![Adopt one today!]() |
“Unnamed” |
“Unnamed” |
“Unnamed” |
“Unnamed” |
“Unnamed” |
“Unnamed” |
Silver Dragon |
“Unnamed” |
“Unnamed” |
“Elegant Silver Tiara” |
Silver Dragon |
Frilled Dragon |
Purple Dragon |
“Glimmer Twin Keith” |
“Malachite Angel” |
“Token Gay Friend” |
Frilled Dragon |
Stone Dragon |
Sunset Dragon |
“Peridot Angel” |
“Slow Hand” |
“Red Sky Sunset” |
Silver Dragon |
Yellow Dino |
Silver Dragon |
“Glimmer Twin Mick” |
“Funny Shoes” |
“Sterling Blue Topaz” |
Magi Dragon |
Striped Dragon |
Green/Earth Dragon |
“Durga's Child” |
“Wisp of Tangarine” |
“Raucous Gnome” |
Sunrise/set Dragon |
Silver Dragon |
Silver Dragon |
“Ethereal Sunset” |
“Sterling Topaz” |
“Sterling Aquamarine” |
Sunrise Dragon |
Pink Dragon |
Silver Dragon |
“Aquarius Dawns” |
“Little Miss Frilly” |
“Elegant Rose Tiara” |
Frilled Dragon |
Geode Dragon |
White Striped Dragon |
“I Ate Dennis Nedry” |
“Shards of Amethyst” |
“Delilah's Song” |
Sunset Dragon |
Pink Dragon |
Sunrise Dragon |
“Twilight Inspiration” |
“Godunov” |
“Aeon's Dawn” |
Whiptail Dragon |
Daydream Dragon |
Balloon Dragon |
“Snidely Whiptail” |
“Phasewalker” |
“Aunt Marge Dursley” |
Spring Seasonal Dragon |
Silver Dragon |
Silver Dragon |
“Vernal Sunset” |
“Glamour's Mistake” |
“Radiant's Shinesong” |
Silver Dragon |
Silver Dragon |
Magi Dragon |
“Jewel's Reflection” |
“Glimmer Queen” |
“Wandering Mage” |
Winter Seasonal Dragon |
Frilled Dragon |
Earth Dragon |
“Crystal Master” |
“Siamese Fancy” |
“Druid's Kiss” |
Black Dragon |
Skywing Dragon |
Silver Dragon |
“Sarah Smile” |
“Daughter of Icarus” |
“Glamour's Pharoah” |
Silver Dragon |
Valentine Dragon 2009 |
Frilled Dragon |
“Glamourshine” |
“Love Knows No Boundaries” |
“Peacock Wings” |
Silver Dragon |
Stone Dragon |
Black Dragon |
“Amanda Cheyenne” |
“Rokkinrol” |
“Eyes of Myca” |
White Dragon |
Black Dragon |
Skywing Dragon |
“Seduction of the Innocent” |
“Homage to Brandon” |
“Raven at Heart” |
Gold Dragon |
Silver Dragon |
Guardian Dragon |
“Aurum Solis” |
“Priceless Jewel” |
“Spiritus Protectus” |
Water Dragon |
Black Dragon |
Guardian Dragon |
“Swims with the Fishes” |
“Echo of Darkness” |
“Shield of Perseus” |
Magi Dragon |
Chicken |
Black Dragon |
“Kaliyama” |
“Finger Lickin Good” |
“Karasunaki” |
Purple Dragon |
Bright Pink Dragon |
Two-Headed Dragon |
“Heather of Lavender” |
“Precioussss” |
“Beefeater and Tanqueray” |
Winter Seasonal Dragon |
2008 Christmas Dragon (Candy Cane) |
2008 Christmas Dragon (Candy Cane) |
“Abominable Snowbumble” |
“Dionysus Green” |
“Kriss Kringle” |
Winter Seasonal Dragon |
Winter Seasonal Dragon |
Winter Seasonal Dragon |
“Friend of Penguins” |
“Doo Bee Doo Bee Doo” |
“December Snow Angel” |
Autumn Seasonal Dragon |
Silver Dragon |
White Dragon |
“December Harvest” |
“Shimmershine” |
“Raphaelus” |
Green/Earth Dragon |
Water Dragon |
Autumn Seasonal Dragon |
“Gnomenicus” |
“Argus Mortimer” |
“December Fire” |
Magi Dragon |
Autumn Seasonal Dragon |
Autumn Seasonal Dragon |
“Perderabo” |
“December Blaze” |
“Autumn’s Flicker” |
Blue Dino |
Red Dino |
Paper Dragon |
“Trike” |
“Thomp” |
“Cookie’s Fortune” |
Autumn Seasonal Dragon |
Chicken – Frozen as Chick |
Autumn Seasonal Dragon |
“Autumn’s Embers” |
“Wee” |
“Autumn’s Majesty” |
Skywing Dragon |
Stone Dragon |
Guardian Dragon – Frozen as Hatchling |
“Klaatu Barada Nikto” |
“Necronomicon” |
“Kyanne” |
Green Dino – Frozen as Hatchling |
Gold Dragon |
Silver Dragon |
“Dinomini” |
“Radiant Gold” |
“Radiant Silver” |
Alternate Vine Dragon |
Green/Earth Dragon |
Magi Dragon |
“Welcome Great Pumpkin” |
Cockleshell |
“Morgaine” Morgaine is a Magi Dragon named for a character in “The Mists of Avalon”. She is a benevolent influence for the hatchlings of the cave, teaching them about dragon ethics and why white magic is often stronger than dark magic. She carries herself proudly, commanding immediate respect by the simple act of entering the cave. Even those who call her “Goody Two-Shoes” secretly admire her. |
Water Dragon |
Mint Dragon – Frozen as hatchling |
Mint Dragon |
“Kairavina” |
“Poquita” |
“Aminimal” |
Black Dragon |
Two-Headed Dragon |
Two-Headed Dragon |
“d´Raeven” |
“Multiplicity” |
“Ferinuscipitis” |
White Dragon |
Guardian Dragon |
Red Dragon |
“Florencina” Florencina is a male dragon, lest you be confused by his feminine-sounding name. He was originally to be called “Florencine,” but a slip of the quill during a brain-spasm resulted in the unfortunate ‘-a’ ending. He is a healing dragon, and is named in honor of Florence Nightingale, the renowned nurse of old. Perhaps he should have received a more masculine name, but if he had it may have resulted in less effort on his part to show his healing muscles. You know how it is with males and overcompensating for their shortcomings. |
“Apos Pantos Kakodaimonos” “Apos Pantos Kakodaimonos” is a Greek banishing spell meaning something along the lines of “Away! All you evil spirits!” As a Guardian Dragon, such a name is fitting. “Daimon” is also a term used by Plato to describe one’s higher genius, an autonomous embodiment of a person’s potential – what is, in more modern times, often termed the “higher self.” Apos serves as the guardian of the Aeternitas clan and co-elder with his mate Eternity in the Wind. He takes his role seriously, training hatchlings for sentry duty as soon as they’ve grown their wings. |
“Fucus Mortiferus” The name “Fucus Mortiferus” (foo-koos mor-tee-fayr-oos) means “Red Death” in Latin, a fitting title for an impressive beast! And he kills so much more cleanly than the disease from the Edgar Allan Poe story of the same name. F.M., as we call him for short (he’s got a great signal-to-noise ratio), bears some resemblance to Asian dragons, except for those pesky legs. His high-arching horns may perhaps serve as his antennae to the gods, providing him with that great signal as well as spiritual guidance. He’ll never be without that internal (“infernal?”) compass. |
Grey/Storm Dragon |
Bright Pink Dragon |
Purple Dragon |
“Eternity in the Wind” Eternity in the Wind is a storm dragon that specializes in wind magic. She knows her way around a tornado (counter-clockwise), and isn’t too bad at thunderstorms, either. She can summon up impressive lightning when the situation calls for extra drama. “Windy,” as she enjoys being called, is the elder dragon of her cave and founder of the Aeternitas clan. She is a fair and just leader with her mate Apos, a guardian. |
“Gothic Princess” Gothic Princess wanted to be a vampire, but she was much too pink to be accepted into that subculture, so she had to settle for being a goth. But due to her high ambitions, she was given the honorary title of “Gothic Princess.” You go, girl! Princess is the cave’s rebellious, counterculture elder, declining any behavior that seems (to her) to be conformity for its own sake. This makes her a favorite among older hatchlings, who follow her around hoping her cool factor will rub off on them. |
“Rapurpzle” Rapurpzle is named for her long golden hair, reminiscent of fairy tale Rapunzel. It’s unlikely that she ever let her hair down from a lofty tower so that a suitor dragon could climb up, since typically any suitor would be much too heavy and could probably fly up there, anyway. But she is proud of her silken locks, and brushes them 100 times every night before bed. Dragons are vain creatures, and Rapurpzle is no exception. |