Chapter I. How Diana Gave Birth To Aradia : * "Aradia, Gospel of the Witches", by Charles G. Leland, [1899], p. 1 ARADIA OR THE GOSPEL OF THE WITCHES CHAPTER I HOW DIANA GAVE BIRTH TO ARADIA (HERODIAS) "It is Diana! Lo! She rises crescented." --Keats' "Endymion " "Make more bright The Star Queen's crescent on her marriage night." --"Ibid"...
Untitled : ARADIA Or The Gospel Of The Witches BY CHARLES G. LELAND [1899] This classic of neo-Paganism is one of the few books which purports to be an actual sacred text of traditional witchcraft, in particular that of the Tuscan region of Italy. Charles Leland was an American expatriate journalist...
Diana As Giving Beauty And Restoring Strength : * "Aradia, Gospel of the Witches", by Charles G. Leland, [1899], p. 128 DIANA AS GIVING BEAUTY AND RESTORING STRENGTH Diana hath power to do all things, to give glory to the lowly, wealth to the poor, joy to the afflicted, beauty to the ugly. Be not in grief, if you are her follower; though you be...
Chapter Xiv. The Goblin Messengers Of Di : * "Aradia, Gospel of the Witches", by Charles G. Leland, [1899], p. 86 CHAPTER XIV THE GOBLIN MESSENGERS OF DIANA AND MERCURY The following tale was not given to me as connected with the Gospel of the Witches, but as "Diana" appears in it, and as the whole conception is that of "Diana"...
Diana, Queen Of The Serpents, Giver : * "Aradia, Gospel of the Witches", by Charles G. Leland, [1899], p. 125 DIANA, QUEEN OF THE SERPENTS, GIVER OF THE GIFT OF LANGUAGES In a long and strange legend of "Melambo", a magian and great physician of divine birth, there is an invocation to Diana which has a proper place in this work...
Chapter Vi. A Spell To Win Love : * "Aradia, Gospel of the Witches", by Charles G. Leland, [1899], p. 35 CHAPTER VI A SPELL TO WIN LOVE When a wizard, a worshipper of "Diana", one who worships the Moon, desires the love of a woman, he can change her into the form of a dog, when she, forgetting who she is, and all things besides...
Chapter Iv.the Charm Of The Stones Consecrated : * "Aradia, Gospel of the Witches", by Charles G. Leland, [1899], p. 21 CHAPTER IV THE CHARM OF THE STONES CONSECRATED TO DIANA To find a stone with a hole in it is a special sign of the favour of Diana. He who does so shall take it in his hand and repeat the following, having observed the ceremony...
Preface : * "Aradia, Gospel of the Witches", by Charles G. Leland, [1899], PREFACE If the reader has ever met with the works of the learned folk-lorist G. Pitr, or the articles contributed by "Lady Vere De Vere" to the "Italian Rivista", or that of J. H. Andrews to "Folk-Lore", 1 he will be aware that there...
Title Page : * "Aradia, Gospel of the Witches", by Charles G. Leland, [1899], ARADIA Or The Gospel Of The Witches BY CHARLES G. LELAND London, David Nutt [1899] Scanned , Jan 2001; Proofed And Formatted By J.B. Hare. Second Edition Of Redaction, June 2002. p. v
Chapter Vii. To Find Or Buy Anything : * "Aradia, Gospel of the Witches", by Charles G. Leland, [1899], p. 38 CHAPTER VII TO FIND OR BUY ANYTHING, OR TO HAVE GOOD FORTUNE THEREBY An Invocation or Incantation to Diana. The man or woman who, when about to go forth into the town, would fain be free from danger or risk of an accident:...
Appendix. Comments On The Foregoing Texts : * "Aradia, Gospel of the Witches", by Charles G. Leland, [1899], p. 101 APPENDIX COMMENTS ON THE FOREGOING TEXTS So long ago as the year 1886 I learned that there was in existence a manuscript setting forth the doctrines of Italian witchcraft, and I was promised that, if possible, it should be...
Chapter Ii. The Sabbat. Treguenda Or Witch : * "Aradia, Gospel of the Witches", by Charles G. Leland, [1899], p. 8 CHAPTER II THE SABBAT: TREGUENDA OR WITCH-MEETING--HOW TO CONSECRATE THE SUPPER Here follows the supper, of what it must consist, and what shall be said and done to consecrate it to Diana. You shall take meal and salt, honey...
Chapter Xiii. Diana And The Children : * "Aradia, Gospel of the Witches", by Charles G. Leland, [1899], p. 78 CHAPTER XIII DIANA AND THE CHILDREN "And there withall Diana gan appere With bowe in hand right as an Hunteresse, And sayd, 'Daughter, stint thine heavinesse!' And forth she wente and made a vanishing." --Chaucer ("C. T.")...
Chapter Viii. To Have A Good Vintage : * "Aradia, Gospel of the Witches", by Charles G. Leland, [1899], p. 44 CHAPTER VIII TO HAVE A GOOD VINTAGE AND VERY GOOD WINE BY THE AID OF DIANA "Sweet is the vintage when the showering grapes In Bacchanal profusion reel to earth, Purple and gushing." --Byron, "Don Juan", c. 124. "Vinum bonum et...
Chapter Ix.tana And Endamone, Or Di : * "Aradia, Gospel of the Witches", by Charles G. Leland, [1899], p. 51 CHAPTER IX TANA AND ENDAMONE, OR DIANA AND ENDYMION "Hic ultra Endymionem indormit negligenti." "Now it is fabled that Endymion, admitted to Olympus, whence he was expelled for want of respect to Juno, was banished for thirty...
Chapter V. The Conjuration Of The Lemon And Pins : * "Aradia, Gospel of the Witches", by Charles G. Leland, [1899], p. 29 CHAPTER V THE CONJURATION OF THE LEMON AND PINS Scongiurazione al Limone appuntato un Spille. Sacred to Diana. A lemon stuck full of pins of different colours always brings good fortune. If you receive as a gift a lemon full...
Chapter Iii. How Diana Made The Stars And The Rain : * "Aradia, Gospel of the Witches", by Charles G. Leland, [1899], p. 18 CHAPTER III HOW DIANA MADE THE STARS AND THE RAIN Diana was the first created before all creation; in her were all things; out of herself, the first darkness, she divided herself; into darkness and light she was divided...
Chapter Xii. Tana, The Moon Goddess : * "Aradia, Gospel of the Witches", by Charles G. Leland, [1899], p. 72 CHAPTER XII TANA, THE MOON-GODDESS The following story, which appeared originally in the "Legends of Florence", collected from the people by me, does not properly belong to the Witch's Gospel, as it is not strictly...
The Children Of Diana, Or How The Fairies : * "Aradia, Gospel of the Witches", by Charles G. Leland, [1899], p. 121 THE CHILDREN OF DIANA, OR HOW THE FAIRIES WERE BORN All things were made by Diana, the great spirits of the stars, men in their time and place, the giants which were of old, and the dwarfs who dwell in the rocks, and once...
Chapter X. Madonna Diana : * "Aradia, Gospel of the Witches", by Charles G. Leland, [1899], p. 61 CHAPTER X MADONNA DIANA "The Madonna is essentially the goddess of the moon." --"Naples in the Nineties," by E. N. Rolfe. Once there was, in the very old time in Cettardo Alto, a girl of astonishing beauty, and she w...
Chapter Xi. The House Of The Wind : * "Aradia, Gospel of the Witches", by Charles G. Leland, [1899], p. 65 CHAPTER XI THE HOUSE OF THE WIND "List to the whoop and whistle of the winds, Their hollow drone as they come roaring on, For strength hath many a voice, and when aroused The flying tempest calls with awful joy And echoes as it...
Note : * "Aradia, Gospel of the Witches", by Charles G. Leland, [1899], p. 133 NOTE As a curious illustration of the fact that the faith in Diana and the other deities of the Roman mythology, as connected with divination, still survives among the Italians of "the people," I may mention that after this...
Chapter Xv. Laverna : * "Aradia, Gospel of the Witches", by Charles G. Leland, [1899], p. 89 CHAPTER XV LAVERNA The following very curious tale, with the incantation, was not in the text of the "Vangelo", but it very evidently belongs to the cycle or series of legends connected with it. "Diana" is declared to be...