7. Specific Postures For Relaxation : * "Relax With Yoga", by Arthur Liebers, [1960], p. 56 7. SPECIFIC POSTURES FOR RELAXATION While the great majority of the "asanas" have a curative or therapeutic value, there are several which are purely for the purpose of relaxation. Relaxation should not be mistaken for inertia. It is not...
12. How To Achieve Painless Childbirth Through : * "Relax With Yoga", by Arthur Liebers, [1960], p. 90 12. HOW TO ACHIEVE PAINLESS CHILDBIRTH THROUGH YOGA To achieve painless, or "normal," childbirth, Yoga offers exercises and postures which will foster healthful development of secreting organs, especially those located within the waist...
3. The Eight Principles Of Raja Yoga : * "Relax With Yoga", by Arthur Liebers, [1960], p. 13 3. THE EIGHT PRINCIPLES OF RAJA YOGA We will concern ourselves mainly with Raja Yoga, a system which has been found to be most applicable to the mental and physical conditions in which we live. Raja Yoga has eight principles. These are: (1)...
8. The Bandhasmystic Breathing Exercises : * "Relax With Yoga", by Arthur Liebers, [1960], p. 67 8. THE BANDHAS--MYSTIC BREATHING EXERCISES Among the "secret" aspects of Yoga are the Bandhas, which may be translated roughly as breathing exercises. After the body has been prepared by thorough practice in the different "asanas" and clarified...
Glossary Of Yogic Terms : * "Relax With Yoga", by Arthur Liebers, [1960], p. 93 GLOSSARY OF YOGIC TERMS "Akasa:" infinite, omnipresent material of the universe. "Anima:" power to assimilate oneself with an atom. "Asana:" a posture; a Yoga exercise. "Ashram:" Yoga retreat. "Avyakta:" that which is unperceived, indiscrete...
10. Yoga Principles Of Diet : * "Relax With Yoga", by Arthur Liebers, [1960], p. 81 10. YOGA PRINCIPLES OF DIET Modern man lives at the risk of self-poisoning through the foods he consumes. Body tissues are continually undergoing a change of structure, and the multitude of cells that make up the body are constantly dying off...
11. Sexual Principles And Practices In Yoga : * "Relax With Yoga", by Arthur Liebers, [1960], p. 85 11. SEXUAL PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES IN YOGA In the Vedic and Upanishad periods of Yoga, total abstinence from sexual intercourse ("brahmacarya"), whether by action, mind or word was considered to be one of the highest virtues leading to Yog...
Untitled : * This is a short guide to modern western Raja Yoga, illustrated by a couple of dozen photos of yogic postures (asanas). This little book is a surprisingly comprehensive introduction to the metaphysical background of yogic practice, along with a host of related practical matters. The exercises...
Title Page : * "Relax With Yoga", by Arthur Liebers, [1960], p. 1 RELAX WITH YOGA BY ARTHUR LIEBERS STERLING PUBLISHING CO., Inc. New York [1960] Scanned, proofed and formatted , May 2008, by John Bruno Hare. This text is in the public domain because its copyright was not renewed at the US Copyright Office...
6. Specific Asanas For Weight Reduction : * "Relax With Yoga", by Arthur Liebers, [1960], p. 49 6. SPECIFIC ASANAS FOR WEIGHT REDUCTION The slim, svelte figure is a goal of our culture, especially for the female sex, so that the next series of "asanas" may be of particular interest to women. From the point of view of Hatha Yog...
9. Sankya Yogayoga Of The Mind : * "Relax With Yoga", by Arthur Liebers, [1960], p. 73 9. SANKYA YOGA--YOGA OF THE MIND One of the lesser known schools of Yoga which seems to be particularly well suited to our search for relaxation of mind is the Sankya Yoga, based on the "sutras", or writings, of the sage Kapila. Hindus believe...
1. The Origin Of Yoga : * "Relax With Yoga", by Arthur Liebers, [1960], p. 5 1. THE ORIGIN OF YOGA The basic problem of every living creature is survival in a hostile world. Countless generations ago, from the teeming human masses of the East, where man lived in ever-present dread of famine, disease, flood, invasi...
2. Control Of The Brain And Nervous System : * "Relax With Yoga", by Arthur Liebers, [1960], p. 8 2. CONTROL OF THE BRAIN AND NERVOUS SYSTEM To attain a condition in which the fullest relaxation is possible, it is essential to control the brain and the nervous system. In old Sanskrit tracts we find the statement: "When the nervous system is...
4. Obtaining Relaxation Through Yoga : * "Relax With Yoga", by Arthur Liebers, [1960], p. 23 4. OBTAINING RELAXATION THROUGH YOGA While the "asanas" or postures which will be described later are a basic part of the practice of Yoga, we should continue our study of Raja Yoga, the non-physical phases of this practice. Some readers may...
5. Corrective Poses Of Yoga : * "Relax With Yoga", by Arthur Liebers, [1960], p. 29 5. CORRECTIVE POSES OF YOGA The first section of this book discussed the mental, or psychological, approach to Yoga. As you apply the earlier lessons to mental relaxation, you must also bring your body to a state in which it will support your...