Chapter Viii. Amazons Of America : p. 139 CHAPTER VIII AMAZONS OF AMERICA WHEN Christopher Columbus was returning from his first voyage of discovery, he was told by the Indians of Hispaniola of another island, called Mantinino, which was inhabited solely by women. They employed themselves in labour not suited to their sex, using...
Chapter Iii. The Amazons Of Antiquity : p. 48 CHAPTER III THE AMAZONS OF ANTIQUITY--(CONTINUED) MUCH as these writers had to say of the Amazons in the era of their glory, they are equally eloquent and entertaining when dealing with the wondrous women in the days of the community's decadence. One of the most picturesque incidents relates...
Title Page : THE AMAZONS BY GUY CADOGAN ROTHERY Francis Griffiths; London [1910] Scanned , December, 2003. J. B. Hare, Redactor. This Text Is In The Public Domain. These Files May Be Used For Any Non-commercial Purpose, Provided This Notice Of Attribution Is Left Intact. VATICAN, WOUNDED AMAZON. ATTRIBUTED...
Chapter Ix. The Amazon Stones : p. 164 CHAPTER IX THE AMAZON STONES AN outstanding fact connected with the traditions of Amazons in South America is that most travellers refer, like Sir Walter Raleigh and de la Condamine, to certain greenstones, some form of jade, which the Indians were understood to declare they obtained...
Chapter Ii. The Amazons Of Antiquity : p. 23 CHAPTER II THE AMAZONS OF ANTIQUITY RUNNING through the works of early Greek writers we find a moving and circumstantial story of the rise and fall of a nation of women, who, having been deprived of their husbands, sons, and brothers through the fortunes of battle, and then persecuted by...
Chapter Vii. Amazons Of Africa : p. 109 CHAPTER VII AMAZONS OF AFRICA DIODORUS SICULUS, quoting Dionysius the historian, says that there was a prodigious race of Amazons who rose, flourished exceedingly, and disappeared long before the Trojan War--so long before, indeed, that their renown had been obscured by the newer glory...
Chapter I. Introductory : p. 1 BERLIN MUSEUM, WOUNDED AMAZON. ATTRIBUTED TO POLYCLETUS, SCULPTOR. THE AMAZONS CHAPTER I INTRODUCTORY NEVER, perhaps, has the alchemy of Greek genius been more potent than in the matter of the Amazonian myth. It has bestowed a charm on the whole amazing story which has been most prolific...
Untitled : With all of the oceans of ink spilled over subjects such as Atlantis, Bigfoot and UFOs, not to mention the pop culture awareness created by the "Xena, Warrior Princess" TV series, I find it surprising that there are so few books devoted to the Amazons. The legend of the Amazons is amazingly...
Chapter Iv. Amazons In Far Asia : p. 62 CHAPTER IV AMAZONS IN FAR ASIA AMAZONS as portrayed for us by the Greeks belonged, at all events in the fulness of their development, to Asia Minor, we might almost say to Pontus, yet traditions of their excursions to the Farthest East existed. Certainly the idea of the woman fighter...
Chapter X. Conclusion : p. 177 CHAPTER X CONCLUSION EVEN when divested of adventitious adornments, there remains a remarkable body of evidence as to the widely prevailing belief in the existence of countries, districts, or islands populated solely by women. Such a phenomenon cannot be entirely ignored by the student...
Chapter V. Modern Amazons Of The Caucasus : p. 85 SECTION OF MONSOLUS FRIEZE, COMBAT OF GREEKS AND AMAZONS. BRITISH MUSEUM. CHAPTER V MODERN AMAZONS OF THE CAUCASUS FROM age to age memories of the Amazons persistently clung to the Pontus, to the whole of the Caucasian range of mountains and the regions immediately beyond, or those coming...
Chapter Vi. Amazons Of Europe : p. 95 CHAPTER VI AMAZONS OF EUROPE IN order, on the one hand, to round off their stories of the break-up of the great Amazonian power, and on the other, to account for certain phenomena witnessed in various corners of the then known world, the Greek chroniclers put forward various plausible tales...