Part I. Admonitions, Rules, Etc. Ii. Salutati : * "The Writings of St. Francis of Assisi", tr. by Paschal Robinson, [1905], p. 20 II. SALUTATION OF THE VIRTUES. Thomas of Celano, St. Francis' earliest biographer, bears witness to the authenticity of this exquisite Salutation in his "Second Life", written about 1247. 1 It is found in the codices...
Part I. Admonitions, Rules, Etc. Iii : * "The Writings of St. Francis of Assisi", tr. by Paschal Robinson, [1905], p. 22 III. ON REVERENCE FOR THE LORD'S BODY AND ON THE CLEANLINESS OF THE ALTAR. The arguments already adduced to establish the authenticity of the Admonitions may also be used in behalf of this instruction addressed "...
Part Ii. Six Letters Of St. Francis. Vi : * "The Writings of St. Francis of Assisi", tr. by Paschal Robinson, [1905], p. 130 VI. TO BROTHER LEO. The authenticity of this letter cannot be challenged. The original autograph is jealously preserved at the Cathedral of Spoleto. In Wadding's time it was kept at the Conventual church in th...
Bibliography : * "The Writings of St. Francis of Assisi", tr. by Paschal Robinson, [1905], p. 189 BIBLIOGRAPHY. THE following list of works is intentionally limited. Its aim is to give collectively and in alphabetical order a fuller reference to the principal and most accessible sources of information cited...
Part I. Admonitions, Rules, Etc. Vi. Testament : * "The Writings of St. Francis of Assisi", tr. by Paschal Robinson, [1905], p. 79 VI. TESTAMENT OF THE HOLY FATHER ST. FRANCIS. The opuscule which St. Francis called his Testament is a precious document of the highest authority. Renan forsooth denied its authenticity, but rashly, for, as M...
Part Iii. Prayers Of St. Francis. I. The Praises : * "The Writings of St. Francis of Assisi", tr. by Paschal Robinson, [1905], p. 134 p. 135 PART III p. 136 PRAYERS OF ST. FRANCIS p. 137 I. THE PRAISES. THIS opuscule is composed of two parts: a paraphrase of the Lord's Prayer and the Praises properly so-called. It is contained in all the early MS...
Part Iii. Prayers Of St. Francis. Iv : * "The Writings of St. Francis of Assisi", tr. by Paschal Robinson, [1905], p. 146 IV. THE SHEET WHICH ST. FRANCIS GAVE BROTHER LEO. The earliest witness to this document is Thomas of Celano, who in his Second Life (written about 1247) records that "while the Saint was remaining secluded in his...
Part I. Admonitions, Rules, Etc. Vii : * "The Writings of St. Francis of Assisi", tr. by Paschal Robinson, [1905], p. 87 VII. OF LIVING RELIGIOUSLY IN A HERMITAGE. We learn from St. Bonaventure 1 and the "Fioretti" 2 that as companions began to flock to St. Francis, the man of God hesitated for a while between adopting a life of prayer...
Title Page : * "The Writings of St. Francis of Assisi", tr. by Paschal Robinson, [1905], THE WRITINGS Of ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI. NEWLY TRANSLATED INTO ENGLISH WITH AN INTRODUCTION AND NOTES BY FATHER PASCHAL ROBINSON Of The Order Of Friars Minor PHILADELPHIA The Dolphin Press [1905] Scanned , August 2007...
Untitled : * This short anthology of the writings of St. Francis includes a wide sampling of his writings. Of general interest here is the transcendent Canticle of the Sun, a prayer which lucidly describes a universe alive with joy, and praises 'Brother Sun...Sister Moon...Mother Earth'. Also available...
Part I. Admonitions, Rules, Etc. I. Words : * "The Writings of St. Francis of Assisi", tr. by Paschal Robinson, [1905], p. 1 PART I. p. 2 ADMONITIONS, RULES, ETC. p. 3 I. WORDS OF ADMONITION OF OUR HOLY FATHER ST. FRANCIS. UNDER this title a precious series of spiritual counsels on the religious life has come down to us from the pen of St...
Appendix : * "The Writings of St. Francis of Assisi", tr. by Paschal Robinson, [1905], p. 177 APPENDIX p. 178 p. 179 APPENDIX. SOME LOST, DOUBTFUL, AND SPURIOUS WRITINGS. DOUBTLESS we should have expected every fragment of St. Francis' writings to have been preserved with loving care throughout the ages. But...
Part Iii. Prayers Of St. Francis. V : * "The Writings of St. Francis of Assisi", tr. by Paschal Robinson, [1905], p. 150 V. THE CANTICLE OF THE SUN. Of the several "cantica in vulgari" which St. Francis composed, the only one that has come down to us, as far as is known, is the "Praises of the Creatures," or, as it is now more...
Part Ii. Six Letters Of St. Francis. Ii : * "The Writings of St. Francis of Assisi", tr. by Paschal Robinson, [1905], p. 109 II. LETTER TO ALL THE FRIARS. It was at the end of his days 1 when he was ill, 2 that St. Francis wrote this letter to the Minister General and to all the Friars. In it he confesses all his sins to God...
Part Ii. Six Letters Of St. Francis : * "The Writings of St. Francis of Assisi", tr. by Paschal Robinson, [1905], p. 91 PART II. p. 92 SIX LETTERS OF ST. FRANCIS p. 93 THE LETTERS OF ST. FRANCIS. " OF the seventeen letters attributed to St. Francis in Wadding's edition of the Opuscula", five cannot be admitted as genuine, at least...
Part I. Admonitions, Rules, Etc. Second Rule : * "The Writings of St. Francis of Assisi", tr. by Paschal Robinson, [1905], SECOND RULE OF THE FRIARS MINOR. 1 1.--"In the Name of the Lord begins the life of the Minor Brothers". The Rule and life of the Minor Brothers is this, namely, to observe the holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, by...
Part Ii. Six Letters Of St. Francis. Iv : * "The Writings of St. Francis of Assisi", tr. by Paschal Robinson, [1905], p. 125 IV. TO THE RULERS OF THE PEOPLE. This letter is known to us only by the testimony of the Ven. Francis Gonzaga, O.F.M., 1 who, speaking of the Province of Aragon in his work on the origin of the Seraphic Order, 2...
Part Iii. Prayers Of St. Francis. Iii. Prayer : * "The Writings of St. Francis of Assisi", tr. by Paschal Robinson, [1905], p. 145 III. PRAYER TO OBTAIN DIVINE LOVE. The authenticity of this prayer, accepted by the Quaracchi editors, rests on the authority of St. Bernardine of Siena 1 and Ubertino da Casale, 2 both of whom are quoted in its...
Part Ii. Six Letters Of St. Francis. I. Letter : * "The Writings of St. Francis of Assisi", tr. by Paschal Robinson, [1905], p. 96 I. LETTER TO ALL THE FAITHFUL. The authenticity of this letter has never been called into question. The text itself and the consensus of codices alike bespeak its genuineness. Its inspiration is, as the Quaracchi...
Part Iii. Prayers Of St. Francis. Vi : * "The Writings of St. Francis of Assisi", tr. by Paschal Robinson, [1905], p. 154 VI. THE OFFICE OF THE PASSION. Although the early biographies of St. Francis are silent as to this opuscule, its authenticity is guaranteed by the Legend of St. Clare written by Thomas of Celano toward the end...
Part I. Admonitions, Rules, Etc. Iv. Rules : * "The Writings of St. Francis of Assisi", tr. by Paschal Robinson, [1905], p. 25 IV. RULES OF THE FRIARS MINOR. The early history of the Seraphic legislation, to wit, the Rules of the Friars Minor, the Poor Ladies and the Brothers and Sisters of Penance, is intricate beyond measure, as those...
Part Ii. Six Letters Of St. Francis. Iii : * "The Writings of St. Francis of Assisi", tr. by Paschal Robinson, [1905], p. 119 III. TO A CERTAIN MINISTER. The tenor of this letter seems to indicate that it was written before the confirmation of the Second Rule by Pope Honorius; 1 and very likely in the early part of 1223. All the early MSS...
Part I. Admonitions, Rules, Etc. V. Fragments : * "The Writings of St. Francis of Assisi", tr. by Paschal Robinson, [1905], p. 75 V. FRAGMENTS FROM THE RULE OF THE SISTERS OF ST. CLARE. Of the "many writings" 1 left by St. Francis to the Poor Ladies at St. Damian's, only two fragments are known to exist, and these have been preserved to us...
Part Iii. Prayers Of St. Francis. Ii. Salutati : * "The Writings of St. Francis of Assisi", tr. by Paschal Robinson, [1905], p. 143 II. SALUTATION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN. This little prayer enjoys the same title to authenticity as the preceding opuscule, and Professor Boehmer 1 and M. Sabatier 2 are in complete accord with the Quaracchi editors...
Introduction : * "The Writings of St. Francis of Assisi", tr. by Paschal Robinson, [1905], p. ix INTRODUCTION. I. THE writings of St. Francis may, as is obvious, be considered from more than one point of view. Premising this, we are afforded a clue to the difficulty which has led students of Franciscan sources...
Part Ii. Six Letters Of St. Francis. V : * "The Writings of St. Francis of Assisi", tr. by Paschal Robinson, [1905], p. 127 V. TO ALL THE CUSTODES. Wadding seems to have known of this letter indirectly. At least he gives us a shorter letter addressed to the custodes. The beginning of the epistle he numbers XIV is similar to the one which...