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"Tractate Sanhedrin", Herbert Danby tr. [1919],

p. 147

General Index

Aaron, 27

\"Ab beth din", 75

Abigail, 49

Abner, 48

Achan, 88, 89

Adam, the First, 79

Adultery, 69, 103, 114, 141

\"A fortiori" argument, 74, 132

Ahab, 121, 123, 135

Ahaz, 121

Ahitophel, 121

Analogy, argument from, 74

Appeal, courts of, 67, 137 f.

Arbitration, 26 ff.

Baal Peor, 99

Babel, Tower of, 125

Balaam, 121

Beguiled city, 115, 129 ff.

Ben Sira, 120 "n".

Bethyra, Elders of, 76 "n".

Blasphemy, 98, 119 \"n"., 120, 121

Boethuseans, 66

Burglary with violence, 112

Burning, method of, 93 f.

those liable to, 114

Cain, 78

Capital cases, 23 n., 82

Confession required before death, 88, 89

Crimes, unnatural, 96 f., 113

Cursing of parents, 102

David, 28, 48, 50, 51, 53, 56

Dead, disposal of, 92, 93

enquiring of the, 101

Debate, rules in, 73

Decapitation, method of, 94

those liable to, 115, 129

Doeg, 121

Elder, the defiant, 137 ff.

Elisha, 34

Epicureans, 120, 120 \"n"., 123

Evidence, 64 f.

Ezra, 53

Flood, generation of the, 124

\"Gezera Shawa", xvi, 72 "n"., 97, 106 \"n".

"Haggada", 74, 74 "n".

"Halaka", 26, 45, 74, 74 \"n".

"Halisa", 25, 47, 50, 97, 113

Hanging of the stoned, 90 f.

Hezekiah, 34 f.

High-priest, 46

Homicide, justifiable, 113

unintentional, 72

Idolatry, 98 f., 113

incitement to, 103 f.

Imprisonment, those liable to, 118 f.

Incest, 96, 97

Intercalation of month, 24, 71

year, 24, 30 ff., 71

Irregular justice, 119

Jabne, viii, 75, 82, 139

Jehu, 56

Jericho, 134 f.

Jeroboam, 121, 123

Jesus, trial of, ix f.

Joseph, 27

Joshua, 55, 88

Judges, eligibility of, 57 ff.

qualifications for, 68

King, 48 ff.

Kinsfolk as witnesses or judges, 60, 61

p. 148

Korah, the company of, 127

\"Kosem", cursing by, 119, 119 \"n".

Libel, 23

\"Log", 108, 108 \"n".

Lot, 132

Manasseh, 121, 135

\"Man", 61

\"Merkolis", Mercurius, 99, 136

\"Midrash", 49 "n"., 74, 74 \"n".

Minors, 121 "n"., 131

Moloch, 100

Moses, 27, 53

Murder, 115 ff.

Naboth, 52

Nasi, 25, 75 "n", 77

Non-capital cases, 23 ff., 62 ff., 70 f.

Oaths, 57, 58

Passover, 33

Perjury, 66, 141 f.

Phylacteries, 53 "n"., 139

Priesthood, 69

Priest's daughter, 141

Priests, misconduct of, 119, 140

Prophet, false, 139 f.

Procedure, 62-87

Rabbis. "See special index".

Resurrection, 120

Robbery, 24

Sabbatic year, 34

Sabbath, breach of, 101, 113

Sacrilege, 119

\"Sagan", 46 "n"., 47

Sanhedrin, arrangement of, 75, 77

number of members, 42

territory of jurisdiction, 45

Sanhedrin, the greater, 38

the lesser, 36

Sanhedrins, tribal, 38

Scourging, 24, 118, 119

\"Se", 27

Second Tithe, 25, 40 ff.

Seduction, 23, 102

\"Semika", 26

\"Sheol", 122, 123

Sodom, men of, 125

Solomon, 51, 56, 109

Song of Songs, 121

Sorcery, 106 f.

Stoning, method of, 87 ff.

those liable to, 95 f.

Strangulation, 95 "n".; method of, 95

those liable to, 95 "n"., 118, 136 f.

Stubborn and rebellious son, 107 ff.

Superstition, 101

Temple, strangers in, 119, 120 \"n".

Tithes, 25 "n".

"Tosefta", connexion with "Mishnah", v "n"., vi "n".

Trials, times of, 71

\"Tritimor", 108, 108 \"n".

Voting, method of, 69, 71

War, 49

Witchcraft, 101

Witnesses, eligibility of, 57 ff.

false, 141

formula of admonishment of, 78

number required, 79

questioning of, 70, 82

Women witnesses, 60

Writing, early form of, 54

Zuz, 62 "n".

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