Home > Library > Thelema Texts > Ordo Templi Orientis > Liber Clxxxv.Collegi Sanctii > Untitled


Liber Collegii Sancti
Sub Figura

Being the Tasks of the Grades,
and their Oaths,
proper to Liber Xiii,

the publications of the
A.'. A.'.
in Class D from A to G.

This paper is to be returned to the A.'. A.'. by the Neophyte
introducing through his Zelator.

A.'. A.'. Publication in Class D.


The Task Of A Probationer.

Let any person be received by a Neophyte, the latter being
responsible to his Zelator.

1. The period of Probation shall be at least one year.

2. The aspirant to the A.'. A.'. shall hear the Lection (Liber LXI) and
this note of his office; If He Will, shall then procure the robe of a
Probationer; shall choose with deep forethought and intense solemnity a

3. On reception, he shall receive the robe, sign the form provided and
repeat the oath appointed, and receive the First Volume of the Book.

4. He shall commit a chapter of Liber LXV to memory; and furthermore,
he shall study the Publications of the A.'. A.'. in Class B, and apply
himself to such practices of Scientific Illuminism as seemeth him good.

5. Beside all this, he shall perform any tasks that the A.'. A.'. may
see fit to lay upon him. Let him be mindful that the word Probationer
is no idle term, but that the Brothers will in many a subtle way
'prove' him, when he knoweth it not.

6. When the sun shall next enter the sign under which he hath been
received, his initiation may be granted unto him. He shall keep himself
free from all other engagements for one whole week from that date.

7. He may at any moment withdraw from his association with the
A.'. A.'., simply notifying the Neophyte who introduced him.

8. He shall everywhere proclaim openly his connection with the
A.'. A.'. and speak of It and Its principles (even so little as he
) for that mystery is the enemy of Truth.

One month before the completion of his year, he shall deliver a copy of
the Record of his year's work to the Neophyte introducing, and repeat
to him his chosen chapter of Liber Lxv.

He shall hold himself chaste, and reverent toward his body, for that
the ordeal of initiation is no light one. This is of peculiar
importance in last two months of his Probation.

10. Thus and not otherwise may he attain the great reward: Yea, May He
Obtain The Great Reward!

Liberty Life
Power Putrefaction
Destiny Death

The Oath Of The Probationer.

\"being of sound

mind and Body, on this "day

"(An "Sun in") do hereby resolve: in the Presence of

"a Neophyre of the A.'. A.'. To

prosecute the Great Work: which is, to obtain a scientific knowledge of

the nature and powers of my own being.

May the A.'. A.'. crown the work, lend me of its wisdom in the work,

enable me to understand the work!

Reverence, duty, sympathy, devotion, fidelity, trust do I bring to the

A.'. A.'., and in one year from this date may I be admitted to the

knowlegde and conversation of the A.'. A.'.!

Witness my "Love Light
Passion Preception
Debauch Darkness

This paper is to be returned to the Chancellor of the A.'. A.'.
through the Zelator admitting.

A.'. A.'.
Publication in Class D


Task Of A Neophyte

Let any Probationer who has accomplished his task to the
satisfaction of the A.'. A.'. be instructed in the proper course of
procedure: which is: -- Let him read through this note of his office,
and sign it, paying the sum of One Guinea for Liber VII which will be
given him on his initiation, and One Guinea for this Portfolio of Class
D publications, B - G. Let him obtain the robe of a Neophyte, and
entrust the same to the care of his Neophyte.

He shall choose a new motto with deep forethought and intense
solemnity, as expressing the clearer consciousness of his Aspiration
which the year's Probation has given him.

Let him make an appointment with his Neophyte at the pleasure of the
the latter for the ceremony of Initiation.

1. The Neophyte shall not proceed to the grade of Zelator in less than
eight months; but shall hold himself free for four days for advancement
at the end of that period.

2. He shall pass the four tests called the Powers of the Sphinx.

3. He shall apply himself to understand the nature of his Initiation.

4. He shall commit to memory a chapter of Liber VII; and furthermore,
he shall study and practice a chapter of Liber O in all its branches:
also he shall begin to study Liber H and some commonly accepted method
of divination. He will further be examined in his power of Journeying
in the Spirit Vision.

5. Beside all this, he shall perform any tasks that his Zelator in the
name of the A.'. A.'. and by its authority may see fit to lay upon him.
Let him be mindful that the word Neophyte is no idle term, but that in
many a subtle way the new nature will stir within him, when he knoweth
it not.

6. When the sun shall next enter the sigh 240 (degrees) to that under
which he hath been received, his advancement may be granted unto him.
He shall keep himself free from all other engagements for four whole
days from that date.

7. He may at any moment withdraw from his association with the A.'.
A.'., simply notifying the Zelator who introduced him.

8. He shall everywhere proclaim openly his connection with the A.'.
A.'. and speak of It and Its principles (even so little as he
) for that mystery is the enemy of Truth.

Furthermore, he shall construct the magic Pentacle, according to the
instruction in Liber A.

One month before the completion of his eight months, he shall deliver a
copy of his Record to his Zelator, pass the necessary tests, and repeat
to him his chosen chapter of Liber Vii.

He shall in every way fortify his body according to the advice of
his Zelator, for that the ordeal of advancement is no light one.

10. Thus and not otherwise may he obtain the great reward: Yea, May He
Obtain The Great Reward!

The Oath Of A Neophyte

\"(old motto) being

of sound mind and Body, and prepared, on this "day

of (An "Sun in") do hereby resolve: in the Presence of

"a Zelator of the A.'. A.'. To

prosecute the Great Work: which is, to obtain control of the nature and

powers of my own being.

Further, I promise to observe zeal in service to the Probationers under

me, and to deny myself utterly on their behalf.

May the A.'. A.'. crown the work, lend me of its wisdom in the work,

enable me to understand the work!

Reverence, duty, sympathy, devotion, assiduity, trust do I bring to the

A.'. A.'., and in eight months from this date may I be admitted to the

knowlegde and conversation of the A.'. A.'.!

Witness my "New "This paper is to be returned to the Chancellor of the A.'. A.'. through
the Practicus admitting.

A.'. A.'.
Publication in Class D


The Task Of A Zelator.

Let any Neophyte who has accomplished his task to the satisfaction
of the A.'. A.'. be instructed in the proper course of procedure: which

Let him read through this note of his office, and sign it, paying the
sum of Three Guineas for the volume containing Liber CCXX, Liber XXVII
and Liber Dcccxiii, which will be given him on his initiation.

Let him cause the necessary addition to be make to his Neophyte's robe,
and entrust the same to the care of his Zelator.

Let him make an appointment with his Zelator at the pleasure of the
latter for the ceremony of initiation.

1. The Zelator shall proceed to that grade of Practicus at any time the
authority confers it.

2. He shall pass Examinations in Liber E, Posture and Breathing. He
shall have attained complete success in the former, i.e., the chosen
posture shall be perfectly steady and easy; and attained the second
stage in the latter, i.e., automatic rigidity.

3. He shall further show some acquaintance with and experience of
meditations given in Liber HHH. And in this his Record shall be his

4. He shall commit to memory a chapter of Liber CCXX; he shall pass
examinations in Liber Hhh.

Beside all this, he shall apply himself to the work of the A.'. A.'.
upon his own responsibility.

Let him be mindful that the word Zelator is no idle term, but that a
certain Zeal will be inflamed with him, why he knoweth not.

6. When authority confers the grade, he shall rejoice therein; but
beware, for that that is his first departure from the middle pillar of
the Tree of Life.

7. He may at any moment withdraw from his association with the A.'.
A.'. simply notifying the Practicus who introduced him.

Yet let him remember that being entered thus far upon the Path, he
cannot excape it, and return to the world, but must ultimate either in
the City of the Pyramids or the lonely towers of the Abyss.

8. He shall everywhere proclaim openly his connection with the A.'.
A.'. and speak of It and Its principles (even so little as he
) for that mystery is the enemy of Truth.

Furthermore, he shall construct the magic Dagger, according to the
instruction in Liber A.

One month before the completion of his eight months, he shall deliver a
copy of his Record to his Zelator, pass the necessary tests, and repeat
to him his chosen chapter of Liber Ccxx.

He shall in every way establish perfect control of his Automatic
Consciousness according to the advice of his Practicus, for that the
ordeal of advancement is no light one.

10. Thus and not otherwise may he obtain to the great reward: Yea, May
He Obtain The Great Reward!

The Oath Of A Zelator.

\"(motto) being of

sound mind and Body, and prepared, on this "day

of (An "Sun in") do

hereby resolve: in the Presence of "a

Practicus of the A.'. A.'.: To prosecute the Great Work: which is, to

obtain control of the foundations of my own being.

Further, I promise to observe zeal in service to the Neophytes under

me, and to deny myself utterly on their behalf.

May the A.'. A.'. crown the work, lend me of Its wisdom in the work,

enable me to understand the work!

Reverence, duty, sympathy, devotion, assiduity do I bring to the

A.'. A.'., and right soon may I be admitted to the knowlegde and

conversation of the A.'. A.'.!

Witness my hand[motto]"This paper is to be returned to the Chancellor of the A.'. A.'. through
the Philosophus admitting.

A.'. A.'.
Publication in Class D.


The Task Of A Practicus.

Let any Zelator be appointed by authority to proceed to the grade of

Let him then read through this note of his office, and sign it.

Let him cause the neccessary addition to be made to his Zelator's robe.

Let him make an appointment with his Practicus at the pleasure of the
latter for the conferring of advancement.

1. The Practicus shall proceed to the grade of Philosophus at any time
authority confers it.

2. He shall pass examinations in Liber Dcclxxvii, the Qabalah, and
Sepher Sephiroth.

He shall attain complete success in Liber III, Cap. I.

He shall further show some acquaintance with and experience of his
chosen method of divination. Yet he shall be his own judge in this

4. He shall commit to memory Liber XXVII and pass examinations in the
Ritual and meditation practice given in Liber XVI. Further, he shall
pass in the meditation practice S. S. S., in Liber Hhh.

Besides all this, he shall apply himself to a way of life wholly
suited to the Path.

Let him remember that the word Practicus is no idle term, but that
Action is the equilibrium of him that is in the House of Mercury, who
is the Lord of Intelligence.

6. When authority confers the grade, he shall rejoice therein, but
beware, for that that is his second departure from the middle pillar of
the Tree of Life.

7. Let him not venture while a member of the grade of Practicus to
attempt to withdraw from his association with the A.'. A.'.

8. He shall everywhere proclaim openly his connection with the A.'.
A.'. and speak of It and Its principles (even so little as he
) for that mystery is the enemy of Truth.

Furthermore, he shall construct the magic Cup, according to the
instruction in Liber A.

One month after his admission to the Grade he shall go to his Practice,
pass the neccessary tests, and repeat to him Liber Xxvii.

He shall in every way establish perfect control of his wit according
to the advice of his Philosophus, for that the ordeal of advancement is
no light one.

10. Thus and not otherwise may he obtain to the great reward: Yea, May
He Obtain The Great Reward!

The Oath Of A Practicus.

\"(motto) being of

sound mind and Body, and prepared, on this "day

of (An "Sun in") do

hereby resolve: in the Presence of "a

Philosophus of the A.'. A.'.: To prosecute the Great Work: which is, to

obtain control of the vacillations of my own being.

Further, I promise to observe zeal in service to the Zelatores under

me, and to deny myself utterly on their behalf.

May the A.'. A.'. crown the work, lend me of Its wisdom in the work,

enable me to understand the work!

Reverence, duty, sympathy, devotion, do I bring to the A.'. A.'. and

right soon may I be admitted to the knowlegde and conversation of the

A.'. A.'.!

Witness my hand[motto]"This paper is to be returned to the Chancellor of the A.'. A.'. through
the Dominus Liminis admitting.

A.'. A.'.

Publication in Class D.


The Task Of A Philosophus.

Let any Practicus be appointed by authority to proceed to the grade
of Philosophus.

Let him then read through this note of his office, and sign it.

Let him cause the necessary addition to be made to his Practicus' robe.

Let him make an appointment with his Philosophus at the pleasure of the
latter for the conferring of advancement.

1. The Philosophus shall receive the title of Dominus Liminis at any
time that authority confers it.

2. He shall pass examinations in Liber CLXXV and in Construction and
Consecration of Talismans and in Evocation. Yet in this matter he shall
be his own judge.

He shall moreover attain complete success in Liber III, Cap. II.

Further, he shall apply himself to study and practice the meditations
given in Liber V.

He shall show some acquaintance with and experience of Liber O,
Caps. V, VI. Wher his Record shall be witness.

4. He shall commit to memory a chapter of Liber Dcccxiii.

Besides all this, he shall make constant and profound reflections
upon the Path.

Let him remember that the word Philosophus is no idle term, but that
Philosophy is the Equilibrium of him that is in the house of Venus
thatis the Lady of Love.

6. When the title of Dominus Liminis is conferred upon him, let him
rejoice exceedingly therein; but beware, for that it is but the false
veil of the moon that hangs beneath the Sun.

7. Let him not venture while a member of the grade of Philosophus to
attempt to withdraw from his association with the A.'. A.'.

8. He shall everywhere proclaim openly his connection with the A.'.
A.'. and speak of It and Its principles (even so little as he
) for that mystery is the enemy of Truth.

Furthermore, he shall construct the magic Wand, according to the
instructions in Liber A.

One month after his admission to the Grade, he shall go to his
Philosophus, pass the necessary tests, and repeat to him Liber

He shall in every establish perfect control of his devotion
according to the advice of his Dominus Liminis, for that the ordeal of
advancement is no light one.

10. Thus and not otherwise may he obtain to the great reward: Yea, May
He Obtain The Great Reward!

The Oath Of A Philosophus.

\"(motto) being of

sound mind and Body, and prepared, on this "day

of (An "Sun in")

do hereby resolve: in the Presence of

"a Dominus Liminis of the A.'. A.'.:

To prosecute the Great Work: which is, to obtain control of the

attractions and repulsions of my own being.

Further, I promise to observe zeal in service to the Practici under me,

and to deny myself utterly on their behalf.

May the A.'. A.'. crown the work, lend me of Its wisdom in the work,

enable me to understand the work!

Reverence, duty, sympathy, do I bring to the A.'. A.'. and right soon

may I be admitted to the knowlegde and conversation of the A.'. A.'.!

Witness my hand[motto]"This paper is to be returned to the Chancellor of the A.'. A.'. through
the Adeptus Minor admitting.

A.'. A.'.
Publication in Class D.


The Task Of A Dominus Liminis.

Let any Philosophus be appointed by authority a Dominus Liminis.

Let him then read through this note of his office and sign it.

Let him cause the necessary addition to be made to his Philosophus'

Let him receive Liber Mysteriorum.

Let him make an appointment with his Dominus Liminis at the pleasure of
the latter for the confering of advancement.

1. The Dominus Liminis shall proceed to the Grade of Adeptus Minor at
any time that authority confers it.

2. He shall pass examination in Liber III, Cap. Iii.

He shall meditate on the diverse knowledge and Power that he has
acquired, and harmonize it perfectly. And in this matter shall he be
judged by the Praemonstrator of the A.'. A.'.

4. He shall accept an office in a Temple of Initiation, and commit to
memory a part appointed by the Imperator of the A.'. A.'.

5. Besides all this, he shall abide upon the Threshold. Let him remember
that the word Dominus Liminis is no idle term, but that his mastery
will often be disputed, when he knoweth it not.

6. When at last he hath attained the grade of Adeptus Minor, let him
humble himself exceedingly.

7. He may at any moment withdraw from his association with the A.'. A.'.
simply notifying the Adept who introduced him.

8. He shall everywhere proclaim openly his connection with the A.'.
A.'. and speak of It and Its principles (even so little as he
) for that mystery is the enemy of Truth.

Furthermore, he shall construct the magic Lamp, according to
instructions in Liber A.

Six months after his admission to the Grade, he shall go to his Adeptus
Minor, pass the necessary tests, and repeat to him his appointed part
in the Temple of Initiation.

9. He shall in every way establish perfect control of his intuition,
according to the advice of his Adeptus Minor, for that the ordeal of
advancement is no light one.

10. Thus and not otherwise may he obtain to the great reward: Yea, May
He Obtain The Great Reward!

The Oath Of A Dominus Liminis.

\"(motto) being of

sound mind and Body, and prepared, on this "day

of (An "Sun in")

do hereby resolve: in the Presence of

"an Adeptus Minor of the A.'. A.'.:

To prosecute the Great Work: which is, to obtain control of the

aspirations of my own being.

Further, I promise to observe zeal in service to the Philosophi under

me, and to deny myself utterly on their behalf.

May the A.'. A.'. crown the work, lend me of Its wisdom in the work,

enable me to understand the work!

Reverence, duty, sympathy, do I bring to the A.'. A.'. and right soon

may I be admitted to the knowlegde and conversation of the A.'. A.'.!

Witness my hand[motto]"This paper is to be returned to the Chancellor of the A.'. A.'. through
the Adeptus admitting.

A.'. A.'.
Publication in Class D.


The Task Of A Adeptus Minor.

Let the Adeptus Minor attain to the Knowledge and Conversion of his
Holy Guardian Angel.

The Oath Of A Adeptus Minor.

\"(motto) being of

sound mind and Body, and prepared, on this "day

of (An "Sun in")

do hereby resolve: in the Presence of

"an Adeptus of the A.'. A.'.: To

prosecute the Great Work: which is, to attain to the knowledge and

conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel.

May the A.'. A.'. crown the work, lend me of Its wisdom in the work,

enable me to understand the work!

Reverence and duty do I bring to the A.'. A.'. and here and now may I

be admitted to the knowlegde and conversation of the A.'. A.'.!

Witness my hand[motto]"
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