Untitled : This is Howard Pyle's retelling of the legends of three of the most illustrious knights of the Round Table, Sir Lancelot, Sir Tristram and Sir Percival. This etext preserves all of the lavish drawings, also by Pyle, which go a long way towards establishing the atmosphere of the narrative. Title...
Prologue : p. 1 p. 2 The Lady Nymue beareth Launcelot into the Lake p. 3 PROLOGUE. IT hath already been set forth in print in a volume written by me concerning the adventures of King Arthur when he first became king, how there were certain lesser kings who favored him and were friendly allies with him...
The Book Of Sir Percival. Introduction : p. 259 THE BOOK OF SIR PERCIVAL HERE beginneth the story of Sir Percival of Gales, who was considered to be one of the three great knights of the Round Table at that time. For, if Sir Launcelot was the chiefest of all the knights who ever came unto King Arthur's court, then it is hard to say...
The Book Of Sir Percival. Chapter Third : p. 290 Sir Percival overcometh ye Enchantress Vivien p. 291 CHAPTER THIRD How Sir Percival met two strange people in the forest, and how he succored a knight who was in very great sorrow and dole. NOW after Sir Percival had left Joyous Gard he rode for several days seeking adventure but meeting...
Part I. The Story Of Launcelot. Chapter First : p. 12 Sir Launcelot greets Queen Guinevere p. 13 CHAPTER FIRST How Sir Launcelot Came Forth From the Enchanted Castle of the Lake and Entered Into the World Again, and How King Arthur Made Him Knight. I KNOW not any time of the year that is more full of joyfulness than the early summer season;...
Part I. The Story Of Launcelot. Chapter Second : p. 26 Sir Lionel of Britain p. 27 CHAPTER SECOND How Sir Launcelot and Sir Lionel Rode Forth Errant Together and How Sir Lionel Met Sir Turquine to His Great Dole. Also How Sir Ector Grieved for the Departure of His Brother Launcelot and So, Following Him, Fell into a Very Sorry Adventure. NOW...
Part I. The Story Of Launcelot. Chapter Sixth : p. 64 Sir Launcelot and Elouise the Fair p. 65 CHAPTER SIXTH How Sir Launcelot Took Part in the Tournament Between King Bagdemagus and the King of North Wales, and How He Won that Battle for King Bagdemagus. SIR LAUNCELOT rode by many highways and many byways at a very slow pace, stopping now...
Part Iii. The Madness Of Sir Tristram. Introducti : p. 219 PART III THE MADNESS OF SIR TRISTRAM HERE followeth the story of how Sir Tristram was driven out of Cornwall and of how he went mad because of his troubles. Likewise it shall be told how he performed several very wonderful adventures whilst he was in that state, and of how he was brought...
Part I. The Story Of Sir Tristram. Part 04 : p. 132 The Queen of Ireland seeks to slay Sir Tristram p. 133 CHAPTER FOURTH How Sir Tristram encountered Sir Palamydes at the tournament and of what befell Also how Sir Tristram was forced to leave the Kingdom of Ireland. SO came the time for the tournament that King Angus of Ireland had...
Part I. The Story Of Sir Tristram. Part 05 : p. 124 The Lady Belle Isoult p. 125 CHAPTER THIRD How Sir Tristram went to Ireland to be healed of his wound by the Kin 's daughter of Ireland, and of how he came to love the Lady Belle Isoult. Also concerning Sir Palamydes and the Lady Belle Isoult. NOW that grievous hurt which Sir Tristram had...
The Book Of Sir Percival. Chapter Fifth : p. 316 Sir Kay interrupts ye meditations of Sir Percival p. 317 CHAPTER FIFTH How Sir Percival repaid Sir Kay the buffet he one time gave Yelande the Dumb Maiden, and how, thereafter, he went forth to seek his own lady of love. NOW, after these adventures aforesaid, Sir Percival remained...
Part I. The Story Of Launcelot. Conclusion : p. 97 CONCLUSION Here endeth the story of Sir Launcelot. That which followeth is the story of Sir Tristram of Lyonesse, who was knit with Sir Launcelot into such close ties of friendship that if they had been brothers of the same blood, with the same father and mother, they could not have loved...
Part I. The Story Of Sir Tristram. Part 07 : p. 106 Tristram succors the Lady Moeya. p. 107 CHAPTER FIRST How the new Queen of Lyonesse sought Tristram's life; how he went to France, and how he returned again to Lyonesse and was received with love al that place. SO King Meliadus grieved very bitterly for the Lady Elizabeth for the space...
Part Ii. The Story Of Sir Tristram And Sir : p. 208 Sir Lamorack herds the swine of Sir Nabon p. 209 CHAPTER THIRD How Sir Tristram did justice in the island, and thereby released Sir Lamorack from captivity. Also how Sir Tristram and Sir Lamorack renewed their great tenderness toward one another. NOW after Sir Tristram had overcome Sir...
Part I. The Story Of Sir Tristram. Part 03 : p. 146 Sir Tristram harpeth before King Mark p. 147 CHAPTER FIFTH How Sir Tristram was sent by command of King Mark to go to Ireland to bring the Lady the Belle Isoult from Ireland to Cornwall and how it fared with him. SO Sir Tristram came back again to Cornwall, and King Mark and all the knights...
Part Iii. The Madness Of Sir Tristram. Chapter : p. 230 Sir Kay and the Forest Madman p. 231 CHAPTER SECOND How Sir Tristram got him a sword from Sir Kay and how he slew therewith a huge knight in the forest and rescued a lady in very great distress. Also how Sir Launcelot found Sir Tristram in the forest and brought him thence to Tintagel ag...
Part Iii. The Madness Of Sir Tristram. Chapter. Part 02 : p. 220 Sir Tristram assaults King Mark p. 221 CHAPTER FIRST How Sir Tristram was discovered with the Lady Belle Isoult; how he assaulted King Mark, and how he escaped from Tintagel into the forest. AFTER Sir Tristram had thus rescued the Lady Belle Isoult from the hand of Sir Palamydes, he dwelt...
Part Ii. The Story Of Sir Tristram And Sir. Part 03 : p. 184 Sir Lamorack of Gales p. 185 CHAPTER FIRST How Sir Lamorack of Gales came to Tintagel and how he and Sir Tristram sware friendship together in the forest. AFTER these happenings, Sir Tristram abode for awhile at the Court of Cornwall, for so King Mark commanded him to do. And he sought...
Part Iii. The Madness Of Sir Tristram. Chapter. Part 04 : p. 242 Sir Tristram leaps into ye Sea p. 243 CHAPTER THIRD How Sir Tristram was discovered at Tintagel and of what befell thereby. NOW during the time that Sir Tristram abode thus unknown at the court of Tintagel, he was allowed to wander thereabouts whithersoever he chose, and no one hindered him...
The Book Of Sir Percival. Prologue : p. 260 Sir Percival of Gales p. 261 PROLOGUE. THE father of Sir Percival was that king hight Pellinore who fought so terrible a battle with King Arthur as has been told in the Book of King Arthur. For it was after that fight that King Arthur obtained his famous sword Excalibur, as was therein told...
Part I. The Story Of Launcelot. Chapter Fifth : p. 54 Sir Launcelot sits with Sir Hilaire and Croisette p. 55 CHAPTER FIFTH How Sir Launcelot Went Upon an Adventure with the Damsel Croisette as Companion, and How He Overcame Sir Peris of the Forest Sauvage. NOW after Sir Launcelot had finished that battle with Sir Turquine as aforetold...
Part I. The Story Of Launcelot. Chapter Seventh : p. 74 Sir Launcelot climbs to catch the lady's falcon p. 75 CHAPTER SEVENTH How Sir Launcelot Fell Into the Greatest Peril that Ever He Encountered in all His Life. Also How He Freed a Misfortunate Castle and Town From the Giants Who Held Them, and How He Released the Lord Ther From a Dungeon. NOW...
Part I. The Story Of Launcelot. Introduction : p. 11 PART I THE STORY OF LAUNCELOT HERE beginneth the story of Sir Launcelot, surnamed of the Lake, who was held by all men to be the most excellent, noble, perfect knight-champion who was ever seen in the world from the very beginning of chivalry unto the time when his son, Sir Galahad, appeared...
Part Ii. The Story Of Sir Tristram And Sir. Part 04 : PART II THE STORY OF SIR TRISTRAM AND SIR LAMORACK AND now shall be told the story of Sir Tristram and Sir Lamorack of Gales, how they became brothers-in-arms; how Sir Lamorack took offence at Sir Tristram, and how they became reconciled again. But first of all you must know that Sir Lamorack...
Part I. The Story Of Launcelot. Chapter Fourth : p. 44 Sir Launcelot doeth battle with Sir Turquine. p. 45 CHAPTER FOURTH How Sir Launcelot Sought Sir Lionel and How a Young Damsel Brought Him to the Greatest Battle that Ever He Had in All His Life. So Sir Launcelot rode through the forest, and whilst he rode the day began to break...
The Book Of Sir Percival. Chapter First : p. 268 The Lady Yvette the Fair. p. 269 CHAPTER FIRST How Percival departed into the world and how he found a fair damsel in a pavilion; likewise how he came before Queen Guinevere and how he undertook his first adventure. NOW after Percival had ridden upon his way for a very long time, he came...
Part I. The Story Of Launcelot. Chapter Third : p. 34 Queen Morgana appears unto Sir Launcelot. p. 35 CHAPTER THIRD How Sir Launcelot was Found in a Sleep by Queen Morgana le Fay, and Three Other Queens who were with Her, and How He was Taken to a Castle of Queen Morgana's and of What Befell Him There. SO Sir Launcelot lay in deep slumber under...
The Book Of Sir Tristram. Prologue : p. 99 THE BOOK OF SIR TRISTRAM p. 100 Sir Tristram of Lyonesse. p. 101 PROLOGUE. THERE was a certain kingdom called Lyonesse, and the King of that country was hight Meliadus, and the Queen ther who was hight the Lady Elizabeth, was sister to King Mark of Cornwall. In the country of Lyonesse, there...
Part Ii. The Story Of Sir Tristram And Sir. Part 02 : p. 196 Sir Tristram cometh to ye castle of Sir Nabon p. 197 CHAPTER SECOND How Sir Tristram started to go to Camelot, and how he stayed by the way to do battle with Sir Nabon le Noir. NOW after Sir Lamorack had quit the court of King Mark of Cornwall as aforetold, Sir Tristram was very sad...
Foreword : p. v FOREWORD In a book which was written by me aforetime, and which was set forth in print, I therein told much of the history of King Arthur; of how he manifested his royalty in the achievement of that wonderful magic sword which he drew forth out of the anvil; of how he established his royally;...
Conclusion : p. 329 CONCLUSION. THUS endeth the particular history of those three worthy, noble, excellent knights-champion--Sir Launcelot of the Lake, Sir Tristram of Lyonesse, and Sir Percival of Gales. And I do hope that you may have found pleasure in considering their lives and their works as I have done...
Part Iii. The Madness Of Sir Tristram. Chapter. Part 03 : p. 252 King Mark broods mischief p. 253 CHAPTER FOUR How Sir Tristram and the Lady Belle Isoult returned to Cornwall and how they ended their days together. And now remaineth to be told the rest of these adventures of Sir Tristram as briefly as may be. For indeed I thought not, when I began this...
The Book Of Sir Percival. Chapter Second : p. 280 Sir Percival how he rode forth with Sir Lamorack and how he left Sir Lamorack in quest of adventure upon his own account; likewise how a great knight taught him craft in arms. SO after a considerable time they came to that meadow-land where Percival had found Sir Boindegardus. But when they...
Part I. The Story Of Launcelot. Chapter Eighth : p. 86 Sir Launcelot takes the armor of Sir Kay p. 87 CHAPTER EIGHTH How Sir Launcelot Rescued Sir Kay From a Perilous Pass. Also, How He Changed Armor with Sir Kay and what Befell. ONE day Sir Launcelot came at early nightfall to a goodly manor-house and there he besought lodging for the night...
Part I. The Story Of Sir Tristram : p. 170 Belle Isoult and Sir Tristram drink the love draught p. 171 CHAPTER SEVENTH How Sir Tristram had speech with King Angus of Ireland; how he undertook to champion the cause of King Angus and of what happened thereafter. NOW, as Sir Tristram and King Arthur and Sir Launcelot sat together...
Part I. The Story Of Sir Tristram. Part 02 : p. 160 Sir Tristram sits with Sir Launcelot p. 161 CHAPTER SIXTH How Sir Tristram had to do in battle with three knights of the Round Table. Also how he had speech with King Arthur. SO came the next morning, and uprose the sun in all the splendor of his glory, shedding his beams to every quarter...
The Book Of Sir Percival. Chapter Fourth : p. 302 The Demoiselle Blanchefleur p. 303 CHAPTER FOURTH How Sir Percival undertook the adventure of the castle of Beaurepaire and how he fared therein after several excellent adventures. NOW the way that Sir Percival travelled led him by the outskirts of the forest, so that somewhiles he would be...
Title Page : THE STORY OF THE CHAMPIONS OF THE ROUND TABLE WRITTEN AND ILLUSTRATED BY HOWARD PYLE New York: Charles Scribner's Sons [1905] Scanned , April 2004. John Bruno Hare, Redactor. This Text Is In The Public Domain. These Files May Be Used For Any Non-commercial Purpose, Provided This Notice...
Part I. The Story Of Sir Tristram. Part 06 : p. 114 King Mark of Cornwall. p. 115 CHAPTER SECOND How Sir Tristram was made knight by the King of Cornwall, and how he fought a battle with a famous champion. NOW first of all it is to be here said that at that time there was great trouble come to King Mark of Cornwall (who, as aforesaid, w...