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This is the text of Yusuf Ali's English translation of the Quran.
This etext was produced in 2009-10 from a reproduction of the 1934 edition.
Omitted here are the Arabic text, the extensive versified commentary, footnotes and other apparatus.
A version which includes Yusuf Ali's English translation, the Arabic text in gif format and a pronunciation guide is available here.
The etext is broken down into one file per Surah.
Per our site policy, no alterations were made to the source text;
we welcome notice of transliteration errors.--Jan. 29, 2010.

Production notes: Yusuf Ali used a slightly different verse numbering for Surah 5 than most other editions.
We have correlated the verse numbers in Surah 5 with the traditional system, leaving the book's original verse numbers in marginal notes.
Verse numbering is not considered a canonical feature of the text.

Title Page

Sra I. Ftia, or the Opening Chapter

Sra II. Baqara, or the Heifer

Sra III. l-i-'Imrn, or The Family of 'Imrn

Sra IV. Nisa, or The Women

Sra V. Mda, or The Table Spread.

Sra VI. An'm, or Cattle

Sra VII. A'rf, or the Heights

Sra VIII. Anfl, or the Spoils of War

Sra IX. Tauba (Repentance) or Barat (Immunity)

Sra X. Ynus, or Jonah

Sra XI. Hd (The Prophet Hd)

Sra XII. Ysuf, or Joseph

Sra XIII. Ra'd or Thunder

Sra XIV. Ibrhm, or Abraham

Sra XV. Al-Hijr. or The Rocky Tract

Sra XVI. Nal or The Bee

Sra XVII. Ban Isr-l, or the Children of Israel.

Sra XVIII. Kahf, or the Cave

Sra XIX. Maryam, or Mary.

Sra XX. -H (Mystic Letters,. H.)

Sra XXI. Anbiya, or The Prophets

Sra XXII. ajj, or The Pilgrimage

Sra XXIII. M-minn

Sra XXIV. Nr, or Light

Sra XXV. Furqn, or The Criterion

Sra XXVI. Shu'ara, or The Poets

Sra XXVII. Naml, or the Ants

Sra XXVIII. Qaa, or the Narration

Sra XXIX. 'Ankabt, or the Spider

Sra XXX. Rm, or The Roman Empire.

Sra XXXI. Luqmn (the Wise).

Sra XXXII. Sajda, or Adoration

Sra XXXIII. Azb, or The Confederates.

Sra XXXIV. Sab, or the City of Sab

Sra XXXV. Fir, or The Originator of Creation; or Malka, or The Angels

Sra XXXVI. Y-Sn (being Abbreviated Letters).

Sra XXXVII. fft, or Those Ranged in Ranks.

Sra XXXVIII. d (being one of the Abbreviated Letters)

Sra XXXIX.: Zumar, or the Crowds.

Sra XL. M-min, or The Believer

Sra XLI. H-mm (Abbreviated Letters), or -Mm Sajda, or Fuilat

Sra XLII. Shr, or Consultation

Sra XLIII.: Zukhruf, or Gold Adornments.

Sra XLIV.: Dukhn, or Smoke (or Mist).

Sra XLV. Jathiya, or Bowing the Knee.

Sra XLVI.: Aqf, or Winding Sand-tracts.

Sra XLVII. Muammad (the Prophet).

Sra XLVIII. Fat- or Victory.

Sra XLIX. ujurt, or the Inner Apartments.

Sra L. Qf.

Sra LI. Zriyt, or the Winds That Scatter.

Sra LII. r, or the Mount.

Sra LIII. Najm, or the Star.

Sra LIV. Qamar, or the Moon.

Sra LV. Ramn, or (God) Most Gracious.

Sra LVI. Wqi'a, or The Inevitable Event.

Sra LVII. add, or Iron.

Sra LVIII. Mujdila, or The Woman who Pleads.

Sra LIX. ashr, or the Gathering

Sra LX. Mumtaana, or the Woman to be Examined.

Sra LXI. aff, or Battle Array.

Sra LXII. Jumu'a, or the Assembly (Friday) Prayer

Sra LXIII. Munfiqn, or the Hypocrites.

Sra LXIV. Tagbun, or Mutual Loss and Gain.

Sra LXV. alq, or Divorce.

Sra LXVI. Tarm, or Holding (something) to be Forbidden.

Sra LXVII. Mulk, or Dominion.

Sra LXVIII. Qalam, or the Pen, or Nn

Sra LXIX. qqa, or the Sure Reality.

Sra LXX. Ma'rij, or the Ways of Ascent.

Sra LXXI. N, or Noah.

Sra LXXII. Jinn, or the Spirits.

Sra LXXIII. Muzzammil, or Folded in Garments.

Sra LXXIV. Muddaththir, or One Wrapped Up.

Sra LXXV. Qiymat, or the Resurrection.

Sra LXXVI. Dahr, or Time, or Insn, or Man.

Sra LXXVII. Mursalt, or Those Sent Forth

Sra LXXVIII. Nabaa, or The (Great) News

Sra LXXIX. Nzi't, or Those Who Tear Out.

Sra LXXX. 'Abasa. or He Frowned.

Sra LXXXI. Takwr, or the Folding Up.

Sra LXXXII. Infir, or The Cleaving Asunder.

Sra LXXXIII. Taff, or Dealing in Fraud.

Sra LXXXIV. Inshiqq, or The Rending Asunder.

Sra LXXXV. Burj, or The Zodiacal Signs

Sra LXXXVI. riq, or The Night-Visitant

Sra Lxxxvii. A'l, or the Most High.

Sra Lxxxviii. Gshiya, or the Overwhelming Event.

Sra LXXXIX. Fajr, or the Break of Day.

Sra XC. Balad, or The City

Sra XCI. Shams, or The Sun.

Sra XCII. Lail, or The Night.

Sra XCIII. Dhuh, or The Glorious morning Light.

Sra XCIV. Inshir, or The Expansion.

Sra XCV. Tn, or The Fig

Sra XCVI. Iqraa, or Read! or Proclaim! Or 'Alaq, or The Clot of Congealed Blood

Sra XCVII. Qadr, or The Night of Power (or Honour).

Sra XCVIII. Baiyina, or The Clear Evidence.

Sra XCIX. Zilzl, or The Convulsion.

Sra C. 'Adiyt, or Those that run.

Sra CI. Al-Qri'a, or The Day of Noise and Clamour.

Sra CII. Takathur or Piling Up.

Sra CIII. 'Ar, or Time through the Ages.

Sra CIV. Humaza, or the Scandal-monger.

Sra CV. Fl, or The Elephant.

Sra CVI. The Quraish, (Custodians of the Ka'ba).

Sra CVII. M'n, or Neighbourly Needs.

Sra CVIII. Kauthar, or Abundance.

Sra CIX. Kfirn, or Those who reject Faith.

Sra CX. Nar, or Help.

Sra CXI. Lahab, or (the Father of) Flame.

Sra CXII. Ikhl, or Purity (of Faith).

Sra CXIII. Falaq, or The Dawn.

Sra CXIV. Ns, or Mankind.
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