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Narratives. The Wars Of The Winds

The Wars Of The Winds.

Before the world was created, Tate lived far beyond the pines in the land of the ghosts. He was old, but was a wise Shaman with great power over everything. He had five sons, Yata, Yanpa, Eya, Okaga, and Yumni.

Yata was cruel and delighted in giving pain to others. He quarreled with his brothers and spoiled their games and delighted in chasing little Yumni so that the poor little fellow never dared to appear until late in the day, when he thought that Yata was away and then always in the presence of Okaga whom he loved. Yata went about day and night to do mischief and when he came near things were gloomy and cold and when he touched anything it became hard and dead.

Yanpa was lazy and disagreeable. He wanted to lie about the tipi all day. If he was allowed to do so he would sleep all day and come out in the evening and be pleasant enough till dark when he would go back and lie down again; but if he was compelled to go out early in the day he would grumble and find fault with everything and make himself and everyone else miserable until he was allowed to go and lie down.

Eya was strong and hearty. He was usually up early every morning and going

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about doing something; but he was very boisterous and awkward and hardly ever did anything as it should be done. He was good-natured about everything and shouted and sang and tumbled about so that no one could be angry at his mistakes.

Okaga was wise and industrious and spent his time in doing things for others. If he saw anything he liked he usually copied it and was very friendly to everyone. He was especially fond of his little brother, Yumni, and made toys for him and played games with him. He helped Eya to do things right and sometimes even coaxed Yanpa into a pleasant mood; but he was never able to gain the good will of Yata.

Yumni was small and weak and unable to do any work; but he was always merry and frolicsome, except when he was flying from Yata whom he feared so that he never came out until late in the day when he thought that Yata was gone. He would go to his brother, Okaga, and dance and play about him while he was making things until he thought Yata might come, when he would hurry back to his father's tipi and hide until the next day. When he was with Okaga, he was as happy as the "wasicula" when they dance at night, but when night came he was afraid and hid so that no one could find him.

One time a beautiful being fell from the sky and asked Tate to let her rest in his tipi. Tate was blind, but when he heard her voice he knew that she was a woman, so he told her that there were only men in his tipi and it would be dangerous for her to stay. But as she was very weary, she begged that she might rest a short time. He told her she could stay until his sons returned and then she could do as she pleased. She sat by the door in the tipi and fell asleep.

Soon Yumni came. When he saw the beautiful being he was so amazed that he stood still and gazed at her, for her hair was shining like the light and her dress was ornamented with red and blue and yellow and every color and her face was lovely to look upon. As he stood staring at her, Yata came in behind him and caught hold of him so that he fell down hard and cold. But before he died, Yata saw the beautiful being and he forgot his malice and stood staring at her.

Then Yanpa awoke. He yawned and stretched himself lazily and got up to go for his evening walk but when he saw the beautiful being he stood still staring at her.

Eya came jumping and bounding and shouted to Yata, "Ho Yata, why do you stare so? Is your "sicun" in the tipi? Or is the Winged One there?" He came and peeped in at the door. He too saw the beautiful being and stopped to stare at her.

Then old Tate said, "My sons, what is it? Why do you not speak? Is this a witch I have let into the tipi? I will send her out." He poked the beautiful being with his cane and said to her, "Ho, if you are a witch get out of my tipi. My sons will not speak to me."

She awoke and said, "I am not a witch. I will go." She turned to go and Yanpa stepped forward as if to follow her, when she turned and looked at him and he sat down. She went through the door. Yata stretched out his hand to take hold of her and she turned and looked at him and he sat down. But his hand had touched her dress and some of the ornaments fell from it cold and dead. As she went out of the door, she saw Yumni lying as if dead and she Stooped and breathed upon him and he sprang to his feet. She Smiled at him and he began to dance and forgot his terror of Yata. Eya started to follow her, but she turned and looked at him and he sat down. She went away and Yumni went with her dancing and frolicking. Thus, the three brothers sat unable to move.

She had not gone far when she met Okaga. She stood at one side of the trail

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with her back towards it. When Okaga came by her he asked Yumni who it was and what she was doing there and Yumni told him all. Then Okaga saw that her hair was like the light and he spoke to her. She turned and smiled at Yumni. He danced and whirled about and was very happy so he coaxed his brother Okaga to speak to her. Okaga saw that she was very beautiful and begged her to return to his father's tipi. She said, "Why should I go to your father's tipi? I have been there and your brothers were rude to me. See where one of them touched my dress and the ornaments have withered and fallen." Okaga said, "If you will go back with me, I will make other ornaments more beautiful than those which you have lost."

He pled with her to return and rest for the night. Finally, she yielded and went back. When they came to the tipi, Yata, Yanpa, and Eya still sat on the ground and stared, but she smiled at them and they arose and went away softly, Okaga with them. But Tate and Yumni stayed in the tipi that night. Tate lay opposite the door in the place of honor. The beautiful being lay in the daughter's place and Yumni lay opposite her in the son's place.

Yata, Yanpa, and Eya slept far away from the tipi, but Okaga worked all night and by morning had made a dress more beautiful than that which the beautiful being had worn to the tipi. Early in the morning, the beautiful being rose and prepared food. When the four brothers came in, all sat down to eat and she served them. But Yata, Yumni, and Eya could only stare at her, while Okaga sat with his face bowed down. Yumni danced and frolicked around the tipi; but old Tate ate until he could not swallow another mouthful. Then he rose and leaned on his cane and said, "Ho! Who is this I have let into my tipi? It is not a witch for she has done no harm. Last night my sleep was sound. This morning our food was good and there was plenty of it. Ho, you, whoever you are, I beg you to stay with us." She said to him, "My journey is long, to I know not where. I know not when I will get there. I know not how long I shall stay there. I go until I find greater pleasure than I have here."

He asked her name and she told him that it was Wohpe. He asked her about her people and she said that the sun was her father, the moon her mother, and the stars her people. Again, he begged her to stay with them but she said she must go on and on until she reached her journey's end, that this was not it, for his sons had acted rudely toward her and taken part of the ornaments from her dress. Then Okaga brought the dress he had made and gave it to her. It was more beautiful than her own dress. She gazed at it and then turned to old Tate and said, "My father, my journey is ended."

Then old Tate stood in the door of his tipi and sang a song. He sang these words:--

I am old and blind.

A daughter is given to me.

A daughter at my age.

I shall not be naked.

I shall not be hungry.

My sons hear me.

Let all hear me that have ears.

Cherish this my daughter.

Cherish her as your sister.

Then Wohpe sat beside the fireplace and old Tate sat opposite the door. Yumni danced about the lodge without ceasing, and the four brothers each went his way. Yata went, breaking and smashing things. Yanpa walked about pleasantly all day.

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Eya went shouting and rollicking, but Okaga went quietly with his head down and sat a long time alone without noticing the antics of Yumni. Thus Wohpe came into the home of the Winds.
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