Preface : p. vii PREFACE THIS little book tries to tell the story of the religious life of the Romans from the time when their history begins for us until the close of the reign of Augustus. Each of its five essays deals with a distinct period and is in a sense complete in itself; but the dramatic...
The Religion Of Numa : p. 1 THE RELIGION OF NUMA ROME forms no exception to the general rule that nations, like individuals, grow by contact with the outside world. In the middle of the five centuries of her republic came the Punic wars and the intimate association with Greece which made the last half of her history...
The Augustan Renaissance : p. 146 THE AUGUSTAN RENAISSANCE POLITICS had caused the downfall of the state religion. Weakened by the attacks of a sceptical philosophy, driven from the hearts of the common people by the rival cults of the Orient, the state religion had finally lost all its influence by the abuse of it...
The Decline Of Faith : p. 104 THE DECLINE OF FAITH IT is the fashion of our day to think no evil of Greece. In art we are experiencing another Renaissance, not like that of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries in a revival of ancient Rome, but in a movement leading behind Rome to the classic and even the pre-classic...
The Coming Of The Sibyl : p. 62 THE COMING OF THE SIBYL THE Rome of the first consuls was a very different Rome from that of the earlier kings. Not only was the population larger but it was divided socially into different classes. The simple patriarchal one-class community had been transformed into the complex structure...
Title Page : THE RELIGION OF NUMA AND OTHER ESSAYS ON THE RELIGION OF ANCIENT ROME BY JESSE BENEDICT CARTER London MACMILLAN AND CO., LIMITED NEW YORK: THE MACMILLAN COMPANY [1906] Scanned , August, 2003. J. B. Hare, Redactor. This Text Is In The Public Domain. These Files May Be Used For Any Non-commercial...
Untitled : Jupiter and Semele by Gustave Moreau, 1895 () THE RELIGION OF NUMA And Other Essays On The Religion Of Ancient Rome BY JESSE BENEDICT CARTER [1906] This is a short survey of the history of Roman religion, particularly the Roman pantheon, from its origins as abstract animistic deities...
The Reorganisation Of Servius : p. 27 THE REORGANISATION OF SERVIUS LIKE a lofty peak rising above the mists which cover the tops of the lower-lying mountains, the figure of Servius Tullius towers above the semi-legendary Tarquins on either side of him. We feel that we have to do with a veritable character in history, and we...