Untitled : * "There is no God save Allah!"--that is true, Nor is there any prophet save the mind Of man who wanders through the dark to find The Paradise that is in me and you.--LXXXI Abu al-'Al Ahmad ibn 'Abd Allh ibn Sulaimn al-Tankh al-Ma'arri (b. 973, d. 1057) was a blind poet and philosopher. Born...
The Diwan Of Abu'l Ala : * "The Diwan of Abu'l-Ala", by Henry Baerlein, [1909], p. 34 THE DIWAN OF ABU'L-ALA I Abandon worship in the mosque and shrink From idle prayer, from sacrificial sheep, For Destiny will bring the bowl of sleep Or bowl of tribulation you shall drink. II The scarlet eyes of Morning are pursued By...
Dedication : * "The Diwan of Abu'l-Ala", by Henry Baerlein, [1909], p. 4 p. 5 TO DR. E. J. DILLON Now the book is finished, so far as I shall finish it. There is, my friend, but this one page to write. And, more than probably, this is the page of all the book that I shall never wish to blot. Increasing wisdom...
Appendix : * "The Diwan of Abu'l-Ala", by Henry Baerlein, [1909], p. 57 APPENDIX On the Name Abu'l-Ala Arab names have always been a stumbling-block, and centuries ago there was a treatise written which was called "The Tearing of the Veil from before Names and Patronymics." Abu Bakr Ahmad ibn Jarit al-Misri...
Introduction To The Diwan : * "The Diwan of Abu'l-Ala", by Henry Baerlein, [1909], p. 11 INTRODUCTION TO THE DIWAN. God help him who has no nails wherewith to scratch himself. "Arabian proverb." An effort has been made to render in this book some of the poems of Abu'l-Ala the Syrian, who was born 973 years after Jesus Christ...
Editorial Note : * "The Diwan of Abu'l-Ala", by Henry Baerlein, [1909], p. 10 EDITORIAL NOTE The object of the Editors of this series is a very definite one. They desire above all things that, in their humble way, these books shall be the ambassadors of good-will and understanding between East and West--the old...
Title Page : * "The Diwan of Abu'l-Ala", by Henry Baerlein, [1909], p. 1 THE WISDOM OF THE EAST SERIES Edited By L. Cranmer-Byng Dr. S. A. Kapadia THE DIWAN OF ABU'L-ALA p. 2 "First Edition" July, 1908 "Second Edition" January, 1909 p. 3 WISDOM OF THE EAST THE DIWAN OF ABU'L-ALA BY HENRY BAERLIN "Author of "...