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Bibliographical Note

"Mysticism", by Evelyn Underhill, [1911],

Bibliographical Note

Part I

The Works And Lives Of The Mystics

Angelus Silesius.


Cherubinischer Wandersmann. Propylen-Verlag, Berlin, 1923.


Selections from the Cherubinic Wanderer. Translated by J. E. Crawford Flitch. London, 1932.

Augustine Of Hippo, Saint.


A Monument to St. Augustine. By Various Authors. London, 1932.

Bernard Of Clairvaux, Saint.


On the Love of God. Translated by T. L. Connelly, S.J. London. 1937.


"Gilson, Etienne." La Theologie mystique de St. Bernard. Paris, 1934. (Important.)

English trans. The Mystical Theology of St. Bernard. London, 1940.

\"Williams, Watkin." The Mysticism of St. Bernard of Clairvaux. London, 1931.

\"Williams, Watkin" St. Bernard of Clairvaux. Manchester, 1935.

Blake, William.


Note-book of William Blake, called the Rossetti MS. Edited by G. Keynes. London, 1935.

Boehme, Jacob.


"Struck, Wilhelm." Der Einfluss Jakob Boehmes auf die Englische Literatur des 17. Jahrhunderts. Berlin, 1936.

Eckhart, Meister.


Opera Latina. Vols. I and II. Leipzig, 1934-5.


"Strauch," P. Meister Eckhart Probleme. Halle, 1912.

Fox, George.


"Jones, Rufus." George Fox, Seeker and Friend. London, 1930.

Friends Of God.


"Jones, Rufus." The Flowering of Mysticism. New York, 1939.

\"Seesholtz, Anna." The Friends of God. New York, 1934. (The best general account of the Movement.) p. 506

Groot, Gerard.


The Following of Christ; the Spiritual Diary of Gerard Groot. Edited by J. van Ginneken. Translated by J. Malaise. New York, 1937.

Harith B. Asad Al-muhasibi.


"Smith, Margaret." An Early Mystic of Baghdad. A Study of the Life and Teaching of Harith B. Asad Al-Muhasibi, A.d. 781-857. London, 1935.

John Of The Cross, Saint.


Obras de S. Juan de la Cruz, Doctor de la Iglesia. Editadas y anotadas por el P. Silverio de S. Teresa, C.D. Burgos, 1929-31. 5 vols. (The best Spanish text.)


Complete Works. Translated by E. Allison Peers. 3 vols. London, 1934-5. (From the critical text of Padre Silverio. Supersedes all previous versions. Full bibliography.)


"Pre Bruno de Jesus Marie, O.P." S. Jean de la Croix. Paris, 1929.

English trans. St. John of the Cross. London, 1932.

\"Frost, Bede." St. John of the Cross: Introduction to his Philosophy, Theology, etc. London, 1937.

\"Hoornaert, R." L'Ame ardente de S. Jean de la Croix. Bruges, 1928.

English trans. The Burning Soul of St. John of the Cross. London, 1931.

Kempe, Margery.


The Book of Margery Kempe, 1436. Modern version by W. Butler-Bowdon. London, 1936. (An important discovery.)

Law, William.


The Mystical Writings of William Law. Edited by Stephen Hobhouse. London, 1938.

Marie De L


Ecrits spirituels et historiques. Edited by Dom Jamet. Paris.


"Renaudin, Paul." Une grande mystique franaise au XVIIe sicle, Marie de l'Incarnation. Paris, 1938.

Rolle, Richard.

Text. The English Writings of Richard Rolle. Edited by E. Hope Allen. Oxford, 1931.

The Life and Lyrics of Richard Rolle. Frances M. Comper. London, 1928.

Part Ii

General Works On Mysticism

Bergson, Pi.

Les Deux Sources de la Morale et de la Religion. Paris, 1932.

English trans. The Two Sources of Morality and Religion.

Boisen, Anton T.

The Exploration of the Inner World. A Study of Mental Disorder and Religious Experience. Chicago-New York, 1936. (George Fox is one of the characters used to illustrate the study.)

Bremond, H.

Histoire Litteraire du Sentiment Religieux en France. Paris, 1916-33.

English trans. A Literary History of Religious Thought in France. Translated by K. Montgomery. 3 vols. London, 1928. p. 507

Brinton, Howard H.

The Mystic Will. Based on a study of the Philosophy of Jacob Boehme. New York, 1930.

Caussade, J. P. de.

Bossuet Maitre d'Oraison. Edited by H. Bremond, Paris, 1931.

English trans. On Prayer. Translated by Algar Thorold. London, 1931.

'Abandon a la Providence Divine. (18 me Ed. Paris, 1921.)

English trans. Abandonment to Divine Providence. Translated by Algar Thorold. London, 1933.

Spiritual Letters. Translated by Algar Thorold. London, 1934.

Chapman, Dom John.

Spiritual Letters. London, 1935. (With important discussions of contemplative prayer.)

David of Augsbourg.

Spiritual Life and Prayers: a translation of De Exterioris et Interioris Hominis Compositione by Dominic Devas, O.f.m. 2 vols. London, 1937.

Garrigou-Lagrange, Pre.

Le Sauveur et son Amour pour nous. Paris, 1933.

Trait de Theologie asctique et mystique. 2 vols. Paris, 1939.

Hermans, F.

Mystique. Paris, 1938.

Propos d'Ascse. Paris, 1939.

Hess, M. Whitcomb.

The Name is Living: the Life and Teachings of Isaac Penington. Chicago-New York, 1936.

Hort, Greta.

Sense and Thought. London, 1936.

Jaegen, H.

The Mystic Life of Graces. Trans. Anderson. London, 1936.

Jones, Rufus.

Some Exponents of Mystical Religion. London, 1930.

Malaval, Franois.

A Simple Method of Raising the Soul to Contemplation. Translated by Lucy Menzies. Dent, 1931.

Marechal, J.

Etudes sur la Psychologie des Mystiques. Tome II. Paris, 1937.

Maritain, J.

Les Degrs du Savoir. Paris, 1932.

English trans. The Degrees of Knowledge. London, 1938.

Otto, Rudolf.

Mysticism East and West (Sankara and Eckhart). Translated by B. L. Bracey and R. C. Paine. London, 1932.

Smith, Margaret.

Studies in Early Mysticism in the Near and Middle East. London, 1931. (Important.)

Von Hgel F.

Selected Letters. London, 1927.

Part Iii

Philosophy, Psychology And Theology

Baruzi, J.

Problmes d'Histoire des Religions. Paris, 1935.

Penido, M. T. L.

La Conscience religieuse. Paris, 1935. (Psychology of conversion.)

Watkin, E. I.

Philosophy of Form. London, 1935. p. 508

p. 509
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