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Next. 37

p. 28


Ha-il' gdona'; 1 ha-il' gdona'.

Stop crying, chief's child; stop crying, chief's child.

Hao s' h' Lgua gtss gaodjuwa'-i hao dA gan

Again I do not expect chief's child's drums you for

xgldia' lna'gs. Ha-i wA'g() gaga' galg'lwa.

sound are going to. Now for it crying moving about seated.

Ha-ila' gth'na gadj'gAn.

Stop crying, great chief's child child of noble family sits

Hai hai gth'na' gadj'gAn.

Now, now, great chief's child child of noble family sits.

Ha-il' gdona'; 1 ha-il' gdona'.

Stop crying, chief's child; stop crying, chief's child.

Hao s' h' Lgua gtss gua'gAna'-i hao dAn gAn

Again I do not expect chief's child's heavy planks you for

q'gao da'o lna'gs. Ha-i wA'g[] gaga'n

are going to lay are going to. Now for it crying


moving about seated.

Ha-ila' gth'na gadj'gAn.

Stop crying, great chief's child child of noble family sits

Hai hai gth'na' gadj'gAn.

Now, now, great chief's child child of noble family sits.

Stop crying, child! Stop crying child!

I do not expect that drums will sound for you, the chief's child, again, for which you are moving about crying.

Stop crying, great chief's child!

Stop crying, great chief's child!

p. 29

Stop crying, child! Stop crying, child!

I do not expect that they are going to lay heavy planks for you, the chief's child, again, for which you are moving about crying.

Stop crying, great chief's child!

Stop crying, great chief's child! 1


Ha-il' gdona' is equivalent to L'na gut u'lda nAgida's.

All this refers to polatching and house-building.
finnish kalevala| finnish kalevala
Home > Library > New > John Swanton > Haida Songs > Next. 37