Home > Library > New > Charles William King > The Gnostics And Their Remains > Untitled


In the mid-19th century, eighty years before the chance discovery of a treasure trove of Gnostic manuscripts in a dump in Egypt, C.W. King collected what was known about the Gnostics in this book.
At that time there were only three sources of information on Gnosticism: polemics against them by early Christian writers, the "Pistis Sophia",
and a jumble of confusing images and cryptic inscriptions on Roman-era gems and amulets.

In spite of all of the missing jigsaw pieces, King managed to assemble a picture of the Gnostics which is still cited today as authoritative.
Rather than one monolithic group, the Gnostics had very diverse beliefs.
Some thought that Jesus was a man, while others thought that he was a God, and some believed that he became a God only after he was baptized.
Some believed in a struggle between good and evil, others were non-dualistic.
Most had widely-varying intricate systems of intermediaries between the ultimate deity and humanity.
On the face of it, this looks polytheistic, but instead was an attempt to solve the problem of how a perfect God could create an imperfect world.
Many of these "Aeons" later became the demons and angels of Medieval and Renaissance magic.

King seeks links to Gnostic symbols and beliefs far afield, from India, to the Templars, Rosicrucians and Illuminati.
He discusses Mithra and Serapis worship, and gives many examples of Roman and Greek magical spells and talismans.
He discusses the fudged birthdate of Jesus, Masons' marks, and Simon Magus.
The book is a fascinating tour of hidden knowledge.

Production Notes: This text uses Unicode extensively, so you should consult the sacred-texts Unicode help page if the Greek and Hebrew text in this text is not displayed correctly in your browser.
There are many quotations of Greek and Latin text from inscriptions.
In some cases I have silently replaced rare forms of some greek letters (particularly uppercase omega) with the more common ones.
In the final part of the book, there were no sub-sections.
To break up this long part of the book into files, I have inserted logical sub-section headings.
As usual, these are in green type.

--j. B.
Hare, 5/28/2006

Title Page




Part I. Gnosticism And Its Sources

Gnosticism and its Origin


The Book of Enoch

Gnosticism in its Beginning

Influence of Judaism on the Ancient World

The Zendavesta

The Kabbala and the Talmud

Indian Sources of Gnosticism.--Manes




The Ophites

Machinery of the Gnosis

Part Ii. The Worship Of Mithras And Serapis

Origin of Mithraicism

II. The Mithraic Sacraments

Iii. A
Roman Mithras in His Cave

IV. Mithraic Talismans

V. Gnostic Sacraments and Initiations as Connected with the Mithraic

St. Augustine on Gnosticism

I. The Figured Representations of Serapis

II. The Probable Origin of Serapis

III. Monuments of the Serapis Worship

The Caduceus, and its Symbolism

Death, as Depicted in Ancient Art


I. The Evil Eye

II. On a Ceraunia of Jade Converted into a Gnostic Talisman

Part Iii. Abraxas, Abraxaster, And Abraxoid Gems

The Agathodmon Worship

The Chnuphis Serpent

I. Abraxaster, or Borrowed Types

II. Abraxoids, or Gems Confounded with the True Gnostic

III. The True Abraxas Gems

Gnostic Plaque

IV. The God Abraxas as Described by the Christian Fathers

V. 'Abraxas'--Etymology of

VI. Abraxas--Its Numerical Force

The Abraxas Religion

The Ineffable Name in the Hindoo Form

Abraxas-Gems, Their Materials, Workmanship, and Nature

Legends and Formul

Part Iv. The Figured Monuments Of Gnosticism

Gnostic Sigl, Symbols, Legends Explained

The Name

Abraxas, New Type of

Original Purpose of These Formul

Gnostic Theogony

The Scheme of the Ophites

The Cause of Sin

State After Death of the Uninitiated

Future Punishments

Talismanic Leaden Scrolls

Part V. Templars, Rosicrucians, Freemasons

Masonic Origins

The Earliest Masonic Document

No Relation of Modern Masons to Medival Guilds

Masons' Marks

Origin of Modern Freemasonry

The Rosicrucians

The Templars

Idols of Baphomet


The Assassins

The Sufis

Diffusion of Oriental Culture

Profession of Continence


The Transmission of Gnostic Symbols

The Illuminati


Woodcuts in the Text

Description Of The Plates


Plate A. Various Types of the God Abraxas

Plate B

Plate C

Plate D. Sigils of the Cnuphis Serpent

Plate E. Monuments of the Serapis Worship

Plate F. Ancient Egyptian Types Adapted to Gnostic Ideas

Plate G. Egyptian Types (continued)

Plate H. Egyptian Types (continued)

Plate J. Subjects Connected with the Mithraic Mysteries

Plate K. Mithraic (continued)

Plate L. Mithraic (continued)

Plate M. General Talismans

Plate N. General Talismans (continued)

Plate O. Hindoo Symbols and Caste-Marks

Bibliographical Appendix


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