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Xi. Reality

"Life and Its Mysteries", by Frank L. Hammer, [1945],

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\"All reality exists in the mind. The outer phenomenon, that which appears, is only its outer expression. The visible universe is the reflection of the invisible," says Plato.

"Unless a thing is apparent to the five bodily senses it has no existence," says the materialist.

Let us examine these two divergent viewpoints and endeavor to ascertain which is in possession of the truth.

What is it which has discovered the laws of all solid, measurable things of earth and sky? It is the mind. Upon what do they rest ultimately? Upon an idea. They are thought realized. But what is an idea? It is that which the mind sees. But can the mind see that which is not? No more than can the eye. These things which the eye sees--the atom, flower, tree, plant, house, etc.--on this side are objects; on the other or reverse side they are thought. Which is the reality, the invisible idea or its external form?

The spiritual origin of all things was uppermost in all Plato's thoughts. His doctrine may appear ambiguous, but in reality nothing in the universe is

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less obscure. Cause and reality are within; effects and unrealities are without and prove the invisible by the visible; and this is seen immediately when the reversal of the usual process is followed by reasoning--which is inductive, or from effect to cause, rather than from cause to effect.

The generality of men are convinced of the reality of things only in proportion as is evident to their senses. 'Whatsoever is invisible and imperceptible is for them doubtful or nonexistent. The external tests of truth and reality are, however, invariably deceptive. Reasoning from cause to effect is the one sure guide to truth; this, to be followed by analogy and association, as carrying direct evidence to the mind of that which is beyond the senses.

In order to understand life it is necessary that men should comprehend this great truth of reality; that nothing exists in the outer world except as produced and developed by an interior essence, of which the exterior is the representative. The arts and sciences demonstrate the truth of this principle, the divine pre-existent idea of every material manifestation.

For example, the artist first sees the picture in his mind before painting it on canvas. Then sometimes the objective result is so inferior to the original one he saw mentally, that he destroys it and creates another. 'Which is the reality? The reality is the indestructible model existing eternally in the mind substance.

Composers first hear their symphonies and operas in their minds before transcribing them on paper.

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[paragraph continues] They, too, experience difficulty in embodying the sublime melodies in concrete form. But the immortal score they heard with their inner ears exists eternally in the celestial realms, the home of all music and all ideas.

General knowledge of the reality and force of ideas would revolutionize the world. Rulers know their reality and their power and fear them more than bombs, torpedoes, guns and dynamite, because they know full well they cannot blast ideas out of existence. Consequently, they mobilize the minds of the masses at the same time, in the same way, and for the same purpose as the Army and Navy. Otherwise wars would be impossible. But the masses, ignorant of the process, permit their minds to be enslaved. Physical bondage they would resist to their last breath, but control of their minds, of far more worth, they relinquish without a struggle. The infinite pity of it all! Their minds in bondage they are no longer free, even with their bodies at liberty, and they follow the bellwether like a flock of sheep, no matter into what absurdity, even to danger and to death, not realizing that, so long as they act like unthinking sheep, they will share the same fate as sheep.

The battle cry of freedom has rung down through the ages and people are always looking for a liberator to free them. The people will never be free until they free themselves through the exercise of thought and their God-given prerogative to reason for themselves.

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[paragraph continues] Those who deny men this right are their enemies and exploiters.

Why fear to think? Who can prevent it? Bodies can be liquidated, free speech suppressed, but no power on earth can invade the kingdom of mind. The most powerful army cannot take possession of a single idea. The most cruel autocrat cannot destroy a solitary thought. No despot can hinder a man from thinking anything under the sun he chooses, or prevent him from sending these thoughts to others all over the world. And through the power of thought people can free themselves, for by uniting mentally they can effect any change they desire, accomplish any plan or project for the benefit of mankind. Thoughts are the tools man uses to bring invisible things into visible form.

The incontrovertible fact that nothing which truly affects man is capable of being measured, weighed, or calculated is further proved by memory. What is memory? It is seeing with the mind's eye the events of the imperishable past indelibly engraved on the etheric substance. If the past were not recorded, how could we see it? No reality has more power than a memory that taunts and haunts us with thoughts we would fain obliterate forever.

People cross oceans and continents hoping that, in a new environment, they may be able to forget; but they soon realize memories are not left behind with their material possessions. Like their shadows memory pursues them to the end of the earth and mocks every attempt to elude it. It even defies and

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survives the grave, as death effects no change save dissolution of the worn-out physical garment.

What is the initial cause of the formation of many narcotic and liquor habits? Not desire for, or liking of, drug or drink, but the effect which they produce--temporary oblivion, forgetfulness, an avenue of escape. Escape from what? Realities too painful to be borne. And where exist these torturing realities which drive people to such desperate and destructive acts to obtain alleviation? "In the mind".

"It is all in their mind," people frequently say when others are in pain. Very true. Unless it were in the mind it could have no reality, as there is no feeling or sensation in the body of flesh.

"Money is the only reality in this material world," say the practical people, and proceed to turn life into it. For does not money command the labor of their fellow men, enable them to live in luxury and comfort? Does it not buy palaces, rare jewels, expensive cars, fine clothes, costly viands, priceless art? Does it not command power, affluence, and votes for public office? Yes, money buys all these things. It buys just about everything except love, loyalty, friendship, devotion, respect, happiness, health, peace, a passport to Heaven and God.

Occasionally people ask, since money is not the coin of the Heavenly spheres, what is the medium of exchange? There is only one medium of exchange and that is "service". In reality, it is the only true one here; it is the only one with which realities can be obtained.

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Since the mind can see that which is invisible to the physical eyes, may it not sometimes have the power to behold God? Atheists deny the reality of God on the grounds that no one has ever seen Him. They could just as logically deny the reality of man because no one has ever seen him. True, we are all familiar with the outer aspect of man, his physical body which is transient and changeable; but who has seen the reality, that which is within?

And has not God also an external form? The outer universe is a visible manifestation of the Indwelling Deity. Nature is the body and God the soul. God has the same relation to the universe as man to his body; He is the Spirit, the animating and sustaining Principle, for God is both formless and also with form.

So men who deny the reality of God's existence should also deny their own, if they wish to be consistent in their argument. No effect can be without a cause; therefore, it follows that man must have a cause, or origin, who is no other than God. We should believe in God because we believe in ourselves. This is the correct order and precedence of things. Man is sufficient to prove God's existence, and is the best proof we can possess. And in our search for God we should begin at the near end--man. The reality of man proves the reality of his Creator.

Is immortality a reality? Some claim not, and deny its reality on the same grounds that atheists deny the existence of God--no one has ever been

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able to prove it! Such assertions transcend all bounds of fallaciousness and presumptuousness. Obviously, persons undertaking to speak for all the swarming millions that have lived and are now living on earth do naught but advertise their dense ignorance. Instead of proclaiming that "no one" has ever been able to prove it, they should confine their statements to themselves and to their group of friends and acquaintances. We have known a number of these unbelievers and their rejection of immortality seems to be mostly due to their fear of it!

Ignorance is a poor authority. Immortality has always been and is today a reality to innumerable people who have not had any palpable experience or optical and auditory demonstration. Those who are conscious of their true nature have no doubt of its reality. How could it be otherwise? Since God and man are inseparable, man cannot escape immortality. Man's consciousness and intelligence cannot be annihilated any more than can the Deity's, as man exists co-eternally with Him. And immortality means nothing unless accompanied by intelligence, memory, recognition of friends and loved ones.

Furthermore, the scientifically proven facts of the indestructibility of matter and the conservation of energy have convinced many intelligent minds of the truth of immortality. In reality all created things are eternal.

"Warp and woof of life are love and service".
genesis chapter 22 23| genesis chapter 22 23
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