Volume Five. Xvi. Unappropriated Millions : * "The Secret of the Ages", by Robert Collier, [1926], p. 418 p. 419 XVI UNAPPROPRIATED MILLIONS "Somebody said that it couldn't be done, But he with a chuckle replied That 'maybe it couldn't,' but he would be one Who wouldn't say so till he'd tried. So he buckled right in with the trace of a gr...
Volume Six. Title Page : * "The Secret of the Ages", by Robert Collier, [1926], The Secret of the Ages "In Seven Volumes" VOLUME SIX THE SECRET OF THE AGES ROBERT COLLIER VOLUME ONE ROBERT COLLIER, Publisher 599 Fifth Avenue New York No Connection With P. F. Collier & Son Co., Inc. [1926] Title Page: Volume 6 Verso:...
Volume One. Foreword : * "The Secret of the Ages", by Robert Collier, [1926], p. 6 p. 7 "A fire-mist and a planet, A crystal and a cell, A jelly-fish and a saurian, cave where the cave-men dwell; Then a sense of law and order, A face upturned from the clod; Some call it Evolution, And others call it God." --Reprinted...
Volume Four. Xii. The Three Requisites : * "The Secret of the Ages", by Robert Collier, [1926], p. 327 XII THE THREE REQUISITES "Waste no tears Upon the blotted record of lost years, But turn the leaf, and smile, oh smile, to see The fair white pages that remain for thee. "Prate not of thy repentance. But believe The spark divine dwells...
Volume Three. V. Aladdin And Company : * "The Secret of the Ages", by Robert Collier, [1926], p. 164 p. 165 V ALADDIN margin-right: 10%">"But the feeble hands and helpless, Groping blindly in the darkness, Touch God's right hand in that darkness, And are lifted up and strengthened." --Longfellow. It is not always the man who struggles...
Volume One. I. The World's Greatest Discovery : * "The Secret of the Ages", by Robert Collier, [1926], p. 13 I THE WORLD'S GREATEST DISCOVERY "You can do as much as you think you can, But you'll never accomplish more; If you're afraid of yourself, young man, There's little for you in store. For failure comes from the inside first, It's there if...
Volume Four. Xi. The Law Of Attraction : * "The Secret of the Ages", by Robert Collier, [1926], p. 304 p. 305 XI THE LAW OF ATTRACTION For life is the mirror of king and slave. 'Tis just what you are and do; Then give to the world the best you have, And the best will come back to you. --Madeline Bridges. The old adage that "He profits...
Volume Three. Vii. as A Man Thinketh : * "The Secret of the Ages", by Robert Collier, [1926], p. 207 VII "As A Man Thinketh" "Our remedies in ourselves do lie Which we ascribe to heaven." --Shakespeare. In our great-grandfather's day, when witches flew around by night and cast their spell upon all unlucky enough to cross them, men...
Volume Four. X. this Freedom : * "The Secret of the Ages", by Robert Collier, [1926], p. 286 p. 287 X "THIS FREEDOM" "Ye shall know the truth And the Truth shall make you free." I have heard that quotation ever since I was a little child. Most of us have. But to me it was never anything much but a quotation--until a few years...
Volume One : * "The Secret of the Ages", by Robert Collier, [1926], p. i INDEX In the following index the first figure after each line refers to the volume and the second to the page. A "A craven hung--," 5-399 "A fire-mist and a planet," 1-7 "Abundance everywhere," 3-227 feel, 3-234 law of, 3-226 think, 4-349...
Volume One. Title Page : * "The Secret of the Ages", by Robert Collier, [1926], The Secret of the Ages "In Seven Volumes" VOLUME ONE THE SECRET OF THE AGES ROBERT COLLIER VOLUME ONE ROBERT COLLIER, Publisher 599 Fifth Avenue New York No Connection With P. F. Collier & Son Co., Inc. [1926] The Secret of the Ages Title Page...
Volume Two. Title Page : * "The Secret of the Ages", by Robert Collier, [1926], The Secret of the Ages "In Seven Volumes" VOLUME TWO THE SECRET OF THE AGES ROBERT COLLIER VOLUME TWO ROBERT COLLIER, Publisher 599 Fifth Avenue New York No Connection With P. F. Collier & Son Co., Inc. [1926] Title Page: Volume 2 Verso:...
Volume Six. Xxii. Why Grow Old : * "The Secret of the Ages", by Robert Collier, [1926], p. 505 XXII WHY GROW OLD? "And Moses was an hundred and twenty years old when he died: his eye was not dim, nor his natural force abated." Remember how you used to plough through great masses of work day after day and month after month...
Volume Three. Title Page : * "The Secret of the Ages", by Robert Collier, [1926], The Secret of the Ages "In Seven Volumes" VOLUME THREE THE SECRET OF THE AGES ROBERT COLLIER VOLUME THREE ROBERT COLLIER, Publisher 599 Fifth Avenue New York No Connection With P. F. Collier & Son Co., Inc. [1926] Title Page: Volume 3 Verso:...
Volume Five. Xvii. The Secret Of Power : * "The Secret of the Ages", by Robert Collier, [1926], p. 426 p. 427 XVII The Secret Of Power "The great were once as you. They whom men magnify today Once groped and blundered on life's way Were fearful of themselves, and thought By magic was men's greatness wrought. They feared to try what they...
Volume Five. Xv. The Master Of Your Fate : * "The Secret of the Ages", by Robert Collier, [1926], p. 399 XV THE MASTER OF YOUR FATE "A craven hung along the battle's edge, And thought, 'Had I a sword of keener steel That blue blade that the king's son bears,--but this blunt thing--!' And lowering crept away and left the field. Then came...
Volume Six. Xix. The Master Mind : * "The Secret of the Ages", by Robert Collier, [1926], p. 457 p. 458 p. 459 XIX THE MASTER MIND "One who never turned his back but marched breast forward, Never doubted clouds would break, Never dreamed though right were worsted Wrong would triumph, Held we fall to rise, are baffled to fight...
Volume Four. Ix. The Formula Of Success : * "The Secret of the Ages", by Robert Collier, [1926], p. 262 p. 263 IX THE FORMULA OF SUCCESS "One ship drives east, and another drives west, With the self-same winds that blow. 'Tis the set of the sails, and not the gales Which tells us the way they go. "Like the waves of the sea are the ways...
Volume Six. Xx. What Do You Lack : * "The Secret of the Ages", by Robert Collier, [1926], p. 473 XX WHAT DO YOU LACK? "I read the papers every day, and oft encounter tales which show there's hope for every jay who in life's battle fails. I've just been reading of a gent who joined the has-been ranks, at fifty years without a cent...
Volume Two. Iii. The Primal Cause : * "The Secret of the Ages", by Robert Collier, [1926], p. 76 "And the earth was Without form and void; And darkness was upon The face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved Upon the face of the waters." Genesis 1:2. p. 77 III THE PRIMAL CAUSE This city, with all its houses, palaces, steam...
Untitled : * What makes a New Thought classic? Obviously most of these books are delivering the exact same message. Collier here demonstrates a combination of factors which seems to win over readers: a folksy--but not cornball--style, lots of inspirational quotes, particularly from the Bible, and, most...
Volume Seven. Title Page : * "The Secret of the Ages", by Robert Collier, [1926], The Secret of the Ages "In Seven Volumes" VOLUME SEVEN THE SECRET OF THE AGES ROBERT COLLIER VOLUME ONE ROBERT COLLIER, Publisher 599 Fifth Avenue New York No Connection With P. F. Collier & Son Co., Inc. [1926] Title Page: Volume 7 Verso:...
Volume Five. Xviii. This One Thing I Do : * "The Secret of the Ages", by Robert Collier, [1926], p. 434 p. 435 XVIII THIS ONE THING I DO "How do you tackle your work each day? Do you grapple the task that comes your way, With a confident, easy mind? Do you start to toil with a sense of dread Or feel that you're going to do it? "You can do...
Volume Seven. Xxiv. The Gift Of The Magi : * "The Secret of the Ages", by Robert Collier, [1926], p. 562 p. 563 XXIV THE GIFT OF THE MAGI "Sweep up the debris of decaying faiths; Sweep down the cobwebs of worn-out beliefs, And throw your soul wide open to the light Of Reason and of Knowledge. Be not afraid To thrust aside half-truths...
Volume Four. Title Page : * "The Secret of the Ages", by Robert Collier, [1926], The Secret of the Ages "In Seven Volumes" VOLUME FOUR THE SECRET OF THE AGES ROBERT COLLIER VOLUME FOUR ROBERT COLLIER, Publisher 599 Fifth Avenue New York No Connection With P. F. Collier & Son Co., Inc. [1926] Title Page: Volume 4 Verso:...
Volume Six. Xxi. The Sculptor And The Clay : * "The Secret of the Ages", by Robert Collier, [1926], p. 489 XXI THE SCULPTOR AND THE CLAY "Eternal mind the Potter is, And thought the eternal clay. The hand that fashions is divine; His works pass not away. God could not make imperfect man His model Infinite, Unhallowed thought He could not...
Volume Two. Iv. Desire The First Law Of Gain : * "The Secret of the Ages", by Robert Collier, [1926], p. 126 p. 127 DESIRE--THE FIRST LAW OF GAIN "Ah, Love! Could Thou and I with Fate conspire To grasp this sorry Scheme of Things entire, Would we not shatter it to bits--and then Re-mold it nearer to the Heart's Desire!" --"The Rubaiyat of Omar...
Volume Seven. Xxiii. The Medicine Delusion : * "The Secret of the Ages", by Robert Collier, [1926], p. 543 XXIII THE MEDICINE DELUSION "I find the medicine worse than the malady." --Shakespeare. We are getting rid of the drug illusion," declared Dr. Woods Hutchinson, the noted medical writer of America, at a luncheon given on June 6, 1925...
Volume Five. Title Page : * "The Secret of the Ages", by Robert Collier, [1926], The Secret of the Ages "In Seven Volumes" VOLUME FIVE THE SECRET OF THE AGES ROBERT COLLIER VOLUME FIVE ROBERT COLLIER, Publisher 599 Fifth Avenue New York No Connection With P. F. Collier & Son Co., Inc. [1926] Title Page: Volume 5 Verso:...
Volume Three. Viii. The Law Of Supply : * "The Secret of the Ages", by Robert Collier, [1926], p. 225 VIII THE LAW OF SUPPLY "They do me wrong who say I come no more When once I knock and fail to find you in; For every day I stand outside your door, And bid you wake, and rise to fight and win. "Wail not for precious chances passed away...
Volume Five. Xiv. Your Needs Are Met : * "The Secret of the Ages", by Robert Collier, [1926], p. 373 XIV YOUR NEEDS ARE MET "Arise, O Soul, and gird thee up anew, Though the black camel Death kneel at this gate; No beggar thou that thou for alms shouldst sue: Be the proud captain still of thine own fate." --Kenyon. You've heard...
Volume Four. Xiii. That Old Witch Bad Luck : * "The Secret of the Ages", by Robert Collier, [1926], p. 339 XIII THAT OLD WITCH--BAD LUCK "How do you tackle your work each day? Are you scared of the job you find? Do you grapple the task that comes your way With a confident, easy mind? Do you stand right up to the work ahead Or fearfully pause...
Volume One. Ii. The Genie Of Your Mind : * "The Secret of the Ages", by Robert Collier, [1926], p. 29 II THE GENIE-OF-YOUR-MIND "It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishment the scroll, I am the Master of my Fate; I am the Captain of my Soul." --Henley. First came the Stone Age, when life was for the strong of arm...
Volume Three. Vi. See Yourself Doing It : * "The Secret of the Ages", by Robert Collier, [1926], p. 191 VI SEE YOURSELF DOING IT You say big corporations scheme To keep a fellow down; They drive him, shame him, starve him, too, If he so much as frown. God knows I hold no brief for them; Still, come with me to-day And watch those f...