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Book Iv. Canto Xlvi. Sugr'iva's

Canto Xlvi.: Sugrva'S.

'How, King,' cried Rma, 'didst thou gain

Thy lore of sea and hill and plain?

'I told thee how,' Sugrva,

From Bli's arm Myv 1

To Malaya's hill, and strove to save

His life by hiding in the cave.

I told how Bli sought, to kill

His foe, the hollow of the hill;

Nor need I, King, again unfold

The wondrous tale already told.

Then, wandering forth, my way I took

By many a town and wood and brook.

I roamed the earth from place to place,

Till, like a mirror's polished face,

The whole broad disk, that lies between

Its farthest bounds, mine eyes had seen.

I wandered first to eastern skies

Where fairest trees rejoiced mine eyes,

And many a cave and wooded hill

Where lilies robed the lake and rill.

There metal dyes that hill 2 adorn

Whence springs the sun to light the morn.

There, too, I viewed the Milky sea,

Where nymphs of heaven delight to be.

Then to the south I made my way

From regions of the rising day,

And roamed o'er Vindhya, where the breeze

Is odorous of sandal trees.

Still in my fear I found no rest:

I sought the regions of the west,

And gazed on Asta, 3 where the sun

p. 380

Sinks when his daily course is run

Then from that noblest hill I fled

And to the northern country sped,

Saw Himavnt 1 and Meru'Meru'sp,

And stood beside the northern deep.

But when, by Bli's might oppressed,

E'en in those wilds I could not rest,

Came Hanumnwise and brave,

And thus his prudent counsel gave:

'I told thee how Matanga 2 cursed

Thy tyrant, that his head should burst

In pieces, should be dare invade

The precincts of that tranquil shade.

There may we dwell in peace and be

From thy oppressor's malice free.'

We went to Rishyamka's,

And spent our days secure from ill

Where, with that curse upon his head,

The cruel Bli durst not tread.'


Canto Ix.

Udayagiri or the hill from which the sun rises.

379:3 Asta is the mountain behind which the sun sets.

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