Chapter 11. Witchcraft : * "Woman's Mysteries of a Primitive People", by D. Amaury Talbot, [1915], p. 162 CHAPTER XI WITCHCRAFT AS with ourselves in the Middle Ages, and, to the best of my belief, among all native tribes, there are more witches than wizards in Ibibio land; partly because there are more women than men...
Chapter 5. Childhood : * "Woman's Mysteries of a Primitive People", by D. Amaury Talbot, [1915], p. 62 CHAPTER V CHILDHOOD THE child cult is by no means so much in evidence among Ibibios as with the gentler natured Ekoi of the Oban District, where unkindness to little ones is practically unknown, and parents vie with...
Chapter 13. Woman And Secret Societies : * "Woman's Mysteries of a Primitive People", by D. Amaury Talbot, [1915], p. 189 CHAPTER XIII WOMAN AND SECRET SOCIETIES THERE are still one or two secret societies among Ibibio women, though none so powerful as the great Ekoi cult of Nimm, or the famous Bundu of Sierra Leone. One of these is...
Chapter 15. Widowhood And Burial Customs : * "Woman's Mysteries of a Primitive People", by D. Amaury Talbot, [1915], p. 213 CHAPTER XV WIDOWHOOD AND BURIAL CUSTOMS AMONG the Ibibios different funeral rites are prescribed according to age, position, and manner of death. To begin with the youngest. The bodies of babes who die within a few...
Chapter 10. Love Philtres And Magic : * "Woman's Mysteries of a Primitive People", by D. Amaury Talbot, [1915], p. 138 CHAPTER X LOVE PHILTRES AND MAGIC ONE morning, just as we were leaving Okon Ekkpo (Jamestown), a deputation of chiefs came to lay a case of some interest before my husband. The head wife of one of them had accused...
Chapter 7. Wedded Life And Motherhood : * "Woman's Mysteries of a Primitive People", by D. Amaury Talbot, [1915], p. 96 CHAPTER VII WEDDED LIFE AND MOTHERHOOD PROBABLY most white men on first coming to Africa are inclined to look upon black women as prone to suffer beneath the oppression of their men folk. It was with much this ide...
Chapter 1. Introductory : * "Woman's Mysteries of a Primitive People", by D. Amaury Talbot, [1915], p. 1 WOMAN'S MYSTERIES OF A PRIMITIVE PEOPLE CHAPTER I INTRODUCTORY FOR many years good fortune has granted to my sister and myself the happiness of living amid scenes of indescribable beauty and peoples of peculiar interest...
L'envoi : * "Woman's Mysteries of a Primitive People", by D. Amaury Talbot, [1915], p. 238 L'ENVOI Degema, Nigeria. June, 1911 SUCH, from cradle to grave, is the life story of an Ibibio woman, so far as those of her people were willing to confide it to one of an alien race. It is naturally a matter...
Chapter 3. Birth Customs : * "Woman's Mysteries of a Primitive People", by D. Amaury Talbot, [1915], p. 31 CHAPTER III BIRTH CUSTOMS ("CONTINUED") THE rumour of another "twin town" of a very different kind has lately reached our ears. It is given on the authority of Akpan Abassi of Ndiya, who asserts that he visited...
Chapter 6. Maidenhood To Marriage : * "Woman's Mysteries of a Primitive People", by D. Amaury Talbot, [1915], p. 76 CHAPTER VI MAIDENHOOD TO MARRIAGE THE first great event in the life of an Ibibio girl is her entrance into the "Fatting-house," on the occasion of "Mbobi"--i.e. "The Coming of Small Breasts." This so-called...
Chapter 14. Woman In War Time : * "Woman's Mysteries of a Primitive People", by D. Amaury Talbot, [1915], p. 205 CHAPTER XIV WOMAN IN WAR TIME IN war time, even now, strong women on both sides act as scouts. They know that they will not be killed, so go before the main body fearlessly spying upon the enemy. As soon as the first...
Chapter 9. Marriage Problems : * "Woman's Mysteries of a Primitive People", by D. Amaury Talbot, [1915], p. 128 CHAPTER IX MARRIAGE PROBLEMS FROM a case brought before the Ikotobo Native Court it would appear that among the Ubium Ibibios the death penalty was inflicted upon a woman who married a man from another town...
Chapter 8. Domestic Life : * "Woman's Mysteries of a Primitive People", by D. Amaury Talbot, [1915], p. 112 CHAPTER VIII DOMESTIC LIFE FOR some reason or other Ibibio women seem to be, on the whole, of higher type than the male portion of the community. So marked, indeed, is the difference in appearance that at first sight...
List Of Plates : * "Woman's Mysteries of a Primitive People", by D. Amaury Talbot, [1915], LIST OF PLATES p. viii
Chapter 12. Jujus : * "Woman's Mysteries of a Primitive People", by D. Amaury Talbot, [1915], p. 176 CHAPTER XII JUJUS OF jujus there are two kinds, good and bad. The former are usually termed "idemm" by Ibibios and "ndemm" by Efiks, while the latter are called "mbiam". By a queer turn of native thought all...
Chapter 16. Widowhood And Burial Customs : * "Woman's Mysteries of a Primitive People", by D. Amaury Talbot, [1915], p. 225 CHAPTER XVI WIDOWHOOD AND BURIAL CUSTOMS ("CONTINUED") FROM the moment when the death of a great Efik chief was announced his widows came under the care of the Ndito Than society, known among Ibibios by the name...
Chapter 4. Affinities Or Bush Souls : * "Woman's Mysteries of a Primitive People", by D. Amaury Talbot, [1915], p. 43 CHAPTER IV AFFINITIES OR "BUSH SOULS" THE time at which little ones first begin to creep must be an anxious one to those Ibibio mothers to whom no sign has as yet been vouchsafed as to the identity of the soul which...
Title Page : * "Woman's Mysteries of a Primitive People", by D. Amaury Talbot, [1915], WOMAN'S MYSTERIES OF A PRIMITIVE PEOPLE The Ibibios Of Southern Nigeria D. AMAURY TALBOT London [1915] Scanned , November, 2001. J.B. Hare, Redactor. This Text Is In The Public Domain. These Files May Be Used For Any...
Chapter 2. Prenatal Influences And Birth Customs : * "Woman's Mysteries of a Primitive People", by D. Amaury Talbot, [1915], p. 15 CHAPTER II PRENATAL INFLUENCES AND BIRTH CUSTOMS FOR Ibibio women motherhood is the crown of life, and therefore "jujus" thought to have the power of granting fertility or removing the curse of barrenness are held...