Editorial Note : * "The Buddha's Way of Virtue", by W.D.C Wagiswara and K.J. Saunders, [1920], p. 20 EDITORIAL NOTE The object of the Editors of this series is a very definite one. They desire above all things that, in their humble way, these books shall be the ambassadors of good-will and understanding between...
Notes : * "The Buddha's Way of Virtue", by W.D.C Wagiswara and K.J. Saunders, [1920], p. 85 NOTES 1, 2. These stanzas contain two ideas which are of the very warp and woof of Buddhism: ("a") The view depends upon the point of view; ("b") Thought is potent in influencing man's destiny. The Chinese...
Ss Xix. The Righteous : * "The Buddha's Way of Virtue", by W.D.C Wagiswara and K.J. Saunders, [1920], p. 60 XIX THE RIGHTEOUS 256, 257. Hasty judgment shows no man just. He is called just who discriminates between right and wrong, who judges others not hastily, but with righteous and calm judgment, a wise guardi...
Ss Xiii. The World : * "The Buddha's Way of Virtue", by W.D.C Wagiswara and K.J. Saunders, [1920], p. 46 XIII THE WORLD 167. Let no man foster evil habits; let no man live in sloth: let none follow false doctrines, none prolong his sojourn in this world. 168. Up! Idle not, but follow after good. The good man lives...
Ss Viii. The Thousands : * "The Buddha's Way of Virtue", by W.D.C Wagiswara and K.J. Saunders, [1920], p. 36 VIII THE THOUSANDS 100. Better than a thousand empty words is one pregnant word, which brings the hearer peace. 101. Better than a thousand idle songs is a single song, which brings the hearer peace. 102. Better it...
Ss Iv. Flowers : * "The Buddha's Way of Virtue", by W.D.C Wagiswara and K.J. Saunders, [1920], p. 28 IV FLOWERS 44. Who shall conquer this world, and the realm of Death with its attendant gods? Who shall sort the verses of the well-preached Law, as a clever weaver of garlands sorts flowers? 45. My disciple shall...
Ss I. The Twin Truths : * "The Buddha's Way of Virtue", by W.D.C Wagiswara and K.J. Saunders, [1920], p. 21 THE BUDDHA'S "WAY OF VIRTUE" I THE TWIN TRUTHS For the proper understanding of Buddhism these opening stanzas are all-important. One of the Buddha's key-thoughts was what modern psychologists call the "law...
Ss Xx. The Path : * "The Buddha's Way of Virtue", by W.D.C Wagiswara and K.J. Saunders, [1920], p. 62 XX THE PATH Happiness is for Gautama, as for Aristotle, "the bloom upon virtue." The path which leads to the Supreme Bliss is the path of morality defined as the Noble Eightfold Path. If a man follow this, he is...
Ss Vii. The Arahat : * "The Buddha's Way of Virtue", by W.D.C Wagiswara and K.J. Saunders, [1920], p. 34 VII THE ARAHAT 90. No remorse is found in him whose journey is accomplished, whose sorrow ended, whose freedom complete, whose chains are all shaken off. 91. The mindful press on, casting no look behind to their...
Ss Xiv. The Buddha : * "The Buddha's Way of Virtue", by W.D.C Wagiswara and K.J. Saunders, [1920], p. 48 XIV THE BUDDHA 179. Into his victory which is never reversed there enters no element of weakness; through what fault can you lead captive the faultless one, the Buddha whose sphere is Nirvna? 180. By what fault...
Ss Xii. Self : * "The Buddha's Way of Virtue", by W.D.C Wagiswara and K.J. Saunders, [1920], p. 44 XII SELF 157. If a man love himself, let him diligently watch himself: the wise will keep vigil for one of the three watches of the night. 158. Keep first thyself aright: then mayest thou advise others. So is...
Ss Xxv. The Bhikkhii : * "The Buddha's Way of Virtue", by W.D.C Wagiswara and K.J. Saunders, [1920], p. 76 XXV THE BHIKKHII 360. Good is restraint of eye and ear: of smell and taste. 361. Good is restraint of action and of speech; restraint of mind and of every sense is good. The Bhikkhu restrained in all things casts...
Ss Iii. The Mind : * "The Buddha's Way of Virtue", by W.D.C Wagiswara and K.J. Saunders, [1920], p. 26 III THE MIND 33. This trembling, wavering mind, so difficult to guard and to control--this the wise man makes straight as the fletcher straightens his shaft. 34. As quivers the fish when thrown upon the ground, far...
Ss X. Punishment : * "The Buddha's Way of Virtue", by W.D.C Wagiswara and K.J. Saunders, [1920], p. 40 X PUNISHMENT 129. All fear the rod, all quake at death. Judge then by thyself, and forbear from slaughter, or from causing to slay. 130. To all is life dear. Judge then by thyself, and forbear to slay or to cause...
Illustrative Sayings Of The Disciples : * "The Buddha's Way of Virtue", by W.D.C Wagiswara and K.J. Saunders, [1920], p. 100 ILLUSTRATIVE SAYINGS OF THE DISCIPLES OF THE BUDDHA The following are selections from another book which bears the impress of a very early date, and gives us vivid glimpses of the Buddhist Ideal:...
Introduction : * "The Buddha's Way of Virtue", by W.D.C Wagiswara and K.J. Saunders, [1920], p. 9 INTRODUCTION I The Dhammapada was accepted at the Council of Asoka in 240 B.C. as a collection of the sayings of Gautama; yet it was not put into writing until some generations had passed, and probably contains...
Ss Xvi. Affection : * "The Buddha's Way of Virtue", by W.D.C Wagiswara and K.J. Saunders, [1920], p. 53 XVI AFFECTION 209. He who gives himself to vanity and not to the truly profitable, shunning the true pursuit, and grasping at pleasure, will come to envy him who has sought the true profit. 210. Let no man cleave...
Ss Xxii. Hell : * "The Buddha's Way of Virtue", by W.D.C Wagiswara and K.J. Saunders, [1920], p. 68 XXII HELL 306. The liar goes to hell, and the villain who denies his crime; these mean ones are alike in the world beyond. 307. Though clad in yellow robe, the man of many sins who is uncontrolled is born in hell:...
Ss Xi. Old Age : * "The Buddha's Way of Virtue", by W.D.C Wagiswara and K.J. Saunders, [1920], p. 42 XI OLD AGE 146. Where is the joy, what the pleasure, whilst all is in flames? Benighted, would ye not seek a torch? 147. Look at this painted image, wounded and swollen, sickly and full of lust, in which there is...
Ss Vi The Wise Man : * "The Buddha's Way of Virtue", by W.D.C Wagiswara and K.J. Saunders, [1920], p. 32 VI THE WISE MAN 76. Look upon him who shows you your faults as a revealer of treasure: seek his company who checks and chides you, the sage who is wise in reproof: it fares well and not ill with him who seeks such...
Ss Xxiii. The Elephant : * "The Buddha's Way of Virtue", by W.D.C Wagiswara and K.J. Saunders, [1920], p. 70 XXIII THE ELEPHANT The elephant is the symbol in Buddhism of endurance and solitary strength. 320. I will endure abuse as the elephant endures the arrow in the battle: evil is the crowd. 321. Men lead the tamed...
Ss Xxvi : * "The Buddha's Way of Virtue", by W.D.C Wagiswara and K.J. Saunders, [1920], p. 79 XXVI THE BRAHMIN 383. Play the man and stem the flood of passion! Cast off your lusts, O Brahmin; having known the ending of the perishable, thou knowest the imperishable, O Brahmin. 384. When the Brahmin h...
Ss Xvii. Anger : * "The Buddha's Way of Virtue", by W.D.C Wagiswara and K.J. Saunders, [1920], p. 55 XVII ANGER 221. Put away anger, eschew self-will, conquer every bond; no suffering touches him who does not cling to phenomenal existence, but calls nothing his own. 222. Whoso controls his rising anger...
Note : * "The Buddha's Way of Virtue", by W.D.C Wagiswara and K.J. Saunders, [1920], p. 18 p. 19 NOTE An accurate and sympathetic knowledge of Buddhism and of the spirit of the Buddha is best got from such a book as the Dhammapada, which contains the concentrated essence of the religion. In view...
Ss Xviii. Sin : * "The Buddha's Way of Virtue", by W.D.C Wagiswara and K.J. Saunders, [1920], p. 57 XVIII SIN 235. Thou art withered as a sere leaf: Death's messengers await thee. Thou standest at the gate of death, and hast made no provision for the journey. 236. Make to thyself a refuge; come, strive and be...
Ss Ii. Zeal : * "The Buddha's Way of Virtue", by W.D.C Wagiswara and K.J. Saunders, [1920], p. 24 II ZEAL Zeal or earnestness (appamdo) plays an important part in Buddhist Ethics. The way is steep, therefore let the wayfarer play the man. Zeal may be displayed either in strenuous mind-culture or in deeds...
Ss Xv Bliss : * "The Buddha's Way of Virtue", by W.D.C Wagiswara and K.J. Saunders, [1920], p. 51 XV BLISS 197. O Joy! We live in bliss; amongst men of hate, hating none. Let us indeed dwell among them without hatred. 198. O Joy! In bliss we dwell; healthy amidst the ailing. Let us indeed dwell amongst them...
Ss V. The Fool : * "The Buddha's Way of Virtue", by W.D.C Wagiswara and K.J. Saunders, [1920], p. 30 V THE FOOL * 60. Long is the night to the watcher, long is the league to the weary traveller: long is the chain of existence to fools who ignore the true Law. 61. If on a journey thou canst not find thy peer or one...
Untitled : * This is a translation of the Dhammapada, one of the central sacred texts of Buddhism. This primary document embodies key concepts of Buddhism expressed in simple parables and metaphors. This clarity has led to it being one of the most popular of all Buddhist documents. This is part of the Wisdom...
Ss Xxi. Miscellany : * "The Buddha's Way of Virtue", by W.D.C Wagiswara and K.J. Saunders, [1920], p. 66 XXI MISCELLANY 290. If at the cost of a little joy one sees great joy, he who is wise will look to the greater and leave the less. 291. Whoso seeks his own pleasure by another's pain, is entangled in hate...
Ss Xxiv. Desire : * "The Buddha's Way of Virtue", by W.D.C Wagiswara and K.J. Saunders, [1920], p. 72 XXIV DESIRE Tanh (desire) is defined as the hankering after pleasure, or existence, or success (or all three). (Mahavagga xvi. 20.) It is the germ from which springs all human misery: birth, old age, and suffering...
Appendix. The Buddhist Ideal : * "The Buddha's Way of Virtue", by W.D.C Wagiswara and K.J. Saunders, [1920], p. 102 APPENDIX THE BUDDHIST IDEAL (Arahatship Or Nirvna) AS DEPICTED IN THE DHAMMAPADA The "ambrosial (or deathless) path," Nirvna, is the prize which these stanzas hold out to the strenuous: this is at once the goal...
Ss Ix. Vice : * "The Buddha's Way of Virtue", by W.D.C Wagiswara and K.J. Saunders, [1920], p. 38 IX VICE 116. Cling to what is right: so will you keep the mind from wrong. Whoso is slack in well-doing comes to rejoice in evil. 117. If one offends, let him not repeat his offence; let him not set his heart up...
Advertisements : * "The Buddha's Way of Virtue", by W.D.C Wagiswara and K.J. Saunders, [1920], p. 113 "The following advertisements appeared at the end of the original text. They are included for completeness" THE WISDOM OF THE EAST SERIES EDITED BY L. CRANMER-BYNG AND DR. S. A. KAPADIA THE SERIES AND ITS PURPOSE...