Chapter Vi. After Death : CHAPTER VI AFTER DEATH DEATH is the laying aside of the physical body; but it makes no more difference to the ego than does the laying aside of an overcoat to the physical man. Having put off his physical body, the ego continues to live in his astral body until the force has become exhausted which...
Title Page : A TEXTBOOK OF THEOSOPHY BY C. W. LEADBEATER (c) The Theosophical Publishing House, 1912 PRINTED IN INDIA Next: Chapter I: What Theosophy Is
Untitled : A TEXTBOOK OF THEOSOPHY BY C. W. LEADBEATER [ 1912] Title Page Chapter I: What Theosophy Is Chapter II: From The Absolute To Man Chapter III: The Formation of a Solar System Chapter IV: The Evolution of Life Chapter V: The Constitution of Man Chapter VI: After Death Chapter VII: Reincarnati...
Chapter Vii. Reincarnation : CHAPTER VII REINCARNATION THIS life of the ego in his own world, which is so glorious and so fully satisfying for the developed man, plays but a very small part in the life of the ordinary person, for in his case the ego has not yet reached a sufficient stage of development to be awake in his...
Chapter V. The Constitution Of Man : CHAPTER V THE CONSTITUTION OF MAN MAN is therefore in essence a Spark of the divine Fire, belonging to the monadic world. To that Spark, dwelling all the time in that world, we give the name "Monad". For the purposes of human evolution the Monad manifests itself in lower worlds. When it descends...
Chapter Viii. The Purpose Of Life : CHAPTER VIII THE PURPOSE OF LIFE TO fulfil our duty in the divine scheme we must try to understand not only that scheme as a whole, but the special part that man is intended to play in it. The divine outbreathing reached its deepest immersion in matter in the mineral kingdom, but it reaches its...
Chapter Iii. The Formation Of A Solar System : CHAPTER III THE FORMATION OF A SOLAR SYSTEM THE beginning of the universe (if ever it had a beginning) is beyond our ken. At the earliest point of history that we can reach, the two great opposites of spirit and matter, of life and form, are already in full activity. We find that the ordinary...
Chapter Iv. The Evolution Of Life : CHAPTER IV THE EVOLUTION OF LIFE ALL the impulses of life which I have described as building the interpenetrating worlds come forth from the Third Aspect of the Deity. Hence in the Christian scheme that Aspect is called "the Giver of Life", the Spirit who brooded over the face of the waters...
Chapter Ii. From The Absolute To Man : CHAPTER II FROM THE ABSOLUTE TO MAN OF the Absolute, the Infinite, the All-embracing, we can at our present stage know nothing, except that It is; we can say nothing that is not a limitation, and there-fore inaccurate. in It are innumerable universes; in each universe countless solar systems. Each...
Chapter I. What Theosophy Is : CHAPTER I WHAT THEOSOPHY IS "THERE is a school of philosophy still in existence of which modern culture has lost sight." In these words Mr. A. P. Sinnett began his book, "The Occult World", the first popular exposition of Theosophy, published thirty years ago. During the years that have passed...
Chapter X. The Result Of Theosophical Study : CHAPTER X THE RESULT OF THEOSOPHICAL STUDY "MEMBERS of the Theosophical Society study these truths and Theosophists endeavour to live them." What manner of man then is the true Theosophist in consequence of his knowledge? What is the result in his daily life of all this study? Finding that there is...
Chapter Ix. The Planetary Chains : Chapter IX THE PLANETARY CHAINS THE scheme of evolution of which our Earth forms a part is not the only one in our solar system, for ten separate chains of globes exist in that system which are all of them theatres of somewhat similar progress. Each of these schemes of evolution is taking place...