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Ss Vii. The Arahat

"The Buddha's Way of Virtue", by W.D.C Wagiswara and K.J. Saunders, [1920],

p. 34


The Arahat

No remorse is found in him whose journey is accomplished, whose sorrow ended, whose freedom complete, whose chains are all shaken off.

The mindful press on, casting no look behind to their home-life; as swans deserting a pool they leave their dear home.

Some there are who have no treasure here, temperate ones whose goal is the freedom which comes of realising that life is empty and impermanent: their steps are hard to track as the flight of birds through the sky.

He whose taints are purged away, who is indifferent to food, whose goal is the freedom which comes of realising life's emptiness and transciency, is hard to track as the flight of birds in the sky.

Even the gods emulate him whose senses are quiet as horses well-tamed by the charioteer, who has renounced self-will, and put away all taints.

No more will he be born whose patience

p. 35

is as the earth's, who is firm as a pillar and pious, pure as some unruffled lake.

Calm is the thought, calm the words and deeds of such a one, who has by wisdom attained true freedom and self-control.

Excellent is the man who is not credulous, who knows Nirvna, who has cut all bonds, destroyed the germs of rebirth, cast off lust.

In the village or the jungle, on sea or land, wherever lives the Arahat, there is the place of delight.

Pleasant are the glades where the herd come not to disport themselves: there shall the Holy take their pleasure, who seek not after lust.
jeremiah 31 3 septuagint| is the septuagint
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