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Book Vi. Canto I. R'ama's Speech

Canto I.: Rma'S Speech.

The son of Raghu heard, consoled,

The wondrous tale Hanumn told;

And, as his joyous hope grew high,

In friendly words he made reply:

'Behold a mighty task achieved.

Which never heart but his conceived.

Who else across the sea can spring,

Save Vyu 2b and the Feathered King? 3b

Who, pass the portals strong and high.

Which Ngas, 4b Gods, and fiends defy,

Where Rvan's hosts their station keep,--

And come uninjured o'er the deep?

By such a deed the Wind-God's son

Good service to the king has done,

And saved from ruin and disgrace

Lakshman and me and Raghu's race.

Well has he planned and bravely fought.

And with due care my lady sought.

But of the sea I sadly think,

And the sweet hopes that cheered me sink.

How can we cross the leagues of foam

That keep us from the giant's home?

What can the Vnar legions more

Than muster on the ocean shore?'
hanti parva mahabharata| hanti parva mahabharata
Home > Library > New > Anonymous > The Ramayana > Book Vi. Canto I. R'ama's Speech