Home > Library > The Classics > Percy Ewing Matheson > The Discourses Of Epictetus > Book Ii. Notes

Book Ii. Notes

"The Discourses of Epictetus", tr. by P.E Matheson, [1916],

The Discourses.

Book Ii. Notes.

These were used by beaters in hunting.

This refers to the ceremony of manumission. Epictetus may mention this so frequently because he himself was a freedman.

'It is not certain whether in this sentence and the next Epictetus is thinking of Jews or of Christians, who at this time were often confused with them.' (Matheson)

'Three campaigns in the cavalry or six in the infantry were the period laid down in the so-called Municipal Law of Caesar as a qualification for a seat in a municipal Senate.' (Matheson)

The ancient cure for insanity.

2-6 I
.e., from the Marcian aqueduct at Rome.

Cf. Book I, note 7.

'The best-known instance of this sophism is "Epimenides says the Cretans are always liars, but he is himself a Cretan. Does he lie or tell the truth?"' (Matheson)

Cf. Book II, chap. Xix.

The text is corrupt here.

Cf. Book II, note 8.

'According to the Stoics the "spirit" of vision connected the central mind with the pupil of the eye and similarly with other senses.' (Matheson)

2-13 Cf. Epicurus, fragment 30.

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