Home > Library > New > Anonymous > Srimad Bhagavad Gita > Untitled


This is an early 20th century translation of the Bhagavad Gita into readable modern English prose.
Because it is a fairly close translation, the line numbering will correspond closely to the Sanskrit text.
The original book includes the Sanskrit text, but could not be incorporated into this etext for technical reasons.

There is some debate over whether this was actually written by Sister Nivedita (Margaret Noble),
and published under Swarupananda's byline for unknown reasons.
It has been claimed that publishing a Gita translation by a woman or a foreigner would have been seen as inappropriate.
However, Nivedita published numerous books openly under her own name during this period.
There are numerous English translations of the Gita by Hindus and non-Hindus from this period, published both in India and abroad.
So neither of these explanations fit.

Title Page






First Chapter. The Grief of Arjuna

Second Chapter. The Way of Knowledge

Third Chapter. The Way of Action

Fourth Chapter. The Way of Renunciation of Action in Knowledge

Fifth Chapter. The Way of Renunciation

Sixth Chapter. The Way of Meditation

Seventh Chapter. The Way of Knowledge with Realisation

Eighth Chapter. The Way to the Imperishable Brahman

Ninth Chapter. The Way of Kingly Knowledge and the Kingly Secret

Tenth Chapter. Glimpses of the Divine Glory

Eleventh Chapter. The Vision of the Universal Form

Twelfth Chapter. The Way of Devotion

Thirteenth Chapter. The Discrimination of the Kshetra and the Kshetrajna

Fourteenth Chapter. The Discrimination of the Three Gunas

Fifteenth Chapter. The Way to the Supreme Spirit

Sixteenth Chapter. The Classification of the Divine and the Non-Divine Attributes

Seventeenth Chapter. The Enquiry into the Threefold Shraddha

Eighteenth Chapter. The Way of Liberation in Renunciation

The Greatness of the Gita


karna parva mahabharata| mahabharata vana parva
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