Alabama and Choctaw fought each other. For a long time people were killed on each side and they took each other's scalps and ran off with them. After they had fought this way for a time the Alabama were victorious, not knowing how many scalps they had taken...
Koasati Stories. 47. Tadpole And Crawfish : 47. TADPOLE AND CRAWFISH A Tadpole and a Crawfish traveling about met and began abusing each other. The Crawfish called the other Tadpole-big-belly, and the Tadpole called him Crawfish-small-legs. Then the Tadpole said, "It is because I ate some watermelons raised by my grandmother,"...
Hitchiti Stories. 10. The Hunter And His Dogs : 10. THE HUNTER AND HIS DOGS (25) (SECOND VERSION) A hunter took many dogs along with him. He camped and went about hunting, but presently he fell sick, Then the dogs went out hunting and killed and brought back turkeys, which the sick man ate. While he lay in bed the dogs which had been running all...
Koasati Stories. 42. The Story Of Opossum : 42. THE STORY OF OPOSSUM Opossum lived with her children. Big Bat got them and carried them off to a hole in the rocks. Then Opossum went about crying. Presently Wolf came to her and said, "Why are you crying? Oh, I am crying because something big has stolen my children and taken them into a hollow...
Natchez Stories. 20. The Frog That Lost His Wife : 20. THE FROG 1 THAT LOST HIS WIFE A Frog living with his grandmother took a wife. He did nothing all day but swim about in the river whooping and his grandmother kept saying to him, "Your wife will be taken away from you." One day he went into the river and swam about whooping all day long. His...
Creek Stories. 66. The Tasks Of Rabbit : 66. THE TASKS OF RABBIT (54) (THIRD VERSION) (Tuggle collection) Rabbit was discontented. He went to Esarketummesee (Hisakita imisi), the Life Controller, and said: "I am unhappy. The other animals are better provided than I am for offense. When I am attacked I can only run." Esarketummesee said:...
Koasati Stories. 53. Rabbit Obtains Fire : 54. RABBIT AND THE RIVER (55, 62, 66) A man said that rivers ought to run straight, with the current in the middle. Then Rabbit said, "It is not well to have straight rivers." Then the person asked who wanted to carry off the water in order to spill it about, and Rabbit said, "I will spill it."...
Alabama Stories. 35. The Alligator Benefactor : p. 151 35. THE ALLIGATOR BENEFACTOR (31) While a man who had set out to hunt was traveling about he saw an Alligator lying on the ground in the pine woods. The Alligator said, "Hunt for some water with me and put me into it and I will let you have whatever you want." So the man took him on his...
Alabama Stories. 17. The Orphan : 17. THE ORPHAN (6) An old woman was living with a poor orphan boy whose father and mother were dead. One time he went into a canebrake and saw something there. He came back and asked her about it. "That thing is a bear," she said. "People kill it." Later on he said to her, p. 135 "What thing with...
Alabama Stories. 53. Terrapin And The Wolves : 53. TERRAPIN AND THE WOLVES (49) Some Wolves pursued a fawn, which ran until it came to where a Beaver was chopping out a canoe. Without stopping it went into his anus. The Wolves arrived and said, "Have you seen a fawn come this way? No indeed," he answered. "What is that under your tail?" they...
Koasati Stories. 5. A Story Of The Orig : 5. A STORY OF THE ORIGIN OF CORN AND TOBACCO Six Indian brothers traveled about. The youngest did not have enough to eat, so he left the people and went off by himself. He took nothing with him except an earthen pot which he carried on his back. He went on, camping each night and traveling...
Koasati Stories. 36. The Monster Lizard : 36. THE MONSTER LIZARD (33) Six Indians went out to hunt bear. One of them said, "Here stands a hollow tree," but he did not think there was a bear in it. Then an Indian climbed to the top and they tied up spunk and gave it to him. He set it on fire and put it into the hollow. As he did so there...
Alabama Stories. 58. Rabbit And The Box : p. 162 58. RABBIT AND THE BOX (66) One time Rabbit started off and at a considerable distance from home found in the trail an old dirty pair of trousers. He shook the dirt from them and carried them along. Then he went on and came to an old hat. He went on again and found an old rotten ax. Going...
Hitchiti Stories. 29. Rabbit And Wolf : 29. RABBIT AND WOLF (61, 62) Rabbit was disturbing a garden when they caught and tied him to a tree intending to pour boiling water over him. While he was sitting there waiting for the sentence to be executed, Wolf, in passing by, found him. Rabbit said, "My friend, they told me to devour a big hog...
Alabama Stories. 41. The Black Snake : 41. THE BLACK SNAKE (34) Along black snake lived in a cave in the rocks. Whenever it scented a man it trailed him and kept on until it had killed him. It killed by wrapping itself around the man's body. One day when the sun was shining a man saw it lying on the ground, and the snake pursued him...
Natchez Stories. 11. Adoption Of The Human Race : 11. ADOPTION OF THE HUMAN RACE The Moon, Sun, Wind, Rainbow, Thunder, Fire, and Water once met an old man. This old man was God. One human being was invited to be present. Then Thunder asked the old man, "Could you make the people of the world my children? No, they can not be your children, but...
Natchez Stories. 26. The Crane And The Humming : p. 253 26. THE CRANE AND THE HUMMING BIRD (50) The Humming Bird and Crane lived on the shore of the ocean in the east, and the Humming Bird came to the Crane to ask him for a race. The Crane answered, "I can't race. I can't do anything." The Humming Bird kept at him, however, and finally they...
Alabama Stories. 62. The Monster : 62. THE MONSTER (79) 1 A man and his two children lived together in one house. The older son planted a peach tree. He went away and said, "If I die that peach tree will die." Then he set out. As he was going along he saw that the ants had made a trail such as he had never seen before. He stood...
Creek Stories. 71. Rabbit Fools Coyote : 71. RABBIT FOOLS COYOTE (69) The Rabbit and the Coyote were great friends. One time when the Rabbit was traveling along he saw a colt lying asleep in the road. He Went on and came to the Coyote and said, "I see something good for you to eat over there. If you wish I will drag him out of the road...
Natchez Stories. 12. Adoption Of The Human Race : 12. ADOPTION OF THE HUMAN RACE (SECOND VERSION) An old man looked at human beings and held a meeting attended by Thunder, Wind, Rainbow, Fire, Sun, Moon, and Water. Thunder said, "Perhaps all of the people in the world will be my children," but the old person answered, "It will not be so. They will...
Koasati Stories. 25. The Monster Black Snake : 25. THE MONSTER BLACK SNAKE (34) A big black snake used to pursue men and kill them. Its cry was like that of a stallion. After it had kept on chasing and killing men for some time a man who could run well and was traveling about the country said, "I will run away from it and kill it. You can not...
Next. 53. Rabbit Obtains Fire : 53. RABBIT OBTAINS FIRE (67) Formerly there was no fire in this country; only on the other side of the ocean was it to be found. The people wanted fire but the owners would not let them have it and they remained without it. Then Rabbit said, "I can bring away some fire." A person who had many...
Alabama Stories. 7. The Rescue Of The Sun : p. 123 7. THE RESCUE OF THE SUN (67) An old woman put the sun into an earthen pot and kept it there. Rabbit wanted it and stayed at her house dancing. Rabbit said to the people assembled, "Sing for me so that I can dance. We don't know how to sing for you," they answered. "Sing 'Rabbit, Rabbit...
Alabama Stories. 36. The Alligator Benefactor : 36. THE ALLIGATOR BENEFACTOR (31) (SECOND VERSION) A man was out hunting. By and by he saw an Alligator lying on the ground. He was afraid and walked around it for a while but the Alligator said, "Do not fear me. Take me on your back and throw me into the water." The man said, "All right," and he...
Alabama Stories. 2. Origin Of The Alabama Indians : 2. ORIGIN OF THE ALABAMA INDIANS Formerly the ocean was not as large as it is to-day, and at that time the Alabama Indians, who lived upon the other side, came westward across it in canoes. When they had gotten about halfway over they came upon an island where they rested and fished. Then they...
Hitchiti Stories. 22. Terrapin Races : 22. TERRAPIN RACES (57) Wolf met Terrapin and boasted that he could outrun him. Terrapin said, "I am fast," and Wolf said, "I am fast, too." p. 102 Then Terrapin said to Wolf, "Let us run a race." After they had set a day, Terrapin went away and looked for some other terrapin. They had agreed...
Creek Stories. 73. Rabbit Rides Wolf : 73. RABBIT RIDES WOLF (61, 71) (SECOND VERSION) An old woman lived in a certain place with her daughter whom Rabbit wanted to marry. One time he visited them and assured them that be had some property, including a riding horse, and he said, "Some day I will ride him past." Then he found Wolf...
Hitchiti Stories. 20. The Wolves And The Dogs : p. 100 20. THE WOLVES AND THE DOGS The Wolves used to go about with the Dogs, but men made the Dogs catch the young Wolves and kill them. Therefore the Wolves became angry and a great number held a consultation.. They said, "Our children are often killed. Let us gather the Dogs together and kill...
Natchez Stories. 23. The Wolves And The Fawn : 23. THE WOLVES AND THE FAWN (49) A Wolf met a Fawn and asked it how it came to be striped. The Fawn answered, "They put me about that deep (indicating about 3 feet) under the ground, laid a cane riddle over me, and built a fire on p. 250 the top. That is how I came to be striped." Then the Wolf...
Creek Stories. 76. Rabbit Deceives The Other : p. 69 76. RABBIT DECEIVES THE OTHER ANIMALS (72) (Tuggle collection) The Rabbit was under arrest and, when brought before the assembled council of all the other animals, he said to them: "I have a great message to deliver to all of you. God has appeared to me and he has told me that he intends...
Creek Stories. 85. The Devil's Tasks : 85. THE DEVIL'S TASKS (9, 10) (EUROPEAN) 1 A man who was pretty well off was very fond of gambling with cards, and one time he lost everything he owned. Then he determined to find the devil and get help from him, so he set out toward the west. On the evening of the same day he met a man coming...
Creek Stories. 2. Bead Spitter And Thrown Away : 2. BEAD-SPITTER AND THROWN-AWAY 2 (3, 10) Bead-spitter (Konpkes'fk) lived in a certain place. Two young women heard the name and, thinking that it must belong to some person, started out to find him. They traveled an entire day and when it was getting dark met Rabbit. "Where are you going?" he said...
Natchez Stories. 18. The Tlanuwa : 18. THE TLNUW 1 (27) One time a young man said, "If I had children and those birds took one of them I would kill them." People told him not to say such a thing, but he persisted. This youth grew up and married in course of time and had a child. One day, when the child was large enough to run...
Creek Stories. 57. Terrapin Races : 57. TERRAPIN RACES (57) (SECOND VERSION) (Tuggle collection) The Deer and the Ground Terrapin ran a race. The Terrapin stationed a second Terrapin at the beginning of the course, and two more at intervals along the course, while he himself sat at the end. Each time the Deer called out to know if...
Creek Stories. 6. The Orphan And The Orig : 6. THE ORPHAN AND THE ORIGIN OF CORN (4, 6) An old woman was living in a certain place. One time, when it was raining, she found a little blood in the water, laid it aside carefully and covered it up. Some time afterwards she removed the cover and found a male baby under it. She started to raise...
Creek Stories. 81. The Language Of Animals : 81. THE LANGUAGE OF ANIMALS Formerly men and animals talked to one another and later they lost the ability to do so, but the great medicine men had the gift. One time an old woman was much frightened at the sight of a yearling Bull coming toward her bellowing and she tried to escape. The Bull...
Creek Stories. 75. The Tar Baby : p. 68 75. THE TAR BABY (63) (Tuggle collection) A man missed peas from his garden and, after vain efforts to catch the thief, he made a tar-person and put it in the garden near the peas. A Rabbit had been coming every night for the peas and the tar-person was quickly discovered by him. Stopping...
Hitchiti Stories. 6. The Visit To The Nest : 6. THE VISIT TO THE NEST OF THE MONSTER BIRD (27) A man out hunting saw a Big-crow coming, against which people were very much on their guard because it caught human beings. The man ran away. He got inside of a hollow log, but it took him up, hollow log and all. The Big-crow flew with it toward...
Creek Stories. 52. Rabbit Engineers A Tug : 52. RABBIT ENGINEERS A TUG OF WAR BETWEEN TIE-SNAKE AND MAN-EATER (70) (Tuggle collection) Rabbit saw a Tie-snake in the water and challenged him to a trial of strength. The Tie-snake laughed at him, but consented. The Rabbit said: "I will bring a vine, and when you feel me jerk you pull."...
Koasati Stories. 50. The Conceit Of Tciktcinigasi : 50. THE CONCEIT OF TCIKTCINIGSI The Tciktcinigsi (wren?) stood under a log close to the ground and said, "Would not you say that I am very tall? When I rise on my toes I strike my head against the sky."
Koasati Stories. 43. The Story Of Opossum : p. 200 43. THE STORY OF OPOSSUM (SECOND VERSION) Tcukbilabila 1 carried off Opossum's children and kept them in a hole. Tcukbilabila sat upon them. Opossum went to the place and asked for them, but he would not give them to her. Opossum stayed there begging for them but could not get them. Then...
Hitchiti Stories. 26. The Tasks Of Rabbit : 26. THE TASKS OF RABBIT (54, 59) Rabbit asked food of an old man. Then the old man said to him, "Kill an alligator and bring it to me and when I see it I will enumerate to you all of the various kinds of food that you may eat." Rabbit started along thinking over what he should say to the Allig...
Hitchiti Stories. 7. A Strange Turkey Catches : 7. A STRANGE TURKEY CATCHES PEOPLE AND CARRIES THEM UP TO THE SKY (39) A Turkey used to catch men and carry them up to the sky. When they discovered this, many people gathered at the busk ground to find someone who could kill the Turkey when it came. Black Snake was p. 91 present, and they said...
Hitchiti Stories. 32. Rabbit And Wildcat : 32. RABBIT AND WILDCAT (64) Wildcat and Rabbit were traveling about together. Wildcat said, "My friend, I am very hungry." When Wildcat said that to Rabbit, he answered, "If that is so, wait here for me and I will go and bring some turkeys which I saw walking about. When I whoop you may know that I...
Creek Stories. 88. A Bear Drive : 88. A BEAR DRIVE (HUNTING STORY) The grandfather of my informant told the following story. When his people were still on the Washita they agreed to have a bear drive, so they prepared "drifts" (fences) of brush and other stuff leading down to the creek. Then they sent the young people and all their...
Koasati Stories. 8. The Submarine People : 8. THE SUBMARINE PEOPLE (14) Men and women living under water once came out at night and traveled about. They came to where there were land beings. They wanted some watermelons belonging to these people, so they came out and traveled about again looking for them. They came out every night and then...
Koasati Stories. 12. Bead Spitter : p. 172 12. BEAD-SPITTER (7, 10) Two girls living in an Indian village wanted beads and said, "Let us travel to see Upward-shooter who throws down beads." They started on. As they were going they came to an Owl by the trail hunting for something in a water hole. "Where are you going?" he said. "...
Alabama Stories. 12. Bead Spitter : 12. BEAD-SPITTER (7, 10) A man who spit out beads lived in a certain place, and two women set out to visit him because they wanted beads. By and by they came within sight of a pond. A Night Owl was there picking up leaves in the water in order to find a sabia he had lost. Then they said to him...
Alabama Stories. 14. The Obstacle Flight : 14. THE OBSTACLE FLIGHT (9) When Big Man-eater and his wife were living on the other side of the ocean Big Man-eater got into his canoe. and came across. At the same time a young girl who was living with her three brothers was sent after water. She set out, and when she reached the water Big...
Natchez Stories. 15. The Hunter And His Dogs : p. 243 15. THE HUNTER AND HIS DOGS (25) While a certain man was lying sick, at the point of death, his wife was stolen from him without his knowledge. He had many Dogs, and an old one among them came in and said to him, "We think you had better go hunting. I can't do anything," he answered. "Still...
Koasati Stories. 31. The Man And The Eagle : 31. THE MAN AND THE EAGLE (27) Some Indians went hunting and camped in a certain place. While they were there one Indian was attracted by a certain high mountain. So he went to it and spent sometime walking around its sides. After he had looked as much as he wished he started back to camp, but...
Alabama Stories. 30. The Sapia : 30. THE SAPIA A man who had just married went off hunting with some other people and the wife he had left behind followed them. They went on and made camp and spent the night, and when day came they went on again. They went on and camped at night. The woman who had been left behind came on and used...
Alabama Stories. 8. How Water Was Lost : 8. HOW WATER WAS LOST AND RECOVERED (13) There is a game called lklu'nka (the moccasin game) which is played with four square pieces of deer hide placed upon a big bearskin laid down hair side up. The players having formed two sides, a man on one side takes a bullet, moves it about in his hands...
Creek Stories. 77. Rabbit Escapes From The Box : 77. RABBIT ESCAPES FROM THE BOX (66) (Tuggle collection) The Rabbit had so often deceived mankind that a council was held to try him and, being found guilty, he was condemned to death by drowning. A box was made and he was put into it, carried to p. 71 the banks of a stream and left there...
Hitchiti Stories. 3. The Origin Of Wolves : 3. THE ORIGIN OF WOLVES A doctor made the Wolf. That doctor while traveling along took up a pine cone lying in the trail. He carried it along and presently found another in the trail and took that. He held one in each hand, sang, and blew upon them. He went on with them, and came to a fork...
Natchez Stories. 13. The Cannibal : 13. THE CANNIBAL (56) A cannibal found a large number of ducks swimming about in a certain lake or river. Then he procured a great quantity of hickory bark, dived under water toward them, and when he was among them he stood with his nose sticking out of the water and tied the ducks to his body 1...
Hitchiti Stories. 38. Man And Rabbit : 38. MAN AND RABBIT A man wanted a certain woman who lived on the other side of a river. He looked across at her for a long time, but did not have the courage to speak to her. By and by Rabbit while traveling about met that person. The man said to Rabbit, "I want to get a woman living over there but...
Alabama Stories. 40. The Big Lizard : 40. THE BIG LIZARD (HANABIA TCOBA) 1 (33) Some men were hunting about in the woods for bear and one of them threw fire down inside of a hollow tree. The others waited beneath ready to shoot. Presently a big lizard came out. One man shot at him but missed him and he came down, jumping to the ground...
Koasati Stories. 56. Rabbit And Big Man Eater Swap : 56. RABBIT AND BIG MAN-EATER SWAP (64) Rabbit on his travels met Big Man-eater and they became friends. They shook hands and Rabbit said, "My shoes are very good indeed." Then Big Man-eater said, "Let's swap." But Rabbit was very fond of (or stingy with) his shoes. He said, "No; cold can not get...
Alabama Stories. 33. The Bear People : 33. THE BEAR PEOPLE (29) (SECOND VERSION) A man of the Bear clan (Nita ayeksa) living in a certain village went hunting deer, and while walking around met a Bear. "How many men of your clan are there?" said the Bear. He told him how many there were. Then the Bear said, "I am going to come...
Hitchiti Stories. 18. The Water People : 18. THE WATER PEOPLE (41) A boy carrying his bow and arrows was walking about near the water, when two women standing close to the shore said, "Follow us." Then he leaned his bow up against a tree and followed them, and presently those women said, "We are going down into the water. Go down in with...
Hitchiti Stories. 35. The Bungling Host : 35. THE BUNGLING HOST (58) Bear and Rabbit were traveling about together. They had become friends. Bear said to Rabbit, "Come and visit me. That red house way off yonder is my home." He went off. At the appointed time Rabbit set out and came to where Bear lived. Bear's home was a hollow tree...
Koasati Stories. 18. The Obstacle Flight : 18. THE OBSTACLE FLIGHT (9) (SECOND VERSION) Big Man-eater stole a little girl and took her to the place where his mother lived. By and by Big Man-eater went hunting and said to the little girl, "Get a cut of meat and cook it for me." When he was gone his mother cut off a piece of her own flesh...
Natchez Stories. 14. The Pleiades : 14. THE PLEIADES (18) Seven persons went apart, fasted, and took medicine for four days in order to prophesy. Then they came in and reported to the people what they had found out. Then the people said, "We will select seven persons and find out more." So they sent out seven persons who fasted...
Creek Stories. 64. The Tasks Of Rabbit : 64. THE TASKS OF RABBIT (54, 68) Rabbit went to the Master and asked him for wisdom. He said, "I haven't much sense and want you to give me more." Then the Master gave Rabbit a sack and told him to fill it with small red ants. "Fill it," he said, "and I will teach you sense." The Master thought...
Creek Stories. 10. The Origin Of Tobacco : 10. THE ORIGIN OF TOBACCO (15) There was an old man who went to the square ground of his town to take the black drink every morning and carried something to eat with him. One morning as he was eating this by the creek where he had stopped for the purpose, he felt like defecating, and therefore he...
Creek Stories. 13. Man Eater And The Little Girl : 13. MAN-EATER AND THE LITTLE GIRL (9) (Tuggle collection) Once there was a beautiful girl who lived with her brothers on the bank of a river. Her youngest brother was named Kut-che-he-lo-chee (probably Katcilutci, Little Panther-foot). The Lion, Istepahpah (Man-eater), came near their house...
Koasati Stories. 10. The Six Brothers : 10. THE SIX BROTHERS (11) Six Indian brothers lived at a certain place. One of them started off and disappeared. After some time had passed and he did not come back another started off. He went on and did not return. The same happened to five of them. The last started off and came to a bent tree...
Hitchiti Stories. 33. The Tar Baby : p. 110 33. THE TAR BABY (63) Rabbit devoured some vegetables growing in a garden and the people were angry with him. They watched for him but did not see him. They considered how they could catch him. "We might do this," they thought. So they made a doll out of pine tar and set it up between...
Alabama Stories. 3. The Flood : 3. THE FLOOD (2) When this world was almost lost in the waters a frog predicted it. One man seized the frog and threw it into the fire, but another said, "Don't do that." He took it, cared for it, and healed it, and it said to him, "The land will almost disappear in the waters. Make a raft and put...
Alabama Stories. 55. Rabbit And Big Man Eater : 55. RABBIT AND BIG MAN-EATER (65) (SECOND VERSION) Big Man-eater (Atipa-tcoba) came to a village. He killed all of the people there and ate them. He we s going to another village when he met Rabbit. Rabbit said, "All of the people of that village have runaway." Now Big Man-eater and Rabbit both...
Koasati Stories. 1. The Ordering Of The Months : p. 166 KOASATI STORIES 1. THE ORDERING OF THE MONTHS AND SEASONS All things were made at the same time. The earth, sun, moon--all things--got ripe and were left to man. The creatures having assembled, any who liked a certain month took it and ran off. They pursued but did not catch him. He threw...
Koasati Stories. 3. The Stars In A Row : 3. THE STARS-IN-A-ROW Three persons went out to cut down a bee tree. One carried an ax, one a deerskin on his back, and one a spoon. While they were on the way they got lost and never came back. They are the Stars-in-a-row. (These stars are said to be in the north.)
Hitchiti Stories. 12. The Orphan And The Owl : 12. THE ORPHAN AND THE OWL Some men started off hunting. They traveled along and camped at a certain place. They had an orphan boy to look after their camp. Just before light they started out hunting, and while the orphan still sat in camp an Owl sitting on the top of a tree said, "A bear is...
Creek Stories. 83. The Origin Of Races : p. 75 83. THE ORIGIN OF RACES 1 (SECOND VERSION) Three Indians were once out hunting. One went after water and found a nice hole of water but was afraid to drink. Another went down to it, dipped his fingers in, and said, "It is good. Let us go into it." So he dived in and came out. When he came...
Koasati Stories. 32. The Old Dog Saves His Master : p. 194 32. THE OLD DOG SAVES HIS MASTER (25) A person went hunting, leaving an old Dog to keep watch of his house. One time when the man started out the Dog followed him, and the man said, "Stay and watch the house." When he said that the Dog whined because he wanted to go. Then the man said, "Why...
Hitchiti Stories. 30. Rabbit And Wildcat : 30. RABBIT AND WILDCAT (71) Rabbit was traveling along. He lied to Wildcat about a big tree standing close to the road which Rabbit had grasped, saying, "If this tree falls on the road it will interfere with travel. The people said it must be braced up, and so I have been standing here holding it...
Creek Stories. 48. Raccoon Gets A Deer For Panther : 48. RACCOON GETS A DEER FOR PANTHER (64) (Tuggle collection) A Panther met a Raccoon and was about to eat him, when the Raccoon said: "I am a little fellow. Do not kill me. It would not do you any good to eat me. Let me find a way for both of us to get plenty to eat." The Panther agreed...
Koasati Stories. 14. The Wicked Mother In Law : 14. THE WICKED MOTHER-IN-LAW (8) An old woman lived with her two daughters. They used to go in swimming in the creek. One wore a red dress and one a blue dress, which they removed while they were bathing. A young man reached the place, took the dresses, and, climbing up to the top of a bent willow...
Natchez Stories. 36. Story Of A Bison : 36. STORY OF A BISON While traveling about a hunter was overtaken by darkness and thought, "I will camp for the night and go home next morning." Near by was something which he took to be a tree pulled up by the roots, and he thought, "I will make a fire there." So he leaned his gun up against it...
Creek Stories. 72. Rabbit Rides Wolf : 72. RABBIT RIDES WOLF (61, 69, 71) Some girls lived not far from Rabbit and Wolf, and Rabbit thought he would like to visit them. So one time he called upon Wolf and said, "Let us go visiting." Wolf said, "All right," and they started off. When they got to the place the girls told them to sit down...
Natchez Stories. 16. Adventure With A Tie Snake : 16. ADVENTURE WITH A TIE-SNAKE 1 (26) A man out hunting came to a river and thought to himself, "I will go in swimming." He did so and swam about for some time in the shallow water. He saw a deeper place, however, where he was afraid to venture. By and by a tie-snake came out of this place and tied...
Alabama Stories. 28. The Man And The Ghost : 28. THE MAN AND THE GHOST (24) A man went hunting. Presently he killed a deer, roasted it and piled up the meat. When it was night a man came and sat down by the fire. The hunter gave him deer meat. He ate for a while and then took the rest of the deer meat and carried it off. When he came back...
Creek Stories. 9. The Only Son And Rabbit : 9. THE ONLY SON AND RABBIT (6) (Tuggle collection) A widow had an only son, whom she cautioned never to pass beyond the mountains, which were in sight of her home. "My boy, never pass the mountains, never go beyond," was her constant warning. One day while hunting he reached the top...
Koasati Stories. 62. Rabbit And Buzzard : 62. RABBIT AND BUZZARD While Rabbit was lying down Buzzard came to him and Rabbit said, "I want to go up like you." So Rabbit mounted upon Buzzard and Buzzard flew up with him. He went along until he came to a door, when Buzzard said, "Hold onto this door." But when he did so Buzzard went flying...
Creek Stories. 21. The Hunter, The Monster : 21. THE HUNTER, THE MONSTER LIZARD, AND THE PANTHER (33) (SECOND VERSION) There was a great hunter who owned many dogs, with which he would beat up a bottom and frequently kill bear. One time he heard them barking and thought they had discovered a bear, but when he reached them he found them around...
Creek Stories. 86. The Boy And The Lion : 86. THE BOY AND THE LION 1 (EUROPEAN) A Lion used to kill many people. In the same country lived n very poor man with five sons. Ono time, having nothing to eat, he gave a knife to each of his sons and told him to go out to earn wages. The boys traveled on until they came to a place where five...
Koasati Stories. 2. The Pleiades : 2. THE PLEIADES (18) The Cluster-stars liked to travel about and dance. They were lazy people who wanted to dance and travel about all of the time. When the planting season arrived they planted and cultivated only pole beans. They ate them, but when it began to get hot they disappeared. They are...
Alabama Stories. 21. The Men Who Went To The Sky : 21. THE MEN WHO WENT TO THE SKY (23) (SECOND VERSION) Some people were living at a certain place and one of their women died. When she was gone her children who had been left behind cried continually. Therefore, two persons set out to hunt for her. They started westward, kept on traveling...
Hitchiti Stories. 2. The Origin Of Tobacco : 2. THE ORIGIN OF TOBACCO (15) A man had lost his horses and was looking for them. A woman was also hunting for horses. They, the man and the woman, met and talked to each other. They sat talking together under a hickory tree which cast a good shade. The woman said, "I am hunting for some horses...
Koasati Stories. 63. Rabbit Fools Wildcat : 63. RABBIT FOOLS WILDCAT (69) While traveling along Rabbit saw a wild horse lying asleep. For some time he sat looking at it. By and by Wildcat came there and Rabbit said, "See what I killed. When I have skinned it you can help me eat it." Wildcat wanted it and sat waiting, when Rabbit said, "You...
Creek Stories. 90. The Creation Of The Earth : p. 84 90. THE CREATION OF THE EARTH (1) (A YUCHI STORY) (Tuggle collection) In the beginning the waters covered everything. It was said "Who will make the land appear?" Lock-chew, 1 the Crawfish, said: "I will make the land appear." So he went down to the bottom of the water and began to stir up...
Alabama Stories. 11. The Deer Taboos : p. 126 11. THE DEER TABOOS (47) A man out hunting saw some Deer and wanted to shoot them, but they said, "Do not shoot us. Come here." So he went to them and they took him along. They took him to their home, which was inside of the top of a hill. Quantities of deer horns cut off and made...
Creek Stories. 22. The Racing Snake : 22. THE RACING SNAKE (34) One time two men were off hunting, and one of them said to the other, "They say there is a very swift snake, seldom seen, from which nothing that he pursues can escape, but I believe I could get away from him. If you find one, let me know." Some time later his compani...
Creek Stories. 39. The Race Between The Crane : p. 42 39. THE RACE BETWEEN THE CRANE AND THE HUMMING BIRD (50) (Tuggle collection) A Humming Bird challenged a Crane to a race. The Crane consented and selected the course from the spot on the stream where they then were to a spring at its head. When the word was given the Humming Bird flew...
Creek Stories. 18. The Hunter And His Dogs : p. 25 18. THE HUNTER AND HIS DOGS (25) A man lived with his wife and a number of dogs. One time he got sick, and his wife would stay away all day, starving him and his dogs almost to death, and when she got back she would beat the dogs. One day the oldest Dog came to him and said, "Can't you go...
Creek Stories. 46. Rabbit Gets A Turkey : p. 47 46. RABBIT GETS A TURKEY FOR WILDCAT (64) Wildcat was always catching and eating young rabbits, so that none of them grew up. Therefore, Rabbit went to Wildcat and told him he knew of a plan by which Wildcat could get some turkeys to eat. He told him to lie down on his back and feign that he...
Creek Stories. 43. Rabbit Gets Man Eater : 43. RABBIT GETS MAN-EATER OVER TO THE OTHER SIDE OF THE OCEAN (65, 67) (FOURTH VERSION) A big Lion (Man-eater) was destroying people, therefore Rabbit was employed to deceive him and get him across to the other side of the waters. All were gathered at the square ground, some saying they believed he...
Koasati Stories. 28. The Orphan And The Bear : 28. THE ORPHAN AND THE BEAR (36) Some Indians crossed a big river and hunted on the other side. A poor orphan went with them and kept watch of the camp. They camped at a certain place and spent the night there. Next morning they scattered about hunting. The orphan remained in camp and presently one...
Creek Stories. 59. Terrapin Races : 59. TERRAPIN RACES (57) (FOURTH VERSION) (Tuggle collection) The Terrapin proposed to the Wolf a race, and he scornfully accepted. The race was to begin at the top of one hill and to extend to a fourth hill. That night the Terrapin summoned all his kinsfolk to help him and they were to take their...
Koasati Stories. 51. Locust And Ant : 51. LOCUST AND ANT 1 (EUROPEAN). A Locust traveling about saw an Ant and talked with him. The Locust said, "Let us dance." But the Ant did not want to. He was too busy. "I will dance anyhow," said the Locust. But the Ant said, "I don't want to. I am going to lay in food before we are hurt with...
Hitchiti Stories. 19. A Rip Van Winkle Story : 19. A RIP VAN WINKLE STORY (42) (EUROPEAN STORY) A person who was traveling about heard someone crying. When he got to the place from which the noise came he saw a number of snakes--a number of rattlesnakes--come together, and one snake said to him, "We are gathered together to consider the fact...
Koasati Stories. 26. Story Of Two Brothers : 26. STORY OF TWO BROTHERS WHO TRIED TO RESTORE THEIR SISTER TO LIFE (23) Two Indian brothers were living with their sister. Their sister, who had some children, died. Then the brothers went to search for her. They went on until they came to the sky. Then one of them stood upon it and the sky flew...
Creek Stories. 70. How Rabbit Got The Widow's : 70. HOW RABBIT GOT THE WIDOW'S DAUGHTER (SECOND VERSION) (Tuggle collection) Once there was a widow who had a very beautiful daughter. She had many lovers but still remained single. The Rabbit, an old bachelor, lived near by and fell in love with the widow's daughter. He thought he stood no chance...
Alabama Stories. 6. Another Fire Story : 6. ANOTHER FIRE STORY Once a Fire was almost burned out and was making the hissing sound then usually heard. When a man asked it what it wanted, the Fire said, "Something to eat. What do you want to eat? I want to eat wood." So the man picked up some dead wood and piled a quantity of it on the Fire...
Natchez Stories. 32. The Wolf And The Rabbit : 32. THE WOLF AND THE RABBIT 1 (61, 62) There was a girl whom the Wolf and the Rabbit both wanted to marry. The Wolf got her but afterwards the Rabbit came to court her. The girl's mother told him that her daughter belonged to the Wolf, but the Rabbit said that the Wolf was like a riding horse...
Natchez Stories. 29. Turkey And Wildcat : 29. TURKEY AND WILDCAT Wildcat was splitting rails when Turkey Gobbler came up. Wildcat was about to shoot him when Turkey said, "Wait," and he came near. Then he said, "You can pick my feathers off and I will go to the place where your wife lives, let her kill and cook me, and when I am done you...
Creek Stories. 31. The Monster Turtle : 31. THE MONSTER TURTLE (44) (SECOND VERSION) (Tuggle collection) The people were on the warpath. They wished to select a place at which to fight. They saw a large rock and decided to fight standing on that. An old warrior said: "It is no rock. An evil spirit has blinded your eyes. That is the Big...
Creek Stories. 12. The Origin Of Tobacco : 12. THE ORIGIN OF TOBACCO (15) (THIRD VERSION) A man was courting a woman and they were seated on the ground at a certain place. Some time afterwards the man came back to the spot and saw a small weed growing up just where the woman had been sitting. He went several times, until the weed got to be...
Alabama Stories. 50. Crane And Hummingbird Race : 50. CRANE AND HUMMINGBIRD RACE (50) Crane and Humming Bird were wagering things against each other. Humming Bird said, "I can beat you in a race," but Crane answered, "You can not beat me." So he said, "Let us meet on a certain sandy beach. All right," the other answered. They jumped up at the same...
Natchez Stories. 35. Rabbit And Man Eater : 35. RABBIT AND MAN-EATER 1 (65) Rabbit was traveling westward when he met Man-eater coming toward him. Man-eater said, "Where are you going?" and Rabbit answered, "I am going over yonder to eat someone. How is it with you?" he said, and Man-eater answered, "I am going eastward p. 260 hunting. You...
Koasati Stories. 48. The Wolf And The Terrapin : 48. THE WOLF AND THE TERRAPIN (57) While traveling about a Terrapin met a Wolf and they talked together. And the Wolf said, "Let's race. All right," said the Terrapin. "You can't beat me," said the Wolf. The Terrapin said, "The one who first reaches the fourth hill and stands upon it wins...
Creek Stories. 55. Rabbit Fools Alligator : 55. RABBIT FOOLS ALLIGATOR (70) (SECOND VERSION) (Tuggle collection) The Alligator was sunning himself on a log when the Rabbit said to him: "Mr. Alligator, did you ever see the devil? No, Mr. Rabbit, but I am not afraid to see him," replied the Alligator. "Well, I saw the devil, and he said you...
Koasati Stories. 19. Thunder And Laigatonohona : 19. THUNDER AND LAIGATONHONA Thunder used to beat everyone playing with the chunk stone. On one occasion he won all of the property from a certain man and finally his wife. When the man was stingy of her and would not give her up Thunder took fire and blew it on him so that he burned him all over...
Hitchiti Stories. Stories 43 45 : STORIES 43-45 One of these stories is almost identical with No. 42; the others are modern tales of trifling value.
Hitchiti Stories. 41. Walnut Cracker : 41. WALNUT-CRACKER Walnut-cracker lived at a certain place. He liked walnuts, so he gathered a great number of walnuts and made a pile of them. He also had things with which to crack them. He ate walnuts all day. That was the way he lived, and when he died they buried him at the place where...
Hitchiti Stories. 28. Rabbit Rides Wolf : p. 107 28. RABBIT RIDES WOLF (61) Wolf was courting some girls and they were promised to him. While he was away Rabbit found it out and went to the place where those girls lived. He said to them, "Are you going to be the wives of Wolf, who is my horse?" Then they said to Rabbit, "Perhaps what you...
Alabama Stories. 63. Story Of The Mule's Return : 63. STORY OF THE MULE'S RETURN (EUROPEAN) When the Indians were living with the French, the French once assembled to visit their governor, and when they went the Indians went also. They took for the entire journey only a mule on which they put some food. When they reached the place and their food...
Koasati Stories. 64. The Flight To The Tree : 64. THE FLIGHT TO THE TREE (76) An old woman was living with her grandchild. One time she sent her after water, so she took a bucket and set out for the pond. She drew some water and set it down. While she was standing there an old bison came down to the other side of the pond. He called to her p...