Chapter Xii. The Shan Hai King : * "Pale Ink", by Henriette Mertz, [1953], p. 102 CHAPTER XII THE SHAN HAI KING GEOGRAPHERS and historians alike acknowledge the Shan Hai King to be the world's oldest geography. Although frequently referred to, it is an "unknown." No English translation has been made of the whole of it--portions...
Chapter Xiv. The Great American Desert : * "Pale Ink", by Henriette Mertz, [1953], p. 141 CHAPTER XIV THE GREAT AMERICAN DESERT The Ninth Book and the Fourteenth Book of the Classic of Mountains and Seas, the two additional books found in translation, bear the sub-titles--"In Regard to the Regions Beyond the Sea, from its Southeast...
Chapter Vi. Yucatan : * "Pale Ink", by Henriette Mertz, [1953], p. 57 CHAPTER VI YUCATAN In Yu-Kie's account of Hwui Shan's story, distance from the Kingdom of Women was given as approximately 3,000 miles to the northwest of Fu-sang. Earlier, we reversed our directions, started from the pinpointed Kingdom of Women...
Chapter Xi. Early China : * "Pale Ink", by Henriette Mertz, [1953], p. 91 CHAPTER XI EARLY CHINA WE COME NOW to the second portion, the series of journeys referred to in Chapter I, dealing with early geographical records of the twenty-third century B.C. The earliest explorations of the Chinese, in America, have not yet...
Chapter Xv. Conclusion : * "Pale Ink", by Henriette Mertz, [1953], p. 156 CHAPTER XV CONCLUSION These two written records, that of Hwui Shan, fifth century Buddhist priest, and that of Yu, Minister of Public Works under Shun, both carefully safeguarded for centuries by the Chinese, have now been examined in the one case...
Chapter Xiii. Across The Sea : * "Pale Ink", by Henriette Mertz, [1953], p. 108 CHAPTER XIII ACROSS THE SEA The Fourth Book of the Classic of Mountains and Seas, entitled "The Classic of the Eastern Mountains," is divided into four sections--other than that each pertains to the "Eastern Mountains" no one of the four sections is...
Chapter I. Geographical Myths : * "Pale Ink", by Henriette Mertz, [1953], p. 12 p. 13 PALE INK CHAPTER I GEOGRAPHICAL MYTHS THIS IS A very ancient story, and yet a new one. It is the story of two Chinese expeditions to America--one in the fifth century A.D., and the other in the twenty-third century B.C. Both have been taken...
Chapter Iv. Kuen 327 And The Liang Sse Kong Ki : * "Pale Ink", by Henriette Mertz, [1953], p. 37 CHAPTER IV KUEN 327 AND THE LIANG-SSE-KONG KI A TRANSLATION has been given of Kuen 327, the story of Fu-sang and the Kingdom of Women, with the additional account of Yu-Kie, as related in the Liang-Sse-Kong-Ki, the report of the Four Lords...
Chapter Ix. A Matter Of Words : * "Pale Ink", by Henriette Mertz, [1953], p. 79 CHAPTER IX A MATTER OF WORDS RECENTLY, while reading a book of legends concerning ancient Mexico, I came across one originating in Wicam Switch, Sonora. I had never heard of Wicam Switch. Sounding the name of the town, phonetically, in Spanish, it...
Chapter X. Hwui Shan, Traveller Par Excellence : * "Pale Ink", by Henriette Mertz, [1953], p. 85 CHAPTER X HWUI SHAN, TRAVELLER PAR EXCELLENCE EXPLORER, teacher, missionary, recorder of events and traveller par excellence, Hwui Shan was, without question, one of the greatest that the world has ever known. A mendicant, begging alms as he went, he...
Author Biography : * "Pale Ink", by Henriette Mertz, [1953], AUTHOR BIOGRAPHY (FROM BACK OF DUST JACKET) HENRIETTE MERTZ, the author of PALE INK, was born in Chicago, studied law at John Marshall Law School, there received the degrees of Bachelor of Law and Master of Patent Law. In 1948, she was awarded an Honorary...
Title Page : * "Pale Ink", by Henriette Mertz, [1953], PALE INK TWO ANCIENT RECORDS OF CHINESE EXPLORATION IN AMERICA BY HENRIETTE MERTZ [1953] The original publisher of this book was Ralph Fletcher Seymour, Publisher, 410 South Michigan Ave. Chicago. This was pasted over on the title page and back dust jacket...
Chapter Viii. The Buddhists : * "Pale Ink", by Henriette Mertz, [1953], p. 71 CHAPTER VIII THE BUDDHISTS Hwui SHAN identified himself as a mendicant Buddhist priest, who went to a far country to preach and spread his religious doctrine. He stated that five Buddhist priests, from Kabul, went out to this same country in 458 A.D...
Chapter Ii. Fu Sang : * "Pale Ink", by Henriette Mertz, [1953], p. 20 CHAPTER II FU-SANG YU'S DOCUMENT will be put aside for the moment in order to explore the highly controversial fifth century story of Fu-sang, an account contained within the Chinese Classics. The much-sought-after answer to the riddle as to whether...
Chapter V. Mexican Legends : * "Pale Ink", by Henriette Mertz, [1953], p. 48 CHAPTER V MEXICAN LEGENDS IF HWUI SHAN'S indication of direction and measurement of distance is accepted as he has written it, and such a location exists, then there must be some evidence or some record of his visit in that spot, in the manner...
Untitled : This is another attempt to investigate early Chinese trans-Pacific contacts, written mid-20th century by a globe-trotting patent attorney, Henriette Mertz. Like Charles Leland's Fusang, written three-quarters of a century before, Mertz depends heavily on ancient Chinese geographical treatises...
Chapter Vii. Related Items : * "Pale Ink", by Henriette Mertz, [1953], p. 64 CHAPTER VII RELATED ITEMS A GREAT MASS of other related material, in addition to that which is contained within the four corners of the Chinese document, exists. Physical characteristics, such as hair, teeth, shape of the head, lines of the palm...
Chapter Iii. Chinese Whimsy : * "Pale Ink", by Henriette Mertz, [1953], p. 28 CHAPTER III CHINESE WHIMSY? Hwui SHAN was a mendicant Buddhist Priest, so the Classics tell us, a Pi-kiu (or the Sanskrit, Bhikshu), who was in China in 499 A.D. and who told a story at Court of having been to a far country 20,000 LI east...
Preface : * "Pale Ink", by Henriette Mertz, [1953], p. 8 p. 9 "PREFACE" "Four thousand years is a long time to wait. One of the stories, recounted here for the very first time, has waited that long--the second story has waited fifteen hundred years." "Both stories, written in China and appearing here...