Home > Library > New > Robert Henry Charles > Book Of Jubilees > Introduction. Bibliography

Introduction. Bibliography


The important edition of the Ethiopic text by Charles has already been referred to, as well as his English translation of the Book with Introduction and Notes (1902). This translation has also been reprinted (with an Introduction and Notes) in the Oxford "Corpus" (vol. ii. Pseudepigrapha, 1913) and is reproduced in the pages that follow.

The most recent, and in many respects the most important, discussion of "Jubilees" is contained in Leszynsky's "Die Sadduzer" (Berlin, 1912), pp. 179-236. Leszynsky's arguments have been referred to fully above. Kohler's article in "JE", vol. vii. ("Jubilees Book of") is interesting and useful. Of earlier works the following are important:

Jellinek, "Ueber das Bch der Jubilen" (1855);

Beer, "Das Bch der Jubilen und sein Verhltniss zu den Midraschim", (Leipzig, 18,56); also "Noch ein Wort ber das Bitch der Jubilen" (1857)

Frankel in "Monatsschrift" (1856);

Singer, "Das Bch der Jubilen oder die Leptogenesis" (Stuhlweissenburg, 1898).

There is a good discussion in Schrer "GJV.", iii. 371-384, with full Bibliography.

(At this point the page numbers shift directly from Roman to Arabic numerals, rather than restarting at page I as is the normal practice. Hence, p. 34 follows p. xxxiii--"JBH".)
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Home > Library > New > Robert Henry Charles > Book Of Jubilees > Introduction. Bibliography