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Part I. Chapter Xxxviii

"Guide for the Perplexed", by Moses Maimonides, Friedlnder tr. [1904],

Chapter Xxxviii

Hebrew term "aor" is a homonym. It is a noun, signifying "back." Comp. "Behind ("aare") the tabernacle" (Exod. xxvi. 12); "The spear came out behind him ("aarav")" (2 Sam. ii. 23).

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It is next used in reference to time, signifying "after"; "neither after him ("aarav") arose there any like him" (2 Kings xxiii. 25) "After ("aar") these things" (Gen. xv. 1). In this sense the word occurs frequently.

The term includes also the idea of following a thing and of conforming with the moral principles of some other being. Comp. "Ye shall walk after ("aare") the Lord, your God" (Deut. xiii. 5); "They shall walk after ("aare") the Lord" (Hos. xi. 10), i.e., follow His will, walk in the way of His actions, and imitate His virtues: "He walked after ("aare") the commandment" ("ib". v.11). In this sense the word occurs in Exodus xxxiii. 20, "And thou shalt see my back" ("aorai"); thou shalt perceive that which follows me, is similar to me, and is the result of my will, i.e., all things created by me, as will be explained in the course of this treatise.
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