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Volume 1. Part 82

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The Secret Doctrine by H. P. Blavatsky -- Vol.


[[Vol. 1, Page Iii]]

The Secret Doctrine:

The Synthesis


Science, Religion, And Philosophy.

By H. P. Blavatsky,

Author of "Isis Unveiled.\"

"There is no Religion higher than Truth."

Vol. I. -- Cosmogenesis.


The Theosophical Publishing Company, Limited.

Duke Street, Adelphi, W.c.

William Q. Judge,

Nassau Street, New York.

The Manager Of The Theosophist,

Adyar, Madras.


[Vol. 1, Page Iv]]

"Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1888, by H. P. Blavatsky,

in the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington, D. C."

[[Vol. 1, Page V]]

This Work

I Dedicate to all True Theosophists,

In every Country,

And of every Race,

For they called it forth, and for them it was recorded.

[[Vol. 1, Page Vi -- Blank]]

[[Vol. 1, Page Vii]]


Author -- the writer, rather -- feels it necessary to apologise for the long delay which has occurred in the appearance of this work. It has been occasioned by ill-health and the magnitude of the undertaking. Even the two volumes now issued do not complete the scheme, and these do not treat exhaustively of the subjects dealt with in them. A large quantity of material has already been prepared, dealing with the history of occultism as contained in the lives of the great Adepts of the Aryan Race, and showing the bearing of occult philosophy upon the conduct of life, as it is and as it ought to be. Should the present volumes meet with a favourable reception, no effort will be spared to carry out the scheme of the work in its entirety. The third volume is entirely ready; the fourth almost so.

This scheme, it must be added, was not in contemplation when the preparation of the work was first announced. As originally announced, it was intended that the "Secret Doctrine" should be an amended and enlarged version of "Isis Unveiled."
It was, however, soon found that the explanations which could be added to those already put before the world in the last-named and other works dealing with esoteric science, were such as to require a different method of treatment: and consequently the present volumes do not contain, in all, twenty pages extracted from "Isis Unveiled."

The author does not feel it necessary to ask the indulgence of her readers and critics for the many defects of literary style, and the imperfect English which may be found in these pages. She is a foreigner, and her knowledge of the language was acquired late in life. The English tongue is employed because it offers the most widely-diffused medium for conveying the truths which it had become her duty to place before the world.

These truths are in no sense put forward as a "revelation";
nor does the author claim the position of a revealer of mystic lore, now made public for the first time in the world's history.
For what is contained in this work is to be found scattered throughout thousands of volumes embodying the scriptures of the great Asiatic and early European religions, hidden under glyph and symbol, and hitherto left unnoticed because of this veil. What is now attempted is to gather the oldest tenets together and to make of them one harmonious and unbroken whole. The sole advantage which the writer has over her predecessors, is that she need not resort to personal speculations and theories. For this work is a partial statement of what she herself has been taught by more advanced students, supplemented, in a few details only, by the results of her

[[Vol. 1, Page]] Viii

own study and observation. The publication of many of the facts herein stated has been rendered necessary by the wild and fanciful speculations in which many Theosophists and students of mysticism have indulged, during the last few years, in their endeavour to, as they imagined, work out a complete system of thought from the few facts previously communicated to them.

It is needless to explain that this book is not the Secret Doctrine in its entirety, but a select number of fragments of its fundamental tenets, special attention being paid to some facts which have been seized upon by various writers, and distorted out of all resemblance to the truth.

But it is perhaps desirable to state unequivocally that the teachings, however fragmentary and incomplete, contained in these volumes, belong neither to the Hindu, the Zoroastrian, the Chaldean, nor the Egyptian religion,.neither to Buddhism, Islam, Judaism nor Christianity exclusively. The Secret Doctrine is the essence of all these. Sprung from it in their origins, the various religious schemes are now made to merge back into their original element, out of which every mystery and dogma has grown, developed, and become materialised.

It is more than probable that the book will be regarded by a large section of the public as a romance of the wildest kind; for who has ever even heard of the book of Dzyan?

The writer, therefore, is fully prepared to take all the responsibility for what is contained in this work, and even to face the charge of having invented the whole of it. That it has many shortcomings she is fully aware; all that she claims for it is that, romantic as it may seem to many, its logical coherence and consistency entitle this new Genesis to rank, at any rate, on a level with the "working hypotheses" so freely accepted by modern science. Further, it claims consideration, not by reason of any appeal to dogmatic authority, but because it closely adheres to Nature, and follows the laws of uniformity and analogy.

The aim of this work may be thus stated: to show that Nature is not "a fortuitous concurrence of atoms," and to assign to man his rightful place in the scheme of the Universe; to rescue from degradation the archaic truths which are the basis of all religions; and to uncover, to some extent, the fundamental unity from which they all spring; finally, to show that the occult side of Nature has never been approached by the Science of modern civilization.

If this is in any degree accomplished, the writer is content.
It is written in the service of humanity, and by humanity and the future generations it must be judged. Its author recognises no inferior court of appeal. Abuse she is accustomed to; calumny she is daily acquainted with; at slander she smiles in silent contempt.

"De minimis non curat lex."


London, October, 1888.

[Vol. 1, Page Ix]]

Table Of Contents.



The Need of such a Book... xix.

The Antiquity of Documents and MSS.... xxiii.

What the Book is intended to do... xxviii.

Volume First.


Proem... 1

The Oldest MSS. in the world and its Symbolism... 2

The One Life, Active and Passive... 4

The Secret Doctrine -- Pantheism -- Atheism... 6

"Space" in all Religions and in Occultism... 9

Seven Cosmic Elements -- Seven Races of Mankind... 12

The Three Postulates of the Secret Doctrine... 14

Description of the Stanzas from the Book of Dzyan... 20

Book I. -- Part I.

Cosmic Evolution.

Seven Stanzas From The Book Of Dzyan... 27

Stanza I. -- The Night Of The Universe... 35

The Seven Eternities... 36

\"Time"... 37

The Universal Mind and the Dhyan Chohans... 38

Nidana and Maya: The Causes of Misery... 39

The Great Breath... 43

Being and Non-Being... 45

The Eye of Dangma... 47

Alaya, the Universal Soul... 49

[Vol. 1, Page]] X Contents.

Stanza Ii. -- The Idea Of Differentiation... 53

The Absolute knows Itself not... 55

The Germ of Life was not yet... 57

The Universe was still concealed in the Divine Thought... 61

Stanza Iii. -- The Awakening Of Kosmos... 62

The Great Vibration... 63

Nature's Symbols... 65

The Power of Numbers... 67

The Logoi and the Dragon... 73

The Astral Light... 75

Primeval Radiations from Unity... 79

The Web of Being... 83

Conscious Electricity: Fohat... 85

Stanza Iv. -- The Septenary Hierarchies... 86

The Sons of the Fire... 86

The Vehicle of the Universe -- the Dhyan Chohans... 89

The Army of the Voice... 93

Speech and Mind... 95

The Ogdoad and the Heptad... 99

The Stellar "Sons of Light"... 103

Stanza V. -- Fohat: The Child Of The Septenary Hierarchies... 106

The Fiery Whirlwind and the Primordial Seven... 106

They Produce Fohat... 108

The Correlation of the "Gods"... 113

Evolution of the "Principles" of Nature... 119

The Mystery of the Fire... 121

The Secret of the Elements... 123

The Square of the Tabernacle... 125

The Planetary Spirits and the Lipika... 129

The Ring "Pass Not"... 130

The Sidereal Book of Life... 131

The Soul's Pilgrimage and its "Rest"... 134

Stanza Vi. -- Our World, Its Growth And Development... 136

The Logos... 136

Mystery of the Female Logos... 137

[Vol. 1, Page]] Xi Contents.

The Seven Layu Centres... 138

The "Elementary Germs"... 139

The Evolution of the Elements... 140

The Building of the Worlds... 145

Neutral Centre... 147

\"Dead" Planets -- The Moon... 149

Theosophical Misconceptions... 152

The Planetary Divisions and the Human Principles... 153

The Moon... 155

Transmigrations of the Ego... 159

The Septenary Chain... 161

Relation of the other Planets to the Earth... 163

Explanations Concerning The Globes And The Monads... 170

The Lunar Chain and the Earth Chain... 172

The Earth, the Child of the Moon... 173

Classification of the Monads... 175

The Monad Defined... 177

The Lunar Monads -- the Pitris... 179

Triple Evolution in Nature... 181

Stanza Vi. -- Continued... 191

\"Creation" in the Fourth Round... 191

The "Curse, Sin," and "War"...


The Struggle for Life and the Birth of the Worlds... 202

The Adepts and the Sacred Island... 207

Stanza Vii. -- The Parents Of Man On Earth... 213

Divisions of the Hierarchies... 214

Correlations of Beings... 223

What incarnates in Animal Man... 233

Formation of Man: the Thinker... 238

Occult and Kabalistic Pneumatics... 243

Akasa and Ether... 257

The Invisible "Lives"... 259

Occult Vital Chemistry and Bacteriology... 261

[Vol. 1, Page]] Xii Contents.

The Watcher and his Shadow... 265

Earth peopled by the Shadows of the Gods... 267

Summing Up... 269

The pith and marrow of the Secret Doctrine... 273

Hermes in Christian Garb... 285

Some Occult Aphorisms... 289

The Seven Powers of Nature... 293

Book I. -- Part Ii.

The Evolution Of Symbolism In Its Approximate Order.

I. Symbolism And Ideographs... 303

Emblem and Symbol differ... 305

Magic Potency of Sound... 307

Mystery Language... 309

Ii. The Mystery Language And Its Keys... 310

Egypt's many Religions... 311

The Jews and their System... 313

Moses copied from Sargon... 319

Identity of Ancient Symbols... 323

Iii. Primordial Substance And Divine Thought... 325

Divine Thought, or Cineritious Matter?... 327

Ether and Intelligence... 330

The Seven Prakritis... 335

The Mystic Fire... 339

One Tree of Knowledge... 341

Iv. Chaos -- Theos -- Kosmos... 342

The Union of Chaos and Spirit... 343

The Birth of Mind... 345

V. The Hidden Deity, Its Symbols And Glyphs... 349

The Gnostic Idea... 351

International Correlation of Gods... 355

[Vol. 1, Page]] Xiii Contents.


Vi. The Mundane Egg... 359

Egg-born Logoi... 363

The Winged Globe... 365

Vii. The Days And Nights Of Brahma... 368

Human Gods and Divine Men... 369

The Rebirth of Gods... 371

The Puranic Prophecy... 377

Viii. The Lotus As A Universal Symbol... 379

Exoteric and Esoteric... 381

The Purity of "early" Phallicism... 383

The Egyptian Lotus... 385

Ix. Deus Lunus... 386

Glance at the Lunar Myth... 387

Key-note to the Moon... 389

Copies and Originals... 393

The Moon Bi-sexual... 397

X. Tree And Serpent And Crocodile Worship... 403

Degeneration of the Symbol... 405

The Seven-headed Dragons... 407

Dragon and Crocodile... 409

Xi. Demon Est Deus Inversus... 411

Death is Life... 413

The Fall of the Angels... 418

Transformation of the Legend... 421

Xii. The Theogony Of The Creative Gods... 424

The Point within the Circle... 426

The Logos or Verbum... 429

The Factors of Creation... 432

Identity of the Hierarchies in all Religions... 438

Difference between the Aryan and Semitic Systems... 444

[Vol. 1, Page]] Xiv Contents.


Xiii. The Seven Creations... 445

The Gnostic and the Hindu Versions... 449

The Seven Puranic "Creations"... 450

Xiv. The Four Elements.... 460

The "Gods" and the "Elements"... 463

The Language of the Elements... 464

Pagan and Christian Worship of the Elements... 467

Xv. On Kwan-shi-yin And Kwan-yin... 470

Kwan-Shi-Yin and Phallicism... 471

The Real Meaning... 472

Book I. -- Part Iii.

Science And The Secret Doctrine Contrasted.

I. Reasons For These Addenda... 477

Occultism "versus" Materialism... 479

The Sabbath of the Mystic... 481

Ii. Modern Physicists Are Playing At Blind Man
'S Buff... 482

Iii. An Lumen Sit Corpus Nec Non?... 483

The Hypothetical Ether... 485

Scientific Theories of its Constitution... 489

Iv. Is Gravitation A Law?... 490

Intelligences or Blind Forces?... 493

The Cause of Attraction... 498

[Vol. 1, Page]] Xv Contents.


V. The Theories Of Rotation Science... 500

Conflicting Hypotheses... 502

More Hypotheses... 505

Vi. The Masks Of Science... 506

What are the "Forces?"... 508

The View of the Occultists... 510

Scientific and Occult Theories on Heat... 515

The Atoms of Science... 519

Vii. An Attack On The Scientific Theory Of Force By A Man Of Science... 523

Ether and Atoms... 527

Viii. Life, Force, Or Gravity?... 529

Dr. Richardson on Nervous Ether... 531

The Senses and their Action... 535

Too much "Life" may Kill... 539

Ix. The Solar Theory... 540

The Primordial Element... 542

Elements and "Meta"-Elements... 546

The Tree of Life and Being... 549

Prof. Crookes on the Elements... 552

X. The Coming Force... 554

Mr. Keeley, an Unconscious Occultist... 557

Inter-Etheric Waves... 561

The Secrets of Sound and Odour... 565

Xl. On The Elements And Atoms... 566

Metaphysical Chemistry... 569

What are the Seven Planets?... 575

The Cyclic Fall of the Gods... 577

[Vol. 1, Page]] Xvi Contents.


Xii. Ancient Thought In Modern Dress... 579

All-Potential Unity... 583

The "Seventh" in Chemistry... 585

Xiii. The Modern Nebular Theory... 588

Forces are Emanations... 591

What is the Nebula?... 595

Xiv. Forces -- Modes Of Motion Or Intelligences?... 601

The Vital Principle... 603

Occult and Physical Science... 605

Xv. Gods, Monads, And Atoms... 610

The Gods of the Ancients -- the Monads... 613

The Monad and the Duad... 617

The Genesis of the Elements... 621

Hermes and Huxley... 625

The Teaching of Leibnitz... 627

The Monads according to Occultism... 632

Xvi. Cyclic Evolution And Karma... 634

Karmic Cycles and Universal Ethics... 637

Destiny and Karma... 639

Karma-Nemesis... 643

Xvii. The Zodiac And Its Antiquity... 647

The Jewish Patriarchs and the Signs of the Zodiac... 651

Zodiacal Cycles... 656

Hindu Astronomy... 661

Xviii. Summary Of The Mutual Position... 668

Science Confesses her Ignorance... 669

Materialism is leading Europe towards a catastrophe... 675

[Contents of Volume 2]]

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