Greater Holy Assembly. Chapter Vii. Concerning : CHAPTER VII. CONCERNING THE HAIR OF MACROPROSOPUS. 65. This is the tradition. From the skull of His head hang down a thousand thousand myriads; seven thousand and five hundred curling hairs, white and pure, like as wool when it is pure; which have not been mingled confusedly together less...
Greater Holy Assembly. Chapter Xlv. Conclusion : CHAPTER XLV. 1 CONCLUSION. 1131. HEREUNTO are the concealed words, and the more secret meaning (of then; hath been set forth in many Places). Blessed is his portion who hath known and beheld them, and who erreth not therein. 1132. Because these words are not given forth save unto the Lords of Lords...
Lesser Holy Assembly. Chapter Vi. Concerning : CHAPTER VI. CONCERNING THE BEARD OF THE MOST HOLY ANCIENT ONE. 150. From the Beard of the Most Holy Ancient One hangeth the whole ornament of all, and the Influence; for all things are called from that beard, Influence. 151. This is the Ornament of all Ornaments, and this influence do all...
Lesser Holy Assembly. Chapter Xv. Concerning : CHAPTER XV. CONCERNING THE NOSE OF MICROPROSOPUS. 559. THE nose of Microprosopus is the form of His countenance, for therethrough is His whole countenance known. 560. This nose is not as the nose of the most Holy Ancient One, the Concealed with all Concealments. 561. For the nose of Him...
Lesser Holy Assembly. Chapter Xx. Concerning. Part 02 : CHAPTER XX. CONCERNING THE BODY OF MICROPROSOPUS. 709. THE masculine power is extended through Dath; and the Assemblies and Conclaves are filled. 710. It commenceth from the beginning of the skull, and it is extended throughout the whole body, through the breast, and through the arms, and through...
Lesser Holy Assembly. Chapter Vii. Concerning. Part 02 : CHAPTER VII. CONCERNING THE BRAIN AND THE WISDOM IN GENERAL. 168. OF this Most Holy Ancient One, Concealed with all Concealments, there is no mention made, neither is He found. 169. For since this Head is the supreme of all the supernals, hence He is only symbolized as a head alone without body...
Siphra Dtzenioutha. The Book Of Concealed. Part 02 : p. 91 CHAPTER IV. 1. THE Ancient One is hidden and concealed; the Microprosopus is manifested, and is not manifested. [The "Ancient One" is Kether. Eheieh, Macroprosopus, the Vast Countenance. See introduction, , 42, 77.] 2. When he is manifested, he is symbolized by the letters (in the ordinary...
Lesser Holy Assembly. Chapter Xi. Concerning : CHAPTER XI. CONCERNING THE BRAIN OF MICROPROSOPUS AND ITS CONNECTIONS. 433. AND when both can be conjoined and bound together mutually ("i.e.", the Father and the Mother), there proceedeth thenceforth a certain hard Skull. 434. And it is extended on its sides, so that there may be one part on one...
Lesser Holy Assembly. Chapter Ix. Concerning : p. 293 CHAPTER IX. CONCERNING MICROPROSOPUS AND HIS BRIDE IN GENERAL. 341, HE said: Mouth, mouth, which hath followed out all these things, they shall not dry up thy fountain. 342. Thy fountain goeth forth and faileth not: surely concerning thee may this be applied: "And a river went forth out...
Lesser Holy Assembly. Chapter Vii. Concerning : CHAPTER VIII. CONCERNING THE FATHER AND THE MOTHER IN SPECIAL. 218. COME and behold. When the Most Holy Ancient One, the Concealed with all Concealments, desired to be formed forth, He conformed all things under the form of Male and Female; and in such place wherein Male and Female are comprehended...
Lesser Holy Assembly. Chapter X. Concerning : p. 298 CHAPTER X. CONCERNING MICROPROSOPUS IN ESPECIAL, WITH CERTAIN DIGRESSIONS; AND CONCERNING THE EDOMITE KINGS. 389. HEREUNTO have I propounded how one thing agreeth with another; and I have expounded those things which have been concealed in the most Holy Ancient One, the Concealed with all...
Greater Holy Assembly. Chapter Xvii. Concerning : CHAPTER XVII. CONCERNING THE SIXTH PART OF THE BEARD OF MACROPROSOPUS. 395. THE hair is arranged in the sixth conformation, and ascendeth from below upwards, and toucheth the circles. p. 157 of most excellent fragrance, even unto the beginning of the mouth above; and the hair descendeth...
Greater Holy Assembly. Chapter Xxxvi. Concerning : CHAPTER XXXVI. CONCERNING THE SECOND PART OF THE BEARD OF MICROPROSOPUS. 862. "THE second conformation. The hair goeth forth and ascendeth from the beginning of ("the one side of") the mouth even unto the beginning of the other side of the mouth; and descendeth beneath the mouth unto the other side...
Lesser Holy Assembly. Chapter Xiii. Concerning : CHAPTER XIII. CONCERNING THE FOREHEAD OF MICROPROSOPUS. 496. THE forehead of the Skull ("of Microprosopus") is the forehead for visiting sinners (otherwise, for rooting out sinners). 497. And when that forehead is uncovered there are excited the Lords of judgments against those who are shameless...
Siphra Dtzenioutha. The Book Of Concealed. Part 03 : p. 81 CHAPTER III. 1. Nine are said to be the conformations of the beard (of Microprosopus). For that which remaineth concealed (that is, the other four forms, which meanwhile are not found in Microprosopus), and which is not manifested, is supernal and venerable (that is, properly and of itself...
Greater Holy Assembly. Chapter Xxxix. Concerning : CHAPTER XXXIX. CONCERNING THE BODY OF MICROPROSOPUS IN GENERAL, UNDER THE CONDITION OF AN ANDROGYN. 919. This have we learned. Rabbi Schimeon said: All those dispositions and all those words ought to be revealed by those who are weighed in the balance, and not by those who have not entered there...
Lesser Holy Assembly. Chapter Xxii. Concerning : CHAPTER XXII. 2 CONCERNING THE REMAINING MEMBERS OF MICROPROSOPUS. 734. THE Male is extended in right and left, through the inheritance which He receiveth ("i.e., from Chokmah and Binah"). 735. But whensoever the colours are mingled together then is He called Tiphereth, and the whole body is formed...
Lesser Holy Assembly. Chapter V. Concerning : CHAPTER V. CONCERNING THE NOSE OF THE MOST HOLY ANCIENT ONE. 136. THE NOSE. From this nose, from the openings of the nostrils, the Spirit of Life rusheth forth upon Microprosopus. 137. And from that opening of the nose, from those openings of the nostrils, dependeth the letter He, in order...
Greater Holy Assembly. Chapter Xxxvii. Concerning : CHAPTER XXXVII. CONCERNING THE THIRD PART OF THE BEARD OF MICROPROSOPUS. 867. "ALSO we have learned, Bearing iniquity is this second conformation called, like as in the Holy Ancient One. 868. "But because that path which goeth forth in the third disposition beneath the two nostrils is filled with...
Lesser Holy Assembly. Chapter Xx. Concerning : CHAPTER XXI. CONCERNING THE BRIDE OF MICROPROSOPUS. 711. UNTO His back adhereth closely a Ray of most vehement Splendour, and it flameth forth and formeth a certain skull, concealed on every side. 712. And thus descendeth the Light of the two brains, and is figured forth therein. p. 334 713...
Lesser Holy Assembly. Chapter Ii. Concerning : CHAPTER II CONCERNING THE SKULL OF THE ANCIENT ONE, AND CONCERNING HIS BRAIN; AND CONCERNING THE THREE HEADS, AND THE HAIR, AND THE DISCRIMINATORY PATHS. 51. THE skull of the White Head hath not beginning, but its end is the convexity of its joining together, which is extended, and shineth. 52...
Greater Holy Assembly. Chapter Xxxiv. Concerning : p. 204 CHAPTER XXXIV. CONCERNING THE BEARD OF MICROPROSOPUS. 749. RABBI SCHIMEON commenced and said, Deut. iv 4: "And ye shall cleave unto Tetragrammaton your God, for it is not written "ChDPQIM LIHVH, "Chedebeqim Le Tetragrammaton", Ye shall cleave unto Tetragrammaton;" but "BIHVH, "Be...
Siphra Dtzenioutha. The Book Of Concealed. Part 05 : p. 43 SPRA DTZNIOVTHA (SIPHRA DTZENIOUTHA); OR, THE BOOK OF CONCEALED MYSTERY. CHAPTER I. 1. "Tradition".--"The Book of Concealed Mystery" is the book of the equilibrium of balance. [The word "Dtzenioutha" is difficult to translate, but I think its meaning is best expressed by the words "Concealed...
Greater Holy Assembly. Chapter Xxiv : CHAPTER XXIV. CONCLUSION OF THE MATTER CONCERNING MACROPROSOPUS. 494. RABBI SCHIMEON spake unto his companions, and said: "When that veil is expanded ("by which is to he understood the representation of the beard of Macroprosopus") which ye behold above us, 1 I see that all the conformations have...
Greater Holy Assembly. Chapter Xxxiii. Concerning : p. 199 CHAPTER XXXIII. CONCERNING THE EARS OF MICROPROSOPUS. 707. This have we learned. It is written, 2 Kings xix. 16: "Incline, O God, Thine ear and hear;" namely, that ear which is hidden beneath the hair, and the hair hangeth down over it, and yet the ear is there for the purpose of hearing...
Greater Holy Assembly. Chapter X. Concerning : CHAPTER X. CONCERNING THE NOSE OF MACROPROSOPUS. 171. AND come, behold, lo! it is written, Isaiah xli. 4: "I, Tetragrammaton, ("am") first and with the last. I am HE HIMSELF" ("Hoa"). 172. All things are HVA, "Hoa", He Himself, and He Himself is hidden on every side. So also is His nose. 173...
Greater Holy Assembly. Chapter Xl. Concerning : p. 229 CHAPTER XL. CONCERNING THE FEMININE PORTION OF MICROPROSOPUS; AND CONCERNING THE REMAINING PARTS OF THE BODY OF EACH. 945. THUS in this Adam androgyneity hath commenced to be disposed when it hath been formed in its disposition. It hath commenced from His back. (Otherwise, from His breast.)...
Greater Holy Assembly. Chapter Xxxv. Concerning : p. 213 CHAPTER XXXV. CONCERNING THE FIRST PART OF THE BEARD OF MICROPROSOPUS. 819. "IN the first conformation the hair is disposed from above, and goeth forth before the opening of the ears, beneath the locks which hang down over the ears; and the hairs descend, hairs above hairs, even un...
Greater Holy Assembly. Chapter Viii. Concerning : CHAPTER VIII. CONCERNING THE FOREHEAD OF MACROPROSOPUS. 87. THE forehead of His skull is the acceptation of acceptations, whereunto is opposed the acceptation of Microprosopus, like as it is written, Exod. xxviii. 38: "And it shall be upon His forehead always for acceptation," but that forehead is...
Greater Holy Assembly. Chapter Xx. Concerning : CHAPTER XX. CONCERNING THE NINTH PART OF THE BEARD OF MACROPROSOPUS. 438. THE ninth conformation. The hairs are mingled with those hairs that hang down, neither is one pre-eminent above another. "Arise, Rabbi Abba!" 439. Rabbi Abba arose and said: "These are the hairs which are mingled with these...
Greater Holy Assembly. Chapter Xxi. Concerning : CHAPTER XXI. CONCERNING THE TENTH AND ELEVENTH PARTS OF THE BEARD OF MICROPROSOPUS. 442. THE tenth conformation. The hairs descend beneath the beard, and cover the throat beneath the beard. "Arise, Rabbi Yehuda." 443. Rabbi Yehuda arose, and commenced, and said, Isa. ii. 19: "'And they shall enter...
Greater Holy Assembly. Chapter Xix. Concerning : CHAPTER XIX CONCERNING THE EIGHTH PART OF THE BEARD OF MACROPROSOPUS. 424. THE eighth conformation. There goeth forth a certain tress of hairs surrounding the beard, and they hang down evenly into the heart. "Arise thou, Eleazar, my son, and expound this conformation." 425. Rabbi Eleazar, his s...
Lesser Holy Assembly. Chapter Xviii. Concerning : CHAPTER XVIII. CONCERNING THE BEARD OF MICROPROSOPUS. 642. IN those abodes (otherwise forms) of fragrance the beard beginneth to appear from the top of the ears, and it descendeth and ascendeth in the place of fragrance. p. 325 643. The hairs of the beard are black, and beautiful in form...
Greater Holy Assembly. Chapter Xvi. Concerning : CHAPTER XVI. CONCERNING THE FIFTH PART OF THE BEARD OF MACROPROSOPUS. 382. THE fifth conformation. Another path goeth forth beneath the mouth. This is that which is written in the saying of Micah: "LA HChZIQ LOD APV, "Lo Hecheziq Lead Apo", He hath not kept his anger for ever. Arise Rabbi Yosi!"...
Greater Holy Assembly. Chapter Xxviii. Concerning : p. 180 CHAPTER XXVIII. CONCERNING THE BRAIN AND MEMBRANE OF THE BRAIN OF MICROPROSOPUS. 559. IN the cavities of the skull three hollow places are found wherein is located the brain. 560. And a thin membrane is placed therein, but not a thick membrane, hidden also as that of the Ancient of Days...
Greater Holy Assembly. Chapter V. Further : CHAPTER V. FURTHER CONCERNING THE SKULL OF MACROPROSOPUS. 52. THE whiteness of this skull shineth in thirteen carved out sides: in four sides from one portion; in four sides from the part of His countenance; and in four sides from another part of the periphery; and in one above the skull, as if...
Lesser Holy Assembly. Chapter Xii. Concerning : CHAPTER XII. CONCERNING THE HAIR OF MICROPROSOPUS. 470. FROM the skull of the Head (of "Microprosopus") depend all those chiefs and leaders (otherwise, all those thousands and tens of thousands), and also from the locks of the hair. 471. Which are black, and mutually bound together, and which...
Lesser Holy Assembly. Chapter Iii. Concerning : CHAPTER III. CONCERNING THE FOREHEAD OF THE MOST HOLY ANCIENT ONE. 87. THE Forehead, which is uncovered in the Most Holy Ancient One, is called Grace. 88. For that Supernal Head concealed in the Higher, which no man hath known, expandeth a certain external manifestation, beautiful and gracious...
Greater Holy Assembly. Chapter Xxv. The Ingress : CHAPTER XXV. THE INGRESS OF MICROPROSOPUS. 508. "Now take ye your places, and apply the science ("the Qabalah") to describe how the parts of Microprosopus are conformed, and how He is clothed with His conformations, from the forms of the Ancient of Days, the Holy of the Holy Ones, the Withdrawn...
Greater Holy Assembly. Chapter Xiii. Concerning : CHAPTER XIII. CONCERNING THE SECOND PART OF THE BEARD OF MACROPROSOPUS. 326. "ARISE, Rabbi Chisqiah, and stand in thy place, and declare the worthiness of this part of the holy beard." 327. Rabbi Chisqiah arose, and began his speech and said, Cant. vii. 10: "I am my beloved's, and his desire is...
Lesser Holy Assembly. Chapter Xvii. Concerning : CHAPTER XVII. CONCERNING THE COUNTENANCE OF MICROPROSOPUS. 632. His countenance is as two abodes of fragrance, and all that I have said before is His testimony. 633. For the testimony, ShDVThA, "Sahedutha", dependeth from Him, and in all his testimony dependeth. 634. But these places of fragrance...
Greater Holy Assembly. Chapter Xv. Concerning : p. 154 CHAPTER XV. CONCERNING THE FOURTH PART OF THE BEARD OF MACROPROSOPUS. 378. THE hair is disposed in the fourth conformation, and it descendeth beneath the mouth from the one side even unto the other side. 379. That is intimated (in the saying of Micah) in these words: "Of the remnant of his...
Greater Holy Assembly. Chapter Xiv. Concerning : CHAPTER XIV. CONCERNING THE THIRD PART OF THE BEARD OF MACROPROSOPUS. 347. "ARISE, Rabbi Chisqiah, for the second time." 349. We have learned that before Rabbi Chisqiah arose, a voice came forth and said: "One angel doth not undertake two messages." 349. Rabbi Schimeon was disturbed, and said:...
Lesser Holy Assembly. Chapter I. Which Containeth : HADRA ZVTA QDISHA (HA IDRA ZUTA QADISHA) OR THE LESSER HOLY ASSEMBLY. CHAPTER I. WHICH CONTAINETH THE INTRODUCTION. 1. TRADITION.--On that day on which the Companions were assembled together in the house of Rabbi Schimeon, and on which he had arranged his affairs because he was about to depart...
Greater Holy Assembly. Chapter Xxii. Concerning : CHAPTER XXII. CONCERNING THE TWELFTH PART OF THE BEARD OF MACROPROSOPUS. 448. THE twelfth conformation is that the hairs do not hang over the mouth, and that the mouth is bare on every part, and that beautiful are the hairs surrounding it, so that there may be no molestation there, as is fit. 449...
Greater Holy Assembly. Chapter Xlii. Concerning : p. 239 CHAPTER XLII. CONCERNING THE SEPARATION OF THE MASCULINE AND THE FEMININE, AND CONCERNING THEIR CONJUNCTION. 1026. ALSO we have learned in the "Book of Concealed Mystery" 1 that all the judgments which arise from the Masculine are vehement in the commencement, and relax in the termination;...
Greater Holy Assembly. Chapter I. The Ingress : p. 109 HADRA RBA QDISHA (HA IDRA RABBA QADISHA); OR, THE GREATER HOLY ASSEMBLY. CHAPTER I. THE INGRESS AND THE PREFACE. 1. TRADITION.--Rabbi Schimeon spake unto his companions, and said: "How long shall we abide in the condition of one column by itself? when it is written, Psa. cxix. 126: 'It is...
Greater Holy Assembly. Chapter Xi. Concerning : CHAPTER XI. CONCERNING THE BEARD OF MACROPROSOPUS IN GENERAL. 209. RABBI SCHIMEON began, and said: Woe unto him who extendeth his hand unto that most glorious supernal beard of the Holy Ancient One, the concealed of all. 210. This is the praise of that beard; the beard which is concealed and most...
Greater Holy Assembly. Chapter Xxx. Concerning : CHAPTER XXX. CONCERNING THE FOREHEAD OF MICROPROSOPUS. 588. THE forehead of the skull is the inspection of inspection, and it is not uncovered, except in that time when it is necessary to visit sinners for the purpose of examining their deeds. 589. Also we have learned that when that forehead is...
Greater Holy Assembly. Chapter Xii. Concerning : CHAPTER XII. CONCERNING THE BEARD OF MACROPROSOPUS IN PARTICULAR; AND, IN THE FIRST PLACE, CONCERNING ITS FIRST PART. 286. "THE first disposition is that which commenceth almost at the beginning of the hair. 287. "Also we have learned: No beard ("i.e.", no part of this beard) is found which doth...
Greater Holy Assembly. Chapter Ix. Concerning : CHAPTER IX. CONCERNING THE EYES OF MACROPROSOPUS. 112. THE eyes of the White Head 1 are diverse from all other eyes. Above the eye is no eyelid, neither is there an eyebrow over it. 113. Wherefore? Because it is written, Ps. cxxi. 4: "Behold, He that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep;"...
Greater Holy Assembly. Chapter Vi. Concerning : CHAPTER VI. CONCERNING THE MEMBRANE OF THE BRAIN OF MACROPROSOPUS. 58. IN the hollow of the skull is the arial membrane of the supreme hidden Wisdom, which is nowhere disclosed; and it is not found, and it is not opened. 59. And that membrane enshroudeth the brain of the hidden Wisdom...
Greater Holy Assembly. Chapter Iii. Concerning : p. 115 CHAPTER III. CONCERNING THE ANCIENT ONE, OR MACROPROSOPUS, AND CONCERNING HIS PARTS, AND ESPECIALLY CONCERNING HIS SKULL. 34. AND after a certain time was that veil entirely disunited in formless separation, and recomposed according to its conformation. 35. And this is the tradition:...
Siphra Dtzenioutha. The Book Of Concealed : CHAPTER V. 1. (It is written) Isa. i. 4: "Woe unto the sinful nation, unto the people heavy with iniquity, unto the seed of evildoers, &c." (Here the author of the "Siphra Dtzenioutha" reasoneth concerning the small word HVI, "woe," which also is a form of the name. And this word is alone separated...
Lesser Holy Assembly. Chapter Xiv. Concerning : CHAPTER XIV. CONCERNING THE EYES OF MICROPROSOPUS. 510. THE Eyes of the Head ("of Microprosopus") are those eyes from which sinners cannot guard themselves; the eyes which sleep, and yet which sleep not. 511. And therefore are they called "Eyes like unto doves, KIVNIM, Ke-Ionim." What is IVNIM...
Greater Holy Assembly. Chapter Xxxviii. Concerning : p. 221 CHAPTER XXXVIII. CONCERNING THE SEVEN LAST PORTIONS OF THE BEARD OF MICROPROSOPUS. 880. "THE fourth conformation. This path of hairs is, disposed, and ascendeth and descendeth in His cheeks into the place of fragrance. 881. "This disposition is fair and beautiful in appearance, and it is...
Preface : p. vii PREFACE TO THE NEW EDITION By M. MACGREGOR MATHERS As a pupil of my late husband and in later years collaborator in his more esoteric studies, I take this opportunity to say a few words in regard to himself and his work. Moreover, since his death at the end of 1918, I have received...
Greater Holy Assembly. Chapter Xliii. Concerning : CHAPTER XLIII. CONCERNING THE JUDGMENTS. 1040. ALSO, we have learned in the "Book of Concealed Mystery" that when the Most Holy Ancient One desired to see whether the judgments could be mitigated, and whether these two could adhere together, that then from the side of the Woman there went forth...
Greater Holy Assembly. Chapter Ii : CHAPTER II. OF THE CONDITION OF THE WORLD OF VACANCY. 25. HE manifested the Arcanum, and commencing, said, Gen. xxxvi. 29: "And those are the kings which reigned in the land of Edom before that a king could rule over the children of Israel." 26. Blessed are ye, O just men! because unto you is...
Greater Holy Assembly. Chapter Xxvii. Concerning : CHAPTER XXVII. CONCERNING THE SKULL OP MICROPROSOPUS AND ITS APPURTENANCES; NAMELY, CONCERNING THE SUBTLE AIR, AND THE FIRE, AND THE DEW. 536. THIS is the tradition. When the White Head 1 propounded unto Himself to superadd ornament unto His own adornment, He constituted, prepared, and produced one...
Greater Holy Assembly. Chapter Xxvi. Concerning : CHAPTER XXVI. CONCERNING THE EDOMITE KINGS. 513. BEHOLD! this have we learned in the "Book of Concealed Mystery": that the Ancient of the Ancient Ones before that He prepared His conformations 2 ("in the equilibrium of balance") formed certain kings, collected certain kings, and gave due proporti...
Greater Holy Assembly. Chapter Iv. Concerning : CHAPTER IV. CONCERNING THE DEW, OR MOISTURE OF THE BRAIN, OF THE ANCIENT ONE, OR MACROPROSOPUS. 44. AND from that skull distilleth a dew upon Him which is external, and filleth His head daily. 45. And from that dew which floweth down from His head, that ("namely") which is external, the dead are...
Greater Holy Assembly. Chapter Xxxi. Concerning : CHAPTER XXXI. CONCERNING THE EYES OF MICROPROSOPUS. 607. The eyes of the head ("of Microprosopus") are diverse from all other eyes. There is a shadowy darkness cast by the eyebrows which is ("as if it were") painted above the eyes, whence all eyes are overshadowed with a dark shade. 608. Curling...
Greater Holy Assembly. Chapter Xxix. Concerning : CHAPTER XXIX. CONCERNING THE HAIR OF MICROPROSOPUS. 570. WE have learned that from the skull of His head ("i.e., of Microprosopus") hang one thousand times a thousand myriad myriads of locks of black hair, and they are intertwined together each to the other, and they are mingled together. 571. But...
Lesser Holy Assembly. Chapter Xix. Concerning : p. 329 CHAPTER XIX. CONCERNING THE LIPS AND MOUTH OF MICROPROSOPUS. 678. THOSE hairs cover not the lips, and the entire lips are red and rosy. As it is written, Cant. v. 13: "His lips as roses." ("In the ordinary version ShVShNIM, Shushanim, is translated "lilies," not "roses.") 679. His lips...
Lesser Holy Assembly. Chapter Xvi. Concerning : CHAPTER XVI. CONCERNING THE EARS OF MICROPROSOPUS. 582. THERE are two ears for hearing the good and the evil, and these two can be reduced into one. 583. As it is written, 2 Kings xix. 18: "Incline, O Tetragrammaton, Thine ear, and hear." 584. The ear from within dependeth upon certain curves which...
Greater Holy Assembly. Chapter Xli. Concerning : CHAPTER XLI. CONCERNING THE SEPARATE MEMBERS OF EACH PERSONIFICATION, AND ESPECIALLY CONCERNING THE ARMS OF MICROPROSOPUS. 997. HEREUNTO have adhered together both the Woman and the Man; now in Their condition are They separated in arms and limbs. 998. Of the Male, one arm is right and the other...
Greater Holy Assembly. Chapter Xxiii. Concerning : p. 166 CHAPTER XXIII. CONCERNING THE THIRTEENTH PART OF THE BEARD OF MACROPROSOPUS. 466. THE thirteenth conformation. The hairs which are beneath the beard hang down on this side and on that in beautiful and excellent dignity, and form a covering even unto the chest, and nothing is seen...
Greater Holy Assembly. Chapter Xliv. Further : CHAPTER XLIV. FURTHER REMARKS CONCERNING THE SUPERNAL MAN. 1059. RABBI SCHIMEON spake, and said: Let us behold. The superiors are below, and the inferiors are above. 1 p. 243 1060. The superiors are below. That is the form of the Man which is the Universal Superior Conformation. 1061. We have...
Greater Holy Assembly. Chapter Xxxii. Concerning : CHAPTER XXXII. CONCERNING THE NOSE OF MICROPROSOPUS. 661. WE have learned it in the "Book of Concealed Mystery." The nose of Microprosopus. From the nose is the countenance known. In this nose is diverse symbolism. 662. For it is written, Ps. xviii. 8: "There went up p. 193 a smoke out of His nose...
Lesser Holy Assembly. Chapter Iv. Concerning : CHAPTER IV. CONCERNING THE EYES OF THE MOST HOLY ANCIENT ONE. 113. THE eyes of the Head of the Most Holy Ancient One are two in one, 1 equal, which ever watch, and sleep not. 114. Like as it is written, Ps. cxxi. 4: "The Keeper of Israel neither slumbereth nor sleepeth," a, Superior He, an Inferi...
Siphra Dtzenioutha. The Book Of Concealed. Part 04 : CHAPTER II. 1. The beard of truth. (That is, now followeth a description of the beard of Macroprosopus, and its thirteen parts, which are more fully described in the "Idra Rabba.") [The beard is the influx which descends from the first Sephira through all the others. Macroprosopus is of course...
Greater Holy Assembly. Chapter Xviii. Concerning : CHAPTER XVIII. CONCERNING THE SEVENTH PART OF THE BEARD OF MACROPROSOPUS. 408. THE seventh conformation is that wherein the hair is wanting, and there appear two apples in the circles of fragrance, fair and beautiful of aspect. 409. Rabbi Schimeon commenced, and said, Cant. ii. 3: "'Like...
Introduction : p. 1 KABBALAH. INTRODUCTION. I. THE first questions which the non-qabalistical reader will probably ask are: What is the Qabalah? Who was its author? What are its sub-divisions? What are its general teachings? And why is a translation of it required at the present time? 2. I will answer the last...