Chapter Iv. The Culture Of The Philistines : * "The Philistines", by R.A.S. Macalister, [1913], IV. THEIR PLACE IN HISTORY AND CIVILIZATION A people, or rather a group of peoples, the remnant--the degenerate remnant if you will--of a great civilization, settled on the Palestine coast. They found before them a servile aboriginal populati...
Chapter Ii. The History Of The Philistines : * "The Philistines", by R.A.S. Macalister, [1913], III. Their Decline and Disappearance. A few simple figures will show the comparative insignificance into which the Philistines fell after their wars with David. In the first book of Samuel, the name 'Philistine' or 'Philistines' occurs 125 times...
Chapter Iii. The Land Of The Philistines : * "The Philistines", by R.A.S. Macalister, [1913], p. 68 CHAPTER III THE LAND OF THE PHILISTINES The country of the Philistines is definitely limited, in Joshua xiii. 2, between the Shr or 'River of Egypt', the present Wady el-Arsh, on the Egyptian frontier, which joins the sea at Rhinocolur...
Chapter Iv. The Culture Of The Philistines. Part 03 : * "The Philistines", by R.A.S. Macalister, [1913], II. THEIR ORGANIZATION. A. "POLITICAL". From the time when the Philistines first appear in their Palestinian territory they are governed by "Lords", ernm, each of whom has domination in one of the five chief cities, but who act in council together...
Chapter Ii. The History Of The Philistines. Part 03 : * "The Philistines", by R.A.S. Macalister, [1913], p. 29 CHAPTER II THE HISTORY OF THE PHILISTINES I. The Adventures Of Wen-Amon Among Them The Golnischeff papyrus 1 was found in 1891 at El-Khibeh in Upper Egypt. It is the personal report of the adventures of an Egyptian messenger to Lebanon, sent...
Chapter Iv. The Culture Of The Philistines. Part 04 : * "The Philistines", by R.A.S. Macalister, [1913], p. 79 CHAPTER IV THE CULTURE OF THE PHILISTINES I. Their Language. Of the language of the Philistines we are profoundly ignorant. An inscription in their tongue, written in an intelligible script, would be one of the greatest rewards th...
Chapter Ii. The History Of The Philistines. Part 02 : * "The Philistines", by R.A.S. Macalister, [1913], p. 38 2. THEIR STRUGGLE WITH THE HEBREWS We now turn to the various historical references to the Philistines in the Hebrew Scriptures. It happens that the Zakkala, with whom the Golnischeff Papyrus is concerned, are not mentioned by name...
Chapter Iv. The Culture Of The Philistines. Part 02 : * "The Philistines", by R.A.S. Macalister, [1913], III. "Their Religion". Of the religion of the Philistines we know just enough to whet a curiosity that for the present seeks satisfaction in vain. The only hints given us in the Old Testament history are as follows: (1) The closing scene...
Preface : * "The Philistines", by R.A.S. Macalister, [1913], p. xv PREFACE Among the Nations that came within the purview of the Old Testament Writers--nations seldom mentioned without stricture, whether for idolatry, immorality, or cruelty--perhaps none were the object of so concentrated an aversi...
Chapter I. The Origin Of The Philistines : * "The Philistines", by R.A.S. Macalister, [1913], p. 1 THE PHILISTINES THEIR HISTORY AND CIVILIZATION CHAPTER I THE ORIGIN OF THE PHILISTINES The Old Testament history is almost exclusively occupied with Semitic tribes. Babylonians, Assyrians, Canaanites, Hebrews, Aramaeans--all these, however...
Title Page : * "The Philistines", by R.A.S. Macalister, [1913], THE PHILISTINES Their History And Civilization By R. A. STEWART MACALISTER, MA., F.A. (Professor Of Celtic Archaeology, University College, Dublin) The Schweich Lectures London: Published For The British Academy By Humphrey Milford [1913] Welche...