Home > Library > New > Norman Lockyer > Stonehenge Astronomically Considered > Untitled


After centuries of speculation the origin, purpose, and construction of Stonehenge is still a mystery.
Out of the hundreds of books on the subject, a few stand out.
Lockyer's careful survey of the monument and other Northern European megaliths is one of these.
Lockyer, who had spotless academic credentials, raised some of the themes which would dominate mainstream theories of Stonehenge during the 20th century, particularly his focus on archaeo-astronomy.
Lockyer's primary hypothesis, that Stonehenge and other megalithic constructions were ancient observatories, is still considered plausible.
He also noted the vast alignments of sites which covered the landscape, both in Britain and in northern France, anticipating Afred Watkins'
discovery of ley lines by over a decade.

On the other hand, his conclusion that Stonehenge was constructed by immigrants from the Near East was, even then, controversial.
The use of large stones to construct monuments was global in nature over a long period of history.
Lockyer rolls out the well-known folklore evidence for Celtic tree, well, and stone worship, which had parallels in ancient Near Eastern paganism.
However, the people who constructed Stonehenge were pre-Celtic, and their religious beliefs are still a matter for speculation.
This isn't to say that his hypothesis is implausible, just that there is no concrete evidence to support it.

Production notes: this text was scanned from a print-on-demand edition of this book, due to the unavailability of an original.
For this reason, due to speckling, the OCR stage introduced a great deal of spurious punctuation which had to be edited out, and some problems of this nature may still remain, even though due care was taken in proofing.
In addition, the scanned illustrations are not of the highest quality.
Hopefully this will be remedied at some point--J.B. Hare.

Title Page



List of Illustrations

Chapter I. Introductory

Chapter II. The Astronomical Divisions of the Year

Chapter III. The Agricultural Divisions of the Year

Chapter IV. The Various New-Year Days

Chapter V. Conditions and Traditions at Stonehenge

Chapter VI. General Architecture of Stonehenge

Chapter VII. Astronomical Observations at Stonehenge in 1901

Chapter VIII. Archeological Observations at Stonehenge, 1901

Chapter IX. Was There an Earlier Circle?

Chapter X. The May and June Worships in Brittany

Chapter XI. Astronomical Hints For Archologists

Chapter XII. Astronomical Hints for Archologists--Continued

Chapter XIII. Stenness

Chapter XIV. The Hurlers

Chapter XV. The Dartmoor Avenues

Chapter XVI. The Dartmoor Avenues (continued)

Chapter XVII. Stanton Drew

Chapter XVIII. Folklore and Tradition

Chapter XIX. Sacred Fires

Chapter XX. Sacred Trees

Chapter XXI. Holy Wells And Streams

Chapter XXII. Where Did the British Worship Originate?

Chapter XXIII. The Similarity of the Semitic and British Worships

Chapter XXIV. The May-Year in South-West Cornwall

Chapter XXV. The Merry Maidens Circle

Chapter XXVI. The Tregaseal Circles

Chapter XXVII. Some Other Cornish Monuments

Chapter XXVIII. The Clock-Stars in Egypt and Britain

Chapter XXIX. A Short History of Sun Temples

Chapter XXX. The Life of the Astronomer-Priests


Details of the Theodolite Observations at Stonehenge

II: Hints on Making, and Method of Reducing, the Field Observations

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Home > Library > New > Norman Lockyer > Stonehenge Astronomically Considered > Contents