Betty's Account : * "We Met the Space People", by Helen and Betty Mitchell, [1959], BETTY'S ACCOUNT When Helen and I made our Preparations to go to a UFO convention we felt It would be interesting to get as much direct Information as we could from the Space Brothers, so when we contacted them we asked if there were...
Title Page : * "We Met the Space People", by Helen and Betty Mitchell, [1959], WE MET THE SPACE PEOPLE The Story Of The Mitchell Sisters BY HELEN & BETTY MITCHELL Clarksburg, West Virginia Saucerian Books [1959] This text is in the public domain in the United States because it was not registered or renewed...
Helen's Story : * "We Met the Space People", by Helen and Betty Mitchell, [1959], HELEN'S STORY It all began when my sister, Betty, and I were in a downtown St. Louis coffee shop. We had been shopping and had stopped off to get a coke and refresh ourselves. While in the coffee shop we were approached in a very...