Chapter Iv. Concerning Humility : * "The Bustan of Sadi", tr. by A. Hart Edwards, [1911], p. 70 CHAPTER IV Concerning Humility Thou, O creature of God, vast created of the dust; therefore, be humble as the dust. Be not covetous, nor oppressive, nor headstrong. Thou art from the dust; be not like fire. When the terrible fire raised...
Chapter Vii. Concerning Education : * "The Bustan of Sadi", tr. by A. Hart Edwards, [1911], p. 109 CHAPTER VII Concerning Education Those who turn the reins of their desires from unlawful things have surpassed Rustam 31 and Sam 32 in valour. None is so fearful of the enemy as thou, slave of thine own passions. The earthly body is...
Chapter Ii. Concerning Benevolence : * "The Bustan of Sadi", tr. by A. Hart Edwards, [1911], p. 44 CHAPTER II Concerning Benevolence If thou art wise, incline towards the essential truth, for that remains, while the things that are external pass away. He who has neither knowledge, generosity, nor piety resembles a man in form alone...
Chapter Vi. Concerning Contentment : * "The Bustan of Sadi", tr. by A. Hart Edwards, [1911], p. 100 CHAPTER VI Concerning Contentment He knows not God nor performs His worship who is not contented with his lot. Contentment maketh a man rich--tell this to the avaricious. O irresolute one! be tranquil, for grass grows not up...
Chapter Viii. Concerning Gratitude : * "The Bustan of Sadi", tr. by A. Hart Edwards, [1911], p. 124 CHAPTER VIII Concerning Gratitude I cannot give thanks to that Friend, for I know of none that are worthy. Every hair of my body is a gift from Him; how could I. thank Him for every hair? Praise be to the munificent Lord, Who...
Chapter I. Concerning Justice, Counsel : * "The Bustan of Sadi", tr. by A. Hart Edwards, [1911], p. 30 CHAPTER I Concerning Justice, Counsel, and the Administration of Government The goodness of God surpasseth imagination; what service can the tongue of praise perform? Keep, O God, this king,5 Abu Bakr, beneath whose shadow is...
Chapter Ix. Concerning Repentance : * "The Bustan of Sadi", tr. by A. Hart Edwards, [1911], p. 136 CHAPTER IX Concerning Repentance O thou of whose life seventy years have passed, perhaps thou hast slept in negligence that thy days have been thrown to the winds. Worldly aims hast thou well pursued; no preparations hast thou made...
Editorial Note : * "The Bustan of Sadi", tr. by A. Hart Edwards, [1911], p. 10 EDITORIAL NOTE The object of the Editors of this series is a very definite one. They desire above all things that, in their humble way, these books shall be the ambassadors of good-will and understanding between East and West--the old...
Chapter X. Concerning Prayer : * "The Bustan of Sadi", tr. by A. Hart Edwards, [1911], p. 149 CHAPTER X Concerning Prayer Come, let us raise our hands in prayer, for tomorrow they will be powerless in the dust. Think not that he who supplicates before the Door of Mercy, which is never shut, will turn away in hopelessness. O...
Introduction : * "The Bustan of Sadi", tr. by A. Hart Edwards, [1911], p. 11 INTRODUCTION If among the twenty-two works with which Sadi enriched the literature of his country the "Gulistan" rank first in popularity, the "Bustan" (lit. "Garden") may justly claim equal precedence in point of interest and merit. No...
Chapter Iii. Concerning Love : * "The Bustan of Sadi", tr. by A. Hart Edwards, [1911], p. 60 CHAPTER III Concerning Love Happy are the days of them that are infatuated by love for Him, whether they be sorrowed by separation from Him or made joyous by His presence. They are mendicants who fly from worldly sovereignty;...
Title Page : * "The Bustan of Sadi", tr. by A. Hart Edwards, [1911], WISDOM OF THE EAST THE BUSTAN OF SADI TRANSLATED FROM THE PERSIAN WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY A. HART EDWARDS London: John Murray [1911] Scanned, proofed and formatted by John Bruno Hare , November 2008. This text is in the public doma...
Notes : * "The Bustan of Sadi", tr. by A. Hart Edwards, [1911], p. 153 NOTES 1. "I.e." the "Bustn". 2. "I.e." its ten chapters. 3. Lit. "bone"; used metaphorically in the sense of "a truth." 4. One of the kings of Persia in whose reign Sadi flourished. His full name was Atbak Muzaffar-ud-Din Abu...
Prologue : * "The Bustan of Sadi", tr. by A. Hart Edwards, [1911], p. 24 p. 25 THE BUSTAN OF SADI PROLOGUE In The Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful In the name of Him Who created and sustains the world, the Sage Who endowed tongue with speech. He attains no honour who turns the face from the do...
Untitled : * Be generous to the extent of thy power. If thou hast not dug a well in the desert, at least place a lamp in a shrine.--p. 48 This is a prose translation of the Bustan of Sadi, originally published as part of the Wisdom of the East series in the early 20th century, and long out of print. This...
Chapter V. Concerning Resignation : * "The Bustan of Sadi", tr. by A. Hart Edwards, [1911], p. 91 CHAPTER V Concerning Resignation Happiness comes from the favour of God, not from the might of the powerful. If the heavens bestow not fortune, by no valour can it be obtained. The ant suffers not by reason of its weakness; the tiger...