Home > Library > New > Anonymous > The Ramayana > Book V. Canto Vi. The Court

Book V. Canto Vi. The Court

Canto Vi. 1: The Court.

The palace gates were guarded well

By many a Rkshas sentinel,

And far within, concealed from view,

Were dames and female retinue

For charm of form and face renowned;

Whose tinkling armlets made a sound,

Clashed by the wearers in their glee,

Like music of a distant sea.

The hall beyond the palace gate,

Rich with each badge of royal state,

Where lines of noble courtiers stood,

Showed like a lion-guarded wood.

There the wild music rose and fell

Of drum and tabor and of shell,

Through chambers at each holy tide

By solemn worship sanctified.

Through grove and garden, undismayed,

From house to house the Vnar strayed,

And still his wondering glances bent

On terrace, dome, and battlement:

Then with a light and rapid tread

Prahasta's 1b home he visited,

And Kumbhakarna's 2b courtyard where

A cloudy pile rose high in air;

And, wandering o'er the hill, explored

The garden of each Rkshas lord.

Each court and grove he wandered through,

Then nigh to Rvan's palace drew.

She-demons watched it foul of face,

Eace* armed with sword and spear and mace,

And warrior fiends of every hue,

A strange and fearful retinue.

There elephants in many a row,

The terror of the stricken foe.

Huge Airvat, 3b deftly trained

In battle-fields, stood ready chained.

Fair litters on the ground were set

Adorned with gems and golden net.

Gay bloomy creepers clothed the walls;

Green bowers were there and picture halls,

And chambers made for soft delight.

Broad banners waved on every height.

And from the roof like Mandar's hill

The peacock's cry came loud and shrill. 4b


399:1 I
omit Canto V. which corresponds to chapter XI. in Gorresio's edition. That scholar justly observes: "The eleventh chapter, Description of Evening, is certainly the work of the Rhapsodists and an interpolation of later date. The chapter might be omitted without any injury to the action of the poem, and besides the metre, style, conceits and images differ from the general tenour of the poem;
and that continual repetition of the same sounds at the end of each hemistich which is not exactly rime, but assonance, reveals the artificial labour of a more recent age.'
The following sample will probably be enough. I am unable to show the difference of style in a translation:

Fair shone the moon, as if to lend

His cheering light to guide a friend,

And, circled by the starry host,

Looked down upon the wild sea-coast.

The Vnar cheiftain raised his eyes,

And saw him sailing through the skies

Like a bright swan who joys to take

His pastime on a silver lake;

Fair moon that calms the mourner's pain.

Heaves up the waters of the main,

And o'er the *hie beneath him throws

A tender light of soft repose,

The charm that clings to Mandar's hill,

Gleams in the sea when winds are still,

And decks the lilly's opening flower,

Showed in that moon her sweetest power.
part doctor part faker part| graphic parchment scroll
Home > Library > New > Anonymous > The Ramayana > Book V. Canto Vi. The Court