Home > Library > The Classics > Anonymous > The History Of Herodotus, Parallel English > Book 6. Erato. 140

Book 6. Erato. 140

"The History of Herodotus", parallel English/Greek, tr. G. C. Macaulay, [1890],

Herodotus Book 6: Erato [140]

Such were the events which happened then: and very many years later, after the Chersonese which is by the Hellespont had come to be under the Athenians, Miltiades the son of Kimon, when the Etesian Winds blew steadily, accomplished the voyage in a ship from Elaius in the Chersonese to Lemnos, and proclaimed to the Pelasgians that they should depart out of the island, reminding them of the oracle, which the Pelasgians had never expected would be accomplished for them. The men of Hephaistia accordingly obeyed; but those of Myrina, not admitting that the Chersonese was Attica, suffered a siege, until at last these also submitted. Thus it was that the Athenians and Miltiades took possession of Lemnos.

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